Top 10k strings from zx82.htm.orig in <root> / doc / technical / specifications /

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 255         DEFB    %00000000
 146         DEFB    $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF;
  74         EXX                     ;
  71         RET                     ; return.
  68         DEFB    %0<B>1</B>0000<B>1</B>0
  65         DEFB    %000<B>1</B>0000
  56 ; -------------------
  49         DEFB    %0000<B>1</B>000
  47         INC     HL              ;
  46 ; ---------------------
  46 ; ------------------
  45         DEFB    %00<B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B>00
  44 ; -----------------
  39 ; --------------------------
  39         DEFB    %0<B>1</B>000<B>1</B>00
  38         DEFB    $38             ;;end-calc
  36 ; ------------------------------
  34 ; --------------------
  33         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
  32 ; -------------------------
  30 ; ----------------------
  29         DEFB    %0<B>1</B>000000
  28 ; -----------------------
  28                                 ; 'Nonsense in BASIC'
  25 ; ---------------------------------
  25 ; --------------------------------
  24 ; ------------------------
  23 ; -----------------------------
  22         DEC     HL              ;
  21 ; --------------
  21         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
  21         DEFB    %00000<B>1</B>00
  20         RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
  20         RET                     ; return
  19 ; ------------------------------------
  19         DEFB    %00<B>1</B>00000
  18 ; -------------------------------
  18 ; ---------------------------
  18         DEFB    $31             ;;duplicate
  17 ; ----------------------------
  17         EX      DE,HL           ;
  16 ; -------------
  15 ; ----------------
  15         DEFB    'T'+$80
  15         DEFB    %0<B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B>0
  14 ; ------------
  14         DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
  14                                 ; by routine.
  13         RET                     ;
  13         PUSH    DE              ;
  13         DEFB    'E'+$80
  13         DEFB    %0<B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B>00
  13         DEFB    %00<B>1</B>0<B>1</B>000
  13         DEFB    $03             ;;subtract
  12 ; -----------------------------------
  12 ; -----------
  12         POP     HL              ;
  12         LD      A,B             ;
  12         DEFB    %00<B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B>0
  12         DEFB    %00<B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B>000
  12         DEFB    %00<B>1</B>00<B>1</B>00
  12         CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
  12                                 ; 'Nonsense in BASIC'.
  11 ; ----------------------------------
  11         RET                     ; Return.
  11         DEFB    'N'+$80
  11         DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true
  10         PUSH    HL              ;
  10         LD      B,A             ;
  10         LD      (HL),A          ;
  10         DEFB    %000000<B>1</B>0
   9         POP     BC              ;
   9         INC     HL              ; address next
   9         DEFB    %0<B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B>000
   9         DEFB    %000<B>1</B><B>1</B>000
   9         DEFB    $04             ;;multiply
   8 ;<font color=#339933></font>
   8         RET                     ; and return.
   8         DEFB    'R'+$80
   8         DEFB    %0<B>1</B>0<B>1</B>0<B>1</B>00
   8         DEFB    $0F             ;;addition
   8         CCF                     ; Complement Carry Flag
   7         SCF                     ; set carry flag
   7         RST     10H             ; PRINT-A
   7         RRA                     ;
   7         POP     DE              ;
   7         LD      C,A             ;
   7         DEFB    $02             ;;delete
   7         DEFB    $01             ;;exchange
   7         CPL                     ;
   7         CALL    <A href="#L2D28">L2D28</a>           ; routine STACK-A
   6 ; ----------------------------------------
   6 ; ---------------
   6 ; ---------
   6         LD      E,(HL)          ;
   6         LD      A,C             ;
   6         INC     HL              ; address next.
   6         DEFB    $34             ;;stk-data
   6         CP      $29             ; is it ')' ?
   6         AND     A               ;
   6                                 ; colour code.
   5         XOR     A               ;
   5         RLCA                    ;
   5         PUSH    BC              ;
   5         NOP                     ;
   5         LD      E,A             ;
   5         LD      D,(HL)          ;
   5         LD      A,D             ;
   5         LD      A,($5C74)       ; fetch command from T_ADDR
   5         DEFB    '$'+$80
   5         DEFB    %0<B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B>0000
   5         DEFB    %0000<B>1</B><B>1</B>00
   5         DEFB    $A2             ;;stk-half
   5         DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one
   5         CALL    <A href="#L2FBA">L2FBA</a>           ; routine FETCH-TWO
   5         CALL    <A href="#L1BEE">L1BEE</a>           ; routine CHECK-END
   5         CALL    <A href="#L1601">L1601</a>           ; routine CHAN-OPEN opens it.
   5         BIT     1,(IY+$01)      ; test FLAGS  - is printer in use ?
   5         AND     A               ; prepare for true subtraction.
   5                                 ; command.
   4 ;<font color=#339933>       /----|    </font>
   4 ;<font color=#339933>           /|</font>
   4 ;****************************************
   4 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   4 ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
   4 ; -----------------------------------------------
   4 ; ----------------------------------------------
   4 ; -------------------------------------------
   4 ; -------------------------------------
   4         SUB     B               ;
   4         SBC     HL,DE           ;
   4         RLA                     ;
   4         RET     Z               ;
   4         POP     AF              ;
   4         LD      D,A             ;
   4         LD      C,(HL)          ;
   4         LD      (HL),D          ;
   4         INC     HL              ; address next location.
   4         INC     (HL)            ;
   4         DEFW    <A href="#L1793">L1793</a>           ; Address: $1793; Address: CAT-ETC
   4         DEFB    'S'+$80
   4         DEFB    'P'+$80
   4         DEFB    'D'+$80
   4         DEFB    ' '+$80
   4         DEFB    %0<B>1</B>00<B>1</B>0<B>1</B>0
   4         DEFB    %00<B>1</B><B>1</B>0000
   4         DEFB    %000<B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B>00
   4         DEFB    %0000<B>1</B><B>1</B><B>1</B>0
   4         DEFB    $F0             ;;Exponent: $80, Bytes: 4
   4         DEFB    $27             ;;int
   4         DEFB    $0D
   4         DEFB    $0A             ; Error Report: Integer out of range
   4         DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked
   4         DEFB    $02             ;;delete        x, y.
   4         DEFB    $00             ;;(+00,+00,+00)
   4         CP      $2C             ; is it ',' ?
   4         CP      $0D             ; is it carriage return ?
   4         CALL    <A href="#L30C0">L30C0</a>           ; routine PREP-M/D
   4         CALL    <A href="#L2D7F">L2D7F</a>           ; routine INT-FETCH
   4         BIT     6,(IY+$01)      ; test FLAGS  - Numeric or string result ?
   4         ADD     HL,DE           ;
   4                                 ; else default to zero.
   4                                 ;
   3 ; ---------------------------------------
   3 ;  ^                                   |                                   v
   3 ;           7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
   3         XOR     A               ; clear the accumulator.
   3         SRL     B               ;
   3         RRCA                    ; multiply
   3         RR      E               ;
   3         RR      B               ;
   3         RL      D               ;
   3         RET     Z               ; return if not.
   3         RET     Z               ; return if checking syntax.
   3         RET     NZ              ;
   3         RES     6,(HL)          ; signal string result.
   3         NEG                     ; Negate
   3         LD      L,B             ;
   3         LD      E,L             ;
   3         LD      E,(HL)          ; low byte to E
   3         LD      D,(HL)          ; high byte to D
   3         LD      B,C             ;
   3         LD      B,(HL)          ;
   3         LD      A,L             ;
   3         LD      A,(HL)          ;
   3         LD      A,($5C74)       ; fetch command from T_ADDR.
   3         LD      A,$FE           ; select system channel 'S'
   3         LD      A,$80           ;
   3         LD      (HL),E          ;
   3         INC     HL              ; advance.
   3         INC     HL              ; advance pointer.
   3         INC     HL              ; advance past
   3         INC     HL              ; advance address.
   3         INC     HL              ; address low byte
   3         INC     HL              ; address high byte
   3         EXX                     ; switch back to main set
   3         DEFW    <A href="#L15C4">L15C4</a>           ; REPORT-J
   3         DEFB    %0<B>1</B><B>1</B>000<B>1</B>0
   3         DEFB    %0<B>1</B>0<B>1</B>00<B>1</B>0
   3         DEFB    %0<B>1</B>00<B>1</B>000
   3         DEFB    %0<B>1</B>000<B>1</B><B>1</B>0
   3         DEFB    %00<B>1</B>000<B>1</B>0
   3         DEFB    %000<B>1</B>0<B>1</B>00
   3         DEFB    $F1             ;;Exponent: $81, Bytes: 4
   3         DEFB    $B0             ;;Exponent $00
   3         DEFB    $38             ;;end-calc      x, y.
   3         DEFB    $37             ;;greater-0
   3         DEFB    $33             ;;jump
   3         DEFB    $0C             ; Error Report: BREAK - CONT repeats
   3         CP      $3A             ; is it ':' ?
   3         CP      $24             ; is it '$' ?
   3         CALL    <A href="#L2FDD">L2FDD</a>           ; routine SHIFT-FP
   3         CALL    <A href="#L2DD5">L2DD5</a>           ; routine FP-TO-A
   3         CALL    <A href="#L1C82">L1C82</a>           ; routine EXPT-1NUM
   3         CALL    <A href="#L1601">L1601</a>           ; routine CHAN-OPEN opens it
   3         CALL    <A href="#L1601">L1601</a>           ; routine CHAN-OPEN
   3         BIT     7,D             ;
   3         AND     A               ; test for zero - SAVE.
   3         AND     A               ; prepare to subtract.
   3         AND     A               ; clear carry
   3         ADC     A,$00           ;
   3                                 ; syntax.
   3                                 ; items.
   3                                 ; expressions required.
   3                                 ; expressions required with optional colour
   3                                 ; 'Subscript out of range'
   2 ;<font color=#339933>        /x  |</font>
   2 ;<font color=#339933>        /a  |</font>
   2 ;<font color=#339933>         y</font>
   2 ;<font color=#339933>         a</font>
   2 ;<font color=#339933>         /  |x</font>
   2 ;<font color=#339933>         /  |o</font>
   2 ;************************************************************************
   2 ;***************************************************
   2 ;**************************************************
   2 ;*****************************************
   2 ;***********************************
   2 ;**********************************
   2 ;*********************************
   2 ;*******************************
   2 ; the branch was here in runtime.
   2 ; calculator stack.
   2 ; It uses the series generator to produce Chebyshev polynomials.
   2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
   2 ; ---------------------------------------------
   2 ; --------------------------------------------
   2 ; ------------------------------------------
   2 ; -----------------------------------------
   2 ; -&gt; The Entry Point.
   2 ; +---------+-----------+------------+--------------+-------------+--
   2 ; *********************************
   2 ;  --+----------+---+---------+-----------+---+------------+--+---+--
   2 ;  --+-------+--+------------+-------+-------+---------+-------+-+---+------+
   2 ;   also called from s-inkey$
   2 ;   True binary operations.
   2 ;   This section deals with the ZX Printer.
   2 ;   HL points to start of data.
   2 ;   <img src="new.gif">
   2         XOR     C               ;
   2         XOR     B               ; combine with column $00 - $1F
   2         XOR     A               ; clear A
   2         SUB     C               ;
   2         SET     7,D             ;
   2         SCF                     ; set carry flag.
   2         SCF                     ; prepare for true subtraction.
   2         SBC     HL,HL           ;
   2         SBC     A,A             ; result $00 or $FF
   2         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC              x, y, r.
   2         RST     20H             ; get NEXT-CHAR
   2         RST     20H             ; address NEXT-CHAR
   2         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advances character address.
   2         RST     10H             ; PRINT-A outputs it.
   2         RRCA                    ; thirty-two.
   2         RRCA                    ; rotate
   2         RRCA                    ; by
   2         RR      L               ;
   2         RR      H               ;
   2         RR      D               ;
   2         RR      C               ;
   2         RL      E               ;
   2         RL      D               ;  C&lt;xxxxxxxx&lt;C
   2         RL      C               ;
   2         RET     Z               ; return if so.
   2         RET     Z               ; return if so
   2         RET     NZ              ; return if not.
   2         RET     NC              ; return with time-out.
   2         RET     C               ;
   2         RET                     ; return to STMT-RET.
   2         RES     0,(IY+$02)      ; update TV_FLAG - signal main screen in use
   2         PUSH    HL              ; save start.
   2         PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to start.
   2         PUSH    HL              ; save on stack
   2         PUSH    HL              ; save address
   2         PUSH    HL              ; save HL register
   2         PUSH    HL              ; registers.
   2         PUSH    HL              ; and save.
   2         PUSH    HL              ; and save on stack.
   2         PUSH    BC              ; save line/column
   2         PUSH    AF              ; save the flag.
   2         PUSH    AF              ; save A and carry.
   2         POP     HL              ; restore the pointer.
   2         POP     HL              ; restore HL
   2         POP     DE              ; restore STKEND.
   2         POP     BC              ; restore the line/column.
   2         POP     BC              ; restore length.
   2         POP     AF              ; restore shifted exponent
   2         POP     AF              ; restore control.
   2         OR      L               ; for zero.
   2         OR      E               ;
   2         OR      C               ; for zero.
   2         OR      (HL)            ;
   2         NEG                     ; negate
   2         LD      L,E             ; to HL
   2         LD      L,C             ; number to HL.
   2         LD      L,C             ;
   2         LD      HL,($5C59)      ; fetch E_LINE to HL.
   2         LD      HL,($5C3D)      ; fetch ERR_SP
   2         LD      HL,$5C3B        ; address FLAGS
   2         LD      HL,$5C04        ; point to KSTATE-4
   2         LD      HL,$5C00        ; point to KSTATE-0
   2         LD      H,C             ;
   2         LD      H,B             ; transfer the
   2         LD      E,C             ;
   2         LD      D,E             ; transfer E to D
   2         LD      D,C             ;
   2         LD      D,B             ;
   2         LD      D,$00           ;
   2         LD      C,L             ; to BC register pair.
   2         LD      C,L             ; the BC register pair.
   2         LD      B,H             ; transfer the result
   2         LD      B,A             ; transfer count to B.
   2         LD      B,(HL)          ; transfer to B.
   2         LD      B,(HL)          ; high byte to B.
   2         LD      B,$00           ; prepare to add.
   2         LD      A,H             ; test for zero
   2         LD      A,E             ;
   2         LD      A,D             ; fetch parameter
   2         LD      A,B             ; test if
   2         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch to A
   2         LD      A,$30           ; prepare the character '0'
   2         LD      A,$20           ; prepare a space.
   2         LD      (HL),C          ; insert low byte
   2         LD      (HL),C          ;
   2         LD      (HL),B          ; insert high byte
   2         LD      (HL),A          ; store 2's complement.
   2         LD      (HL),A          ; put back
   2         LD      (HL),A          ; put a zero there.
   2         LD      (HL),A          ; and blank.
   2         JR      Z,<A href="#L270D">L270D</a>         ; forward if so to S-PUSH-PO
   2         JR      Z,<A href="#L1756">L1756</a>         ; forward to OPEN-1 if so
   2         JR      Z,<A href="#L0D00">L0D00</a>         ; forward to REPORT-D if so
   2         JR      Z,<A href="#L0310">L0310</a>         ; forward to K-REPEAT if so
   2         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0A3A">L0A3A</a>        ; to PO-BACK-3 if not and store new position.
   2         JR      NZ,<A href="#L046C">L046C</a>        ; if no, error REPORT-B
   2         JR      NC,<A href="#L2244">L2244</a>        ; back to REPORT-K if not
   2         JR      C,<A href="#L30BE">L30BE</a>         ; to HL-END if overflow
   2         JR      <A href="#L3272">L3272</a>           ; to NIL-BYTES
   2         JR      <A href="#L26C3">L26C3</a>           ; forward to S-NUMERIC
   2         JR      <A href="#L1822">L1822</a>           ; forward to LIST-5
   2         JP      Z,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>         ; jump to REPORT-C if so.
   2         JP      Z,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>         ; jump forward to REPORT-C if so.
   2         JP      <A href="#L2712">L2712</a>           ; jump forward to S-CONT-2          ===&gt;
   2         INC     HL              ; input routine.
   2         INC     HL              ; increment
   2         INC     HL              ; advance source address.
   2         INC     HL              ; advance
   2         INC     A               ;
   2         EXX                     ; switch to alt
   2         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer to DE.
   2         EX      DE,HL           ; swap the pointers.
   2         EX      DE,HL           ; swap pointers
   2         EI                      ; enable interrupts.
   2         DI                      ; disable interrupts
   2         DEFW    <A href="#L09F4">L09F4</a>           ; PRINT-OUT
   2         DEFM    "TA"
   2         DEFM    "LE"
   2         DEFM    "IN"
   2         DEFB    'Y'+$80
   2         DEFB    'W'+$80
   2         DEFB    'M'+$80
   2         DEFB    'K'+$80
   2         DEFB    'B'+$80
   2         DEFB    '#'+$80
   2         DEFB    %<B>1</B>0<B>1</B>0000<B>1</B>
   2         DEFB    %<B>1</B>00<B>1</B><B>1</B>00<B>1</B>
   2         DEFB    %0<B>1</B>0<B>1</B><B>1</B>0<B>1</B>0
   2         DEFB    $EE             ;;Exponent: $7E, Bytes: 4
   2         DEFB    $E9             ;;Exponent: $79, Bytes: 4
   2         DEFB    $E7             ;;Exponent: $77, Bytes: 4
   2         DEFB    $E1             ;;get-mem-1
   2         DEFB    $E0             ;;get-mem-0                 ; push frequency
   2         DEFB    $C1             ;;st-mem-1
   2         DEFB    $A0             ;;stk-zero
   2         DEFB    $9E             ;;Exponent: $6E, Bytes: 3
   2         DEFB    $8C             ;;series-0C
   2         DEFB    $5C             ;;Exponent: $6C, Bytes: 2
   2         DEFB    $58             ;;Exponent: $68, Bytes: 2
   2         DEFB    $3D             ; Separator:  '='
   2         DEFB    $36             ;;less-0
   2         DEFB    $34             ;;stk-data                  ; push constant
   2         DEFB    $32             ;;Exponent: $82, Bytes: 1
   2         DEFB    $31             ;;duplicate     x, x.
   2         DEFB    $1B             ;;negate
   2         DEFB    $17             ; Error Report: Invalid stream
   2         DEFB    $14             ;;Exponent: $64, Bytes: 1
   2         DEFB    $13             ;;Exponent: $63, Bytes: 1
   2         DEFB    $0E             ; Error Report: Invalid file name
   2         DEFB    $0B             ; Error Report: Nonsense in BASIC
   2         DEFB    $0A             ; Class-0A - A string expression must follow.
   2         DEFB    $09             ; Error Report: Invalid argument
   2         DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
   2         DEFB    $05             ; Error Report: Number too big
   2         DEFB    $02             ;;delete        x, y, yy.
   2         DEFB    $02             ;;delete        x, y, r.
   2         DEFB    $02             ;;delete          .
   2         DEFB    $01             ;;exchange      y, x.
   2         DEFB    $01             ; Error Report: Variable not found
   2         DEC     HL              ; point to exponent
   2         DEC     HL              ; now end of VARS area.
   2         DEC     HL              ; next location down
   2         DEC     HL              ; adjust
   2         DEC     A               ; decrease
   2         CP      D               ; compare with parameter
   2         CP      B               ;
   2         CP      (HL)            ; does the main key code match ?
   2         CP      (HL)            ; compare with that in workspace.
   2         CP      $CC             ; is it 'TO' ?
   2         CP      $80             ; is it the end-marker ?
   2         CP      $2C             ; is it a comma ?
   2         CP      $2C             ; is character ',' ?
   2         CP      $29             ; is it the closing ')' ?
   2         CP      $29             ; is character a ')' ?
   2         CP      $29             ; is character ')' ?
   2         CP      $28             ; is character '(' ?
   2         CP      $20             ; is it a space ?
   2         CP      $18             ; is it symbol shift ?
   2         CP      $08             ; compare with 8
   2         CP      $03             ; is it MERGE ?
   2         CCF                     ; complement carry flag.
   2         CALL    <A href="#L34E9">L34E9</a>           ; routine TEST-ZERO
   2         CALL    <A href="#L33B4">L33B4</a>           ; routine STACK-NUM
   2         CALL    <A href="#L3004">L3004</a>           ; routine ADD-BACK
   2         CALL    <A href="#L2F9B">L2F9B</a>           ; routine PREP-ADD
   2         CALL    <A href="#L2F8B">L2F8B</a>           ; routine CA-10*A+C
   2         CALL    <A href="#L2D4F">L2D4F</a>           ; routine E-TO-FP
   2         CALL    <A href="#L22E5">L22E5</a>           ; routine PLOT-SUB
   2         CALL    <A href="#L1FC3">L1FC3</a>           ; routine UNSTACK-Z quits if checking syntax.
   2         CALL    <A href="#L1C1F">L1C1F</a>           ; routine CLASS-01 returns destination
   2         CALL    <A href="#L196E">L196E</a>           ; routine LINE-ADDR gets address in HL.
   2         CALL    <A href="#L192A">L192A</a>           ; routine OUT-SP-NO
   2         CALL    <A href="#L0D4D">L0D4D</a>           ; routine TEMPS applies permanent attributes,
   2         CALL    <A href="#L05E7">L05E7</a>           ; routine LD-EDGE-1
   2         CALL    <A href="#L05E3">L05E3</a>           ; routine LD-EDGE-2
   2         CALL    <A href="#L0333">L0333</a>           ; routine K-DECODE
   2         BIT     7,C             ; checking syntax ?
   2         BIT     0,(IY+$02)      ; test TV_FLAG  - lower screen in use ?
   2         AND     D               ;
   2         AND     A               ; test for zero
   2         AND     A               ; is it zero ?
   2         AND     (HL)            ;
   2         ADD     HL,HL           ; multiply
   2         ADD     HL,HL           ; by
   2         ADC     HL,DE           ;
   2         ;;;
   2                                 ; variable
   2                                 ; to BC and A.
   2                                 ; system variables.
   2                                 ; statement.
   2                                 ; screen.
   2                                 ; routine.
   2                                 ; raise 'Number too big'.
   2                                 ; parameters.
   2                                 ; on the calculator stack.
   2                                 ; no jump to be made.
   2                                 ; mem-4 ; sin(a)                        const
   2                                 ; mem-3 ; cos(a)                        const
   2                                 ; line.
   2                                 ; is being checked.
   2                                 ; follow.
   2                                 ; expression.
   2                                 ; end-marker.
   2                                 ; clearing
   2                                 ; channel.
   2                                 ; argument.
   2                                 ; address.
   2                                 ; address of variable to be assigned.
   2                                 ; --
   2                                 ; 'Variable not found'
   2                                 ; 'Tape loading error'
   2                                 ; 'Subscript error'
   2                                 ; 'Parameter error'
   2                                 ; 'Invalid colour'.
   2                                 ; 'Integer out of range'
   2                                 ;    A           (HL)
   2                                 ;               tx, ty, ax, ay.
   1 X1349:  XOR     A               ; clear accumulator to directly
   1 X0F85:  LD      HL,($5C5B)      ; fetch address of keyboard cursor from K_CUR
   1 X08CE   LD      DE,($5C53)      ; set DE from system variable PROG.
   1 X007B:  LD      A,(HL)          ; load character to A from HL.
   1 L3D00:  DEFB    %00000000
   1 L386E:  DEFB    $FF, $FF        ;
   1 L386C:  DEFB    $38             ;;end-calc              last value is 1 or 0.
   1 L386A:  DEFB    $02             ;;delete                .
   1 L385D:  DEFB    $02             ;;delete                Y.
   1 L3851:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC              X, Y.
   1 L384A:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
   1 L3843:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      x.
   1 L3833:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      x.
   1 L37FA:  DEFB    $01             ;;exchange
   1 L37F8:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
   1 L37E2:  CALL    <A href="#L3297">L3297</a>           ; routine re-stack
   1 L37DA:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC          x.
   1 L37B7:  DEFB    $31             ;;duplicate
   1 L37B5:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      angle in radians
   1 L37AA:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC              angle in radians.
   1 L37A8:  DEFB    $38             ;;end-calc        quadrants II and III correct.
   1 L37A1:  DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one         Y, Z, 1.
   1 L3783:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      X.
   1 L373D:  DEFB    $01             ;;exchange
   1 L371C:  DEFB    $A0             ;;stk-zero              <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> not 
   1 L371A:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L3713:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
   1 L370E:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
   1 L370C:  LD      (HL),A          ;
   1 L3705:  JR      C,<A href="#L370E">L370E</a>         ; to RSLT-ZERO
   1 L3703:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L36C4:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
   1 L36C2:  DEFB    $38             ;;end-calc              -4.
   1 L36B7:  DEFB    $31             ;;duplicate             -3.4, -3.4.
   1 L36AF:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC              x.    (= 3.4 or -3.4).
   1 L36A0:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC          17, 3.
   1 L369B:  POP     AF              ; Drop the calculator return address RE-ENTRY
   1 L368F:  INC     DE              ; Collect the 
   1 L3687:  LD      E,(HL)          ; the jump byte 0-127 forward, 128-255 back.
   1 L3686:  EXX                     ; switch in pointer set
   1 L367A:  EXX                     ; switch in set that addresses code
   1 L3674:  CALL    <A href="#L2BF1">L2BF1</a>           ; Routine STK-FETCH to fetch and delete the
   1 L3671:  JP      <A href="#L2D28">L2D28</a>           ; jump back to STACK-A (with memory check)
   1 L3669:  CALL    <A href="#L2BF1">L2BF1</a>           ; routine STK-FETCH to fetch and delete the
   1 L365F:  CALL    <A href="#L2AB2">L2AB2</a>           ; routine STK-STO-$ stacks the string
   1 L3645:  CALL    <A href="#L1E94">L1E94</a>           ; routine FIND-INT1 fetches stream to A
   1 L361F:  LD      BC,$0001        ; create an initial byte in workspace
   1 L360C:  JP      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; jump back to REPORT-C with a result mismatch.
   1 L35DE:  LD      HL,($5C5D)      ; fetch value of system variable CH_ADD
   1 L35DC:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L35C9:  CALL    <A href="#L2DD5">L2DD5</a>           ; routine FP-TO-A puts the number in A.
   1 L35BF:  LD      HL,($5C65)      ; fetch STKEND value from system variable.
   1 L35B7:  POP     BC              ; now second length
   1 L359C:  CALL    <A href="#L2BF1">L2BF1</a>           ; routine STK-FETCH fetches string parameters
   1 L358C:  POP     AF              ; pop carry  - will be set if eql/neql
   1 L3588:  PUSH    AF              ; save A and carry
   1 L3585:  POP     BC              ; discard length
   1 L3575:  OR      C               ; test the length of first string.
   1 L3572:  POP     AF              ; restore carry - set for eql/neql
   1 L356B:  POP     BC              ; pop the second length off stack.
   1 L3564:  LD      A,H             ; test if the second string
   1 L3559:  RRCA                    ; 2nd RRCA causes eql/neql to set carry.
   1 L354E:  BIT     2,A             ; test if a string comparison.
   1 L3543:  RRCA                    ; the first RRCA sets carry for a swap. 
   1 L353B:  LD      A,B             ; transfer literal to accumulator.
   1 L352D:  EX      DE,HL           ; make HL point to the number.
   1 L3524:  EX      DE,HL           ; make HL address second operand.
   1 L351B:  EX      DE,HL           ; make HL point to second number
   1 L350B:  PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to the first byte
   1 L3507:  INC     HL              ; address 2nd byte.
   1 L3506:  XOR     A               ; set XOR mask to zero
   1 L3501:  CALL    <A href="#L34E9">L34E9</a>           ; routine TEST-ZERO sets carry if zero
   1 L34F9:  CALL    <A href="#L34E9">L34E9</a>           ; routine TEST-ZERO
   1 L34E9:  PUSH    HL              ; preserve HL which is used to address.
   1 L34E7:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L34E4:  JP      <A href="#L2D2B">L2D2B</a>           ; jump back and exit via STACK-BC to store
   1 L34D3:  DEC     A               ; make range of bits 0-4 start at zero
   1 L34BC:  CALL    <A href="#L2BF1">L2BF1</a>           ; routine STK-FETCH fetches the string
   1 L34B3:  CALL    <A href="#L1E99">L1E99</a>           ; routine FIND-INT2 to fetch the
   1 L34B0:  JP      <A href="#L2D28">L2D28</a>           ; exit via STACK-A to put the value on the 
   1 L34AC:  CALL    <A href="#L1E99">L1E99</a>           ; routine FIND-INT2 puts address in BC.
   1 L34A5:  CALL    <A href="#L1E99">L1E99</a>           ; Routine FIND-INT2 puts port address in BC.
   1 L3492:  CALL    <A href="#L34E9">L34E9</a>           ; call routine TEST-ZERO and
   1 L3483:  PUSH    DE              ; save STKEND.
   1 L3474:  LD      A,(HL)          ; load first byte and 
   1 L346E:  CALL    <A href="#L34E9">L34E9</a>           ; call routine TEST-ZERO and
   1 L346A:  LD      B,$FF           ; signal abs
   1 L3453:  DEFB    $31             ;;duplicate       v,v.
   1 L3449:  LD      B,A             ; parameter $00 - $1F to B counter
   1 L343E:  LD      A,(DE)          ; each byte of second
   1 L343C:  LD      B,$05           ; there are five bytes to be swapped
   1 L342D:  PUSH    HL              ; save the result pointer.
   1 L341B:  LD      H,D             ; save STKEND - required for result
   1 L340F:  PUSH    DE              ; save STKEND
   1 L3406:  LD      C,A             ; store the original number $00-$1F.
   1 L33F8:  RET     Z               ; return if zero.          &gt;&gt;
   1 L33F7:  AND     A               ; test if initially zero.
   1 L33F1:  DEC     B               ; decrement B counter
   1 L33DE:  ADD     A,$50           ; now add $50 to form actual exponent
   1 L33C8:  CALL    <A href="#L33A9">L33A9</a>           ; routine TEST-5-SP tests that room exists
   1 L33C6:  LD      H,D             ; transfer STKEND
   1 L33C0:  CALL    <A href="#L33A9">L33A9</a>           ; routine TEST-5-SP test free memory
   1 L33B4:  LD      DE,($5C65)      ; Load destination from STKEND system variable.
   1 L33A9:  PUSH    DE              ; save
   1 L33A2:  POP     AF              ; drop return address.
   1 L33A1:  RET                     ; return - indirect jump if from above.
   1 L338E:  LD      DE,<A href="#L32D7">L32D7</a>        ; Address: tbl-addrs
   1 L338C:  RLCA                    ; double the literal
   1 L3380:  CP      $18             ; compare with first unary operations.
   1 L336C:  PUSH    HL              ; save pointer on stack
   1 L3365:  LD      ($5C65),DE      ; save end of stack in system variable STKEND
   1 L3362:  EXX                     ; switch sets
   1 L335E:  LD      A,B             ; fetch the Z80 B register to A
   1 L335B:  CALL    <A href="#L35BF">L35BF</a>           ; routine STK-PNTRS is called to set up the
   1 L32D7:  DEFW    <A href="#L368F">L368F</a>           ; $00 Address: $368F - jump-true
   1 L32D3:  DEFB    $40             ;;Bytes: 2
   1 L32CE:  DEFB    $F1             ;;Exponent: $81, Bytes: 4
   1 L32CC:  DEFB    $30             ;;Exponent: $80, Bytes: 1
   1 L32C8:  DEFB    $40             ;;Bytes: 2
   1 L32C5:  DEFB    $00             ;;Bytes: 1
   1 L32BD:  DEC     HL              ; address 3rd byte
   1 L32B2:  DEC     B               ; decrease exponent
   1 L32B1:  EX      DE,HL           ; integer to HL, addr of 4th byte to DE.
   1 L3297:  LD      A,(HL)          ; Fetch Exponent byte to A
   1 L3296:  EX      DE,HL           ; swap pointers
   1 L3293:  CALL    <A href="#L3296">L3296</a>           ; routine RESTK-SUB  below and continue
   1 L3290:  EX      DE,HL           ;
   1 L328A:  SLA     A               ;
   1 L3283:  AND     $07             ;
   1 L327E:  LD      (HL),$00        ;
   1 L3272:  PUSH    DE              ;
   1 L326D:  SUB     $A0             ;
   1 L326C:  LD      A,(HL)          ;
   1 L3267:  CALL    <A href="#L2D8E">L2D8E</a>           ; routine INT-STORE
   1 L3261:  SRL     D               ;
   1 L325E:  JR      Z,<A href="#L3267">L3267</a>         ; to T-STORE
   1 L3252:  SET     7,D             ;
   1 L323F:  JR      NC,<A href="#L326D">L326D</a>        ; to X-LARGE
   1 L3233:  DEC     HL              ;
   1 L3221:  CP      $91             ;
   1 L3214:  LD      A,(HL)          ;
   1 L31FA:  INC     B               ;
   1 L31F9:  SCF                     ; Set Carry Flag
   1 L31F2:  AND     A               ;
   1 L31E2:  SBC     HL,DE           ;
   1 L31DB:  ADD     HL,HL           ;
   1 L31D2:  RLA                     ;
   1 L31AF:  CALL    <A href="#L3293">L3293</a>           ; routine RE-ST-TWO
   1 L31AD:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L3195:  PUSH    HL              ;
   1 L3186:  RLA                     ;
   1 L316E:  EXX                     ;
   1 L316C:  LD      B,$20           ;
   1 L315E:  EXX                     ;
   1 L315D:  XOR     A               ;
   1 L3159:  LD      A,$80           ;
   1 L3155:  JR      NC,<A href="#L316C">L316C</a>        ; to NORMALISE
   1 L3151:  LD      (HL),A          ;
   1 L3146:  INC     A               ;
   1 L313D:  RLA                     ;
   1 L313B:  DEC     A               ;
   1 L3125:  EXX                     ;
   1 L311B:  EXX                     ;
   1 L3114:  JR      NC,<A href="#L311B">L311B</a>        ; to NO-ADD
   1 L30F0:  CALL    <A href="#L3293">L3293</a>           ; routine RE-ST-TWO
   1 L30EF:  POP     DE              ;
   1 L30EA:  CALL    <A href="#L2D8E">L2D8E</a>           ; routine INT-STORE
   1 L30CA:  LD      A,(DE)          ;
   1 L30C0:  CALL    <A href="#L34E9">L34E9</a>           ; routine TEST-ZERO  preserves accumulator.
   1 L30BE:  POP     BC              ; restore preserved BC
   1 L30BC:  DJNZ    <A href="#L30B1">L30B1</a>           ; back to HL-LOOP for all 16 bits
   1 L30B1:  ADD     HL,HL           ; double result
   1 L30A9:  PUSH    BC              ; preserve BC throughout
   1 L30A5:  XOR     A               ;
   1 L30A3:  LD      D,A             ;
   1 L309F:  JP      Z,<A href="#L31AD">L31AD</a>         ; to REPORT-6
   1 L307C:  EXX                     ;
   1 L3055:  PUSH    AF              ;
   1 L303E:  CALL    <A href="#L3293">L3293</a>           ; routine RE-ST-TWO
   1 L303C:  DEC     HL              ;
   1 L3014:  LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch first byte of second
   1 L300F:  EX      DE,HL           ; address second number with HL
   1 L300D:  EXX                     ;
   1 L3004:  INC     E               ;
   1 L2FFB:  LD      L,$00           ;
   1 L2FF9:  EXX                     ;
   1 L2FE5:  EXX                     ;
   1 L2FDD:  AND     A               ;
   1 L2FBA:  PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to first number, result if math.
   1 L2FAF:  DEC     HL              ; work from LSB to MSB
   1 L2F9B:  LD      A,(HL)          ; pick up exponent
   1 L2F8B:  PUSH    DE              ; preserve DE.
   1 L2F85:  RST     10H             ; PRINT-A outputs the sign
   1 L2F83:  LD      A,$2B           ; prepare character '+'
   1 L2F6C:  LD      D,B             ; counter to D
   1 L2F64:  RST     10H             ; PRINT-A outputs the character '.' or '0'
   1 L2F5E:  LD      A,C             ; fetch total digits and
   1 L2F59:  CALL    <A href="#L15EF">L15EF</a>           ; routine OUT-CODE outputs it.
   1 L2F52:  LD      A,C             ; fetch total digit count
   1 L2F4A:  XOR     A               ;
   1 L2F46:  AND     A               ; test for zero leading digits as in .123
   1 L2F2D:  LD      (IY+$71),B      ; MEM-5-1st
   1 L2F25:  DJNZ    <A href="#L2F18">L2F18</a>           ; loop back to PF-RND-LP
   1 L2F18:  DEC     HL              ; address digit at rounding position.
   1 L2F0C:  PUSH    AF              ; save A and flags
   1 L2EEF:  LD      A,E             ;
   1 L2EEC:  LD      BC,$0200        ;
   1 L2EDF:  LD      A,(IY+$71)      ; MEM-5-1st
   1 L2ECF:  EX      DE,HL           ;
   1 L2ECB:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC        int x.
   1 L2EB8:  DJNZ    <A href="#L2EA1">L2EA1</a>           ; decrement the nibble count, back to PF-DIGITS
   1 L2EB3:  BIT     0,B             ; test if the nibble count is even
   1 L2EA9:  LD      (DE),A          ; insert digit at destination
   1 L2EA1:  RLD                     ; pick up leftmost nibble from (HL)
   1 L2E8A:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch 0 or prev value
   1 L2E7B:  SLA     E               ;  C&lt;xxxxxxxx&lt;0
   1 L2E6F:  EX      DE,HL           ;
   1 L2E56:  SUB     $80             ; make exponent positive
   1 L2E25:  DEFB    $E2             ;;get-mem-2      int x = 0, x-int x.
   1 L2E24:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC       int x = 0.
   1 L2E1E:  PUSH    DE              ; save the part before decimal point.
   1 L2E01:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
   1 L2DF8:  DEFB    $A0             ;;stk-zero     x,0.     begin by
   1 L2DF2:  DEFB    $2A             ;;abs
   1 L2DE3:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
   1 L2DE1:  POP     AF              ; restore value and success flag and
   1 L2DD5:  CALL    <A href="#L2DA2">L2DA2</a>           ; routine FP-TO-BC returns with C in A also.
   1 L2DC1:  LD      D,A             ; store a copy of A in D.
   1 L2DAD:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
   1 L2DA2:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC            set HL to
   1 L2D8E:  PUSH    HL              ; preserve HL
   1 L2D8C:  LD      C,$00           ; make sign byte positive and continue
   1 L2D7F:  INC     HL              ; skip zero indicator.
   1 L2D7B:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC                   final x, factor.
   1 L2D71:  JR      Z,<A href="#L2D7B">L2D7B</a>         ; forward to E-END  if A emptied of bits
   1 L2D6E:  DEFB    $E1             ;;get-mem-1                  x/10 or x*10, 10.
   1 L2D6D:  DEFB    $05             ;;division                   x/10.
   1 L2D60:  SRL     A               ; 0&gt;76543210&gt;C
   1 L2D55:  PUSH    AF              ; save positive exp and sign in carry
   1 L2D4F:  RLCA                    ; this will set the          x.
   1 L2D40:  CALL    <A href="#L2D22">L2D22</a>           ; routine STK-DIGIT puts 0-9 on stack
   1 L2D3B:  PUSH    AF              ; save first character
   1 L2D2B:  LD      IY,$5C3A        ; re-initialize ERR_NR
   1 L2D28:  LD      C,A             ; transfer to C
   1 L2D22:  CALL    <A href="#L2D1B">L2D1B</a>           ; routine NUMERIC
   1 L2D1B:  CP      $30             ; '0'
   1 L2D18:  JP      <A href="#L2D4F">L2D4F</a>           ; JUMP forward to E-TO-FP to assign to
   1 L2CFF:  CALL    <A href="#L2D1B">L2D1B</a>           ; routine NUMERIC
   1 L2CFE:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
   1 L2CF2:  LD      B,$FF           ; initialize temporary sign byte to $FF
   1 L2CEB:  CP      $45             ; is character 'E' ?
   1 L2CDA:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
   1 L2CD5:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
   1 L2CCF:  JP      C,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>         ; to REPORT-C if just a '.'
   1 L2CCB:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
   1 L2CB8:  CP      $2E             ; '.' - leading decimal point ?
   1 L2CB3:  LD      B,D             ; transfer 16 bit buffer
   1 L2CA2:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
   1 L2C9B:  CP      $C4             ; 'BIN' token ?
   1 L2C8D:  CP      $41             ; less than 'A' ?
   1 L2C88:  CALL    <A href="#L2D1B">L2D1B</a>           ; routine NUMERIC will reset carry if so.
   1 L2C7F:  POP     BC              ; pop a dimension size                    ***
   1 L2C7C:  POP     BC              ; pop the data length
   1 L2C2E:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
   1 L2C2D:  EX      DE,HL           ; save the element size in DE.
   1 L2C1F:  SET     7,C             ; signal array.
   1 L2C15:  JR      C,<A href="#L2C1F">L2C1F</a>         ; skip to D-LETTER if variable did not exist.
   1 L2C05:  JP      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; jump to REPORT-C if a long-name variable.
   1 L2C02:  CALL    <A href="#L28B2">L28B2</a>           ; routine LOOK-VARS
   1 L2BF1:  LD      HL,($5C65)      ; STKEND
   1 L2BEA:  DEC     HL              ; address variable name
   1 L2BC6:  PUSH    AF              ; save first character and mask.
   1 L2BC0:  LD      A,$DF           ; indicator mask %11011111 for
   1 L2BAF:  DEC     HL              ; point to high byte of length.
   1 L2BA6:  EX      DE,HL           ; exchange pointers HL=STKEND DE=end of vars.
   1 L2BA3:  POP     BC              ; pop the new length.  (*)
   1 L2B9B:  EX      (SP),HL         ; (*) length to stack, pointer to HL.
   1 L2B72:  LD      HL,($5C4D)      ; fetch DEST to HL.
   1 L2B66:  BIT     6,(IY+$01)      ; test FLAGS - numeric or string result ?
   1 L2B59:  PUSH    HL              ; save the pointer.
   1 L2B4F:  LD      HL,($5C4D)      ; fetch DEST - HL addresses first character.
   1 L2B3E:  INC     HL              ; increase pointer.
   1 L2B29:  LD      A,C             ; save length lo in A.
   1 L2B1F:  CALL    <A href="#L2C88">L2C88</a>           ; routine ALPHANUM sets carry if alphanumeric
   1 L2B0C:  INC     HL              ; increase pointer.
   1 L2B0B:  INC     BC              ; increase byte count for each relevant
   1 L2AFF:  LD      HL,($5C4D)      ; fetch system variable DEST to HL.
   1 L2AF4:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z.
   1 L2AEE:  EX      DE,HL           ;
   1 L2AEB:  POP     HL              ; restore the limit.
   1 L2AE8:  LD      A,D             ; move flag to accumulator $00 or $FF.
   1 L2ACD:  PUSH    DE              ; preserve DE register throughout.
   1 L2ACC:  XOR     A               ; set result flag to zero.
   1 L2AB6:  PUSH    BC              ; save two registers
   1 L2AB2:  RES     6,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS - signal string result.
   1 L2AB1:  XOR     A               ; clear to signal a sliced string or element.
   1 L2AAD:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z  (UNSTACK-Z?)
   1 L2AA8:  POP     DE              ; restore start address from machine stack ***
   1 L2A94:  POP     AF              ; pop the running flag.
   1 L2A81:  PUSH    HL              ; save limit length.
   1 L2A7A:  JP      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; jump to REPORT-C with anything else
   1 L2A52:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
   1 L2A49:  CP      $28             ; is character '(' ?
   1 L2A48:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
   1 L2A45:  CALL    <A href="#L2A52">L2A52</a>           ; routine SLICING slices the string.
   1 L2A2C:  CALL    <A href="#L2AEE">L2AEE</a>           ; routine DE,(DE+1) gets final dimension
   1 L2A22:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR moves CH_ADD to next statement
   1 L2A20:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L2A12:  JR      NZ,<A href="#L2A7A">L2A7A</a>        ; forward to SL-RPT-C if so
   1 L29FB:  PUSH    BC              ; save dimension number.
   1 L29EA:  PUSH    HL              ; save the data pointer.
   1 L29E7:  LD      HL,$0000        ; initialize data pointer to zero.
   1 L29E0:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
   1 L29D8:  CP      $29             ; as above ')' could follow the expression
   1 L29C3:  PUSH    HL              ; save counter
   1 L29C0:  EX      DE,HL           ; save dimension pointer in DE
   1 L29AE:  INC     HL              ; step past
   1 L29A1:  INC     HL              ; address length low
   1 L2996:  XOR     A               ; clear A
   1 L2991:  POP     DE              ; discard
   1 L2981:  BIT     5,C             ; test if numeric
   1 L296B:  LD      A,B             ; transfer found variable letter to A.
   1 L295A:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch character again.
   1 L2951:  LD      HL,($5C0B)      ; set HL to DEFADD
   1 L294B:  POP     HL              ; pop the pointer to first character in
   1 L2943:  CALL    <A href="#L2C88">L2C88</a>           ; routine ALPHANUM
   1 L293F:  POP     DE              ; discard pointer to 2nd prog char       v2
   1 L293E:  POP     DE              ; discard pointer to first var letter
   1 L2934:  POP     DE              ; discard the pointer to 2nd. character  v2
   1 L2932:  SET     7,B             ; will signal not found
   1 L292A:  PUSH    BC              ; save flags
   1 L2929:  POP     HL              ; pop saved pointer to char 1
   1 L2913:  LD      A,(DE)          ; pick up letter from prog area
   1 L2912:  INC     HL              ; address next character in vars area
   1 L2900:  LD      A,(HL)          ; get first character
   1 L28FD:  LD      HL,($5C4B)      ; set HL to start of variables from VARS
   1 L28EF:  LD      B,C             ; save flags in B
   1 L28E3:  LD      A,($5C0C)       ; load A with DEFADD_hi
   1 L28DE:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advances past '$'
   1 L28D4:  CALL    <A href="#L2C88">L2C88</a>           ; routine ALPHANUM
   1 L28B2:  SET     6,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS - presume numeric result
   1 L28AB:  INC     HL              ; increase pointer
   1 L288D:  POP     DE              ; location of ')' in DEF FN to DE.
   1 L288B:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L2885:  PUSH    HL              ; save location of ')' in DEF FN
   1 L2852:  INC     HL              ; now address first of 5-byte location.
   1 L2843:  INC     HL              ; point to next character.
   1 L2831:  AND     A               ; test A ( will be zero if string '$' - '$' )
   1 L2825:  POP     HL              ; restore search point.
   1 L2814:  PUSH    HL              ; save address of DEF FN
   1 L2812:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L2808:  LD      DE,$00CE        ; search is for token 'DEF FN' in E,
   1 L2802:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advances to start of argument
   1 L27F7:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR fetches name
   1 L27F4:  JP      <A href="#L2712">L2712</a>           ; jump back to S-CONT-2 to continue scanning.
   1 L27E9:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
   1 L27E6:  JP      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; jump to REPORT-C
   1 L27E4:  CP      $29             ; is character the closing ')' ?
   1 L27D9:  CALL    <A href="#L24FB">L24FB</a>           ; routine SCANNING checks each argument
   1 L27D0:  CP      $28             ; is '(' ?
   1 L27BD:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
   1 L27B0:  DEFB    $06             ; '-'   opcode $C3
   1 L2795:  DEFB    '+', $CF        ;        $C0 + 'addition'
   1 L2790:  PUSH    BC              ; now save this priority/operation on stack
   1 L2788:  JR      C,<A href="#L2761">L2761</a>         ; back to S-RPORT-C2 if less
   1 L2773:  PUSH    DE              ; save high priority op on stack again
   1 L2770:  POP     BC              ; fetch the previous priority/operation
   1 L2764:  POP     DE              ; fetch the last operation from stack
   1 L2761:  JP      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; to REPORT-C if mismatch
   1 L275B:  LD      A,E             ; fetch the operation code to accumulator
   1 L2758:  DEFB    $38             ;;end-calc
   1 L274C:  PUSH    DE              ; now stack this priority/operation
   1 L2734:  POP     DE              ; fetch last priority and operation
   1 L2723:  LD      B,$00           ; prepare to add
   1 L2713:  CP      $28             ; is it '(' ?
   1 L2712:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
   1 L270D:  PUSH    BC              ; push the priority and calculator operation
   1 L2707:  CP      $EE             ; compare 'str$'
   1 L26DF:  LD      BC,$09DB        ; prepare priority 09, operation code $C0 + 
   1 L26DD:  JR      <A href="#L2712">L2712</a>           ; forward to S-CONT-2                 ===&gt;
   1 L26C9:  CALL    <A href="#L28B2">L28B2</a>           ; routine LOOK-VARS
   1 L26C3:  SET     6,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS  - Signal numeric result
   1 L26B6:  INC     HL              ; advance pointer
   1 L26B5:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR positions HL at digit.
   1 L268D:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
   1 L2684:  CALL    <A href="#L2C88">L2C88</a>           ; routine ALPHANUM checks if variable or
   1 L267B:  CALL    <A href="#L2522">L2522</a>           ; routine S-2-COORD
   1 L2672:  CALL    <A href="#L2522">L2522</a>           ; routine S-2-COORD
   1 L2668:  CALL    <A href="#L2522">L2522</a>           ; routine S-2-COORD
   1 L2665:  JP      <A href="#L2712">L2712</a>           ; to S-CONT-2            ===&gt;
   1 L2660:  LD      B,$00           ; set high byte of length to zero
   1 L2634:  LD      BC,$105A        ; priority $10, operation code $1A ('read-in')
   1 L2630:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
   1 L2627:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
   1 L2625:  JR      <A href="#L2630">L2630</a>           ; forward to S-PI-END
   1 L25F8:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
   1 L25F5:  JP      <A href="#L27BD">L27BD</a>           ; jump forward to S-FN-SBRN.
   1 L25E8:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
   1 L25DB:  LD      HL,$5C3B        ; Address FLAGS system variable.
   1 L25D9:  DEC     BC              ; decrease count by 1.
   1 L25CB:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch a character from source.
   1 L25BE:  CALL    <A href="#L250F">L250F</a>           ; routine S-QUOTE-S copies string until a
   1 L25B3:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
   1 L25AF:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR just ignore
   1 L2596:  DEFB    $22, <A href="#L25B3">L25B3</a>-$-1  ; $1C offset to S-QUOTE
   1 L2580:  CALL    <A href="#L2307">L2307</a>           ; routine STK-TO-BC fetches line to C,
   1 L257D:  JP      <A href="#L2AB2">L2AB2</a>           ; to STK-STO-$ to store the string in
   1 L2573:  POP     HL              ; restore the last bitmap start
   1 L255D:  INC     D               ; increment screen address.
   1 L255A:  LD      C,A             ; load C with inverse mask $00 or $FF
   1 L254F:  PUSH    BC              ; save count
   1 L2535:  CALL    <A href="#L2307">L2307</a>           ; routine STK-TO-BC.
   1 L2530:  BIT     7,(IY+$01)      ; test FLAGS  - checking syntax only ?
   1 L252D:  JP      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; jump back to REPORT-C if not.
   1 L2522:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
   1 L250F:  CALL    <A href="#L0074">L0074</a>           ; routine CH-ADD+1 points to next character
   1 L24FF:  LD      C,A             ; store the character while a look up is done.
   1 L24FB:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
   1 L24F9:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L24F7:  JR      Z,<A href="#L24EC">L24EC</a>         ; to D-L-PLOT
   1 L24EC:  DEC     A               ;
   1 L24DF:  LD      HL,($5C7D)      ; COORDS
   1 L24DB:  LD      C,A             ;
   1 L24D4:  SUB     H               ;
   1 L24CE:  ADD     A,L             ;
   1 L24CB:  LD      H,B             ;
   1 L24C4:  OR      C               ;
   1 L24B7:  CALL    <A href="#L2307">L2307</a>           ; routine STK-TO-BC
   1 L2497:  PUSH    AF              ; Save the line count (A) on the machine stack.
   1 L2495:  LD      A,$FC           ; Use a value of 252 (for arc).
   1 L247D:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      z.
   1 L2477:  CALL    <A href="#L24B7">L24B7</a>           ; routine DRAW-LINE draws to the relative 
   1 L245F:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      tx, ty, ax, ay.
   1 L2439:  PUSH    BC              ; Preserve the arc counter on the machine stack.
   1 L2425:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      
   1 L2420:  DEC     B               ; decrement the arc count (4,8,12,16...).            
   1 L23C1:  CALL    <A href="#L247D">L247D</a>           ; routine CD-PRMS1
   1 L23A3:  DEFB    $C0             ;;st-mem-0      x, y, sin(A/2).   store mem-0
   1 L238D:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR skips over the 'comma'.
   1 L2382:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
   1 L235A:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      x, y, r, hc.
   1 L233B:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      x, y, r
   1 L2320:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR              x, y.
   1 L2314:  CALL    <A href="#L2DD5">L2DD5</a>           ; routine FP-TO-A compresses last value into
   1 L2307:  CALL    <A href="#L2314">L2314</a>           ; routine STK-TO-A
   1 L2303:  LD      (HL),A          ; load byte to the screen.
   1 L22FD:  BIT     2,C             ; is it inverse 1 ?
   1 L22F0:  RRCA                    ; rotate mask.
   1 L22E5:  LD      ($5C7D),BC      ; store new x/y values in COORDS
   1 L22DC:  CALL    <A href="#L2307">L2307</a>           ; routine STK-TO-BC
   1 L22D4:  RLCA                    ; rotate and loop back
   1 L22CB:  CALL    <A href="#L2307">L2307</a>           ; routine STK-TO-BC
   1 L22AA:  LD      A,$AF           ; load with 175 decimal.
   1 L22A6:  LD      ($5C48),A       ; update BORDCR with new paper/ink
   1 L2294:  CALL    <A href="#L1E94">L1E94</a>           ; routine FIND-INT1
   1 L2287:  LD      A,C             ; value to A
   1 L227D:  LD      C,A             ; store value in C
   1 L2273:  SBC     A,A             ; set zero flag for bright.
   1 L226C:  XOR     (HL)            ; impress bits specified
   1 L2258:  LD      A,C             ; load colour to A
   1 L2257:  LD      C,A             ; save A in C
   1 L2246:  LD      HL,$5C8F        ; address system variable ATTR_T initially.
   1 L2244:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L223E:  LD      C,A             ; value to C
   1 L2234:  LD      A,D             ; fetch parameter
   1 L2228:  LD      C,A             ; save the A
   1 L2211:  SUB     $11             ; reduce range $FF-$04
   1 L21FC:  SUB     $C9             ; reduce to control character $10 (INK)
   1 L21F2:  CP      $D9             ; is it 'INK' ?
   1 L21E2:  CALL    <A href="#L21F2">L21F2</a>           ; routine CO-TEMP-3 to output colour control.
   1 L21E1:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
   1 L21D6:  LD      HL,($5C51)      ; fetch address of current channel CURCHL
   1 L21D4:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L21D0:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z (UNSTACK-Z?)
   1 L21CE:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L21B9:  LD      HL,($5C61)      ; fetch WORKSP start of input
   1 L21B2:  CALL    <A href="#L204E">L204E</a>           ; routine PR-POSN-1 handles a position item.
   1 L21AF:  CALL    <A href="#L1FFC">L1FFC</a>           ; routine PR-ITEM-1 considers further items.
   1 L219B:  LD      HL,($5C63)      ; STKBOT points to the end of the input.
   1 L2174:  LD      HL,$5C71        ; point HL to FLAGX
   1 L2161:  LD      (IY+$22),$00    ; set K_CUR_hi to a low value so that the cursor
   1 L215E:  CALL    <A href="#L0F2C">L0F2C</a>           ; routine EDITOR is called for input
   1 L2148:  LD      HL,($5C61)      ; set HL to WORKSP - start of workspace.
   1 L213A:  LD      HL,<A href="#L213A">L213A</a>        ; address: IN-VAR-1 - this address
   1 L2129:  LD      ($5C5B),HL      ; set keyboard cursor K_CUR to HL
   1 L211C:  RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES opens 1 or 3 bytes in workspace
   1 L211A:  OR      (HL)            ; if numeric result, set bit 6 of FLAGX.
   1 L20FA:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
   1 L20ED:  CALL     <A href="#L2C8D">L2C8D</a>          ; routine ALPHA checks if character is
   1 L20D8:  CP      $CA             ; is the character the token 'LINE' ?
   1 L20C1:  CALL    <A href="#L204E">L204E</a>           ; routine PR-POSN-1 deals with a single
   1 L20AD:  LD      ($5C88),BC      ; set S_POSN update upper screen line/column.
   1 L2096:  LD      (IY+$02),$01    ; update TV_FLAG - signal lower screen in use
   1 L2089:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z to check if in runtime.
   1 L2070:  CP      $23             ; is character '#' ?
   1 L206E:  CP      A               ; reset the zero flag.
   1 L2067:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR to A.
   1 L2061:  CP      $27             ; is character a "'" ? (newline)
   1 L204E:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
   1 L2048:  CP      $0D             ; is it a carriage return ?
   1 L2045:  CP      $29             ; is character a ')' ?
   1 L203C:  LD      A,B             ; this tests if the
   1 L2024:  CALL    <A href="#L21F2">L21F2</a>           ; routine CO-TEMP-3 will print any colour
   1 L201E:  RST     10H             ; PRINT-A outputs the control
   1 L200E:  CP      $AD             ; is character 'TAB' ?
   1 L1FFC:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
   1 L1FF5:  CALL    <A href="#L1FC3">L1FC3</a>           ; routine UNSTACK-Z
   1 L1FF2:  CP      $29             ; return now if this is ')' from input-item.
   1 L1FE5:  CALL    <A href="#L204E">L204E</a>           ; routine PR-POSN-1 returns zero if more
   1 L1FDF:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR gets printable character
   1 L1FCF:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z checks if program running
   1 L1FCD:  LD      A,$02           ; the stream for the upper screen.
   1 L1FC9:  LD      A,$03           ; the printer channel
   1 L1FC3:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z sets zero flag if syntax
   1 L1FBD:  JP      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; jump back to REPORT-C if the expected result 
   1 L1FA6:  CP      $29             ; should close with a ')'
   1 L1F94:  EX      DE,HL           ; bring back pointer.
   1 L1F89:  JP      NC,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; to REPORT-C  if not
   1 L1F86:  CALL    <A href="#L2C8D">L2C8D</a>           ; routine ALPHA checks that it is the expected
   1 L1F7D:  CP      $28             ; is it '(' ?
   1 L1F6A:  SET      6,(IY+$01)     ; set FLAGS  - Assume numeric result
   1 L1F60:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
   1 L1F54:  LD      A,$7F           ; Input address: $7FFE
   1 L1F4F:  RES     5,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS - signal no new key
   1 L1F49:  BIT     5,(IY+$01)      ; test FLAGS - has a new key been pressed ?
   1 L1F3D:  HALT                    ; wait for interrupt.
   1 L1F3A:  CALL    <A href="#L1E99">L1E99</a>           ; routine FIND-INT2 puts value in BC
   1 L1F36:  PUSH    DE              ; replace the end-marker.
   1 L1F23:  POP     BC              ; drop the address STMT-RET.
   1 L1F1A:  LD      BC,$0000        ; allow no overhead.
   1 L1F15:  LD      L,$03           ; prepare 'Out of Memory' 
   1 L1F05:  LD      HL,($5C65)      ; fetch STKEND
   1 L1EED:  POP     DE              ; drop the address STMT-RET
   1 L1EDC:  EX      DE,HL           ; transfer ramtop value to HL.
   1 L1EDA:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L1EB7:  PUSH    BC              ; save ramtop value.
   1 L1EAF:  LD      A,B             ; test for
   1 L1EAC:  CALL    <A href="#L1E99">L1E99</a>           ; routine FIND-INT2 fetches to BC.
   1 L1EA1:  CALL    <A href="#L1E67">L1E67</a>           ; routine GO-TO puts line number in
   1 L1E9F:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L1E9C:  JR      C,<A href="#L1E9F">L1E9F</a>         ; to REPORT-Bb with overflow.
   1 L1E99:  CALL    <A href="#L2DA2">L2DA2</a>           ; routine FP-TO-BC
   1 L1E94:  CALL    <A href="#L2DD5">L2DD5</a>           ; routine FP-TO-A
   1 L1E8E:  PUSH    AF              ; save the value
   1 L1E85:  CALL    <A href="#L2DD5">L2DD5</a>           ; routine FP-TO-A
   1 L1E80:  CALL    <A href="#L1E85">L1E85</a>           ; routine TWO-PARAM fetches values
   1 L1E7A:  CALL    <A href="#L1E85">L1E85</a>           ; routine TWO-PARAM fetches values
   1 L1E73:  LD      ($5C42),HL      ; save line number in NEWPPC
   1 L1E67:  CALL    <A href="#L1E99">L1E99</a>           ; routine FIND-INT2 puts operand in BC
   1 L1E5F:  LD      HL,($5C6E)      ; fetch OLDPPC line number.
   1 L1E5A:  LD      ($5C76),BC      ; place in SEED system variable.
   1 L1E4F:  CALL    <A href="#L1E99">L1E99</a>           ; routine FIND-INT2 puts parameter in BC.
   1 L1E45:  LD      H,B             ; transfer the line
   1 L1E42:  CALL    <A href="#L1E99">L1E99</a>           ; routine FIND-INT2 puts integer in BC.
   1 L1E39:  LD      B,A             ; Give BC enough space to find token.
   1 L1E37:  LD      A,$E4           ; set token to 'DATA' and continue into
   1 L1E2C:  CALL    <A href="#L24FB">L24FB</a>           ; routine SCANNING to check syntax of
   1 L1E27:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z to check status
   1 L1E1E:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
   1 L1E0A:  CALL    <A href="#L0077">L0077</a>           ; routine TEMP-PTR1 advances updating CH_ADD
   1 L1E08:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L1DED:  CALL    <A href="#L1C1F">L1C1F</a>           ; routine CLASS-01 checks variable.
   1 L1DEC:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
   1 L1DE9:  DEFB    $38             ;;end-calc         .
   1 L1DE2:  DEFB    $03             ;;subtract         l-v OR v-l.
   1 L1DDA:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
   1 L1DD8:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L1DAB:  BIT     1,(IY+$37)      ; test FLAGX - handling a new variable ?
   1 L1DA3:  PUSH    BC              ; save address of next line
   1 L1D8B:  INC     HL              ; increment pointer to address
   1 L1D86:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch current character
   1 L1D84:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L1D7C:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
   1 L1D64:  PUSH    BC              ; save variable name.
   1 L1D34:  PUSH    HL              ; save position.
   1 L1D16:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC       v,l,s.
   1 L1D10:  CALL    <A href="#L1BEE">L1BEE</a>           ; routine CHECK-END
   1 L1D03:  CP      $CD             ; is there a 'STEP' ?
   1 L1D00:  JP      <A href="#L1B29">L1B29</a>           ; to STMT-L-1, if true (1) to execute command
   1 L1CF0:  POP     BC              ; drop return address - STMT-RET
   1 L1CEE:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L1CE6:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z  (UNSTACK-Z?)
   1 L1CDE:  CP      $0D             ; is character a carriage return ?
   1 L1CDB:  JP      <A href="#L0605">L0605</a>           ; jump way back to SAVE-ETC
   1 L1CD6:  CALL    <A href="#L21E2">L21E2</a>           ; routine CO-TEMP-2 deals with any embedded
   1 L1CBE:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
   1 L1CA5:  SUB     <A href="#L1AEB">L1AEB</a>-$D8 % 256 ; convert $EB to $D8 ('INK') etc.
   1 L1C96:  BIT     7,(IY+$01)      ; test FLAGS - checking syntax only ?
   1 L1C8C:  CALL    <A href="#L24FB">L24FB</a>           ; routine SCANNING
   1 L1C8A:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L1C82:  CALL    <A href="#L24FB">L24FB</a>           ; routine SCANNING
   1 L1C7A:  CALL    <A href="#L1C82">L1C82</a>           ; routine EXPT-1NUM is called for first
   1 L1C79:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advance past 'AT' or '('.
   1 L1C6C:  CALL    <A href="#L28B2">L28B2</a>           ; routine LOOK-VARS
   1 L1C59:  PUSH    AF              ; save A briefly
   1 L1C56:  LD      A,($5C3B)       ; initial FLAGS to A
   1 L1C4E:  POP     BC              ; drop return address SCAN-LOOP
   1 L1C46:  LD      ($5C72),BC      ; update STRLEN
   1 L1C30:  CALL    Z,<A href="#L2996">L2996</a>         ; routine STK-VAR considers a subscript/slice
   1 L1C2E:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L1C22:  LD      (IY+$37),$00    ; set FLAGX to zero
   1 L1C1F:  CALL    <A href="#L28B2">L28B2</a>           ; routine LOOK-VARS returns carry set if not
   1 L1C11:  POP     BC              ; drop address SCAN-LOOP.
   1 L1C10:  CP      A               ; reset zero flag.
   1 L1C0D:  CALL    <A href="#L1CDE">L1CDE</a>           ; routine FETCH-NUM
   1 L1C01:  DEFB    <A href="#L1C10">L1C10</a> - $       ; 0F offset to Address: CLASS-00
   1 L1BF4:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR - ignoring white space etc.
   1 L1BEE:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
   1 L1BEC:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L1BD1:  LD      ($5C55),HL      ; store pointer in system variable NXTLIN
   1 L1BBF:  CP      $01             ; will set carry if zero.
   1 L1BB3:  CALL    <A href="#L2530">L2530</a>           ; routine SYNTAX-Z  (UNSTACK-Z?)
   1 L1BB2:  POP     BC              ; drop return address STMT-RET and
   1 L1BB0:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L1B9E:  CALL    <A href="#L196E">L196E</a>           ; routine LINE-ADDR gets address of line
   1 L1B8A:  LD      HL,$FFFE        ; The dummy value minus two
   1 L1B7D:  BIT     7,(IY+$0A)      ; test NSPPC - will be set if $FF -
   1 L1B7B:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L1B76:  CALL    <A href="#L1F54">L1F54</a>           ; routine BREAK-KEY is tested after every
   1 L1B6F:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
   1 L1B55:  LD      A,(HL)          ; pick up the parameter.
   1 L1B52:  LD      HL,($5C74)      ; fetch temporary address from T_ADDR
   1 L1B29:  CALL    <A href="#L16BF">L16BF</a>           ; routine SET-WORK clears workspace etc.
   1 L1B28:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
   1 L1B17:  RES     7,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS - signal checking syntax
   1 L1B14:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
   1 L1B10:  DEFB    $0A             ; Class-0A - A string expression must follow.
   1 L1B0A:  DEFB    $0A             ; Class-0A - A string expression must follow.
   1 L1B06:  DEFB    $0A             ; Class-0A - A string expression must follow.
   1 L1B02:  DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
   1 L1AFC:  DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
   1 L1AF9:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
   1 L1AF5:  DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
   1 L1AF1:  DEFB    $08             ; Class-08 - Two comma-separated numeric
   1 L1AF0:  DEFB    $07             ; Class-07 - Offset address is converted to
   1 L1AEF:  DEFB    $07             ; Class-07 - Offset address is converted to
   1 L1AEE:  DEFB    $07             ; Class-07 - Offset address is converted to
   1 L1AED:  DEFB    $07             ; Class-07 - Offset address is converted to
   1 L1AEC:  DEFB    $07             ; Class-07 - Offset address is converted to
   1 L1AEB:  DEFB    $07             ; Class-07 - Offset address is converted to
   1 L1AE7:  DEFB    $09             ; Class-09 - Two comma-separated numeric
   1 L1AE3:  DEFB    $08             ; Class-08 - Two comma-separated numeric
   1 L1AE2:  DEFB    $0B             ; Class-0B - Offset address converted to tape
   1 L1AE1:  DEFB    $0B             ; Class-0B - Offset address converted to tape
   1 L1AE0:  DEFB    $0B             ; Class-0B - Offset address converted to tape
   1 L1ADF:  DEFB    $0B             ; Class-0B - Offset address converted to tape
   1 L1ADC:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
   1 L1AD9:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
   1 L1AD6:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
   1 L1AD2:  DEFB    $09             ; Class-09 - Two comma-separated numeric
   1 L1ACF:  DEFB    $03             ; Class-03 - A numeric expression may follow
   1 L1ACC:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
   1 L1AC9:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
   1 L1AC5:  DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
   1 L1AC1:  DEFB    $09             ; Class-09 - Two comma-separated numeric
   1 L1ABE:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
   1 L1ABB:  DEFB    $03             ; Class-03 - A numeric expression may follow
   1 L1AB8:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
   1 L1AB5:  DEFB    $03             ; Class-03 - A numeric expression may follow
   1 L1AB1:  DEFB    $08             ; Class-08 - Two comma-separated numeric
   1 L1AAE:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
   1 L1AAB:  DEFB    $03             ; Class-03 - A numeric expression may follow
   1 L1AA8:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
   1 L1AA5:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
   1 L1AA2:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
   1 L1A9F:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
   1 L1A9C:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
   1 L1A98:  DEFB    $04             ; Class-04 - A single character variable must
   1 L1A90:  DEFB    $04             ; Class-04 - A single character variable must
   1 L1A8D:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
   1 L1A8A:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
   1 L1A86:  DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
   1 L1A81:  DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
   1 L1A7D:  DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
   1 L1A7A:  DEFB    $01             ; Class-01 - A variable is required.
   1 L1A48:  DEFB    <A href="#L1AF9">L1AF9</a> - $       ; B1 offset to Address: P-DEF-FN
   1 L1A42:  CALL    <A href="#L15EF">L15EF</a>           ; routine OUT-CODE for final digit.
   1 L1A30:  LD      BC,$FC18        ; value -1000
   1 L1A28:  PUSH    DE              ; save flags
   1 L1A1B:  PUSH    DE              ; save the
   1 L1A15:  JP      C,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>         ; to REPORT-C 'Nonsense in BASIC' if over.
   1 L19FB:  LD      HL,($5C59)      ; load HL from system variable E_LINE.
   1 L19E8:  PUSH    BC              ;
   1 L19E5:  CALL    <A href="#L19DD">L19DD</a>           ; routine DIFFER immediately above
   1 L19DD:  AND     A               ; prepare for true subtraction.
   1 L19DB:  ADD     HL,BC           ; add the length to give address of next
   1 L19D6:  INC     HL              ; increment to address the length low byte.
   1 L19D5:  INC     HL              ; increment pointer to low byte of line no.
   1 L19CE:  RLA                     ; test if character inverted. carry will also
   1 L19C7:  LD      BC,$0005        ; set BC to 5 for floating point number
   1 L19B8:  PUSH    HL              ; save the pointer address.
   1 L19B1:  CP      $0D             ; end of line ?
   1 L19AD:  BIT     0,C             ; is it in quotes
   1 L19A5:  CP      $3A             ; is it ':'
   1 L199A:  CALL    <A href="#L18B6">L18B6</a>           ; routine NUMBER skips if number marker
   1 L1998:  INC     HL              ; next address
   1 L1990:  DEC     D               ; decrease statement count
   1 L198B:  LD      ($5C5D),HL      ; save HL in CH_ADD
   1 L1988:  INC     HL              ;
   1 L1980:  LD      A,(HL)          ; Load the high byte of line number and
   1 L1974:  POP     BC              ; restore the line number to BC
   1 L196E:  PUSH    HL              ; save line number in HL register
   1 L196C:  RST     10H             ; PRINT-A vectors the character to
   1 L1968:  SET     2,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS - signal L mode if the cursor
   1 L195A:  CP      $22             ; is it quote character '"'  ?
   1 L1937:  CALL    <A href="#L2D1B">L2D1B</a>           ; routine NUMERIC tests if it is a digit ?
   1 L192B:  ADD     HL,BC           ; add negative number to HL.
   1 L192A:  XOR     A               ; initialize digit to 0
   1 L1925:  LD      A,E             ; will be space if OUT-CODE not yet called.
   1 L191C:  BIT     5,(IY+$37)      ; test FLAGX - input mode ?
   1 L190F:  LD      E,(HL)          ; fetch low byte
   1 L1909:  PUSH    DE              ; save address pointer but OK as OUT-FLASH
   1 L18F3:  LD      HL,$5C3B        ; Address FLAGS
   1 L18E1:  LD      HL,($5C5B)      ; fetch K_CUR the current cursor address
   1 L18C1:  EXX                     ; switch in alternate set
   1 L18B6:  CP      $0E             ; character fourteen ?
   1 L18B4:  POP     DE              ; bring back the flag E, zero if current
   1 L18A1:  CALL    <A href="#L18E1">L18E1</a>           ; routine OUT-CURS will print the cursor if
   1 L1894:  LD      HL,($5C5F)      ; fetch X_PTR - possibly the error pointer
   1 L1881:  PUSH    DE              ; save flag E for a return value.
   1 L187D:  SET     0,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS - suppress leading space.
   1 L1865:  LD      (IY+$2D),E      ; save flag in BREG which is spare.
   1 L1855:  LD      BC,($5C49)      ; fetch E_PPC the current line which may be
   1 L1835:  CALL    <A href="#L1855">L1855</a>           ; routine OUT-LINE outputs a BASIC line
   1 L1833:  LD      E,$01           ; signal current line not yet printed
   1 L1822:  CALL    <A href="#L1BEE">L1BEE</a>           ; routine CHECK-END quits if syntax OK &gt;&gt;&gt;
   1 L181F:  CALL    <A href="#L1CDE">L1CDE</a>           ; routine FETCH-NUM checks if a number 
   1 L181A:  CALL    <A href="#L1CE6">L1CE6</a>           ; routine USE-ZERO
   1 L1814:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
   1 L17FB:  LD      (IY+$02),$00    ; the TV_FLAG is initialized with bit 0 reset
   1 L17F9:  LD      A,$02           ; default is stream 2 - the upper screen.
   1 L17F5:  LD      A,$03           ; the usual stream for ZX Printer
   1 L17ED:  CALL    <A href="#L1833">L1833</a>           ; routine LIST-ALL                &gt;&gt;&gt;
   1 L17E4:  LD      HL,($5C6C)      ; fetch S_TOP line number to HL.
   1 L17E1:  LD      ($5C6C),HL      ; make S_TOP the same as E_PPC.
   1 L17CE:  PUSH    BC              ; save the result.
   1 L1795:  LD      ($5C3F),SP      ; save stack pointer in LIST_SP
   1 L1793:  JR      <A href="#L1725">L1725</a>           ; to REPORT-Ob
   1 L178B:  DEC     BC              ; the stored length of 'K','S','P' or
   1 L1789:  LD      E,$10           ; 16d is offset to 2nd byte of channel 'P'
   1 L1785:  LD      E,$06           ; 06 is offset to 2nd byte of channel 'S'
   1 L1781:  LD      E,$01           ; 01 is offset to second byte of channel 'K'.
   1 L177A:  DEFB    'K', <A href="#L1781">L1781</a>-$-1  ; $06 offset to OPEN-K
   1 L1767:  PUSH    BC              ; save the length of the string.
   1 L1765:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L175D:  PUSH    HL              ; * save the STRMS data entry pointer.
   1 L1756:  CALL    <A href="#L175D">L175D</a>           ; routine OPEN-2 opens the stream.
   1 L1736:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC    ;s,c.
   1 L1727:  ADD     A,$03           ; add the offset for 3 system streams.
   1 L1725:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L171E:  CALL    <A href="#L1E94">L1E94</a>           ; routine FIND-INT1 fetches parameter to A
   1 L171C:  POP     HL              ; * now just restore the stream data pointer
   1 L1716:  DEFB    'K', <A href="#L171C">L171C</a>-$-1  ; offset 5 to CLOSE-STR
   1 L1708:  INC     HL              ; to address channel's letter
   1 L1701:  PUSH    HL              ; * save address of stream data pointer
   1 L16FC:  EX      DE,HL           ; address of stream to HL.
   1 L16E5:  CALL    <A href="#L171E">L171E</a>           ; routine STR-DATA fetches parameter
   1 L16DC:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch the first byte of pair
   1 L16DB:  INC     HL              ; address the next pair of values.
   1 L16D4:  LD      DE,($5C59)      ; fetch start of edit line from E_LINE.
   1 L16C5:  LD      HL,($5C63)      ; fetch STKBOT value 
   1 L16BF:  LD      HL,($5C61)      ; fetch WORKSP value
   1 L16B0:  LD      HL,($5C59)      ; fetch E_LINE
   1 L169E:  LD      HL,($5C63)      ; STKBOT first location of calculator stack
   1 L1695:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch the high byte - max $2F
   1 L1691:  EX      DE,HL           ; fetch the previous line to HL and set
   1 L168F:  DEFB    $00, $00        ; dummy line number used for direct commands
   1 L167F:  INC     HL              ; address next system variable.
   1 L166B:  LD      E,(HL)          ; fetch the low byte of the system variable.
   1 L1664:  PUSH    AF              ; preserve accumulator.
   1 L1655:  PUSH    HL              ; save the address pointer.
   1 L1652:  LD      BC,$0001        ; create space for a single character.
   1 L164D:  SET     1,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS  - signal printer in use
   1 L1646:  RES     1,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS  - signal printer not in use
   1 L1642:  RES     0,(IY+$02)      ; TV_FLAG  - signal main screen in use
   1 L1634:  SET     0,(IY+$02)      ; update TV_FLAG  - signal lower screen in use
   1 L162D:  DEFB    'K', <A href="#L1634">L1634</a>-$-1  ; offset $06 to CHAN-K
   1 L162C:  JP      (HL)            ; jump to the routine
   1 L1615:  LD      ($5C51),HL      ; set CURCHL system variable to the
   1 L1610:  DEC     DE              ; reduce offset so it points to the channel.
   1 L160E:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L1601:  ADD     A,A             ; double the stream ($FF will become $FE etc.)
   1 L15F7:  LD      E,(HL)          ; put the low byte in E.
   1 L15F2:  EXX                     ; switch in alternate set
   1 L15EF:  LD      E,$30           ; add 48 decimal to give the ASCII character 
   1 L15E6:  EXX                     ; switch in alternate set.
   1 L15E4:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L15DE:  CALL    <A href="#L15E6">L15E6</a>           ; routine INPUT-AD is called.
   1 L15D4:  BIT     5,(IY+$02)      ; test TV_FLAG - clear lower screen ?
   1 L15C6:  DEFB    $01, $00        ; stream $FD offset to channel 'K'
   1 L15C4:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L15AF:  DEFW    <A href="#L09F4">L09F4</a>           ; PRINT-OUT
   1 L15AB:  POP     AF              ; drop the address of Report G
   1 L157D:  POP     BC              ; retrieve the length of the new line.
   1 L155D:  LD      ($5C49),BC      ; set E_PPC to extracted line number.
   1 L1555:  LD      A,$10           ; i.e. 'G' -$30 -$07
   1 L1539:  DEFB    $7F                                     ; copyright
   1 L1537:  DEFB    ',',' '+$80                             ; used in report line.
   1 L1391:  DEFB    $80
   1 L1386:  LD      (IY+$0A),$FF    ; update NSPPC - signal 'no jump'.
   1 L1384:  LDDR                    ; copy PPC to OLDPPC and SUBPPC to OSPCC
   1 L1376:  LD      BC,$0003        ; prepare to copy 3 system variables to
   1 L1373:  INC     (IY+$0D)        ; increment SUBPPC to next statement.
   1 L133C:  CALL    <A href="#L15EF">L15EF</a>           ; call routine OUT-CODE to print the code.
   1 L1313:  PUSH    AF              ; save the error number.
   1 L1303:  HALT                    ; wait for interrupt the only routine that can
   1 L12CF:  LD      HL,($5C59)      ; fetch the edit line address from E_LINE.
   1 L12AC:  LD      A,$00           ; select channel 'K' the keyboard
   1 L12A9:  CALL    <A href="#L16B0">L16B0</a>           ; routine SET-MIN clears work areas.
   1 L12A2:  LD      (IY+$31),$02    ; set DF_SZ lower screen display file size to 
   1 L1219:  LD      ($5CB2),HL      ; set system variable RAMTOP to HL.
   1 L11EF:  DEC     HL              ; step back to last valid location.
   1 L11E2:  AND     A               ; Clear carry - prepare to subtract.
   1 L11DC:  LD      (HL),$02        ; Load memory with $02 - red ink on black paper.
   1 L11DA:  LD      H,D             ; Transfer the top value to the HL register
   1 L11CB:  LD      B,A             ; Save the flag to control later branching.
   1 L11B7:  DI                      ; Disable Interrupts - machine stack will be
   1 L11A7:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch character
   1 L1195:  LD      DE,($5C59)      ; fetch E_LINE to DE
   1 L1190:  LD      HL,($5C61)      ; fetch WORKSP to HL.
   1 L117E:  POP     HL              ; restore the old value of ERR_SP.
   1 L117C:  POP     DE              ; fetch new line/column.
   1 L1167:  LD      D,$00           ; prepare to moan.
   1 L115E:  LD      A,$20           ; prepare a space.
   1 L1150:  LD      A,($5C8B)       ; fetch SPOSNL_hi is current line
   1 L111D:  CALL    <A href="#L0D4D">L0D4D</a>           ; routine TEMPS sets temporary attributes.
   1 L111B:  SCF                     ; set carry flag to show a key has been found
   1 L1113:  LD      HL,($5C4F)      ; address start of CHANNELS area using CHANS
   1 L110D:  LD      A,($5C0D)       ; pick up the parameter stored in KDATA.
   1 L1105:  LD      (IY-$2D),C      ; put the colour (0-7)/state(0/1) in KDATA
   1 L10FA:  LD      B,A             ; make a copy of character.
   1 L10F4:  SET     3,(IY+$02)      ; update TV_FLAG  - show key state has changed
   1 L10E6:  CP      $0E             ; compare with chr 14d
   1 L10DB:  JR      NZ,<A href="#L10E6">L10E6</a>        ; forward to KEY-MODE if not 06 (capslock)
   1 L10A8:  BIT     3,(IY+$02)      ; test TV_FLAG  - has a key been pressed in
   1 L1097:  PUSH    HL              ; preserve HL
   1 L107F:  BIT     4,(IY+$30)      ; test FLAGS2  - is K channel in use ?
   1 L107C:  JP      <A href="#L0F81">L0F81</a>           ; jump back to ADD-CHAR
   1 L1076:  BIT     7,(IY+$37)      ; test FLAGX - is this INPUT LINE ?
   1 L106E:  CALL    <A href="#L1795">L1795</a>           ; routine AUTO-LIST lists to upper screen
   1 L1059:  BIT     5,(IY+$37)      ; test FLAGX  - input mode ?
   1 L1051:  AND     A               ; prepare for true subtraction
   1 L103E:  LD      H,D             ; transfer DE - leftmost pointer
   1 L1031:  SCF                     ; carry flag must be set to call the nested
   1 L1026:  POP     HL              ; the previous value of ERR_SP
   1 L1024:  POP     HL              ; discard address ED-LOOP
   1 L101E:  CALL    <A href="#L15D4">L15D4</a>           ; routine WAIT-KEY to ignore keystroke.
   1 L1015:  CALL    <A href="#L1031">L1031</a>           ; routine ED-EDGE moves cursor to left.
   1 L1011:  LD      ($5C5B),HL      ; update K_CUR system variable
   1 L100C:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch addressed character.
   1 L1007:  CALL    <A href="#L1031">L1031</a>           ; routine ED-EDGE moves left if possible
   1 L1001:  LD      (IY+$00),$10    ; set ERR_NR to 'STOP in INPUT' code
   1 L0FF3:  BIT     5,(IY+$37)      ; test FLAGX  - Input Mode ?
   1 L0FA9:  LD      HL,($5C49)      ; fetch E_PPC the last line number entered.
   1 L0FA0:  DEFB    <A href="#L0FA9">L0FA9</a> - $  ; 07d offset $09 to Address: ED-EDIT
   1 L0F92:  LD      E,A             ; character to E.
   1 L0F8B:  LD      (DE),A          ; load current character to last new location.
   1 L0F81:  RES     0,(IY+$07)      ; set MODE to 'L'
   1 L0F6C:  CALL    <A href="#L15D4">L15D4</a>           ; routine WAIT-KEY for control.
   1 L0F38:  CALL    <A href="#L15D4">L15D4</a>           ; routine WAIT-KEY gets key possibly
   1 L0F30:  LD      HL,<A href="#L107F">L107F</a>        ; address: ED-ERROR
   1 L0F2C:  LD      HL,($5C3D)      ; fetch ERR_SP
   1 L0F1E:  IN      A,($FB)         ; read the port.
   1 L0F18:  RL      D               ; prepare mask to receive bit.
   1 L0F14:  LD      E,(HL)          ; fetch a byte from line.
   1 L0F0C:  IN      A,($FB)         ; test now to see if
   1 L0F0A:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L0EFD:  CALL    <A href="#L1F54">L1F54</a>           ; call BREAK-KEY to read keyboard immediately.
   1 L0EF4:  LD      A,B             ; fetch the counter 1-8 or 1-176
   1 L0EE7:  LD      (HL),A          ; set addressed location to zero.
   1 L0EDF:  LD      HL,$5B00        ; the location of the buffer.
   1 L0EDA:  LD      A,$04           ; output value 4 to port
   1 L0ED3:  PUSH    BC              ; save counter.
   1 L0ECD:  DI                      ; disable interrupts
   1 L0EC9:  DJNZ    <A href="#L0EB2">L0EB2</a>           ; back to COPY-1 for all lines.
   1 L0EB2:  PUSH    HL              ; save the screen address.
   1 L0EAF:  LD      HL,$4000        ; address start of the display file.
   1 L0EAC:  DI                      ; disable interrupts as this is time-critical.
   1 L0E9B:  LD      A,$18           ; reverse the line number
   1 L0E88:  LD      A,H             ; fetch H to A - $48, $50, or $58.
   1 L0E80:  LD      (HL),A          ; put attribute in first byte.
   1 L0E4D:  AND     $07             ; mask 0-7 to consider thirds at a time
   1 L0E4A:  PUSH    BC              ; save pixel line count
   1 L0E44:  PUSH    BC              ; save line count
   1 L0E19:  EX      DE,HL           ; save source in DE.
   1 L0E0D:  EX      DE,HL           ; copy HL to DE.
   1 L0E05:  PUSH    BC              ; save counters.
   1 L0E00:  CALL    <A href="#L0E9B">L0E9B</a>           ; routine CL-ADDR gets screen address in HL.
   1 L0DFE:  LD      B,$17           ; scroll 23 lines, after 'scroll?'.
   1 L0DF4:  LD      A,$21           ; the column $01-$21 is reversed
   1 L0DEE:  PUSH    BC              ; save the line/column.
   1 L0DD9:  LD      HL,$5B00        ; the base address of printer buffer
   1 L0DAF:  LD      HL,$0000        ; Initialize plot coordinates.
   1 L0DA0:  LD      (HL),E          ; Insert the output address on the first pass 
   1 L0D94:  LD      A,$FD           ; select system channel 'K'
   1 L0D8E:  DJNZ    <A href="#L0D87">L0D87</a>           ; decrease B counter and back to CLS-1
   1 L0D89:  DEC     HL              ; decrease attribute address.
   1 L0D87:  LD      C,$20           ; set counter to 32 character cells per line
   1 L0D6E:  LD      HL,$5C3C        ; address System Variable TV_FLAG.
   1 L0D6B:  CALL    <A href="#L0DAF">L0DAF</a>           ; Routine CL-ALL clears the entire display and
   1 L0D65:  XOR     (HL)            ;
   1 L0D5B:  LD      ($5C8F),HL      ; transfer values to ATTR_T and MASK_T
   1 L0D4D:  XOR     A               ; clear the accumulator
   1 L0D2D:  CALL    <A href="#L0E00">L0E00</a>           ; routine CL-SCROLL scrolls B lines
   1 L0D1C:  PUSH    AF              ; save scroll number.
   1 L0D02:  CP      $02             ; is line number less than 2 ?
   1 L0D00:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L0CF8:  DEFB    $80             ; initial step-over byte.
   1 L0CF0:  LD      (DE),A          ; transfer
   1 L0CD2:  CALL    <A href="#L0DFE">L0DFE</a>           ; routine CL-SC-ALL to scroll whole display
   1 L0C88:  DEC     (IY+$52)        ; decrease SCR_CT
   1 L0C86:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L0C55:  BIT     1,(IY+$01)      ; test FLAGS  - is printer in use ?
   1 L0C44:  BIT     7,(HL)          ; is character inverted ?
   1 L0C41:  PUSH    AF              ; save the message/token number
   1 L0C3B:  PUSH    DE              ; Save DE value.
   1 L0C35:  LD      A,D             ; The trailing space flag (zero if an error msg)
   1 L0C22:  LD      A,(DE)          ; Fetch character from the table.
   1 L0C14:  CALL    <A href="#L0C41">L0C41</a>           ; routine PO-SEARCH will set carry for
   1 L0C10:  LD      DE,<A href="#L0095">L0095</a>        ; address: TKN-TABLE
   1 L0C0A:  PUSH    HL              ; put hi-byte zero on stack to suppress
   1 L0C08:  LD      (HL),A          ; save the new attribute.
   1 L0BFA:  BIT     4,(IY+$57)      ; test P_FLAG  - Is this INK 9 ??
   1 L0BDB:  LD       A,H            ; fetch high byte $40 - $57
   1 L0BD3:  EX      AF,AF'          ; save the flag
   1 L0BC1:  INC     HL              ; address next character byte
   1 L0BB7:  EX      AF,AF'          ; save printer/screen flag
   1 L0BB6:  EX      DE,HL           ; now HL=source, DE=destination
   1 L0BA4:  RRA                     ; skip bit 1 of P_FLAG
   1 L0B93:  CP      C               ; this test is really for screen - new line ?
   1 L0B7F:  LD      A,C             ; column to A
   1 L0B76:  LD      H,$00           ; set high byte to 0
   1 L0B6A:  EX      DE,HL           ; transfer destination address to DE
   1 L0B65:  PUSH    BC              ; save print position
   1 L0B5F:  CALL    <A href="#L0C10">L0C10</a>           ; routine PO-TOKENS prints tokens
   1 L0B52:  SUB     $A5             ; the 'RND' character
   1 L0B4C:  LD      (HL),A          ; store bit patterns in temporary buffer
   1 L0B3E:  RR      B               ; rotate bit 0/2 to carry
   1 L0B38:  LD      HL,$5C92        ; address MEM-0 - a temporary buffer in
   1 L0B24:  CP      $80             ; ASCII ?
   1 L0B1D:  LD      C,(IY+$45)      ; Fetch column from P_POSN.
   1 L0B03:  BIT     1,(IY+$01)      ; Test FLAGS - is printer in use ?
   1 L0AFC:  LD      (IY+$45),C      ; Update P_POSN column position printer
   1 L0AF0:  LD      ($5C8A),BC      ; Update SPOSNL line/column lower screen
   1 L0ADC:  BIT     1,(IY+$01)      ; Test FLAGS - is printer in use ?
   1 L0AD9:  CALL    <A href="#L0B24">L0B24</a>           ; routine PO-ANY
   1 L0AD0:  LD      A,$20           ; space character.
   1 L0AC3:  CALL    <A href="#L0B03">L0B03</a>           ; routine PO-FETCH, HL-addr, BC=line/column.
   1 L0AC2:  LD      A,H             ; transfer parameter to A
   1 L0ABF:  JP      <A href="#L0DD9">L0DD9</a>           ; print position is valid so exit via CL-SET
   1 L0AAC:  JP      C,<A href="#L1E9F">L1E9F</a>         ; to REPORT-B if higher than 22 decimal
   1 L0A87:  LD      DE,<A href="#L09F4">L09F4</a>        ; Address: PRINT-OUT
   1 L0A80:  LD      HL,($5C51)      ; use CURCHL to find current output channel.
   1 L0A7D:  LD      ($5C0E),A       ; store control code in TVDATA-lo
   1 L0A7A:  LD      DE,<A href="#L0A87">L0A87</a>        ; address: PO-CONT will be next output routine
   1 L0A75:  LD      DE,<A href="#L0A6D">L0A6D</a>        ; address: PO-TV-2 will be next output routine
   1 L0A6D:  LD      DE,<A href="#L0A87">L0A87</a>        ; address: PO-CONT will be next output routine
   1 L0A69:  LD      A,$3F           ; prepare the character '?'.
   1 L0A5F:  CALL    <A href="#L0B03">L0B03</a>           ; routine PO-FETCH - seems unnecessary.
   1 L0A4F:  BIT     1,(IY+$01)      ; test FLAGS  - is printer in use ?
   1 L0A3D:  LD      A,($5C91)       ; fetch P_FLAG value
   1 L0A3A:  JP      <A href="#L0DD9">L0DD9</a>           ; to CL-SET and PO-STORE to save new
   1 L0A38:  LD      C,$21           ; the leftmost column position.
   1 L0A23:  INC     C               ; move left one column.
   1 L0A11:  DEFB    <A href="#L0A5F">L0A5F</a> - $       ; 06d offset $4E to Address: PO-COMMA
   1 L09F4:  CALL    <A href="#L0B03">L0B03</a>           ; routine PO-FETCH fetches print position
   1 L09C0:  DEFB    '.'+$80
   1 L09A1:  DEFB    $80
   1 L0991:  HALT                    ; wait for interrupt
   1 L0970:  PUSH    HL              ; save start of data
   1 L0958:  INC     HL              ; address next?
   1 L0955:  CALL    <A href="#L1655">L1655</a>           ; routine MAKE-ROOM creates room for variable.
   1 L093E:  EX      AF,AF'          ; save or re-save flags.
   1 L092C:  JR      NZ,<A href="#L093E">L093E</a>        ; forward to ME-ENT-1 for insertion only.
   1 L0923:  POP     DE              ; pop workspace pointer.
   1 L0921:  LD      A,$FF           ; indicate a replacement.
   1 L091E:  POP     HL              ; restore the prog/vars pointer.
   1 L0912:  INC     HL              ; address next character in vars area.
   1 L0909:  AND     $E0             ; keep bits 11100000
   1 L0901:  PUSH    BC              ; save character in C.
   1 L08F9:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch first byte.
   1 L08F0:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch first byte of workspace variable.
   1 L08EB:  CALL    <A href="#L092C">L092C</a>           ; routine ME-ENTER enters the line
   1 L08DF:  DEC     DE              ; point to start of
   1 L08D7:  LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch high byte from program area.
   1 L08D2:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch next byte from workspace.
   1 L08B6:  LD      C,(IX+$0B)      ; fetch length
   1 L08AD:  POP     DE              ; ** pop the length
   1 L0873:  EX      DE,HL           ; transfer dest to DE.
   1 L084C:  LD      HL,($5C59)      ; address E_LINE
   1 L082E:  POP     HL              ; pop destination
   1 L0825:  LD      DE,$0005        ; allow overhead of five bytes.
   1 L0819:  LD      L,(IX-$06)      ; fetch length from 
   1 L0808:  LD      E,(IX+$0B)      ; fetch length of found data block 
   1 L0806:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L0802:  CALL    <A href="#L0556">L0556</a>           ; routine LD-BYTES
   1 L0800:  LD      A,$FF           ; signal data block to be loaded
   1 L07F4:  PUSH    HL              ; push pointer to start of data block.
   1 L07E9:  POP     HL              ; pop pointer to data
   1 L07CB:  PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to data.
   1 L07AD:  RST     10H             ; PRINT-A prints character
   1 L07A6:  INC     DE              ; address next input character
   1 L078A:  CP      $04             ; check if type in acceptable range 0 - 3.
   1 L0767:  PUSH    IX              ; save IX
   1 L075A:  LD      A,($5C74)       ; fetch command from T_ADDR
   1 L073A:  LD      (IX+$00),$00    ; place type zero - program in descriptor.
   1 L0723:  LD      A,($5C74)       ; fetch command from T_ADDR
   1 L0716:  CP      $CA             ; is character the token 'LINE' ?
   1 L0710:  LD      (IX+$00),$03    ; place type 3 - code in descriptor. 
   1 L06F9:  CALL    <A href="#L1BEE">L1BEE</a>           ; routine CHECK-END errors with extraneous
   1 L06F5:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advances character address.
   1 L06F0:  CALL    <A href="#L1CE6">L1CE6</a>           ; routine USE-ZERO stacks zero for length.
   1 L06E1:  CALL    <A href="#L1C82">L1C82</a>           ; routine EXPT-1NUM checks for numeric
   1 L06C3:  CP      $AF             ; is character the token 'CODE' ?
   1 L06A0:  CP      $AA             ; is character the token 'SCREEN$' ?
   1 L0692:  EX      DE,HL           ; save var pointer in DE
   1 L068F:  LD      (IX+$00),A      ; place type 0, 1 or 2 in descriptor.
   1 L0685:  LD      (IX+$0E),C      ; place character array name in  header.
   1 L0672:  JP      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; to REPORT-C if not an array variable.
   1 L0670:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L0652:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
   1 L064B:  PUSH    IX              ; push start of file descriptor.
   1 L0644:  LD      A,B             ; test length of filename
   1 L0642:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L0629:  LD      (DE),A          ; set workspace location to space.
   1 L0621:  RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES creates 17/34 bytes in workspace.
   1 L0609:  SUB     <A href="#L1ADF">L1ADF</a> + 1 % 256 ; subtract the known offset.
   1 L0605:  POP     AF              ; discard address STMT-RET.
   1 L05ED:  INC     B               ; increment the time-out counter.
   1 L05E9:  DEC     A               ; decrement counter
   1 L05E7:  LD      A,$16           ; a delay value of twenty two.
   1 L05E3:  CALL    <A href="#L05E7">L05E7</a>           ; call routine LD-EDGE-1 below.
   1 L05CA:  CALL    <A href="#L05E3">L05E3</a>           ; routine LD-EDGE-2 increments B relative to
   1 L05C8:  LD      L,$01           ; initialize as %00000001
   1 L05C4:  DEC     DE              ; decrement length.
   1 L05C2:  INC     IX              ; increment byte pointer.
   1 L05BD:  LD      A,(IX+$00)      ; fetch byte from memory.
   1 L05B3:  RL      C               ; preserve carry (verify) flag in long-term
   1 L05A9:  EX      AF,AF'          ; restore entry flags and type in A.
   1 L058F:  LD      B,$C9           ; initial timing value in B.
   1 L0580:  LD      B,$9C           ; set timing value.
   1 L0574:  DJNZ    <A href="#L0574">L0574</a>           ; self loop to LD-WAIT (for 256 times)
   1 L056C:  CALL    <A href="#L05E7">L05E7</a>           ; routine LD-EDGE-1
   1 L056B:  RET     NZ              ; return if at any time space is pressed.
   1 L0556:  INC     D               ; reset the zero flag without disturbing carry.
   1 L0554:  POP     AF              ; restore the accumulator.
   1 L0552:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L053F:  PUSH    AF              ; preserve accumulator throughout.
   1 L053C:  DJNZ    <A href="#L053C">L053C</a>           ; self loop to SA-DELAY
   1 L0525:  RL      L               ; rotate left through carry
   1 L051C:  OUT     ($FE),A         ; blue and mic on OR  yellow and mic off.
   1 L051A:  DJNZ    <A href="#L051A">L051A</a>           ; self loop to SA-SET 
   1 L0514:  DJNZ    <A href="#L0514">L0514</a>           ; self loop for delay to SA-BIT-1
   1 L0511:  LD      A,C             ; fetch 'mic on and yellow' which is 
   1 L050E:  LD      L,H             ; transfer the running parity byte to L and
   1 L0507:  LD      H,A             ; put parity byte in H.
   1 L0505:  LD      A,H             ; fetch parity byte.
   1 L04FE:  LD      A,D             ; fetch high byte
   1 L04F2:  DJNZ    <A href="#L04F2">L04F2</a>           ; self loop to SA-SYNC-2
   1 L04EA:  DJNZ    <A href="#L04EA">L04EA</a>           ; self loop to SA-SYNC-1
   1 L04D8:  DJNZ    <A href="#L04D8">L04D8</a>           ; self loop to SA-LEADER for delay.
   1 L04D0:  EX      AF,AF'          ; save flag
   1 L04C2:  LD      HL,<A href="#L053F">L053F</a>        ; address: SA/LD-RET
   1 L04AA:  CALL    <A href="#L24FB">L24FB</a>           ; routine SCANNING to evaluate expression.
   1 L046E:  DEFB    $89, $02, $D0, $12, $86;  261.625565290         C
   1 L046C:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1 L0427:  INC     B               ; increment octave
   1 L0425:  LD      B,$FA           ; 6 octaves below middle C
   1 L03F8:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
   1 L03F6:  EI                      ; Enable Interrupts
   1 L03F2:  LD      C,L      ;(4)   ; C = medium part of tone period
   1 L03D6:  DEC     C        ;(4)   ; timing loop for duration of
   1 L03D4:  INC     B        ;(4)   ;
   1 L03D3:  NOP              ;(4)   ;
   1 L03D2:  NOP              ;(4)   ;
   1 L03D1:  NOP              ;(4)   ; optionally executed NOPs for small
   1 L03B5:  DI                      ; Disable Interrupts so they don't disturb timing
   1 L03B2:  LD      A,$40           ; substitute ASCII '@'
   1 L039D:  INC     B               ; return with digit codes if neither
   1 L0389:  LD      HL,<A href="#L0260">L0260</a>-$30    ; $0230 base address of CTL-CODES
   1 L0382:  SUB     $36             ; reduce to 02 and 03  bright codes
   1 L0367:  CP      $30             ; is it '0' or higher ?
   1 L0364:  ADD     A,$A5           ; add offset to main code so that 'A'
   1 L034F:  LD      HL,<A href="#L026A">L026A</a>-$41    ; prepare base of sym-codes
   1 L034A:  LD      D,$00           ; prepare to index.
   1 L0341:  LD      HL,<A href="#L022C">L022C</a>-$41    ; base address of E-UNSHIFT L022c.
   1 L0333:  LD      A,E             ; pick up the stored main key
   1 L032C:  LD      HL,<A href="#L0205">L0205</a>        ; address: MAIN-KEYS
   1 L031E:  LD      B,D             ; load most significant key to B
   1 L0310:  INC     HL              ; increment the map pointer to second location.
   1 L0308:  LD      ($5C08),A       ; update LASTK system variable.
   1 L02F1:  LD      E,A             ; store key in E
   1 L02D1:  LD      A,L             ; make a copy of the low address byte.
   1 L02C6:  BIT     7,(HL)          ; is it free ?  (i.e. $FF)
   1 L02BF:  CALL    <A href="#L028E">L028E</a>           ; routine KEY-SCAN
   1 L02AB:  DEC     L               ; cycles 2F&gt;2E&gt;2D&gt;2C&gt;2B&gt;2A&gt;29&gt;28 for
   1 L02A1:  SUB     $08             ; subtract 8 from the key value
   1 L029F:  INC     D               ; now test the key buffer
   1 L0296:  IN      A,(C)           ; read the port to A - bits will be reset
   1 L028E:  LD      L,$2F           ; initial key value
   1 L0284:  DEFB    $D0             ; FORMAT
   1 L026A:  DEFB    $E2             ; STOP
   1 L0260:  DEFB    $0C             ; DELETE
   1 L0246:  DEFB    $7E             ; ~
   1 L022C:  DEFB    $E3             ; READ
   1 L0205:  DEFB    $42             ; B
   1 L0095:  DEFB    '?'+$80
   1 L0090:  SCF                     ; set the carry flag
   1 L007D:  CP      $21             ; test if higher than space.
   1 L0078:  LD      ($5C5D),HL      ; update CH_ADD with character address.
   1 L0077:  INC     HL              ; increase the character address by one.
   1 L0074:  LD      HL,($5C5D)      ; fetch address from CH_ADD.
   1 L0070:  POP     HL              ; restore the
   1 L0066:  PUSH    AF              ; save the
   1 L0055:  LD      (IY+$00),L      ; Store it in the system variable ERR_NR.
   1 L0053:  POP     HL              ; drop the return address - the location
   1 L0048:  PUSH    BC              ; Save the other main registers.
   1 L0038:  PUSH    AF              ; Save the registers that will be used but not
   1 L0030:  PUSH    BC              ; Save number of spaces.
   1 L0028:  JP      <A href="#L335B">L335B</a>           ; jump forward to the CALCULATE routine.
   1 L0020:  CALL    <A href="#L0074">L0074</a>           ; routine CH-ADD+1 fetches the next immediate
   1 L001C:  CALL    <A href="#L007D">L007D</a>           ; routine SKIP-OVER tests if the character is
   1 L0018:  LD      HL,($5C5D)      ; fetch the address from CH_ADD.
   1 L0010:  JP      <A href="#L15F2">L15F2</a>           ; Jump forward to continue at PRINT-A-2.
   1 L0008:  LD      HL,($5C5D)      ; Fetch the character address from CH_ADD.
   1 L0000:  DI                      ; Disable Interrupts.
   1 Assembly Listing of the Operating System of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
   1 <font face = "Courier">&nbsp;</font>
   1 <a name="L3D00"></a>;; <b>char-set</b>
   1 <a name="L386E"></a>;; <b>spare</b>
   1 <a name="L386C"></a>;; <b>LAST</b>
   1 <a name="L386A"></a>;; <b>ONE</b>
   1 <a name="L385D"></a>;; <b>XIS0</b>
   1 <a name="L3851"></a>;; <b>to-power</b>
   1 <a name="L384A"></a>;; <b>sqr</b>
   1 <a name="L3843"></a>;; <b>acs</b>
   1 <a name="L3833"></a>;; <b>asn</b>
   1 <a name="L37FA"></a>;; <b>CASES</b>
   1 <a name="L37F8"></a>;; <b>SMALL</b>
   1 <a name="L37E2"></a>;; <b>atn</b>
   1 <a name="L37DA"></a>;; <b>tan</b>
   1 <a name="L37B7"></a>;; <b>C-ENT</b>
   1 <a name="L37B5"></a>;; <b>sin</b>
   1 <a name="L37AA"></a>;; <b>cos</b>
   1 <a name="L37A8"></a>;; <b>YNEG</b>
   1 <a name="L37A1"></a>;; <b>ZPLUS</b>
   1 <a name="L3783"></a>;; <b>get-argt</b>
   1 <a name="L373D"></a>;; <b>GRE.8</b>
   1 <a name="L371C"></a>;; <b>VALID</b>
   1 <a name="L371A"></a>;; <b>REPORT-Ab</b>
   1 <a name="L3713"></a>;; <b>ln</b>
   1 <a name="L370E"></a>;; <b>RSLT-ZERO</b>
   1 <a name="L370C"></a>;; <b>RESULT-OK</b>
   1 <a name="L3705"></a>;; <b>N-NEGTV</b>
   1 <a name="L3703"></a>;; <b>REPORT-6b</b>
   1 <a name="L36C4"></a>;; <b>exp</b>
   1 <a name="L36C4"></a>;; <b>EXP</b>
   1 <a name="L36C2"></a>;; <b>EXIT</b>
   1 <a name="L36B7"></a>;; <b>X-NEG</b>
   1 <a name="L36AF"></a>;; <b>int</b>
   1 <a name="L36A0"></a>;; <b>n-mod-m</b>
   1 <a name="L369B"></a>;; <b>end-calc</b>
   1 <a name="L368F"></a>;; <b>jump-true</b>
   1 <a name="L3687"></a>;; <b>JUMP-2</b>
   1 <a name="L3686"></a>;; <b>jump</b>
   1 <a name="L3686"></a>;; <b>JUMP</b>
   1 <a name="L367A"></a>;; <b>dec-jr-nz</b>
   1 <a name="L3674"></a>;; <b>len</b>
   1 <a name="L3671"></a>;; <b>STK-CODE</b>
   1 <a name="L3669"></a>;; <b>code</b>
   1 <a name="L365F"></a>;; <b>R-I-STORE</b>
   1 <a name="L3645"></a>;; <b>read-in</b>
   1 <a name="L361F"></a>;; <b>str$</b>
   1 <a name="L360C"></a>;; <b>V-RPORT-C</b>
   1 <a name="L35DE"></a>;; <b>val</b>
   1 <a name="L35DE"></a>;; <b>val$</b>
   1 <a name="L35DC"></a>;; <b>REPORT-Bd</b>
   1 <a name="L35C9"></a>;; <b>chrs</b>
   1 <a name="L35BF"></a>;; <b>STK-PNTRS</b>
   1 <a name="L35B7"></a>;; <b>OTHER-STR</b>
   1 <a name="L359C"></a>;; <b>strs-add</b>
   1 <a name="L358C"></a>;; <b>END-TESTS</b>
   1 <a name="L3588"></a>;; <b>STR-TEST</b>
   1 <a name="L3585"></a>;; <b>FRST-LESS</b>
   1 <a name="L3575"></a>;; <b>SEC-PLUS</b>
   1 <a name="L3572"></a>;; <b>BOTH-NULL</b>
   1 <a name="L356B"></a>;; <b>SECND-LOW</b>
   1 <a name="L3564"></a>;; <b>BYTE-COMP</b>
   1 <a name="L3559"></a>;; <b>STRINGS</b>
   1 <a name="L354E"></a>;; <b>NU-OR-STR</b>
   1 <a name="L3543"></a>;; <b>EX-OR-NOT</b>
   1 <a name="L353B"></a>;; <b>no-l-eql,etc.</b>
   1 <a name="L351B"></a>;; <b>or</b>
   1 <a name="L350B"></a>;; <b>FP-0/1</b>
   1 <a name="L3507"></a>;; <b>SIGN-TO-C</b>
   1 <a name="L3506"></a>;; <b>less-0</b>
   1 <a name="L3501"></a>;; <b>not</b>
   1 <a name="L3501"></a>;; <b>NOT</b>
   1 <a name="L34F9"></a>;; <b>greater-0</b>
   1 <a name="L34F9"></a>;; <b>GREATER-0</b>
   1 <a name="L34E9"></a>;; <b>TEST-ZERO</b>
   1 <a name="L34E7"></a>;; <b>REPORT-A</b>
   1 <a name="L34E4"></a>;; <b>USR-STACK</b>
   1 <a name="L34D3"></a>;; <b>USR-RANGE</b>
   1 <a name="L34BC"></a>;; <b>usr-$</b>
   1 <a name="L34B3"></a>;; <b>usr-no</b>
   1 <a name="L34B0"></a>;; <b>IN-PK-STK</b>
   1 <a name="L34AC"></a>;; <b>peek</b>
   1 <a name="L34A5"></a>;; <b>in</b>
   1 <a name="L3492"></a>;; <b>sgn</b>
   1 <a name="L3483"></a>;; <b>INT-CASE</b>
   1 <a name="L3474"></a>;; <b>NEG-TEST</b>
   1 <a name="L346E"></a>;; <b>negate</b>
   1 <a name="L346E"></a>;; <b>NEGATE</b>
   1 <a name="L346A"></a>;; <b>abs</b>
   1 <a name="L3453"></a>;; <b>G-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L3449"></a>;; <b>series-xx</b>
   1 <a name="L343E"></a>;; <b>SWAP-BYTE</b>
   1 <a name="L343C"></a>;; <b>exchange</b>
   1 <a name="L342D"></a>;; <b>st-mem-xx</b>
   1 <a name="L341B"></a>;; <b>stk-const-xx</b>
   1 <a name="L340F"></a>;; <b>get-mem-xx</b>
   1 <a name="L3406"></a>;; <b>LOC-MEM</b>
   1 <a name="L33F8"></a>;; <b>SKIP-NEXT</b>
   1 <a name="L33F7"></a>;; <b>SKIP-CONS</b>
   1 <a name="L33F1"></a>;; <b>STK-ZEROS</b>
   1 <a name="L33DE"></a>;; <b>FORM-EXP</b>
   1 <a name="L33C8"></a>;; <b>STK-CONST</b>
   1 <a name="L33C6"></a>;; <b>stk-data</b>
   1 <a name="L33C0"></a>;; <b>duplicate</b>
   1 <a name="L33C0"></a>;; <b>MOVE-FP</b>
   1 <a name="L33B4"></a>;; <b>STACK-NUM</b>
   1 <a name="L33A9"></a>;; <b>TEST-5-SP</b>
   1 <a name="L33A2"></a>;; <b>fp-calc-2</b>
   1 <a name="L33A1"></a>;; <b>delete</b>
   1 <a name="L338E"></a>;; <b>ENT-TABLE</b>
   1 <a name="L338C"></a>;; <b>DOUBLE-A</b>
   1 <a name="L3380"></a>;; <b>FIRST-3D</b>
   1 <a name="L336C"></a>;; <b>SCAN-ENT</b>
   1 <a name="L3365"></a>;; <b>RE-ENTRY</b>
   1 <a name="L3362"></a>;; <b>GEN-ENT-2</b>
   1 <a name="L335E"></a>;; <b>GEN-ENT-1</b>
   1 <a name="L335B"></a>;; <b>CALCULATE</b>
   1 <a name="L32D7"></a>;; <b>tbl-addrs</b>
   1 <a name="L32D3"></a>;; <b>stk-ten</b>                                                  00 00 0A 00 00
   1 <a name="L32CE"></a>;; <b>stk-pi/2</b>                                                 81 49 0F DA A2
   1 <a name="L32CC"></a>;; <b>stk-half</b>                                                 80 00 00 00 00
   1 <a name="L32C8"></a>;; <b>stk-one</b>                                                  00 00 01 00 00
   1 <a name="L32C5"></a>;; <b>stk-zero</b>                                                 00 00 00 00 00
   1 <a name="L32BD"></a>;; <b>RS-STORE</b>
   1 <a name="L32B2"></a>;; <b>RSTK-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L32B1"></a>;; <b>RS-NRMLSE</b>
   1 <a name="L3297"></a>;; <b>re-stack</b>
   1 <a name="L3296"></a>;; <b>RESTK-SUB</b>
   1 <a name="L3293"></a>;; <b>RE-ST-TWO</b>
   1 <a name="L3290"></a>;; <b>IX-END</b>
   1 <a name="L328A"></a>;; <b>LESS-MASK</b>
   1 <a name="L3283"></a>;; <b>BITS-ZERO</b>
   1 <a name="L327E"></a>;; <b>BYTE-ZERO</b>
   1 <a name="L3272"></a>;; <b>NIL-BYTES</b>
   1 <a name="L326D"></a>;; <b>X-LARGE</b>
   1 <a name="L326C"></a>;; <b>T-EXPNENT</b>
   1 <a name="L3267"></a>;; <b>T-STORE</b>
   1 <a name="L3261"></a>;; <b>T-SHIFT</b>
   1 <a name="L325E"></a>;; <b>T-TEST</b>
   1 <a name="L3252"></a>;; <b>T-NUMERIC</b>
   1 <a name="L323F"></a>;; <b>T-SMALL</b>
   1 <a name="L3233"></a>;; <b>T-FIRST</b>
   1 <a name="L3221"></a>;; <b>T-GR-ZERO</b>
   1 <a name="L3214"></a>;; <b>truncate</b>
   1 <a name="L31FA"></a>;; <b>COUNT-ONE</b>
   1 <a name="L31F9"></a>;; <b>NO-RSTORE</b>
   1 <a name="L31F2"></a>;; <b>SUBN-ONLY</b>
   1 <a name="L31E2"></a>;; <b>DIV-START</b>
   1 <a name="L31DB"></a>;; <b>div-34th</b>
   1 <a name="L31D2"></a>;; <b>DIV-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L31AF"></a>;; <b>division</b>
   1 <a name="L31AD"></a>;; <b>REPORT-6</b>
   1 <a name="L3195"></a>;; <b>OFLOW-CLR</b>
   1 <a name="L3186"></a>;; <b>NORML-NOW</b>
   1 <a name="L316E"></a>;; <b>SHIFT-ONE</b>
   1 <a name="L316C"></a>;; <b>NORMALISE</b>
   1 <a name="L315E"></a>;; <b>SKIP-ZERO</b>
   1 <a name="L315D"></a>;; <b>ZERO-RSLT</b>
   1 <a name="L3159"></a>;; <b>NEAR-ZERO</b>
   1 <a name="L3155"></a>;; <b>TEST-NORM</b>
   1 <a name="L3151"></a>;; <b>OFLW2-CLR</b>
   1 <a name="L3146"></a>;; <b>OFLW1-CLR</b>
   1 <a name="L313D"></a>;; <b>DIVN-EXPT</b>
   1 <a name="L313B"></a>;; <b>MAKE-EXPT</b>
   1 <a name="L3125"></a>;; <b>STRT-MLT</b>
   1 <a name="L311B"></a>;; <b>NO-ADD</b>
   1 <a name="L3114"></a>;; <b>MLT-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L30F0"></a>;; <b>MULT-LONG</b>
   1 <a name="L30EF"></a>;; <b>MULT-OFLW</b>
   1 <a name="L30EA"></a>;; <b>MULT-RSLT</b>
   1 <a name="L30CA"></a>;; <b>multiply</b>
   1 <a name="L30C0"></a>;; <b>PREP-M/D</b>
   1 <a name="L30BE"></a>;; <b>HL-END</b>
   1 <a name="L30BC"></a>;; <b>HL-AGAIN</b>
   1 <a name="L30B1"></a>;; <b>HL-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L30A9"></a>;; <b>HL-HL*DE</b>
   1 <a name="L30A5"></a>;; <b>GO-NC-MLT</b>
   1 <a name="L30A3"></a>;; <b>END-COMPL</b>
   1 <a name="L309F"></a>;; <b>ADD-REP-6</b>
   1 <a name="L307C"></a>;; <b>TEST-NEG</b>
   1 <a name="L3055"></a>;; <b>SHIFT-LEN</b>
   1 <a name="L303E"></a>;; <b>FULL-ADDN</b>
   1 <a name="L303C"></a>;; <b>ADDN-OFLW</b>
   1 <a name="L3014"></a>;; <b>addition</b>
   1 <a name="L300F"></a>;; <b>subtract</b>
   1 <a name="L300D"></a>;; <b>ALL-ADDED</b>
   1 <a name="L3004"></a>;; <b>ADD-BACK</b>
   1 <a name="L2FFB"></a>;; <b>ZEROS-4/5</b>
   1 <a name="L2FF9"></a>;; <b>ADDEND-0</b>
   1 <a name="L2FE5"></a>;; <b>ONE-SHIFT</b>
   1 <a name="L2FDD"></a>;; <b>SHIFT-FP</b>
   1 <a name="L2FBA"></a>;; <b>FETCH-TWO</b>
   1 <a name="L2FAF"></a>;; <b>NEG-BYTE</b>
   1 <a name="L2F9B"></a>;; <b>PREP-ADD</b>
   1 <a name="L2F8B"></a>;; <b>CA-10*A+C</b>
   1 <a name="L2F85"></a>;; <b>PF-E-SIGN</b>
   1 <a name="L2F83"></a>;; <b>PF-E-POS</b>
   1 <a name="L2F6C"></a>;; <b>PF-E-FRMT</b>
   1 <a name="L2F64"></a>;; <b>PF-DEC-0S</b>
   1 <a name="L2F5E"></a>;; <b>PF-DC-OUT</b>
   1 <a name="L2F59"></a>;; <b>PF-OUT-DT</b>
   1 <a name="L2F52"></a>;; <b>PF-OUT-LP</b>
   1 <a name="L2F4A"></a>;; <b>PF-E-SBRN</b>
   1 <a name="L2F46"></a>;; <b>PF-NOT-E</b>
   1 <a name="L2F2D"></a>;; <b>PF-COUNT</b>
   1 <a name="L2F25"></a>;; <b>PF-R-BACK</b>
   1 <a name="L2F18"></a>;; <b>PF-RND-LP</b>
   1 <a name="L2F0C"></a>;; <b>PF-ROUND</b>
   1 <a name="L2EEF"></a>;; <b>PF-FR-EXX</b>
   1 <a name="L2EEC"></a>;; <b>PF-FR-DGT</b>
   1 <a name="L2EDF"></a>;; <b>PF-FRN-LP</b>
   1 <a name="L2ECF"></a>;; <b>PF-FRACTN</b>
   1 <a name="L2ECB"></a>;; <b>PF-MORE</b>
   1 <a name="L2EB8"></a>;; <b>PF-ALL-9</b>
   1 <a name="L2EB3"></a>;; <b>PF-TEST-2</b>
   1 <a name="L2EA9"></a>;; <b>PF-INSERT</b>
   1 <a name="L2EA1"></a>;; <b>PF-DIGITS</b>
   1 <a name="L2E8A"></a>;; <b>PF-BYTES</b>
   1 <a name="L2E7B"></a>;; <b>PF-BITS</b>
   1 <a name="L2E6F"></a>;; <b>PF-MEDIUM</b>
   1 <a name="L2E56"></a>;; <b>PF-LARGE</b>
   1 <a name="L2E24"></a>;; <b>PF-SMALL</b>
   1 <a name="L2E1E"></a>;; <b>PF-SAVE</b>
   1 <a name="L2E01"></a>;; <b>PF-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L2DF8"></a>;; <b>PF-POSTVE</b>
   1 <a name="L2DF2"></a>;; <b>PF-NEGTVE</b>
   1 <a name="L2DE3"></a>;; <b>PRINT-FP</b>
   1 <a name="L2DE1"></a>;; <b>FP-A-END</b>
   1 <a name="L2DD5"></a>;; <b>FP-TO-A</b>
   1 <a name="L2DC1"></a>;; <b>LOG(2^A)</b>
   1 <a name="L2DAD"></a>;; <b>FP-DELETE</b>
   1 <a name="L2DA2"></a>;; <b>FP-TO-BC</b>
   1 <a name="L2D8E"></a>;; <b>INT-STORE</b>
   1 <a name="L2D8C"></a>;; <b>p-int-sto</b>
   1 <a name="L2D7F"></a>;; <b>INT-FETCH</b>
   1 <a name="L2D7B"></a>;; <b>E-END</b>
   1 <a name="L2D71"></a>;; <b>E-TST-END</b>
   1 <a name="L2D6E"></a>;; <b>E-FETCH</b>
   1 <a name="L2D6D"></a>;; <b>E-DIVSN</b>
   1 <a name="L2D60"></a>;; <b>E-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L2D55"></a>;; <b>E-SAVE</b>
   1 <a name="L2D4F"></a>;; <b>e-to-fp</b>
   1 <a name="L2D4F"></a>;; <b>E-TO-FP</b>
   1 <a name="L2D40"></a>;; <b>NXT-DGT-2</b>
   1 <a name="L2D3B"></a>;; <b>INT-TO-FP</b>
   1 <a name="L2D2B"></a>;; <b>STACK-BC</b>
   1 <a name="L2D28"></a>;; <b>STACK-A</b>
   1 <a name="L2D22"></a>;; <b>STK-DIGIT</b>
   1 <a name="L2D1B"></a>;; <b>NUMERIC</b>
   1 <a name="L2D18"></a>;; <b>E-FP-JUMP</b>
   1 <a name="L2CFF"></a>;; <b>ST-E-PART</b>
   1 <a name="L2CFE"></a>;; <b>SIGN-DONE</b>
   1 <a name="L2CF2"></a>;; <b>SIGN-FLAG</b>
   1 <a name="L2CEB"></a>;; <b>E-FORMAT</b>
   1 <a name="L2CDA"></a>;; <b>NXT-DGT-1</b>
   1 <a name="L2CD5"></a>;; <b>DEC-STO-1</b>
   1 <a name="L2CCF"></a>;; <b>DEC-RPT-C</b>
   1 <a name="L2CCB"></a>;; <b>DECIMAL</b>
   1 <a name="L2CB8"></a>;; <b>NOT-BIN</b>
   1 <a name="L2CB3"></a>;; <b>BIN-END</b>
   1 <a name="L2CA2"></a>;; <b>BIN-DIGIT</b>
   1 <a name="L2C9B"></a>;; <b>DEC-TO-FP</b>
   1 <a name="L2C8D"></a>;; <b>ALPHA</b>
   1 <a name="L2C88"></a>;; <b>ALPHANUM</b>
   1 <a name="L2C7F"></a>;; <b>DIM-SIZES</b>
   1 <a name="L2C7C"></a>;; <b>DIM-CLEAR</b>
   1 <a name="L2C2E"></a>;; <b>D-NO-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L2C2D"></a>;; <b>D-SIZE</b>
   1 <a name="L2C1F"></a>;; <b>D-LETTER</b>
   1 <a name="L2C15"></a>;; <b>D-RUN</b>
   1 <a name="L2C05"></a>;; <b>D-RPORT-C</b>
   1 <a name="L2C02"></a>;; <b>DIM</b>
   1 <a name="L2BF1"></a>;; <b>STK-FETCH</b>
   1 <a name="L2BEA"></a>;; <b>L-FIRST</b>
   1 <a name="L2BC6"></a>;; <b>L-STRING</b>
   1 <a name="L2BC0"></a>;; <b>L-NEW$</b>
   1 <a name="L2BAF"></a>;; <b>L-ADD$</b>
   1 <a name="L2BA6"></a>;; <b>L-ENTER</b>
   1 <a name="L2BA3"></a>;; <b>L-IN-W/S</b>
   1 <a name="L2B9B"></a>;; <b>L-LENGTH</b>
   1 <a name="L2B72"></a>;; <b>L-DELETE$</b>
   1 <a name="L2B66"></a>;; <b>L-EXISTS</b>
   1 <a name="L2B59"></a>;; <b>L-NUMERIC</b>
   1 <a name="L2B4F"></a>;; <b>L-SINGLE</b>
   1 <a name="L2B3E"></a>;; <b>L-CHAR</b>
   1 <a name="L2B29"></a>;; <b>L-SPACES</b>
   1 <a name="L2B1F"></a>;; <b>L-TEST-CH</b>
   1 <a name="L2B0C"></a>;; <b>L-NO-SP</b>
   1 <a name="L2B0B"></a>;; <b>L-EACH-CH</b>
   1 <a name="L2AFF"></a>;; <b>LET</b>
   1 <a name="L2AF4"></a>;; <b>GET-HL*DE</b>
   1 <a name="L2AEE"></a>;; <b>DE,(DE+1)</b>
   1 <a name="L2AEB"></a>;; <b>I-RESTORE</b>
   1 <a name="L2AE8"></a>;; <b>I-CARRY</b>
   1 <a name="L2ACD"></a>;; <b>INT-EXP2</b>
   1 <a name="L2ACC"></a>;; <b>INT-EXP1</b>
   1 <a name="L2AB6"></a>;; <b>STK-STORE</b>
   1 <a name="L2AB2"></a>;; <b>STK-STO-$</b>
   1 <a name="L2AB1"></a>;; <b>STK-ST-0</b>
   1 <a name="L2AAD"></a>;; <b>SL-STORE</b>
   1 <a name="L2AA8"></a>;; <b>SL-OVER</b>
   1 <a name="L2A94"></a>;; <b>SL-DEFINE</b>
   1 <a name="L2A81"></a>;; <b>SL-SECOND</b>
   1 <a name="L2A7A"></a>;; <b>SL-RPT-C</b>
   1 <a name="L2A52"></a>;; <b>SLICING</b>
   1 <a name="L2A49"></a>;; <b>SV-SLICE?</b>
   1 <a name="L2A48"></a>;; <b>SV-DIM</b>
   1 <a name="L2A45"></a>;; <b>SV-SLICE</b>
   1 <a name="L2A2C"></a>;; <b>SV-ELEM$</b>
   1 <a name="L2A22"></a>;; <b>SV-NUMBER</b>
   1 <a name="L2A20"></a>;; <b>REPORT-3</b>
   1 <a name="L2A12"></a>;; <b>SV-RPT-C</b>
   1 <a name="L29FB"></a>;; <b>SV-MULT</b>
   1 <a name="L29EA"></a>;; <b>SV-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L29E7"></a>;; <b>SV-COUNT</b>
   1 <a name="L29E0"></a>;; <b>SV-CH-ADD</b>
   1 <a name="L29D8"></a>;; <b>SV-CLOSE</b>
   1 <a name="L29C3"></a>;; <b>SV-COMMA</b>
   1 <a name="L29C0"></a>;; <b>SV-PTR</b>
   1 <a name="L29AE"></a>;; <b>SV-ARRAYS</b>
   1 <a name="L29A1"></a>;; <b>SV-SIMPLE$</b>
   1 <a name="L2996"></a>;; <b>STK-VAR</b>
   1 <a name="L2991"></a>;; <b>SFA-END</b>
   1 <a name="L2981"></a>;; <b>SFA-MATCH</b>
   1 <a name="L296B"></a>;; <b>SFA-CP-VR</b>
   1 <a name="L295A"></a>;; <b>SFA-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L2951"></a>;; <b>STK-F-ARG</b>
   1 <a name="L294B"></a>;; <b>V-END</b>
   1 <a name="L2943"></a>;; <b>V-PASS</b>
   1 <a name="L293F"></a>;; <b>V-FOUND-2</b>
   1 <a name="L293E"></a>;; <b>V-FOUND-1</b>
   1 <a name="L2934"></a>;; <b>V-SYNTAX</b>
   1 <a name="L2932"></a>;; <b>V-80-BYTE</b>
   1 <a name="L292A"></a>;; <b>V-NEXT</b>
   1 <a name="L2929"></a>;; <b>V-GET-PTR</b>
   1 <a name="L2913"></a>;; <b>V-SPACES</b>
   1 <a name="L2912"></a>;; <b>V-MATCHES</b>
   1 <a name="L2900"></a>;; <b>V-EACH</b>
   1 <a name="L28FD"></a>;; <b>V-RUN</b>
   1 <a name="L28EF"></a>;; <b>V-RUN/SYN</b>
   1 <a name="L28E3"></a>;; <b>V-TEST-FN</b>
   1 <a name="L28DE"></a>;; <b>V-STR-VAR</b>
   1 <a name="L28D4"></a>;; <b>V-CHAR</b>
   1 <a name="L28B2"></a>;; <b>LOOK-VARS</b>
   1 <a name="L28AB"></a>;; <b>FN-SKPOVR</b>
   1 <a name="L288D"></a>;; <b>SF-VALUE</b>
   1 <a name="L288B"></a>;; <b>REPORT-Q</b>
   1 <a name="L2885"></a>;; <b>SF-R-BR-2</b>
   1 <a name="L2852"></a>;; <b>SF-ARG-VL</b>
   1 <a name="L2843"></a>;; <b>SF-ARG-LP</b>
   1 <a name="L2831"></a>;; <b>SF-VALUES</b>
   1 <a name="L2825"></a>;; <b>SF-NOT-FD</b>
   1 <a name="L2814"></a>;; <b>SF-CP-DEF</b>
   1 <a name="L2812"></a>;; <b>REPORT-P</b>
   1 <a name="L2808"></a>;; <b>SF-FND-DF</b>
   1 <a name="L2802"></a>;; <b>SF-ARGMT1</b>
   1 <a name="L27F7"></a>;; <b>SF-RUN</b>
   1 <a name="L27F4"></a>;; <b>SF-SYN-EN</b>
   1 <a name="L27E9"></a>;; <b>SF-FLAG-6</b>
   1 <a name="L27E6"></a>;; <b>SF-RPRT-C</b>
   1 <a name="L27E4"></a>;; <b>SF-BRKT-2</b>
   1 <a name="L27D9"></a>;; <b>SF-ARGMTS</b>
   1 <a name="L27D0"></a>;; <b>SF-BRKT-1</b>
   1 <a name="L27BD"></a>;; <b>S-FN-SBRN</b>
   1 <a name="L27B0"></a>;; <b>tbl-priors</b>
   1 <a name="L2795"></a>;; <b>tbl-of-ops</b>
   1 <a name="L2790"></a>;; <b>S-NEXT</b>
   1 <a name="L2788"></a>;; <b>S-NOT-AND</b>
   1 <a name="L2773"></a>;; <b>S-TIGHTER</b>
   1 <a name="L2770"></a>;; <b>S-LOOPEND</b>
   1 <a name="L2764"></a>;; <b>S-RUNTEST</b>
   1 <a name="L2761"></a>;; <b>S-RPORT-C2</b>
   1 <a name="L275B"></a>;; <b>S-SYNTEST</b>
   1 <a name="L274C"></a>;; <b>S-STK-LST</b>
   1 <a name="L2734"></a>;; <b>S-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L2723"></a>;; <b>S-OPERTR</b>
   1 <a name="L2713"></a>;; <b>S-CONT-3</b>
   1 <a name="L2712"></a>;; <b>S-CONT-2</b>
   1 <a name="L270D"></a>;; <b>S-PUSH-PO</b>
   1 <a name="L2707"></a>;; <b>S-NO-TO-$</b>
   1 <a name="L26DF"></a>;; <b>S-NEGATE</b>
   1 <a name="L26DD"></a>;; <b>S-CONT-1</b>
   1 <a name="L26C9"></a>;; <b>S-LETTER</b>
   1 <a name="L26C3"></a>;; <b>S-NUMERIC</b>
   1 <a name="L26B6"></a>;; <b>S-SD-SKIP</b>
   1 <a name="L26B5"></a>;; <b>S-STK-DEC</b>
   1 <a name="L268D"></a>;; <b>S-DECIMAL</b>
   1 <a name="L268D"></a>;; <b>S-BIN</b>
   1 <a name="L2684"></a>;; <b>S-ALPHNUM</b>
   1 <a name="L267B"></a>;; <b>S-POINT</b>
   1 <a name="L2672"></a>;; <b>S-ATTR</b>
   1 <a name="L2668"></a>;; <b>S-SCREEN$</b>
   1 <a name="L2665"></a>;; <b>S-INK$-EN</b>
   1 <a name="L2660"></a>;; <b>S-IK$-STK</b>
   1 <a name="L2634"></a>;; <b>S-INKEY$</b>
   1 <a name="L2630"></a>;; <b>S-PI-END</b>
   1 <a name="L2627"></a>;; <b>S-PI</b>
   1 <a name="L2625"></a>;; <b>S-RND-END</b>
   1 <a name="L25F8"></a>;; <b>S-RND</b>
   1 <a name="L25F5"></a>;; <b>S-FN</b>
   1 <a name="L25E8"></a>;; <b>S-BRACKET</b>
   1 <a name="L25DB"></a>;; <b>S-STRING</b>
   1 <a name="L25D9"></a>;; <b>S-Q-PRMS</b>
   1 <a name="L25CB"></a>;; <b>S-Q-COPY</b>
   1 <a name="L25BE"></a>;; <b>S-Q-AGAIN</b>
   1 <a name="L25B3"></a>;; <b>S-QUOTE</b>
   1 <a name="L25AF"></a>;; <b>S-U-PLUS</b>
   1 <a name="L2596"></a>;; <b>scan-func</b>
   1 <a name="L2580"></a>;; <b>S-ATTR-S</b>
   1 <a name="L257D"></a>;; <b>S-SCR-STO</b>
   1 <a name="L2573"></a>;; <b>S-SCR-NXT</b>
   1 <a name="L255D"></a>;; <b>S-SC-ROWS</b>
   1 <a name="L255A"></a>;; <b>S-SC-MTCH</b>
   1 <a name="L254F"></a>;; <b>S-SCRN-LP</b>
   1 <a name="L2535"></a>;; <b>S-SCRN$-S</b>
   1 <a name="L2530"></a>;; <b>SYNTAX-Z</b>
   1 <a name="L252D"></a>;; <b>S-RPORT-C</b>
   1 <a name="L2522"></a>;; <b>S-2-COORD</b>
   1 <a name="L250F"></a>;; <b>S-QUOTE-S</b>
   1 <a name="L24FF"></a>;; <b>S-LOOP-1</b>
   1 <a name="L24FB"></a>;; <b>SCANNING</b>
   1 <a name="L24F9"></a>;; <b>REPORT-Bc</b>
   1 <a name="L24F7"></a>;; <b>D-L-RANGE</b>
   1 <a name="L24EC"></a>;; <b>D-L-PLOT</b>
   1 <a name="L24DF"></a>;; <b>D-L-STEP</b>
   1 <a name="L24DB"></a>;; <b>D-L-HR-VT</b>
   1 <a name="L24D4"></a>;; <b>D-L-DIAG</b>
   1 <a name="L24CE"></a>;; <b>D-L-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L24CB"></a>;; <b>DL-LARGER</b>
   1 <a name="L24C4"></a>;; <b>DL-X-GE-Y</b>
   1 <a name="L24B7"></a>;; <b>DRAW-LINE</b>
   1 <a name="L2497"></a>;; <b>DRAW-SAVE</b>
   1 <a name="L2495"></a>;; <b>USE-252</b>
   1 <a name="L247D"></a>;; <b>CD-PRMS1</b>
   1 <a name="L2477"></a>;; <b>LINE-DRAW</b>
   1 <a name="L245F"></a>;; <b>ARC-END</b>
   1 <a name="L2439"></a>;; <b>ARC-START</b>
   1 <a name="L2425"></a>;; <b>ARC-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L2420"></a>;; <b>DRW-STEPS</b>
   1 <a name="L23C1"></a>;; <b>DR-PRMS</b>
   1 <a name="L23A3"></a>;; <b>DR-SIN-NZ</b>
   1 <a name="L238D"></a>;; <b>DR-3-PRMS</b>
   1 <a name="L2382"></a>;; <b>DRAW</b>
   1 <a name="L235A"></a>;; <b>C-ARC-GE1</b>
   1 <a name="L233B"></a>;; <b>C-R-GRE-1</b>
   1 <a name="L2320"></a>;; <b>CIRCLE</b>
   1 <a name="L2314"></a>;; <b>STK-TO-A</b>
   1 <a name="L2307"></a>;; <b>STK-TO-BC</b>
   1 <a name="L2303"></a>;; <b>PLOT-END</b>
   1 <a name="L22FD"></a>;; <b>PL-TST-IN</b>
   1 <a name="L22F0"></a>;; <b>PLOT-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L22E5"></a>;; <b>PLOT-SUB</b>
   1 <a name="L22DC"></a>;; <b>PLOT</b>
   1 <a name="L22D4"></a>;; <b>POINT-LP</b>
   1 <a name="L22CB"></a>;; <b>POINT-SUB</b>
   1 <a name="L22AA"></a>;; <b>PIXEL-ADD</b>
   1 <a name="L22A6"></a>;; <b>BORDER-1</b>
   1 <a name="L2294"></a>;; <b>BORDER</b>
   1 <a name="L2287"></a>;; <b>CO-TEMP-E</b>
   1 <a name="L227D"></a>;; <b>CO-TEMP-D</b>
   1 <a name="L2273"></a>;; <b>CO-TEMP-C</b>
   1 <a name="L226C"></a>;; <b>CO-CHANGE</b>
   1 <a name="L2258"></a>;; <b>CO-TEMP-B</b>
   1 <a name="L2257"></a>;; <b>CO-TEMP-A</b>
   1 <a name="L2246"></a>;; <b>CO-TEMP-9</b>
   1 <a name="L2244"></a>;; <b>REPORT-K</b>
   1 <a name="L223E"></a>;; <b>CO-TEMP-8</b>
   1 <a name="L2234"></a>;; <b>CO-TEMP-7</b>
   1 <a name="L2228"></a>;; <b>CO-TEMP-6</b>
   1 <a name="L2211"></a>;; <b>CO-TEMP-5</b>
   1 <a name="L21FC"></a>;; <b>CO-TEMP-4</b>
   1 <a name="L21F2"></a>;; <b>CO-TEMP-3</b>
   1 <a name="L21E2"></a>;; <b>CO-TEMP-2</b>
   1 <a name="L21E1"></a>;; <b>CO-TEMP-1</b>
   1 <a name="L21D6"></a>;; <b>IN-CHAN-K</b>
   1 <a name="L21D4"></a>;; <b>REPORT-H</b>
   1 <a name="L21D0"></a>;; <b>IN-STOP</b>
   1 <a name="L21CE"></a>;; <b>REPORT-Cb</b>
   1 <a name="L21B9"></a>;; <b>IN-ASSIGN</b>
   1 <a name="L21B2"></a>;; <b>IN-NEXT-2</b>
   1 <a name="L21AF"></a>;; <b>IN-NEXT-1</b>
   1 <a name="L219B"></a>;; <b>IN-VAR-6</b>
   1 <a name="L2174"></a>;; <b>IN-VAR-5</b>
   1 <a name="L2161"></a>;; <b>IN-VAR-4</b>
   1 <a name="L215E"></a>;; <b>IN-VAR-3</b>
   1 <a name="L2148"></a>;; <b>IN-VAR-2</b>
   1 <a name="L213A"></a>;; <b>IN-VAR-1</b>
   1 <a name="L2129"></a>;; <b>IN-PR-3</b>
   1 <a name="L211C"></a>;; <b>IN-PR-2</b>
   1 <a name="L211A"></a>;; <b>IN-PR-1</b>
   1 <a name="L20FA"></a>;; <b>IN-PROMPT</b>
   1 <a name="L20ED"></a>;; <b>IN-ITEM-3</b>
   1 <a name="L20D8"></a>;; <b>IN-ITEM-2</b>
   1 <a name="L20C1"></a>;; <b>IN-ITEM-1</b>
   1 <a name="L20AD"></a>;; <b>INPUT-2</b>
   1 <a name="L2096"></a>;; <b>INPUT-1</b>
   1 <a name="L2089"></a>;; <b>INPUT</b>
   1 <a name="L2070"></a>;; <b>STR-ALTER</b>
   1 <a name="L206E"></a>;; <b>PR-POSN-4</b>
   1 <a name="L2067"></a>;; <b>PR-POSN-3</b>
   1 <a name="L2061"></a>;; <b>PR-POSN-2</b>
   1 <a name="L204E"></a>;; <b>PR-POSN-1</b>
   1 <a name="L2048"></a>;; <b>PR-ST-END</b>
   1 <a name="L2045"></a>;; <b>PR-END-Z</b>
   1 <a name="L203C"></a>;; <b>PR-STRING</b>
   1 <a name="L2024"></a>;; <b>PR-ITEM-3</b>
   1 <a name="L201E"></a>;; <b>PR-AT-TAB</b>
   1 <a name="L200E"></a>;; <b>PR-ITEM-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1FFC"></a>;; <b>PR-ITEM-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1FF5"></a>;; <b>PRINT-CR</b>
   1 <a name="L1FF2"></a>;; <b>PRINT-4</b>
   1 <a name="L1FE5"></a>;; <b>PRINT-3</b>
   1 <a name="L1FDF"></a>;; <b>PRINT-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1FCF"></a>;; <b>PRINT-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1FCD"></a>;; <b>PRINT</b>
   1 <a name="L1FC9"></a>;; <b>LPRINT</b>
   1 <a name="L1FC3"></a>;; <b>UNSTACK-Z</b>
   1 <a name="L1FBD"></a>;; <b>DEF-FN-7</b>
   1 <a name="L1FA6"></a>;; <b>DEF-FN-6</b>
   1 <a name="L1F94"></a>;; <b>DEF-FN-5</b>
   1 <a name="L1F89"></a>;; <b>DEF-FN-4</b>
   1 <a name="L1F86"></a>;; <b>DEF-FN-3</b>
   1 <a name="L1F7D"></a>;; <b>DEF-FN-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1F6A"></a>;; <b>DEF-FN-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1F60"></a>;; <b>DEF-FN</b>
   1 <a name="L1F54"></a>;; <b>BREAK-KEY</b>
   1 <a name="L1F4F"></a>;; <b>PAUSE-END</b>
   1 <a name="L1F49"></a>;; <b>PAUSE-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1F3D"></a>;; <b>PAUSE-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1F3A"></a>;; <b>PAUSE</b>
   1 <a name="L1F36"></a>;; <b>REPORT-7</b>
   1 <a name="L1F23"></a>;; <b>RETURN</b>
   1 <a name="L1F1A"></a>;; <b>free-mem</b>
   1 <a name="L1F15"></a>;; <b>REPORT-4</b>
   1 <a name="L1F05"></a>;; <b>TEST-ROOM</b>
   1 <a name="L1EED"></a>;; <b>GO-SUB</b>
   1 <a name="L1EDC"></a>;; <b>CLEAR-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1EDA"></a>;; <b>REPORT-M</b>
   1 <a name="L1EB7"></a>;; <b>CLEAR-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1EAF"></a>;; <b>CLEAR-RUN</b>
   1 <a name="L1EAC"></a>;; <b>CLEAR</b>
   1 <a name="L1EA1"></a>;; <b>RUN</b>
   1 <a name="L1E9F"></a>;; <b>REPORT-Bb</b>
   1 <a name="L1E9C"></a>;; <b>FIND-I-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1E99"></a>;; <b>FIND-INT2</b>
   1 <a name="L1E94"></a>;; <b>FIND-INT1</b>
   1 <a name="L1E8E"></a>;; <b>TWO-P-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1E85"></a>;; <b>TWO-PARAM</b>
   1 <a name="L1E80"></a>;; <b>POKE</b>
   1 <a name="L1E7A"></a>;; <b>OUT</b>
   1 <a name="L1E73"></a>;; <b>GO-TO-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1E67"></a>;; <b>GO-TO</b>
   1 <a name="L1E5F"></a>;; <b>CONTINUE</b>
   1 <a name="L1E5A"></a>;; <b>RAND-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1E4F"></a>;; <b>RANDOMIZE</b>
   1 <a name="L1E45"></a>;; <b>REST-RUN</b>
   1 <a name="L1E42"></a>;; <b>RESTORE</b>
   1 <a name="L1E39"></a>;; <b>PASS-BY</b>
   1 <a name="L1E37"></a>;; <b>DATA-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1E2C"></a>;; <b>DATA-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1E27"></a>;; <b>DATA</b>
   1 <a name="L1E1E"></a>;; <b>READ-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1E0A"></a>;; <b>READ-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1E08"></a>;; <b>REPORT-E</b>
   1 <a name="L1DED"></a>;; <b>READ</b>
   1 <a name="L1DEC"></a>;; <b>READ-3</b>
   1 <a name="L1DE9"></a>;; <b>NEXT-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1DE2"></a>;; <b>NEXT-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1DDA"></a>;; <b>NEXT-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L1DD8"></a>;; <b>REPORT-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1DAB"></a>;; <b>NEXT</b>
   1 <a name="L1DA3"></a>;; <b>LOOK-P-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1D8B"></a>;; <b>LOOK-P-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1D86"></a>;; <b>LOOK-PROG</b>
   1 <a name="L1D84"></a>;; <b>REPORT-I</b>
   1 <a name="L1D7C"></a>;; <b>F-FOUND</b>
   1 <a name="L1D64"></a>;; <b>F-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L1D34"></a>;; <b>F-L-S</b>
   1 <a name="L1D16"></a>;; <b>F-REORDER</b>
   1 <a name="L1D10"></a>;; <b>F-USE-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1D03"></a>;; <b>FOR</b>
   1 <a name="L1D00"></a>;; <b>IF-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1CF0"></a>;; <b>IF</b>
   1 <a name="L1CEE"></a>;; <b>STOP</b>
   1 <a name="L1CEE"></a>;; <b>REPORT-9</b>
   1 <a name="L1CE6"></a>;; <b>USE-ZERO</b>
   1 <a name="L1CDE"></a>;; <b>FETCH-NUM</b>
   1 <a name="L1CDB"></a>;; <b>CLASS-0B</b>
   1 <a name="L1CD6"></a>;; <b>CL-09-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1CBE"></a>;; <b>CLASS-09</b>
   1 <a name="L1C96"></a>;; <b>CLASS-07</b>
   1 <a name="L1C8C"></a>;; <b>EXPT-EXP</b>
   1 <a name="L1C8C"></a>;; <b>CLASS-0A</b>
   1 <a name="L1C8A"></a>;; <b>REPORT-C</b>
   1 <a name="L1C82"></a>;; <b>EXPT-1NUM</b>
   1 <a name="L1C82"></a>;; <b>CLASS-06</b>
   1 <a name="L1C7A"></a>;; <b>EXPT-2NUM</b>
   1 <a name="L1C7A"></a>;; <b>CLASS-08</b>
   1 <a name="L1C79"></a>;; <b>NEXT-2NUM</b>
   1 <a name="L1C6C"></a>;; <b>CLASS-04</b>
   1 <a name="L1C59"></a>;; <b>VAL-FET-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1C56"></a>;; <b>VAL-FET-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1C4E"></a>;; <b>CLASS-02</b>
   1 <a name="L1C46"></a>;; <b>VAR-A-3</b>
   1 <a name="L1C30"></a>;; <b>VAR-A-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1C2E"></a>;; <b>REPORT-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1C22"></a>;; <b>VAR-A-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1C1F"></a>;; <b>CLASS-01</b>
   1 <a name="L1C11"></a>;; <b>CLASS-05</b>
   1 <a name="L1C10"></a>;; <b>CLASS-00</b>
   1 <a name="L1C0D"></a>;; <b>CLASS-03</b>
   1 <a name="L1C01"></a>;; <b>class-tbl</b>
   1 <a name="L1BF4"></a>;; <b>STMT-NEXT</b>
   1 <a name="L1BEE"></a>;; <b>CHECK-END</b>
   1 <a name="L1BEC"></a>;; <b>REPORT-N</b>
   1 <a name="L1BD1"></a>;; <b>NEXT-LINE</b>
   1 <a name="L1BBF"></a>;; <b>LINE-USE</b>
   1 <a name="L1BB3"></a>;; <b>LINE-END</b>
   1 <a name="L1BB2"></a>;; <b>REM</b>
   1 <a name="L1BB0"></a>;; <b>REPORT-0</b>
   1 <a name="L1B9E"></a>;; <b>LINE-NEW</b>
   1 <a name="L1B8A"></a>;; <b>LINE-RUN</b>
   1 <a name="L1B7D"></a>;; <b>STMT-R-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1B7B"></a>;; <b>REPORT-L</b>
   1 <a name="L1B76"></a>;; <b>STMT-RET</b>
   1 <a name="L1B6F"></a>;; <b>SEPARATOR</b>
   1 <a name="L1B55"></a>;; <b>GET-PARAM</b>
   1 <a name="L1B52"></a>;; <b>SCAN-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L1B29"></a>;; <b>STMT-L-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1B28"></a>;; <b>STMT-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L1B17"></a>;; <b>LINE-SCAN</b>
   1 <a name="L1B14"></a>;; <b>P-CAT</b>
   1 <a name="L1B10"></a>;; <b>P-ERASE</b>
   1 <a name="L1B0A"></a>;; <b>P-MOVE</b>
   1 <a name="L1B06"></a>;; <b>P-FORMAT</b>
   1 <a name="L1B02"></a>;; <b>P-CLOSE</b>
   1 <a name="L1AFC"></a>;; <b>P-OPEN</b>
   1 <a name="L1AF9"></a>;; <b>P-DEF-FN</b>
   1 <a name="L1AF5"></a>;; <b>P-BORDER</b>
   1 <a name="L1AF1"></a>;; <b>P-OUT</b>
   1 <a name="L1AF0"></a>;; <b>P-OVER</b>
   1 <a name="L1AEF"></a>;; <b>P-INVERSE</b>
   1 <a name="L1AEE"></a>;; <b>P-BRIGHT</b>
   1 <a name="L1AED"></a>;; <b>P-FLASH</b>
   1 <a name="L1AEC"></a>;; <b>P-PAPER</b>
   1 <a name="L1AEB"></a>;; <b>P-INK</b>
   1 <a name="L1AE7"></a>;; <b>P-CIRCLE</b>
   1 <a name="L1AE3"></a>;; <b>P-BEEP</b>
   1 <a name="L1AE2"></a>;; <b>P-MERGE</b>
   1 <a name="L1AE1"></a>;; <b>P-VERIFY</b>
   1 <a name="L1AE0"></a>;; <b>P-LOAD</b>
   1 <a name="L1ADF"></a>;; <b>P-SAVE</b>
   1 <a name="L1ADC"></a>;; <b>P-LLIST</b>
   1 <a name="L1AD9"></a>;; <b>P-LPRINT</b>
   1 <a name="L1AD6"></a>;; <b>P-COPY</b>
   1 <a name="L1AD2"></a>;; <b>P-DRAW</b>
   1 <a name="L1ACF"></a>;; <b>P-RESTORE</b>
   1 <a name="L1ACC"></a>;; <b>P-DATA</b>
   1 <a name="L1AC9"></a>;; <b>P-READ</b>
   1 <a name="L1AC5"></a>;; <b>P-PAUSE</b>
   1 <a name="L1AC1"></a>;; <b>P-PLOT</b>
   1 <a name="L1ABE"></a>;; <b>P-CLS</b>
   1 <a name="L1ABB"></a>;; <b>P-CLEAR</b>
   1 <a name="L1AB8"></a>;; <b>P-CONT</b>
   1 <a name="L1AB5"></a>;; <b>P-RANDOM</b>
   1 <a name="L1AB1"></a>;; <b>P-POKE</b>
   1 <a name="L1AAE"></a>;; <b>P-LIST</b>
   1 <a name="L1AAB"></a>;; <b>P-RUN</b>
   1 <a name="L1AA8"></a>;; <b>P-NEW</b>
   1 <a name="L1AA5"></a>;; <b>P-REM</b>
   1 <a name="L1AA2"></a>;; <b>P-DIM</b>
   1 <a name="L1A9F"></a>;; <b>P-INPUT</b>
   1 <a name="L1A9C"></a>;; <b>P-PRINT</b>
   1 <a name="L1A98"></a>;; <b>P-NEXT</b>
   1 <a name="L1A90"></a>;; <b>P-FOR</b>
   1 <a name="L1A8D"></a>;; <b>P-RETURN</b>
   1 <a name="L1A8A"></a>;; <b>P-STOP</b>
   1 <a name="L1A86"></a>;; <b>P-GO-SUB</b>
   1 <a name="L1A81"></a>;; <b>P-IF</b>
   1 <a name="L1A7D"></a>;; <b>P-GO-TO</b>
   1 <a name="L1A7A"></a>;; <b>P-LET</b>
   1 <a name="L1A48"></a>;; <b>offst-tbl</b>
   1 <a name="L1A42"></a>;; <b>OUT-NUM-4</b>
   1 <a name="L1A30"></a>;; <b>OUT-NUM-3</b>
   1 <a name="L1A28"></a>;; <b>OUT-NUM-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1A1B"></a>;; <b>OUT-NUM-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1A15"></a>;; <b>E-L-1</b>
   1 <a name="L19FB"></a>;; <b>E-LINE-NO</b>
   1 <a name="L19E8"></a>;; <b>RECLAIM-2</b>
   1 <a name="L19E5"></a>;; <b>RECLAIM-1</b>
   1 <a name="L19DD"></a>;; <b>DIFFER</b>
   1 <a name="L19DB"></a>;; <b>NEXT-O-5</b>
   1 <a name="L19D6"></a>;; <b>NEXT-O-4</b>
   1 <a name="L19D5"></a>;; <b>NEXT-O-3</b>
   1 <a name="L19CE"></a>;; <b>NEXT-O-2</b>
   1 <a name="L19C7"></a>;; <b>NEXT-O-1</b>
   1 <a name="L19B8"></a>;; <b>NEXT-ONE</b>
   1 <a name="L19B1"></a>;; <b>EACH-S-6</b>
   1 <a name="L19AD"></a>;; <b>EACH-S-5</b>
   1 <a name="L19A5"></a>;; <b>EACH-S-4</b>
   1 <a name="L199A"></a>;; <b>EACH-S-3</b>
   1 <a name="L1998"></a>;; <b>EACH-S-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1990"></a>;; <b>EACH-S-1</b>
   1 <a name="L198B"></a>;; <b>EACH-STMT</b>
   1 <a name="L1988"></a>;; <b>not-used</b>
   1 <a name="L1980"></a>;; <b>CP-LINES</b>
   1 <a name="L1974"></a>;; <b>LINE-AD-1</b>
   1 <a name="L196E"></a>;; <b>LINE-ADDR</b>
   1 <a name="L196C"></a>;; <b>OUT-CH-3</b>
   1 <a name="L1968"></a>;; <b>OUT-CH-2</b>
   1 <a name="L195A"></a>;; <b>OUT-CH-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1937"></a>;; <b>OUT-CHAR</b>
   1 <a name="L192B"></a>;; <b>OUT-SP-1</b>
   1 <a name="L192A"></a>;; <b>OUT-SP-NO</b>
   1 <a name="L1925"></a>;; <b>OUT-SP-2</b>
   1 <a name="L191C"></a>;; <b>LN-STORE</b>
   1 <a name="L190F"></a>;; <b>LN-FETCH</b>
   1 <a name="L1909"></a>;; <b>OUT-C-2</b>
   1 <a name="L18F3"></a>;; <b>OUT-C-1</b>
   1 <a name="L18E1"></a>;; <b>OUT-CURS</b>
   1 <a name="L18C1"></a>;; <b>OUT-FLASH</b>
   1 <a name="L18B6"></a>;; <b>NUMBER</b>
   1 <a name="L18B4"></a>;; <b>OUT-LINE6</b>
   1 <a name="L18A1"></a>;; <b>OUT-LINE5</b>
   1 <a name="L1894"></a>;; <b>OUT-LINE4</b>
   1 <a name="L1881"></a>;; <b>OUT-LINE3</b>
   1 <a name="L187D"></a>;; <b>OUT-LINE2</b>
   1 <a name="L1865"></a>;; <b>OUT-LINE1</b>
   1 <a name="L1855"></a>;; <b>OUT-LINE</b>
   1 <a name="L1835"></a>;; <b>LIST-ALL-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1833"></a>;; <b>LIST-ALL</b>
   1 <a name="L1822"></a>;; <b>LIST-5</b>
   1 <a name="L181F"></a>;; <b>LIST-4</b>
   1 <a name="L181A"></a>;; <b>LIST-3</b>
   1 <a name="L1814"></a>;; <b>LIST-2</b>
   1 <a name="L17FB"></a>;; <b>LIST-1</b>
   1 <a name="L17F9"></a>;; <b>LIST</b>
   1 <a name="L17F5"></a>;; <b>LLIST</b>
   1 <a name="L17ED"></a>;; <b>AUTO-L-4</b>
   1 <a name="L17E4"></a>;; <b>AUTO-L-3</b>
   1 <a name="L17E1"></a>;; <b>AUTO-L-2</b>
   1 <a name="L17CE"></a>;; <b>AUTO-L-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1795"></a>;; <b>AUTO-LIST</b>
   1 <a name="L1793"></a>;; <b>CAT-ETC</b>
   1 <a name="L178B"></a>;; <b>OPEN-END</b>
   1 <a name="L1789"></a>;; <b>OPEN-P</b>
   1 <a name="L1785"></a>;; <b>OPEN-S</b>
   1 <a name="L1781"></a>;; <b>OPEN-K</b>
   1 <a name="L177A"></a>;; <b>op-str-lu</b>
   1 <a name="L1767"></a>;; <b>OPEN-3</b>
   1 <a name="L1765"></a>;; <b>REPORT-Fb</b>
   1 <a name="L175D"></a>;; <b>OPEN-2</b>
   1 <a name="L1756"></a>;; <b>OPEN-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1736"></a>;; <b>OPEN</b>
   1 <a name="L1727"></a>;; <b>STR-DATA1</b>
   1 <a name="L1725"></a>;; <b>REPORT-Ob</b>
   1 <a name="L171E"></a>;; <b>STR-DATA</b>
   1 <a name="L171C"></a>;; <b>CLOSE-STR</b>                    
   1 <a name="L1716"></a>;; <b>cl-str-lu</b>
   1 <a name="L1708"></a>;; <b>ROM_TRAP</b>
   1 <a name="L1701"></a>;; <b>CLOSE-2</b>
   1 <a name="L16FC"></a>;; <b>CLOSE-1</b>
   1 <a name="L16E5"></a>;; <b>CLOSE</b>
   1 <a name="L16DC"></a>;; <b>INDEXER</b>
   1 <a name="L16DB"></a>;; <b>INDEXER-1</b>
   1 <a name="L16D4"></a>;; <b>REC-EDIT</b>
   1 <a name="L16C5"></a>;; <b>SET-STK</b>
   1 <a name="L16BF"></a>;; <b>SET-WORK</b>
   1 <a name="L16B0"></a>;; <b>SET-MIN</b>
   1 <a name="L169E"></a>;; <b>RESERVE</b>
   1 <a name="L1695"></a>;; <b>LINE-NO</b>
   1 <a name="L1691"></a>;; <b>LINE-NO-A</b>
   1 <a name="L168F"></a>;; <b>LINE-ZERO</b>
   1 <a name="L167F"></a>;; <b>PTR-DONE</b>
   1 <a name="L166B"></a>;; <b>PTR-NEXT</b>
   1 <a name="L1664"></a>;; <b>POINTERS</b>
   1 <a name="L1655"></a>;; <b>MAKE-ROOM</b>
   1 <a name="L1652"></a>;; <b>ONE-SPACE</b>
   1 <a name="L164D"></a>;; <b>CHAN-P</b>
   1 <a name="L1646"></a>;; <b>CHAN-S-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1642"></a>;; <b>CHAN-S</b>
   1 <a name="L1634"></a>;; <b>CHAN-K</b>
   1 <a name="L162D"></a>;; <b>chn-cd-lu</b>
   1 <a name="L162C"></a>;; <b>CALL-JUMP</b>
   1 <a name="L1615"></a>;; <b>CHAN-FLAG</b>
   1 <a name="L1610"></a>;; <b>CHAN-OP-1</b>
   1 <a name="L160E"></a>;; <b>REPORT-Oa</b>
   1 <a name="L1601"></a>;; <b>CHAN-OPEN</b>
   1 <a name="L15F7"></a>;; <b>CALL-SUB</b>
   1 <a name="L15F2"></a>;; <b>PRINT-A-2</b>
   1 <a name="L15EF"></a>;; <b>OUT-CODE</b>
   1 <a name="L15E6"></a>;; <b>INPUT-AD</b>
   1 <a name="L15E4"></a>;; <b>REPORT-8</b>
   1 <a name="L15DE"></a>;; <b>WAIT-KEY1</b>
   1 <a name="L15D4"></a>;; <b>WAIT-KEY</b>
   1 <a name="L15C6"></a>;; <b>init-strm</b>
   1 <a name="L15C4"></a>;; <b>REPORT-J</b>
   1 <a name="L15AF"></a>;; <b>init-chan</b>
   1 <a name="L15AB"></a>;; <b>MAIN-ADD2</b>
   1 <a name="L157D"></a>;; <b>MAIN-ADD1</b>
   1 <a name="L155D"></a>;; <b>MAIN-ADD</b>
   1 <a name="L1555"></a>;; <b>REPORT-G</b>
   1 <a name="L1539"></a>;; <b>copyright</b>
   1 <a name="L1537"></a>;; <b>comma-sp</b>   
   1 <a name="L1391"></a>;; <b>rpt-mesgs</b>
   1 <a name="L1386"></a>;; <b>MAIN-9</b>
   1 <a name="L1384"></a>;; <b>MAIN-8</b>
   1 <a name="L1376"></a>;; <b>MAIN-7</b>
   1 <a name="L1373"></a>;; <b>MAIN-6</b>
   1 <a name="L133C"></a>;; <b>MAIN-5</b>
   1 <a name="L1313"></a>;; <b>MAIN-G</b>
   1 <a name="L1303"></a>;; <b>MAIN-4</b>
   1 <a name="L12CF"></a>;; <b>MAIN-3</b>
   1 <a name="L12AC"></a>;; <b>MAIN-2</b>
   1 <a name="L12A9"></a>;; <b>MAIN-1</b>
   1 <a name="L12A2"></a>;; <b>MAIN-EXEC</b>
   1 <a name="L121C"></a>;; <b>NMI_VECT</b>
   1 <a name="L1219"></a>;; <b>RAM-SET</b>
   1 <a name="L11EF"></a>;; <b>RAM-DONE</b>
   1 <a name="L11E2"></a>;; <b>RAM-READ</b>
   1 <a name="L11DC"></a>;; <b>RAM-FILL</b>
   1 <a name="L11DA"></a>;; <b>ram-check</b>
   1 <a name="L11CB"></a>;; <b>START-NEW</b>
   1 <a name="L11B7"></a>;; <b>NEW</b>
   1 <a name="L11A7"></a>;; <b>REMOVE-FP</b>
   1 <a name="L1195"></a>;; <b>SET-DE</b>
   1 <a name="L1190"></a>;; <b>SET-HL</b>
   1 <a name="L117E"></a>;; <b>ED-C-END</b>
   1 <a name="L117C"></a>;; <b>ED-C-DONE</b>
   1 <a name="L1167"></a>;; <b>ED-FULL</b>
   1 <a name="L115E"></a>;; <b>ED-SPACES</b>
   1 <a name="L1150"></a>;; <b>ED-BLANK</b>
   1 <a name="L111D"></a>;; <b>ED-COPY</b>
   1 <a name="L111B"></a>;; <b>KEY-DONE2</b>
   1 <a name="L1113"></a>;; <b>KEY-CHAN</b>
   1 <a name="L110D"></a>;; <b>KEY-NEXT</b>
   1 <a name="L1105"></a>;; <b>KEY-DATA</b>
   1 <a name="L10FA"></a>;; <b>KEY-CONTR</b>
   1 <a name="L10F4"></a>;; <b>KEY-FLAG</b>
   1 <a name="L10E6"></a>;; <b>KEY-MODE</b>
   1 <a name="L10DB"></a>;; <b>KEY-M-CL</b>
   1 <a name="L10A8"></a>;; <b>KEY-INPUT</b>
   1 <a name="L1097"></a>;; <b>CLEAR-SP</b>
   1 <a name="L107F"></a>;; <b>ED-ERROR</b>
   1 <a name="L107C"></a>;; <b>ED-GRAPH</b>
   1 <a name="L1076"></a>;; <b>ED-SYMBOL</b>
   1 <a name="L106E"></a>;; <b>ED-LIST</b>
   1 <a name="L1059"></a>;; <b>ED-UP</b>
   1 <a name="L1051"></a>;; <b>ED-EDGE-2</b>
   1 <a name="L103E"></a>;; <b>ED-EDGE-1</b>
   1 <a name="L1031"></a>;; <b>ED-EDGE</b>
   1 <a name="L1026"></a>;; <b>ED-END</b>
   1 <a name="L1024"></a>;; <b>ED-ENTER</b>
   1 <a name="L101E"></a>;; <b>ED-IGNORE</b>
   1 <a name="L1015"></a>;; <b>ED-DELETE</b>
   1 <a name="L1011"></a>;; <b>ED-CUR</b>
   1 <a name="L100C"></a>;; <b>ED-RIGHT</b>
   1 <a name="L1007"></a>;; <b>ED-LEFT</b>
   1 <a name="L1001"></a>;; <b>ED-STOP</b>
   1 <a name="L0FF3"></a>;; <b>ED-DOWN</b>
   1 <a name="L0FA9"></a>;; <b>ED-EDIT</b>
   1 <a name="L0FA0"></a>;; <b>ed-keys-t</b>
   1 <a name="L0F92"></a>;; <b>ED-KEYS</b>
   1 <a name="L0F8B"></a>;; <b>ADD-CH-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0F81"></a>;; <b>ADD-CHAR</b>
   1 <a name="L0F6C"></a>;; <b>ED-CONTR</b>
   1 <a name="L0F38"></a>;; <b>ED-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L0F30"></a>;; <b>ED-AGAIN</b>
   1 <a name="L0F2C"></a>;; <b>EDITOR</b>
   1 <a name="L0F1E"></a>;; <b>COPY-L-5</b>
   1 <a name="L0F18"></a>;; <b>COPY-L-4</b>
   1 <a name="L0F14"></a>;; <b>COPY-L-3</b>
   1 <a name="L0F0C"></a>;; <b>COPY-L-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0F0A"></a>;; <b>REPORT-Dc</b>
   1 <a name="L0EFD"></a>;; <b>COPY-L-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0EF4"></a>;; <b>COPY-LINE</b>
   1 <a name="L0EE7"></a>;; <b>PRB-BYTES</b>
   1 <a name="L0EDF"></a>;; <b>CLEAR-PRB</b>
   1 <a name="L0EDA"></a>;; <b>COPY-END</b>
   1 <a name="L0ED3"></a>;; <b>COPY-3</b>
   1 <a name="L0ECD"></a>;; <b>COPY-BUFF</b>
   1 <a name="L0EC9"></a>;; <b>COPY-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0EB2"></a>;; <b>COPY-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0EAC"></a>;; <b>COPY</b>
   1 <a name="L0E9B"></a>;; <b>CL-ADDR</b>
   1 <a name="L0E88"></a>;; <b>CL-ATTR</b>
   1 <a name="L0E80"></a>;; <b>CL-LINE-3</b>
   1 <a name="L0E4D"></a>;; <b>CL-LINE-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0E4A"></a>;; <b>CL-LINE-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0E44"></a>;; <b>CL-LINE</b>
   1 <a name="L0E19"></a>;; <b>CL-SCR-3</b>
   1 <a name="L0E0D"></a>;; <b>CL-SCR-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0E05"></a>;; <b>CL-SCR-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0E00"></a>;; <b>CL-SCROLL</b>
   1 <a name="L0DFE"></a>;; <b>CL-SC-ALL</b>
   1 <a name="L0DF4"></a>;; <b>CL-SET-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0DEE"></a>;; <b>CL-SET-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0DD9"></a>;; <b>CL-SET</b>
   1 <a name="L0DAF"></a>;; <b>CL-ALL</b>
   1 <a name="L0DA0"></a>;; <b>CL-CHAN-A</b>
   1 <a name="L0D94"></a>;; <b>CL-CHAN</b>
   1 <a name="L0D8E"></a>;; <b>CLS-3</b>
   1 <a name="L0D89"></a>;; <b>CLS-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0D87"></a>;; <b>CLS-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0D6E"></a>;; <b>CLS-LOWER</b>
   1 <a name="L0D6B"></a>;; <b>CLS</b>
   1 <a name="L0D65"></a>;; <b>TEMPS-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0D5B"></a>;; <b>TEMPS-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0D4D"></a>;; <b>TEMPS</b>
   1 <a name="L0D2D"></a>;; <b>PO-SCR-4B</b>
   1 <a name="L0D1C"></a>;; <b>PO-SCR-4A</b>
   1 <a name="L0D02"></a>;; <b>PO-SCR-4</b>
   1 <a name="L0D00"></a>;; <b>REPORT-D</b>
   1 <a name="L0CF8"></a>;; <b>scrl-mssg</b>
   1 <a name="L0CF0"></a>;; <b>PO-SCR-3A</b>
   1 <a name="L0CD2"></a>;; <b>PO-SCR-3</b>
   1 <a name="L0C88"></a>;; <b>PO-SCR-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0C86"></a>;; <b>REPORT-5</b>
   1 <a name="L0C55"></a>;; <b>PO-SCR</b>
   1 <a name="L0C44"></a>;; <b>PO-STEP</b>
   1 <a name="L0C41"></a>;; <b>PO-SEARCH</b>
   1 <a name="L0C3B"></a>;; <b>PO-SAVE</b>
   1 <a name="L0C35"></a>;; <b>PO-TR-SP</b>
   1 <a name="L0C22"></a>;; <b>PO-EACH</b>
   1 <a name="L0C14"></a>;; <b>PO-TABLE</b>
   1 <a name="L0C10"></a>;; <b>PO-TOKENS</b>
   1 <a name="L0C0A"></a>;; <b>PO-MSG</b>
   1 <a name="L0C08"></a>;; <b>PO-ATTR-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0BFA"></a>;; <b>PO-ATTR-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0BDB"></a>;; <b>PO-ATTR</b>
   1 <a name="L0BD3"></a>;; <b>PR-ALL-6</b>
   1 <a name="L0BC1"></a>;; <b>PR-ALL-5</b>
   1 <a name="L0BB7"></a>;; <b>PR-ALL-4</b>
   1 <a name="L0BB6"></a>;; <b>PR-ALL-3</b>
   1 <a name="L0BA4"></a>;; <b>PR-ALL-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0B93"></a>;; <b>PR-ALL-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0B7F"></a>;; <b>PR-ALL</b>
   1 <a name="L0B76"></a>;; <b>PO-CHAR-3</b>
   1 <a name="L0B6A"></a>;; <b>PO-CHAR-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0B65"></a>;; <b>PO-CHAR</b>
   1 <a name="L0B5F"></a>;; <b>PO-T</b>
   1 <a name="L0B4C"></a>;; <b>PO-GR-3</b>
   1 <a name="L0B3E"></a>;; <b>PO-GR-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0B38"></a>;; <b>PO-GR-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0B24"></a>;; <b>PO-ANY</b>
   1 <a name="L0B1D"></a>;; <b>PO-F-PR</b>
   1 <a name="L0B03"></a>;; <b>PO-FETCH</b>
   1 <a name="L0AFC"></a>;; <b>PO-ST-PR</b>
   1 <a name="L0AF0"></a>;; <b>PO-ST-E</b>
   1 <a name="L0ADC"></a>;; <b>PO-STORE</b>
   1 <a name="L0AD9"></a>;; <b>PO-ABLE</b>
   1 <a name="L0AD0"></a>;; <b>PO-SPACE</b>
   1 <a name="L0AC3"></a>;; <b>PO-FILL</b>
   1 <a name="L0AC2"></a>;; <b>PO-TAB</b>
   1 <a name="L0ABF"></a>;; <b>PO-AT-SET</b>
   1 <a name="L0AAC"></a>;; <b>PO-AT-ERR</b>
   1 <a name="L0A87"></a>;; <b>PO-CONT</b>
   1 <a name="L0A80"></a>;; <b>PO-CHANGE</b>
   1 <a name="L0A7D"></a>;; <b>PO-TV-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0A7A"></a>;; <b>PO-1-OPER</b>
   1 <a name="L0A75"></a>;; <b>PO-2-OPER</b>
   1 <a name="L0A6D"></a>;; <b>PO-TV-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0A69"></a>;; <b>PO-QUEST</b>
   1 <a name="L0A5F"></a>;; <b>PO-COMMA</b>
   1 <a name="L0A4F"></a>;; <b>PO-ENTER</b>
   1 <a name="L0A3D"></a>;; <b>PO-RIGHT</b>
   1 <a name="L0A3A"></a>;; <b>PO-BACK-3</b>
   1 <a name="L0A38"></a>;; <b>PO-BACK-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0A23"></a>;; <b>PO-BACK-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0A11"></a>;; <b>ctlchrtab</b>
   1 <a name="L09F4"></a>;; <b>PRINT-OUT</b>
   1 <a name="L09A1"></a>;; <b>tape-msgs</b>
   1 <a name="L0991"></a>;; <b>SA-1-SEC</b>
   1 <a name="L0970"></a>;; <b>SA-CONTRL</b>
   1 <a name="L0958"></a>;; <b>ME-ENT-3</b>
   1 <a name="L0955"></a>;; <b>ME-ENT-2</b>
   1 <a name="L093E"></a>;; <b>ME-ENT-1</b>
   1 <a name="L092C"></a>;; <b>ME-ENTER</b>
   1 <a name="L0923"></a>;; <b>ME-VAR-L2</b>
   1 <a name="L0921"></a>;; <b>ME-VAR-L1</b>
   1 <a name="L091E"></a>;; <b>ME-OLD-V4</b>
   1 <a name="L0912"></a>;; <b>ME-OLD-V3</b>
   1 <a name="L0909"></a>;; <b>ME-OLD-V2</b>
   1 <a name="L0901"></a>;; <b>ME-OLD-V1</b>
   1 <a name="L08F9"></a>;; <b>ME-OLD-VP</b>
   1 <a name="L08F0"></a>;; <b>ME-VAR-LP</b>
   1 <a name="L08EB"></a>;; <b>ME-NEW-L2</b>
   1 <a name="L08DF"></a>;; <b>ME-OLD-L1</b>
   1 <a name="L08D7"></a>;; <b>ME-OLD-LP</b>
   1 <a name="L08D2"></a>;; <b>ME-NEW-LP</b>
   1 <a name="L08B6"></a>;; <b>ME-CONTRL</b>
   1 <a name="L08AD"></a>;; <b>LD-PROG-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0873"></a>;; <b>LD-PROG</b>
   1 <a name="L084C"></a>;; <b>LD-DATA-1</b>
   1 <a name="L082E"></a>;; <b>LD-DATA</b>
   1 <a name="L0825"></a>;; <b>LD-CONT-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0819"></a>;; <b>LD-CONT-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0808"></a>;; <b>LD-CONTRL</b>
   1 <a name="L0806"></a>;; <b>REPORT-R</b>
   1 <a name="L0802"></a>;; <b>LD-BLOCK</b>
   1 <a name="L0800"></a>;; <b>VR-CONT-3</b>
   1 <a name="L07F4"></a>;; <b>VR-CONT-2</b>
   1 <a name="L07E9"></a>;; <b>VR-CONT-1</b>
   1 <a name="L07CB"></a>;; <b>VR-CONTRL</b>
   1 <a name="L07AD"></a>;; <b>LD-CH-PR</b>
   1 <a name="L07A6"></a>;; <b>LD-NAME</b>
   1 <a name="L078A"></a>;; <b>LD-TYPE</b>
   1 <a name="L0767"></a>;; <b>LD-LOOK-H</b>
   1 <a name="L075A"></a>;; <b>SA-ALL</b>
   1 <a name="L073A"></a>;; <b>SA-TYPE-0</b>
   1 <a name="L0723"></a>;; <b>SA-LINE-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0716"></a>;; <b>SA-LINE</b>
   1 <a name="L0710"></a>;; <b>SA-TYPE-3</b>
   1 <a name="L06F9"></a>;; <b>SA-CODE-4</b>
   1 <a name="L06F5"></a>;; <b>SA-CODE-3</b>
   1 <a name="L06F0"></a>;; <b>SA-CODE-2</b>
   1 <a name="L06E1"></a>;; <b>SA-CODE-1</b>
   1 <a name="L06C3"></a>;; <b>SA-CODE</b>
   1 <a name="L06A0"></a>;; <b>SA-SCR$</b>
   1 <a name="L0692"></a>;; <b>SA-DATA-1</b>
   1 <a name="L068F"></a>;; <b>SA-V-TYPE</b>
   1 <a name="L0685"></a>;; <b>SA-V-NEW</b>
   1 <a name="L0672"></a>;; <b>SA-V-OLD</b>
   1 <a name="L0670"></a>;; <b>REPORT-2a</b>
   1 <a name="L0652"></a>;; <b>SA-DATA</b>
   1 <a name="L064B"></a>;; <b>SA-NAME</b>
   1 <a name="L0644"></a>;; <b>SA-NULL</b>
   1 <a name="L0642"></a>;; <b>REPORT-Fa</b>
   1 <a name="L0629"></a>;; <b>SA-BLANK</b>
   1 <a name="L0621"></a>;; <b>SA-SPACE</b>
   1 <a name="L0605"></a>;; <b>SAVE-ETC</b>
   1 <a name="L05ED"></a>;; <b>LD-SAMPLE</b>
   1 <a name="L05E9"></a>;; <b>LD-DELAY</b>
   1 <a name="L05E7"></a>;; <b>LD-EDGE-1</b>
   1 <a name="L05E3"></a>;; <b>LD-EDGE-2</b>
   1 <a name="L05CA"></a>;; <b>LD-8-BITS</b>
   1 <a name="L05C8"></a>;; <b>LD-MARKER</b>
   1 <a name="L05C4"></a>;; <b>LD-DEC</b>
   1 <a name="L05C2"></a>;; <b>LD-NEXT</b>
   1 <a name="L05BD"></a>;; <b>LD-VERIFY</b>
   1 <a name="L05B3"></a>;; <b>LD-FLAG</b>
   1 <a name="L05A9"></a>;; <b>LD-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L058F"></a>;; <b>LD-SYNC</b>
   1 <a name="L0580"></a>;; <b>LD-LEADER</b>
   1 <a name="L0574"></a>;; <b>LD-WAIT</b>
   1 <a name="L056C"></a>;; <b>LD-START</b>
   1 <a name="L056B"></a>;; <b>LD-BREAK</b>
   1 <a name="L0556"></a>;; <b>LD-BYTES</b>
   1 <a name="L0554"></a>;; <b>SA/LD-END</b>
   1 <a name="L0552"></a>;; <b>REPORT-Da</b>
   1 <a name="L053F"></a>;; <b>SA/LD-RET</b>
   1 <a name="L053C"></a>;; <b>SA-DELAY</b>
   1 <a name="L0525"></a>;; <b>SA-8-BITS</b>
   1 <a name="L051C"></a>;; <b>SA-OUT</b>
   1 <a name="L051A"></a>;; <b>SA-SET</b>
   1 <a name="L0514"></a>;; <b>SA-BIT-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0511"></a>;; <b>SA-BIT-2</b>
   1 <a name="L050E"></a>;; <b>SA-PARITY</b>
   1 <a name="L0507"></a>;; <b>SA-START</b>
   1 <a name="L0505"></a>;; <b>SA-LOOP-P</b>
   1 <a name="L04FE"></a>;; <b>SA-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L04F2"></a>;; <b>SA-SYNC-2</b>
   1 <a name="L04EA"></a>;; <b>SA-SYNC-1</b>
   1 <a name="L04D8"></a>;; <b>SA-LEADER</b>
   1 <a name="L04D0"></a>;; <b>SA-FLAG</b>
   1 <a name="L04C2"></a>;; <b>SA-BYTES</b>
   1 <a name="L04AA"></a>;; <b>zx81-name</b>
   1 <a name="L046E"></a>;; <b>semi-tone</b>         five byte fp         decimal freq     note (middle)
   1 <a name="L046C"></a>;; <b>REPORT-B</b>
   1 <a name="L0427"></a>;; <b>BE-OCTAVE</b>                    ; A=# semitones above 5 octaves below middle C
   1 <a name="L0425"></a>;; <b>BE-I-OK</b>                      ; here, -60&lt;=pitch&lt;=127
   1 <a name="L03F8"></a>;; <b>beep</b>
   1 <a name="L03F6"></a>;; <b>BE-END</b>
   1 <a name="L03F2"></a>;; <b>BE-AGAIN</b>                     ; halfway through cycle
   1 <a name="L03D4"></a>;; <b>BE-IX+0</b>
   1 <a name="L03D3"></a>;; <b>BE-IX+1</b>
   1 <a name="L03D2"></a>;; <b>BE-IX+2</b>
   1 <a name="L03D1"></a>;; <b>BE-IX+3</b>
   1 <a name="L03B5"></a>;; <b>BEEPER</b>
   1 <a name="L03B2"></a>;; <b>K-@-CHAR</b>
   1 <a name="L039D"></a>;; <b>K-KLC-DGT</b>
   1 <a name="L0389"></a>;; <b>K-GRA-DGT</b>
   1 <a name="L0367"></a>;; <b>K-DIGIT</b>
   1 <a name="L0364"></a>;; <b>K-TOKENS</b>
   1 <a name="L034F"></a>;; <b>K-KLC-LET</b>
   1 <a name="L034A"></a>;; <b>K-LOOK-UP</b>
   1 <a name="L0341"></a>;; <b>addit</b>
   1 <a name="L0341"></a>;; <b>K-E-LET</b>
   1 <a name="L0333"></a>;; <b>K-DECODE</b>
   1 <a name="L032C"></a>;; <b>K-MAIN</b>
   1 <a name="L031E"></a>;; <b>K-TEST</b>
   1 <a name="L0310"></a>;; <b>K-REPEAT</b>
   1 <a name="L0308"></a>;; <b>K-END</b>
   1 <a name="L02F1"></a>;; <b>K-NEW</b>
   1 <a name="L02D1"></a>;; <b>K-CH-SET</b>
   1 <a name="L02C6"></a>;; <b>K-ST-LOOP</b>
   1 <a name="L02BF"></a>;; <b>KEYBOARD</b>
   1 <a name="L02AB"></a>;; <b>KEY-DONE</b>
   1 <a name="L02A1"></a>;; <b>KEY-BITS</b>
   1 <a name="L029F"></a>;; <b>KEY-3KEYS</b>
   1 <a name="L0296"></a>;; <b>KEY-LINE</b>
   1 <a name="L028E"></a>;; <b>KEY-SCAN</b>
   1 <a name="L0284"></a>;; <b>E-DIGITS</b>
   1 <a name="L026A"></a>;; <b>SYM-CODES</b>
   1 <a name="L0260"></a>;; <b>CTL-CODES</b>
   1 <a name="L0246"></a>;; <b>EXT-SHIFT</b>
   1 <a name="L022C"></a>;; <b>E-UNSHIFT</b>
   1 <a name="L0205"></a>;; <b>MAIN-KEYS</b>
   1 <a name="L0095"></a>;; <b>TKN-TABLE</b>
   1 <a name="L0090"></a>;; <b>SKIPS</b>
   1 <a name="L007D"></a>;; <b>SKIP-OVER</b>
   1 <a name="L0078"></a>;; <b>TEMP-PTR2</b>
   1 <a name="L0077"></a>;; <b>TEMP-PTR1</b>
   1 <a name="L0074"></a>;; <b>CH-ADD+1</b>
   1 <a name="L0070"></a>;; <b>NO-RESET</b>
   1 <a name="L0066"></a>;; <b>RESET</b>
   1 <a name="L0055"></a>;; <b>ERROR-3</b>
   1 <a name="L0053"></a>;; <b>ERROR-2</b>
   1 <a name="L0048"></a>;; <b>KEY-INT</b>
   1 <a name="L0038"></a>;; <b>MASK-INT</b>
   1 <a name="L0030"></a>;; <b>BC-SPACES</b>
   1 <a name="L0028"></a>;; <b>FP-CALC</b>
   1 <a name="L0020"></a>;; <b>NEXT-CHAR</b>
   1 <a name="L001C"></a>;; <b>TEST-CHAR</b>
   1 <a name="L0018"></a>;; <b>GET-CHAR</b>
   1 <a name="L0010"></a>;; <b>PRINT-A</b>
   1 <a name="L0008"></a>;; <b>ERROR-1</b>
   1 <a name="L0000"></a>;; <b>START</b>
   1 <a name=""></a>;; <b>str-&amp;-no</b>
   1 <a name=""></a>;; <b>no-&amp;-no</b>
   1 <a name=""></a>;; <b>PO-T&amp;UDG</b>
   1 <a name=""></a>;; <b>K-8-&amp;-9</b>
   1 <a name=""></a>;; <b>BE-H&amp;L-LP</b>
   1 ;<font color=#339933> 180 deg. (pi) 0 -|----+----|-- 0  (0)   0 degrees</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>    ---------/----|    </font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>      1      y</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>      . c   b /a  |</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>        tan-      |  \ | /  |    tan+</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>        tan+      |/   |   \|    tan-</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>        sin-      |  / | \  |    sin-</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>        sin+      |\   |   /|    sin+</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>        h /y|</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>        h / |</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>        cos-      | \  |  / |    cos+</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>        cos-      | /  |  \ |    cos+</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>        1 /b|</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>        1 / |</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>         .     /1 |x</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>          B ---------------------/----------+-+--------\ C</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>            .  c/ |</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>            &lt;-         1       -&gt;&lt;-       1           -&gt;           </font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>             /----|    </font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>             .  a/2             D / a      E|-+       \             </font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>              III      -1       IV</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>              1/  |x</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>              /a  |</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>               y</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>               . /|</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>                / |</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>                .                  /        |        \              </font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>                 /|</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>                  |   \|/)  |           </font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>                  |   /|\   |</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>                   .                /       |       \               </font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>                     (3pi/2)</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>                      .              /      |      \                </font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>                       |</font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>                         .          1 /     |     \                 </font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>                            .          /    |    \                  </font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>                               .        /   |a/2\                   </font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>                                  .      /  |  \                    </font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>                                     .    / | \                     </font>
   1 ;<font color=#339933>                                         . /|\                      </font>
   1 ;** Part 9. ARITHMETIC ROUTINES **
   1 ;** Part 3. LOUDSPEAKER ROUTINES **
   1 ;** Part 2. KEYBOARD ROUTINES **
   1 ;** An Assembly File Listing to generate a 16K ROM for the ZX Spectrum **
   1 ; | BASIC   |  Display  | Attributes | ZX Printer   |    System   | 
   1 ; |  ROM    |   File    |    File    |   Buffer     |  Variables  | 
   1 ; zero, then that signifies that the stream is closed.
   1 ; write and it would use less space to include the five instructions in-line.
   1 ; within the class routine rather than holding the address within the table.
   1 ; with the value of the next line number. It gets fetched but is discarded.
   1 ; with STKEND, are updated adding BC if they are higher than the position
   1 ; with ED-LOOP as the stacked return address.
   1 ; will evaluate the full 11-character expression for all values where n is
   1 ; will crash. - Vickers, Pitman 1984.
   1 ; which may be integer of floating point and continuing into addition.
   1 ; which is, at the same time, used to skip along the corresponding FN function
   1 ; which is then reduced to range $00 - $31 and added to the base address
   1 ; which is returned in BC, setting A to $FF, if greater than a limit supplied
   1 ; which is not surprising with regard to 'K' and 'S'.
   1 ; which has an infinite tangent. e.g. PRINT TAN (PI/2)  evaluates as 1/0.
   1 ; which are not bit-mapped but detects the ASCII 32 - 127 range.
   1 ; which are never present from the keyboard.
   1 ; where the error will be cancelled and the loop begin again from ED-AGAIN
   1 ; where a list of class codes, separators and addresses relevant to the
   1 ; when variables kick in, would serve fine as a virtual end point.
   1 ; when the routine NEXT-ONE was successfully re-written to reflect this.
   1 ; when the counted loop is complete the final subtraction yields the result
   1 ; when loop complete continue.
   1 ; when a BASIC line is checked for syntax. It is this routine that
   1 ; when ENTER received rejoin other route but with no syntax check.
   1 ; we've run out of memory so give a short rasp.
   1 ; we now have start in DE and an end in HL.
   1 ; we have, say,  LIST #15, and a number must follow the separator.
   1 ; we can calculate angle b as pi/2 (both angles) minus asn(x) (angle a).
   1 ; we can also restore the next literal pointer from its position on the
   1 ; way. Statistically it just increases the chances of trailing zeros which
   1 ; was over 0
   1 ; virtual line numbers. That is the destination of a GO TO, RESTORE etc. need
   1 ; variable.
   1 ; variable number of following data bytes that convey to the routine
   1 ; variable can be detected by a call to ALPHANUM.
   1 ; value containing the stream identifier. They have to swapped.
   1 ; using a look-up table.
   1 ; using SCANNING. The final call with the syntax flag reset is to make
   1 ; uses acs(x) = pi/2 - asn(x)
   1 ; used to print an unassigned control character in range 0-31d.
   1 ; used during input, to clear editing area if no program exists
   1 ; used 9 times
   1 ; used 4 times.
   1 ; used 3 times.
   1 ; used 19 times
   1 ; used 11 times
   1 ; use the full range available.
   1 ; use the floating point routines from assembly language may wish to
   1 ; upwards so that -3.4 gives -3 whereas the BASIC INT function has to
   1 ; upwards or the GO SUB stack downwards.
   1 ; update X_PTR to the location reached by CH_ADD and jump to ED-ERROR
   1 ; unless the nibble is zero as the buffer is already zero.
   1 ; truncate negative numbers down so that INT -3.4 is -4.
   1 ; transient state is also now transferred permanently to bit 3 of FLAGS
   1 ; to their minimum configurations as at initialization and indeed this
   1 ; to the temporary ones.
   1 ; to the second byte of the channel.
   1 ; to the loudspeaker.
   1 ; to the ZX Printer. These text lines are mapped linearly so HL does
   1 ; to that used for semi-tone table values.
   1 ; to test if BREAK (SHIFT - SPACE) is being pressed.
   1 ; to move up one line scrolling if necessary.
   1 ; to mix stream altering commands and colour items.
   1 ; to manipulate H to form the correct colour attribute address.
   1 ; to let the interrupt routine know how to decode the next key.
   1 ; to fetch two numbers by the addition, multiply and division routines.
   1 ; to fetch the next line number.
   1 ; to evaluate the parameters of both commands.
   1 ; to denote that the contained expression is to be evaluated as an entity.
   1 ; to delete these second characters.
   1 ; to close the associated streams so a mechanism is provided to
   1 ; to be tested.
   1 ; through the motions of checking dummy dimension sizes.
   1 ; through an angle of PI radians (180 degrees).
   1 ; three parts: a coarse part (H register), a medium part
   1 ; three instructions.
   1 ; three digits of a 4-digit BASIC line printing a space if necessary.
   1 ; this subroutine is called from two processes. while outputting BASIC lines
   1 ; this subroutine is called from above
   1 ; this should occur now. This omission leaves the stack unbalanced and while
   1 ; this routine stores an integer in DE at address HL.
   1 ; this routine is called with carry set and exits at a conditional return.
   1 ; this routine is called once
   1 ; this routine is called from chr$, scrn$ etc. to store a simple string result.
   1 ; this routine collects a floating point number from the stack into the
   1 ; this routine also sets flags.
   1 ; this route is taken when checking syntax.
   1 ; this point when the new variable types were allocated their masks and also
   1 ; this must be a direct command.
   1 ; this is the re-entry looping point when handling a string of literals.
   1 ; this is the branch used to add normal non-control characters
   1 ; this entry point is used from RUN command with BC holding zero
   1 ; this entry point is called from ED-COPY
   1 ; this branch is for line numbers.
   1 ; this branch is also taken from ed-down.
   1 ; this 'command' is ignored in runtime but has its syntax checked
   1 ; they are not necessary.
   1 ; these in turn are written using further strings of calculator literals so
   1 ; these are meaningless it is of no concern as the limit is never checked by
   1 ; therefore require surrounding braces.
   1 ; thereby ending the recursion producing the correct result.
   1 ; thereafter.
   1 ; there are a surprising number yet to be assigned.
   1 ; then when the other Spectrum has said PRINT #15; x, y
   1 ; then this value 'E' or 'G' will take precedence.
   1 ; then the table requires no zero end-marker. If this is not known at the
   1 ; the value of variable is deleted but remains after calculator stack.
   1 ; the value of MODE, maintained by KEY-INPUT, is tested and if non-zero
   1 ; the two values v,l are on the calculator stack.
   1 ; the two screens overlap so adjust upper screen.
   1 ; the true condition - first is longer than second (SECND-LESS)
   1 ; the three types of numeric variables rejoin here
   1 ; the tangent of angle x is the ratio of the length of the opposite side 
   1 ; the tangent can be defined in terms of the previous two functions.
   1 ; the system variables but apart from that it is a simple task
   1 ; the system variable MEM addresses the variable's contents which, in the
   1 ; the start of the buffer and the line number to 0 (B)
   1 ; the square root by stacking the value .5 and continuing into the 'to-power'
   1 ; the six types to be distinguished. Bits 4-0 are the reduced letter.
   1 ; the second location. 
   1 ; the same function, either directly or indirectly ( through another function).
   1 ; the running flag A, which may be $00 or $FF from a previous invocation.
   1 ; the result is positive. This only applies when the signs don't match.
   1 ; the program 'end-marker' then the previous line is used and if that
   1 ; the previous pointer is fetched from the machine stack to H'L' where it
   1 ; the position store routine
   1 ; the path for non-zero digits rejoins here.
   1 ; the others in print_items.
   1 ; the operator character. The thirteen calculator operations $03 - $0F
   1 ; the operation code has bit 7 set if result is numeric and bit 6 is
   1 ; the only thing now is to consider if a slice is required.
   1 ; the only limit to dimensions is memory so, for example,
   1 ; the offset therein, gives the location in the following parameter table
   1 ; the numbers in the series
   1 ; the number of digits before the decimal point.
   1 ; the number marker also appears after the arguments of a DEF FN statement
   1 ; the number PI 3.14159...
   1 ; the next statement of a direct command is to be considered.
   1 ; the next 2 bits denote in which third of the screen the byte is.
   1 ; the new less significant digit is multiplied by an increasingly smaller
   1 ; the lower screen was not cleared, at the outset, so if deleting then old
   1 ; the low byte is derived from both X and Y.
   1 ; the loop to continue till all subscripts are checked. While doing this it
   1 ; the loop branched to here with no carry
   1 ; the line number and later the statement number held in BC.
   1 ; the letters matched but one was string and the other numeric.
   1 ; the letters match so test the type.
   1 ; the lengths decreased and the branch taken back to here. If both string 
   1 ; the last priority was greater or equal this one.
   1 ; the last 3 bits denote in which of the 8 scan lines within a third
   1 ; the keyboard. Others like the upper screen 'S' are output
   1 ; the keyboard. A channel can have an input and output route
   1 ; the jump was to here with INPUT LINE only
   1 ; the jump was to here when using INPUT LINE.
   1 ; the jump was to here when ALPHA found more items while looking for
   1 ; the jump was to here if the variable already existed.
   1 ; the jump was to here if S_TOP was greater than E_PPC
   1 ; the jump was here with all other matches HL points to first var char.
   1 ; the jump was here with a new string variable.
   1 ; the jump was here when a long name matched and HL pointing to last character
   1 ; the jump was here if no match and more bitmaps to test.
   1 ; the juggling act
   1 ; the inverse tangent function with the result in radians.
   1 ; the inverse cosine function with the result in radians.
   1 ; the integer or floating point form as succinctly as is possible.
   1 ; the high byte is derived from Y only.
   1 ; the first 3 bits are always 010
   1 ; the false condition.
   1 ; the exit point from line printing continues here.
   1 ; the error path rejoins here.
   1 ; the end of a statement should have been reached and all preceding
   1 ; the division. Had it been done first then either present code or that used
   1 ; the dimension counting loop which is entered at mid-point.
   1 ; the data entry itself contains an offset from CHANS to the address of the
   1 ; the current line number and current statement + 1
   1 ; the correct value for the attribute file and it is only necessary
   1 ; the control and two following characters are ignored and processing
   1 ; the continuation here is for the next variable unless the supplied
   1 ; the calculator stack. The presence of the 'THEN' separator has also been
   1 ; the calculator stack. It can't be popped off.
   1 ; the calculator stack.
   1 ; the calculate routine is called at this point by the series generator...
   1 ; the byte is located. There are 24 discrete values.
   1 ; the branch was to here if higher than space.
   1 ; the branch was here with string and numeric arrays in runtime.
   1 ; the branch was here with simple literals.
   1 ; the branch was here with quadrants II (0 to 1) and III (1 to 0).
   1 ; the branch was here with matching letter and numeric/string type.
   1 ; the branch was here with just LIST #3 etc.
   1 ; the branch was here with flash and bright
   1 ; the branch was here with an array of strings.
   1 ; the branch was here with a match
   1 ; the branch was here with a large positive integer &gt; 65535 e.g. 123456789
   1 ; the branch was here with LIST
   1 ; the branch was here with INK/PAPER and carry set for INK.
   1 ; the branch was here when checking syntax
   1 ; the branch was here when all arguments passed.
   1 ; the branch was here when a stacked priority/operator had higher priority
   1 ; the branch was here when 2nd string not null and low byte of first is yet
   1 ; the branch was here when 'int x' was found to be zero as in say 0.5.
   1 ; the branch was here to handle bits in DE with 8 or 16 in B  if small int
   1 ; the branch was here if syntax has passed test.
   1 ; the branch was here if checking syntax only. 
   1 ; the branch was here from L-DELETE$ if an existing simple string.
   1 ; the branch was here for string subscripts when the number of subscripts
   1 ; the branch was here for E-format printing e.g. 123456789 =&gt; 1.2345679e+8
   1 ; the branch is to here in runtime after a successful operation.
   1 ; the assignment.
   1 ; the argument to the sine and cosine functions.
   1 ; the accumulator holds the exponent.
   1 ; the OPEN-P routine would have refused to attach a stream if another
   1 ; the KEYS table for chr$ 6 which also pointed here.
   1 ; the CHANS area to the second byte of the stream's channel. If BC holds
   1 ; the BASIC line when it is fetched to the edit buffer by OUT_LINE.
   1 ; the B register, which counts dimensions is set to zero (256) to allow
   1 ; the B register and the operation code, calculator literal in the C register.
   1 ; the 'USR' function is special in that it is overloaded to give two types
   1 ; that to implement it in-line would make the code hard to follow.
   1 ; that only leaves 0-5, the flash bright inverse switches.
   1 ; that is '+', '=', '&gt;', '&lt;', '&lt;=', '&gt;=' or '&lt;&gt;'.
   1 ; that incorporates a memory check.
   1 ; that causes no problems with a simple PRINT statement, it will if str$ is
   1 ; that calls this one will also stack any of its string results so this
   1 ; than the current one.
   1 ; text from a previous print may follow this line and requires blanking.
   1 ; tabstops.  The routine is only reached via the control character table.
   1 ; table $C3 - $CF to obtain the priority for the respective operation.
   1 ; system variables.
   1 ; system is remarkably robust.
   1 ; syntax of both string and numeric arrays definitions except that bit 6 of C
   1 ; syntax is in order.
   1 ; superfluous.
   1 ; success.
   1 ; subtracting angle x from pi/2.
   1 ; subsequent RST $10 instructions take the appropriate action
   1 ; strs-neql  x$&lt;&gt;y$ 13 00001011 dec 00001010 00000101  ---- x$y$ 0  !or &gt;0? NOT
   1 ; strs-eql   x$=y$  16 00001110  -  00001110 00000111  ---- x$y$ 0  !or &gt;0? ---
   1 ; strings or a 3-dimensional array of characters.
   1 ; strings and arrays rejoin here
   1 ; stream which is passed on the calculator stack. It returns with HL
   1 ; stream was attached.
   1 ; str-less   x$&lt;y$  15 00001101  -  00001101 10000110c swap y$x$ 0  !or &gt;0? ---
   1 ; str-l-eql  x$&lt;=y$ 11 00001001 dec 00001000 00000100  ---- x$y$ 0  !or &gt;0? NOT
   1 ; str-grtr   x$&gt;y$  14 00001100  -  00001100 00000110  ---- x$y$ 0  !or &gt;0? ---
   1 ; str-gr-eql x$&gt;=y$ 12 00001010 dec 00001001 10000100c swap y$x$ 0  !or &gt;0? NOT
   1 ; store any integer as positive.
   1 ; statements at the same time. Syntax of both has been checked previously
   1 ; statement number which limits the length of the message text to twenty 
   1 ; start of the next routine to calculate the length to reclaim.
   1 ; start of loop.
   1 ; stack to the BC register.
   1 ; stack that is not a regular constant this routine is called with a
   1 ; space(out_char), 2(out_code), 0(out_char) final number always out-code.
   1 ; something bigger. In any case it would have to be created after
   1 ; slice being accepted as part of the DIM command.
   1 ; skipping spaces and colour control codes. It is similar to NEXT-CHAR
   1 ; single operation jumps back to here
   1 ; single offset byte to the routine that services that code.
   1 ; single character numerics rejoin here with %00000000 in mask.
   1 ; since there is no leading zero put one on the calculator stack.
   1 ; simplistic approach to all other functions and assume that they have
   1 ; simpler as both colour controls and their parameters are less than space.
   1 ; sign depending on the quadrant rules. 
   1 ; should also be unacceptable then zero is used as it must be a direct
   1 ; set if operand is numeric. so
   1 ; set if 'THEN' or ':' was encountered as a main character and reset otherwise.
   1 ; second character. Strings 'RB', 'RT' perhaps or a drive/station number.
   1 ; scrolling is required, prompting the user if necessary.
   1 ; says that invalid values will be trapped.
   1 ; runtime, by LOOK-VARS in the variables area.
   1 ; runtime numeric arrays path rejoins here.
   1 ; runtime evaluation.
   1 ; routines to stack a number expressed in exponent format.
   1 ; routine. With more space available the much faster Newton-Raphson method
   1 ; routine to set flags for upper screen channel.
   1 ; routine to set flags for lower screen/keyboard channel.
   1 ; routine could have been relied on to perform that task.
   1 ; right-angled triangles. Triangles have some special properties -
   1 ; returning with carry set if so.
   1 ; returning with carry reset if so.
   1 ; return here in runtime.
   1 ; reset the system channel input and output addresses to normal.
   1 ; reset MEM to its usual place in the systems variable area should it
   1 ; resembling that of the desired sine value.
   1 ; requires checking.
   1 ; required. On entry the A register holds the literal ANDed with 1F.
   1 ; required for these are allocated. Spectrum programmers who wish to
   1 ; reprinted. If no error then the re-iteration is to ED-LOOP below when
   1 ; representing a power of two, x is multiplied or divided by the
   1 ; remainders become null at the same time, then an exact match exists.
   1 ; registers HL and DE only point to somewhere meaningful in runtime so 
   1 ; register HL addresses start of string in variables area.
   1 ; reduced argument from the value 1 (a reduced right-angle).
   1 ; ready to be added.
   1 ; re-attach them. When the re-attachment is no longer required, then
   1 ; range checking will be performed. 
   1 ; radians.
   1 ; quadrant III ranges -2 to -1.
   1 ; quadrant II ranges +1 to +2.
   1 ; quadrant I (0 to +1) and quadrant IV (-1 to 0) are now correct.
   1 ; purposes.
   1 ; provided by the user and not the operating system.
   1 ; provide for flexibility in this respect.
   1 ; program.
   1 ; program area, variables area, workspace etc..
   1 ; producing an error if either is out of range.
   1 ; proceed with multi-dimensioned string arrays in runtime.
   1 ; proceed with a negative result.
   1 ; proceed when the sync at the end of the lead-in is found.
   1 ; proceed when terminating quote encountered.
   1 ; proceed to check string arrays during syntax.
   1 ; proceed if syntax passed.
   1 ; proceed if checking syntax of an array?
   1 ; print to printer or update the relevant system variables.
   1 ; print items. An early return can be made from within the loop
   1 ; print item e.g. PRINT PAPER 6; "Hi". In the latter case, the looping for
   1 ; previous line or edit line.
   1 ; preserve the original value of DEFADD and not assume that it is zero.
   1 ; precise 'No Room for line' report.
   1 ; possible.
   1 ; position at line C, column B. It is unable to detect the mosaic characters
   1 ; position at each jump in DE. Once it arrives at the cursor then the next
   1 ; points to the stack location holding address ED_ERROR.
   1 ; points to STKEND.
   1 ; pointing to this system variable and BC holding a displacement from
   1 ; pointing to the 'ninth' line and H needs to be decremented before or after
   1 ; point to the location before the supplied line number or first line
   1 ; placed near the start of the program as we shall see.
   1 ; performs another very important function also.
   1 ; parameters, it is entered at the second entry point so as not to disturb
   1 ; over a page boundary.
   1 ; outset then a zero end-marker is required and carry is set to signal
   1 ; otherwise the cumbersome 4 instructions in the middle could be replaced by
   1 ; otherwise as follows.
   1 ; other than from above, this routine is called from STK-VAR to stack
   1 ; or the input buffer to the lower screen so a direct call to $09F4 can
   1 ; or the column for printer.
   1 ; or screen, copying a BASIC line to the edit buffer and printing the
   1 ; or parsing, of each statement.
   1 ; or memory addresses and also array subscripts and tab arguments.
   1 ; or from above.
   1 ; or a continuation from above if dealing with a new sequential line.
   1 ; or 'P', which are all that are supported by this ROM, but if that last
   1 ; only and the input routine usually points to a report message.
   1 ; one argument.
   1 ; on the permutations possible.
   1 ; on the calculator stack.
   1 ; on the calculator stack multiplying the previous value by ten each time
   1 ; on entry there is a value x on the calculator stack and an exponent of ten
   1 ; off the stack breaking out of the above seemingly endless loop.
   1 ; of which indicate the type of variable.
   1 ; of this table to give the address of an offset which, when added to
   1 ; of the strings. For each successful match, the pointers are incremented and 
   1 ; of the start of a screen character line which is supplied in B.
   1 ; of the computer. However the stream can be altered in range 0 - 15.
   1 ; of the DEF FN statement. Each of the arguments of the FN function is
   1 ; of result.
   1 ; of replacing it and the manual became unfeasible.
   1 ; of length zero or 1.
   1 ; of breaking out of such recursion.
   1 ; of a tight loop that considers sequences of positional and print items
   1 ; of PR_CC_hi.
   1 ; numeric in operator look up they must be changed to string equivalents.
   1 ; numbers. It returns 10*A +C in registers C and A
   1 ; numbers up. It also handles BIN format numbers.
   1 ; numbers in full, five byte form and stack them in a similar manner
   1 ; number supplied in HL, or failing that the address of the following line
   1 ; null string as the final addend.
   1 ; now use the calculator to perform the single operation - operand is on
   1 ; now test if found variable is a simple variable uninitialized by a FOR.
   1 ; now produce prompt.
   1 ; now multiply exponent by log to the base 10 of two.
   1 ; now enter a loop?
   1 ; now enter a loop.
   1 ; now enter a loop to parse each of the integers in the list.
   1 ; now enter a loop to handle each pixel line.
   1 ; now enter a loop
   1 ; now delete int x from calculator stack and fetch fractional part.
   1 ; now delete but leave HL pointing at integer
   1 ; now deal with long-named variables
   1 ; now deal with colour controls - 16-23 ink, 24-31 paper
   1 ; now consider first character which has bit 6 set
   1 ; now consider digits of exponent.
   1 ; now consider P-FLAG.
   1 ; now check that there were no more subscripts in the BASIC line.
   1 ; now calculate space required for array variable
   1 ; now balance the calculator stack by deleting  it
   1 ; now backtrack CH_ADD to set up for slicing routine.
   1 ; now as in print +2. This should not be confused with the operator '+'.
   1 ; note if used from str$ then other values may be on the calculator stack.
   1 ; not used in this ROM.
   1 ; not possible to specify an end line.
   1 ; not position the cursor between control codes and their parameters.
   1 ; not need to be adjusted at the end of each line.
   1 ; not exist. It could be a point before or after an actual line number.
   1 ; not documented properly
   1 ; nos-neql   x&lt;&gt;y   0B 00000011 dec 00000010 00000001  ---- x-y  ?  NOT --- NOT
   1 ; nos-eql    x=y    0E 00000110  -  00000110 00000011  ---- x-y  ?  NOT --- ---
   1 ; normal place after the program. Preference will be given to the former.
   1 ; normal channels.
   1 ; normal 'Out of Memory' report to be augmented to the more
   1 ; no-less    x&lt;y    0D 00000101  -  00000101 10000010c swap y-x  ?  --- &gt;0? ---
   1 ; no-l-eql   x&lt;=y   09 00000001 dec 00000000 00000000  ---- x-y  ?  --- &gt;0? NOT
   1 ; no-grtr    x&gt;y    0C 00000100  -  00000100 00000010  ---- x-y  ?  --- &gt;0? ---
   1 ; no-gr-eql  x&gt;=y   0A 00000010 dec 00000001 10000000c swap y-x  ?  --- &gt;0? NOT
   1 ; no loop is possible so execution continues after the matching 'NEXT'
   1 ; must enable them to pass the next step. We also jumped to here if the
   1 ; must be zero itself
   1 ; must be a string array or a slice in workspace.
   1 ; multiple items is within the PR-ITEM routine.
   1 ; mult, re-stack and negate to fetch an integer from address HL.
   1 ; much of the arithmetic found in BASIC lines can be done using numbers
   1 ; more complex to start a remarkable juggling act.
   1 ; moment. They will be used every time the corresponding function is
   1 ; mode and moves it to the right.
   1 ; message number held in A. DE holds the address of the table.
   1 ; marker '?' or from the next routine to print a flashing cursor e.g. 'L'.
   1 ; machine stack.
   1 ; machine code routines cannot be written in the first 16K of RAM as
   1 ; locations following the location addressed by DE.
   1 ; located where these and other sequential command addresses are not split
   1 ; literal to perform an integer multiplication in preference to
   1 ; literal    Test   No  sub 8       ExOrNot  1st RRCA  exch sub  ?   End-Tests
   1 ; line number was erroneously over 16383. see RESTORE command.
   1 ; line number pointed to by HL.
   1 ; line number and statement to the equivalent "NEW VALUE" system variables
   1 ; limit value and also for the intervening separator.
   1 ; legitimate leftmost position is in DE.
   1 ; leaving the naked parameter (0-7) which appears as a '?' except in the
   1 ; leaving long name variables.
   1 ; leads to a double storing of the result in this case.
   1 ; latter two cases that it has any relevance and in the last case it
   1 ; latter case, have had the step, possibly negative, added to the value.
   1 ; last value to form a new last value.
   1 ; keyboard was not being used.
   1 ; keyboard input is assigned. On the first occasion syntax is checked
   1 ; just a colourful novelty. One remarkable feature is that in all previous
   1 ; jumping one, two, or three characters as necessary saving the original
   1 ; iteration and from the NEXT command to test for all subsequent iterations.
   1 ; items separated by a newline '.
   1 ; it was a string. White-space may be present but syntax has been checked.
   1 ; it was $10 - $15  so step over a colour code.
   1 ; it seems unusual to store the low byte first but it is just as easy either
   1 ; it now remains to update the STRMS variable.
   1 ; it is shared with the ULA which has precedence over the Z80 chip.
   1 ; it is invoked.  The machine stack is below the GOSUB stack.  Both grow 
   1 ; it is either ink 9 or paper 9 (contrasting)
   1 ; it is binary so adjust pointers.
   1 ; it is also the OUTPUT service routine for system channel 'R'.
   1 ; is used to restore the twos complement number to normal in DE and a sign
   1 ; is used and rectified using the test result stored in mem-0 by 'get-argt'
   1 ; is that it can be called indiscriminately when merging a line or a
   1 ; is tested before being set to the implied state. Negative numbers are twos
   1 ; is reset so both are checked as numeric arrays. This ruse avoids a terminal
   1 ; is reading dimension sizes from some arbitrary area of memory. Although
   1 ; is rather simple e.g. MOVE "M1","M2"
   1 ; is not required and H is set to $FF. When checking optional string slice
   1 ; is not available from within the calculator.
   1 ; is made to produce an error report here.
   1 ; is in use.
   1 ; is an advantage elsewhere in saving ROM code.
   1 ; is a dummy entry. The last, which begins with $7F, the Spectrum
   1 ; invalid colour or position control code has left the output routine addressing
   1 ; into the correct position to leave the other 7 pixels unaffected.
   1 ; into common code.
   1 ; int-exp during syntax checking.
   1 ; instruction to save a few clock-cycles.
   1 ; instruction could be replaced with a JR instruction, this applies to the
   1 ; instead of the expected result "20.5".
   1 ; instead of $3F. This leads to commands with operands greater than 32767
   1 ; instance, appears to move to the left.
   1 ; inserts, during syntax checking, the invisible floating point numbers
   1 ; input-ad rejoins here also.
   1 ; input workspace is required to be printed to the lower screen.
   1 ; input is arriving from the keyboard.
   1 ; input buffer or edit buffer to the lower screen. It is only in the
   1 ; input #15; i ; j  would treat the comma control as a newline and the
   1 ; ink 10 etc. is not allowed.
   1 ; inclusion of the line in the BASIC program area.
   1 ; in workspace by ADD-CHAR. 
   1 ; in variables area.
   1 ; in this form using the Z80's 16 bit register operation ADD.
   1 ; in the program area or the next variable in the variables area.
   1 ; in the program area before searching in the normal variables area.
   1 ; in the current statement.
   1 ; in the LINE-ADDR routine as it will pass the program/variables end-marker
   1 ; in the BC register or zero if no digits exist before commands.
   1 ; in the BASIC line was one less than in variable definition.
   1 ; in runtime the variable definition indicates a comma should appear here
   1 ; in run-time. It is also called once from PRINT-POSN.
   1 ; in line with the desired sine value and afterwards it can launch straight
   1 ; in fact since 'tab' and 'at' cannot be entered the next section seems
   1 ; in all situations - see shortly.
   1 ; in a very similar manner to GO TO but
   1 ; in X_PTR while CH_ADD is used to read the second list.
   1 ; in HL. It is used to check array subscripts, parameters of a string slice
   1 ; in HL.  
   1 ; in A.    The required value is x + 10 ^ A
   1 ; if, as seems possible, they existed.
   1 ; if we pass to next then there are no system errors
   1 ; if variables exist, then the first character of any variable name.
   1 ; if using another input channel rejoin here.
   1 ; if this is lower priority yet has string then must be a comparison.
   1 ; if the end of a print sequence is reached.
   1 ; if original number was say .999 then this integer component is zero. 
   1 ; if nine digits complete then the last one is rounded up as the number will
   1 ; if neither, then an expression is required so rejoin runtime loop ??
   1 ; if it is known that the character is in the table e.g. for priorities,
   1 ; if it is a system channel then it can re-attached.
   1 ; if entering here then all class routines are entered with zero reset.
   1 ; if checking syntax the letter is not returned
   1 ; if another character was found then raise an error.
   1 ; if B counts down to zero then we've rounded right back as in 999999995.
   1 ; however since the leftmost bit of the mantissa is always set then it can
   1 ; how long the computer has been switched on.
   1 ; holds a subtraction value -1000, -100 or -10.
   1 ; held in short form in a table of constants. In fact only 5 constants are
   1 ; held in C, returning the address of the following offset byte.
   1 ; have bits 6 and 7 set to signify a numeric result.
   1 ; have been relocated to a FOR-NEXT variable. The main entry point
   1 ; handler and an input stream set up to supply characters.
   1 ; h$(16) indicates the single character at position 16.
   1 ; greater than zero but just the 11th character, "0", when n drops to zero
   1 ; giving an 'Out of Screen' error.
   1 ; functions that can have more than one argument and therefore require
   1 ; functions e.g. TAN are written using other functions and literals and
   1 ; functions SCREEN$, ATTR and POINT that have two fixed parameters and
   1 ; from the keyboard. If inputting from a tape device or network then
   1 ; from the CLASS routines.
   1 ; from computation
   1 ; from OUT-LINE - HL addresses line number.
   1 ; from LIST-ALL to output the line to current channel
   1 ; free location after dynamic memory must be the last encountered.
   1 ; four operators and eight functions. e.g. $A8 is the token 'FN'.
   1 ; four bytes of code, but a call instruction only uses 3 bytes of code.
   1 ; found could be in the argument list to the left of the '=' or in the
   1 ; forward to the next statement in runtime.
   1 ; for which to wait. PAUSE 50 pauses for about a second.
   1 ; for the print flag the permanent values are odd bits, temporary even bits.
   1 ; for the other 4 cases the two values on the calculator stack are exchanged.
   1 ; for that purpose.
   1 ; for positive numbers. The truncate literal truncates negative numbers
   1 ; for integer numbers an entire byte denotes the sign.
   1 ; for floating point numbers a single bit denotes the sign.
   1 ; for example SIN X.
   1 ; follow the AT ( in PRINT AT, INPUT AT).
   1 ; flag setting routines below it.
   1 ; first make exponent +1 +16d  (bit 7 of the exponent is set if positive)
   1 ; first convert a one-byte signed integer to its five byte form.
   1 ; finally form the pixel position in A.
   1 ; few extra bytes of code. As usual, anything to do with CHARS is weird.
   1 ; factor (1/100, 1/1000, 1/10000 ... ) before being added to the previous
   1 ; expressions. These cannot occur in a program area so this routine is
   1 ; expressions before a terminal ')', although, as above, it will still go
   1 ; expression to the right of the DEF FN '=' is evaluated by SCANNING and for
   1 ; expression or by a recursive call to SCANNING for the first character of
   1 ; expression of the same type can be substituted ad infinitum.
   1 ; expression may not be used when a number is expected.
   1 ; exponent is picked up in A and the location made zero. Then the sign bit
   1 ; exceptions are val, val$ and str$.
   1 ; except the latter has to deal with AT and TAB characters in string
   1 ; exact match and x$&gt;y$ rejoin here
   1 ; even if you are still saving up for a ZX Printer or have moved onto
   1 ; evaluated in runtime.
   1 ; evaluated by SCANNING and placed in the hidden locations. Then the
   1 ; error report 'Statement Lost' is given instead of 'OK'.
   1 ; entry in the table.
   1 ; entry for chr$ 6 with offset to ed-symbol.
   1 ; end of functions accessed from scanning functions table.
   1 ; end of dynamic memory to an adequate area within the system variables area.
   1 ; else there has been 8-bit overflow
   1 ; else the angle lies in quadrant I or IV and value Y is already correct.
   1 ; else report the error.
   1 ; else read a key from the keyboard.
   1 ; else more subscripts in BASIC line than the variable definition.
   1 ; else byte is just a byte count and exponent comes next.
   1 ; else angle is within quadrant II (-1 to 0)
   1 ; else all data in this statement has been read so look for next DATA token
   1 ; either a continuation of above or from ED-CONTR with ED-LOOP on stack.
   1 ; editing and input mode.
   1 ; edit line is missing. OUT-LINE will scroll automatically.
   1 ; edit line end-marker ($80) if from LINE-RUN.
   1 ; edit buffer and not workspace.
   1 ; early if checking syntax.
   1 ; each of the 9 nibbles in mem 4 is placed into ten bytes in mem-3 and mem 4
   1 ; e.g. the arccosine of a known x value will give the required angle b in 
   1 ; e.g. the Sinclair Interface 1 ROM, to handle these commands.
   1 ; e.g. READ a, b$, c$(1000 TO 3000)
   1 ; e.g. PRINT 2 * (VAL "2+2" + TAN 3)
   1 ; e.g. PLOT PAPER 0; 128,88     ; two coordinates preceded by optional
   1 ; e.g. PLOT INK 2; PAPER 8; 128,88
   1 ; e.g. NEXT i
   1 ; e.g. IF score&gt;100 THEN PRINT "You Win"
   1 ; e.g. FOR i = 0 TO 1 STEP 0.1
   1 ; e.g. DIM a(2,3,4,7): DIM a$(32) : DIM b$(20,2,768) : DIM c$(20000)
   1 ; e.g. DEF FN r$(a$,a) = a$(a TO )
   1 ; e.g. DEF FN a(n) = VAL "n+FN a(n-1)+0" ((n&lt;1) * 10 + 1 TO )
   1 ; e.g. DEF FN     s $ ( x )     =  b     $ (  TO  x  ) : REM exaggerated
   1 ; e.g. DATA 1, 2, "text", score-1, a$(location, room, object), FN r(49),
   1 ; e.g. "1000 LET a=1" is 8 characters.
   1 ; e.g.  "B Integer out of range, 1000:127"
   1 ; e.g.    0 OR 0  returns 0.
   1 ; during the D-NO-LOOP working downwards from position before start of data.
   1 ; during line-entry.
   1 ; during both, this routine will pass over an invisible number indicator
   1 ; durations and coordinates.
   1 ; duration of low  = 118 + 1024*H + 16*(L&gt;&gt;2) + 4*(L&amp;0x3)
   1 ; duration of hi   = 118 + 1024*H + 16*(L&gt;&gt;2) + 4*(L&amp;0x3)
   1 ; dummy line number so that zero will be printed in the report.
   1 ; downwards, the machine stack by two bytes, the GOSUB stack by 3 bytes. 
   1 ; does not give the 'Nonsense..' error if the three variables exist.
   1 ; divided by the length of the adjacent side. As the opposite length can 
   1 ; displaying an error.
   1 ; dimensions(1) but since we have yet to double allow for two
   1 ; dimensions of the variable match the number of subscripts supplied in the
   1 ; dimensional array of zeros. String arrays are initialized to spaces.
   1 ; destination variable for an assignment.
   1 ; designed to work with any output device.
   1 ; depending within which quadrant the angle lies, with the periodicity 
   1 ; deleting the last value.
   1 ; deletes the last value from the calculator stack.
   1 ; definition of another defined function (though not itself).
   1 ; dec (iy+$2d) - three bytes instead of six.
   1 ; cutting off their feet or stretching them so they fitted the bed perfectly.
   1 ; cursor. If control characters are present these are deleted first
   1 ; cursor line value which would enable the line cursor to be suppressed
   1 ; currently being evaluated by recursive calls to SCANNING, then we have to
   1 ; current channel when it has been temporarily altered.
   1 ; credit Tony Stratton, 1982.
   1 ; credit Stephen Kelly and others, 1982.
   1 ; credit John Elliott.
   1 ; crash the machine when supplied with an inappropriate virtual line number.
   1 ; could have been used as on the Jupiter Ace.
   1 ; corresponding power of ten.
   1 ; copy. This particularly applies to 16K Spectrums as time-critical
   1 ; controlled by the main ROM.
   1 ; control would skip to input j.
   1 ; contribute to the waveform timing as follows:
   1 ; continues as if a carriage return had been received.
   1 ; continue with small positive integer components in range 0 - 65535 
   1 ; continue with numeric comparisons.
   1 ; continue with automatic listings if the screen is full and the current
   1 ; continue if subscripts matched the numeric array.
   1 ; continue if one of the upper-case letters was found.
   1 ; continue if both were small integers.
   1 ; continue if a match of all eight bytes was found
   1 ; continue here with valid starting point from above or good estimate
   1 ; continue here with .1,  42, 3.14, 5., 2.3 E -4
   1 ; continue here if using the keyboard.
   1 ; continue here if using lower display - A holds line number.
   1 ; continue here if stream was open. Note that the offset is from CHANS
   1 ; continue here if not an automatic listing.
   1 ; continue here if checking syntax.
   1 ; continue here if an automatic listing required.
   1 ; continue for a new variable. DEST points to start in BASIC line.
   1 ; continue as must be a direct command.
   1 ; containing $0001 or more likely there would be an exit within the routine.
   1 ; compound literals have the following format.
   1 ; complemented.
   1 ; comments apply to that situation.
   1 ; commands when the Spectrum is expecting a number or a string then an
   1 ; command. The program end-marker is the variables end-marker $80, or
   1 ; command itself.
   1 ; command exists.
   1 ; comma-separated expressions.
   1 ; colour value in A, mask in B.
   1 ; closing these streams resets them as at initialization.
   1 ; clears text lines at bottom of display.
   1 ; clears 24 lines of the display and resets the relevant system variables.
   1 ; class-0A e.g. ERASE "????"    ; a string expression must follow.
   1 ; class-08 e.g. POKE 65535,2     ; two numeric expressions separated by comma
   1 ; class-07 e.g. PAPER 6          ; a single class for a collection of
   1 ; class-05 e.g. PRINT            ;  variable syntax checked by routine
   1 ; class-04 e.g. FOR i            ; a single character variable must follow
   1 ; class-03 e.g. RUN or RUN 200   ;  optional operand
   1 ; class-02 e.g. LET a = 1 + 1   ; an expression must follow
   1 ; class-01  e.g. LET A = 2*3     ; a variable is reqd
   1 ; class-00 e.g. CONTINUE         ;  no operand
   1 ; class routine and the final part (,z) within the command.
   1 ; class 07
   1 ; chr$14 would have the same functionality.
   1 ; checked or if the program is being run. To test the flag inline would use
   1 ; checked and CH-ADD points to the command after THEN.
   1 ; check for newline.
   1 ; characters.
   1 ; character for copyright symbol, is placed here for convenience
   1 ; character Procrustes in Greek legend who made travellers sleep in his bed,
   1 ; channels.
   1 ; channel was a microdrive file, network channel etc. then
   1 ; channel connected to each other:-
   1 ; channel 'S' the current channel when not checking syntax.
   1 ; case of chr$ 6 which is the comma control character. It is not mandatory
   1 ; calculator. The correct priority for the operation has to be placed in
   1 ; calculator stack to the accumulator and is used for colours, streams,
   1 ; calculator stack as a default value in runtime.
   1 ; calculate the space required for multi-dimensional arrays.
   1 ; bytes are always blank so they are omitted in the following steps
   1 ; by using the last part of GO TO and exits indirectly to STMT-RET.
   1 ; by inserting a 'DEFB 02 delete' at <A href="#L2E25">L2E25</a>, and maintain main addresses.
   1 ; by deleting lines. If the stack was in its normal place then a situation
   1 ; but without the powerful mechanisms set up in this ROM.
   1 ; but the Interface 1 programmers relaxed this allowing ';' as an
   1 ; but proceed to search argument list of defined function first if not empty.
   1 ; but it never will be as we advanced past long-named variables earlier.
   1 ; but in runtime the number of subscripts are at least the same as dims
   1 ; but in runtime search for the variable.
   1 ; but if they match check that this is also last letter in prog area
   1 ; but if the zero is a significant digit e.g. 10 then include in digit totals.
   1 ; but if no match i.e. nested FOR/NEXT loops then continue search.
   1 ; but if just an isolated quote then that terminates the string.
   1 ; but for larger integers there could be nine leading digits.
   1 ; but as long as we're editing lines or inputting from the keyboard, then
   1 ; but a slice of a simple string can itself be sliced.
   1 ; builders. 
   1 ; branch here in runtime.
   1 ; braces. By eliminating and dealing with these now it can later take a
   1 ; both strings have at least one character left.
   1 ; both paper and ink rejoin here
   1 ; both numeric and string paths converge here.
   1 ; bits 6-5 the subgroup 0-3.
   1 ; bits 4-0 the embedded parameter $00 - $1F.
   1 ; bits 0-3 of the character.
   1 ; bit 7 set indicates compound.
   1 ; bit 7 set - activate stylus.
   1 ; bit 7 low - deactivate stylus.
   1 ; bit 2 set - stops printer.
   1 ; bit 2 reset - starts printer
   1 ; bit 1 set - slows printer.
   1 ; bit 1 reset - normal speed.
   1 ; being used in an expression e.g. "2" + STR$ 0.5 gives the result "0.5"
   1 ; being evaluated.
   1 ; being considered as having been run from the editing area and the
   1 ; being checked so the entry point could have been at the second CALL
   1 ; beginning with BIN, '.' or a digit.
   1 ; before jumping forward to OPEN-END with the displacement value in E
   1 ; before finally resetting the output address back to PRINT-OUT.
   1 ; before adding in the new digit to form a last value on calculator stack.
   1 ; been reached then zero is used as the default.
   1 ; been found using LINE-ADDR, and it is entered at LINE-NO. If it encounters
   1 ; be used, even though out-line outputs to other streams.
   1 ; be used to denote the sign of the mantissa and put back when needed by the
   1 ; be used for integers and larger (or fractional) numbers.
   1 ; be printed using E-format notation
   1 ; be extracted without raising an error and that memory can be reclaimed
   1 ; be entered or re-entered into the Program area and the syntax
   1 ; be cleared when COPY is used and the screen/printer position may be set to
   1 ; be calculates using sin(x) and the adjacent length using cos(x) then 
   1 ; back on the screen though the colours may change.
   1 ; b$ () () () () () () (2 TO 10) (2 TO 9) (3) is the same as b$(5)
   1 ; autostart a program that has been saved with a line higher than 16383.
   1 ; at this point any optional arguments have had their syntax checked.
   1 ; at the start of PO-ATTR could have been used.
   1 ; at the beginning we wouldn't have to alter which bit we test.
   1 ; at most 9 digits for 32-bit number will have been loaded with digits
   1 ; associated with it in which case it is bi-directional like
   1 ; associated stream-opening routine in this ROM.
   1 ; assignments e.g. LET a = 1  :   LET h$ = "hat".
   1 ; as you can now, so one assumes that if PR_CC_hi was non-zero then
   1 ; as the calculator too is calling itself.
   1 ; as is the preceding comma and space.
   1 ; arises whereby the Spectrum becomes locked with no means of reclaiming space.
   1 ; area depending on FLAGX.
   1 ; are placed on the GO SUB stack as a RETURN point.
   1 ; approximation and it would be best to update E_PPC with the true
   1 ; approximate free memory with PRINT 65536 - USR 7962.
   1 ; appears in the lower screen.
   1 ; any variables encountered, a search is made in the DEF FN variable list
   1 ; any sub-expression. It eliminates functions that have no argument or
   1 ; answer is zero. If, as in this case, the carry is set then that denotes that
   1 ; another level of magical recursion joins the juggling act for a while
   1 ; another four bytes are required for letter(1), total length(2), number of
   1 ; and would avoid coming here.
   1 ; and while searching statements within a BASIC line.
   1 ; and to clear editing area prior to copying the edit line to it.
   1 ; and this one is interpreting input #15; a$.
   1 ; and then lose control of what it is looking for - variable or line number.
   1 ; and the largest angle in this case is a right-angle (pi/2 radians), then
   1 ; and the five bytes floating-point number that follows it.
   1 ; and the first 8 locations all hold $0A.
   1 ; and the command is re-computed from the low-byte of the parameter address.
   1 ; and the arguments of the DIM command. In the latter case, the limit check
   1 ; and the address of the previous line in DE.
   1 ; and tan are directly, or indirectly, derived.
   1 ; and statement.
   1 ; and runtime mode.  This routine is called often to allow a routine to return 
   1 ; and rejoin here from above if stream was closed.
   1 ; and perhaps a modified value in BC. The strange pathing does seem to
   1 ; and over switches off). With both switches on, the byte is simply put
   1 ; and may mask old 5-byte string parameters.
   1 ; and is used to fetch command and function arguments involving line numbers
   1 ; and is identified to the system by a single letter e.g. 'K' for
   1 ; and integer in D'E', 6 nibbles will accommodate 065535 but routine does
   1 ; and hidden locations have been created immediately after each argument
   1 ; and from the routine CL-SCROLL, once, to scroll part of the display.
   1 ; and from ED-EDIT to 'sprint' the line to the edit buffer.
   1 ; and distinguished by bit 5 of FLAGX.
   1 ; and continue with integer in range 0 - 255.
   1 ; and continue to set up the next following line and then consider this new one.
   1 ; and continue to print the now positive number.
   1 ; and also from INPUT.
   1 ; and all but one of the ROM routines can handle a buffer in that position.
   1 ; and acs are directly, or indirectly, derived.
   1 ; and -1 is 00000000 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000
   1 ; and 'chr$'.
   1 ; an optional numeric expression e.g. RUN. If the end of statement has
   1 ; an expression of unlimited complexity.
   1 ; an array of numbers.
   1 ; an angle of, say, 3*PI radians (540 degrees) then the net effect is to turn 
   1 ; although only the first pass is shown it can be seen that for each set bit
   1 ; although only the first pass is shown it can be seen that at each pass
   1 ; alternative for their channels creating a confusing mixture of
   1 ; alter the system variable MEM to point to 160 bytes of RAM to have 
   1 ; also from the variables area end-marker $80.
   1 ; allowable syntax as it is this ROM which opens or re-opens the
   1 ; all the rest 'cos' through 'chr$' give a numeric result except 'str$'
   1 ; all numbers begin with a digit and that the presence of a number or
   1 ; after the numeric expression. During runtime it just picks these
   1 ; after temporary relocation during line entry and also from ERROR-3
   1 ; advance CH_ADD to a position after command and test if it is a command.
   1 ; adjust downwards the pointers within dynamic memory.
   1 ; addresses one of the numbers of the series following the series literal.
   1 ; addressed by HL with leading spaces if necessary.
   1 ; address within the BASIC system.
   1 ; address places after the simple literals in the address table.
   1 ; address in T_ADDR_lo. Note therefore that the syntax table has to be
   1 ; address for screens or printer based on the line/column for screens
   1 ; addition and you might like to add the numbers above to prove that the
   1 ; accumulator returning carry set if not in range 0 - 255.
   1 ; above. The position of the error will be apparent when the lower screen is
   1 ; above, which is useful if you wish to correct the unbalanced stack error
   1 ; above will be undone when the channel flags are reset during STR$.
   1 ; a$(257 TO) indicates all except the first 256 characters.
   1 ; a$(19000 TO 19999) indicates the thousand characters at position 19000.
   1 ; a$(1,1,1) will return a single character.
   1 ; a$(1,1) will return a 10-character string as will a$(1,1,1 TO 10)
   1 ; a$(1,1) (1 TO 6) is the same as a$(1,1,1 TO 6)
   1 ; a$() and a$( TO ) indicate the entire string although just a$ would do
   1 ; a$( TO 32) indicates the first 32 characters.
   1 ; a variable name.
   1 ; a unary calculator literal but this will not work as the accumulator
   1 ; a substring can appear to the left of the equals sign.
   1 ; a string comparison or operation.
   1 ; a statement is found while parsing a line.
   1 ; a slice.
   1 ; a runtime numeric array subscript.
   1 ; a pseudo Z80 instruction CALL (HL). The ROM uses the instruction above.
   1 ; a numeric result.
   1 ; a minimal size of 1, after use, to free up memory.
   1 ; a match has been found so seven more to test.
   1 ; a loop is now entered to perform the algebraic calculation for each of
   1 ; a line in the range 0 - 9999 has been entered.
   1 ; a leading decimal point has been found in a number.
   1 ; a known string array element.
   1 ; a comma separator has been encountered in the DEF FN argument list.
   1 ; a bulky operating system into an 8K ROM. It simply calculates 
   1 ; a branch of the editing loop to deal with control characters
   1 ; a BASIC line or the input buffer. This includes listing to a printer
   1 ; ^         ^           ^            ^              ^             ^
   1 ; Zero suffices for a before but the after should logically be infinity.
   1 ; Zero is a special case stored as 5 zeros.
   1 ; ZX Spectrum BASIC Programming by Steven Vickers 1982.
   1 ; You'll normally get error 4, ('Out of memory'), although sometimes the system
   1 ; You can get round the missing chr$ 6 handler by sending multiple print
   1 ; Y will hold -2 to -1 if this is quadrant III.
   1 ; With the parameter zero, a random start point is used depending on
   1 ; With positive numbers a carry denotes the result is out of integer range.
   1 ; With negative numbers a carry denotes the result is within range.
   1 ; With an integer expression, it sets the uppermost memory
   1 ; When used as a calculator literal it duplicates the last value on the
   1 ; When a small integer is converted to a floating point number the last two
   1 ; When a calculator subroutine needs to put a value on the calculator
   1 ; We know, from above, how to calculate the angle a using asn(x). 
   1 ; We arrived here from SCANNING with CH-ADD pointing to the initial '('
   1 ; We are about to load data so change the border colours.
   1 ; We also have to consider that this defined function may form part of the
   1 ; WORKSP/STKBOT/STKEND though no use is made of this. The routines also
   1 ; Variable in assignment
   1 ; Using the syntax tables, the parser has already checked for a start and
   1 ; User doesn't see report but the flashing error marker
   1 ; Used to parse DEF FN
   1 ; Used in 16 bit multiplication
   1 ; Use zero routine
   1 ; Use of symbol and graphics codes
   1 ; Update NEXT LINE but consider
   1 ; Unlike some BASICs the line number need not exist.
   1 ; Unary so on entry HL points to last value, DE to stkend
   1 ; Trigonometry is rocket science. It is also used by carpenters and pyramid
   1 ; Tp = tone period = 236 + 2048*H + 32*(L&gt;&gt;2) + 8*(L&amp;0x3)
   1 ; Tokens and User defined graphics are now separated.
   1 ; To be fair, this only applies if the last channel was other than 'K', 'S'
   1 ; This versatile routine is used to find the address of the next line
   1 ; This tight loop deals with combinations of positional controls and
   1 ; This test routine is called when printing carriage return, when considering
   1 ; This table is used to look up the calculator literals associated with
   1 ; This table is used in the first instance for the first character of an
   1 ; This table is used by the routine above to find one of the three
   1 ; This table is used by INDEXER routine to find the offsets to
   1 ; This table is indexed with the operation code obtained from the above
   1 ; This subroutine, called from CL-ALL, CLS-LOWER and AUTO-LIST and above,
   1 ; This subroutine searches a message or the token table for the
   1 ; This subroutine returns zero if no further printing is required
   1 ; This subroutine puts five registers on the calculator stack.
   1 ; This subroutine is used to get two coordinate expressions for the three
   1 ; This subroutine is used from ED-EDIT, str$ and read-in to reset the
   1 ; This subroutine is used by the PRINT-FP routine and the decimal to FP
   1 ; This subroutine is called whenever the line in the editing area or
   1 ; This subroutine is called twice from the INPUT command when normal
   1 ; This subroutine is called twice from above when printing floating-point
   1 ; This subroutine is called from four places to calculate the address
   1 ; This subroutine is called from OUT-LINE to print a flashing error
   1 ; This subroutine is called from INT-TO-FP and DEC-TO-FP to stack a digit
   1 ; This subroutine is called from CL-LINE or CL-SCROLL with the HL register
   1 ; This subroutine is called 11 times to copy the permanent colour items
   1 ; This subroutine called from CLS, AUTO-LIST and MAIN-3
   1 ; This subroutine ...
   1 ; This status remains in force until reset by the routine above.
   1 ; This simple routine is a 5-byte LDIR instruction
   1 ; This seems to be legacy code from the ZX80/ZX81 as it is 
   1 ; This routine which continues from above prints a carriage return
   1 ; This routine uses HL only and returns with that register holding
   1 ; This routine terminates the above routine and is also called from the
   1 ; This routine sets the editing area, workspace and calculator stack
   1 ; This routine sets a flag so that subsequent print related commands
   1 ; This routine searches the program area for one of the above three keywords.
   1 ; This routine reads a line number in the editing area returning the number
   1 ; This routine puts the last value on the calculator stack into the accumulator
   1 ; This routine prints printable characters and continues into
   1 ; This routine prints a whole BASIC line and it is called
   1 ; This routine prints a question mark which is commonly
   1 ; This routine places one or more digits found in a BASIC line
   1 ; This routine performs two functions on the angle, in radians, that forms
   1 ; This routine moves the cursor left. The complication is that it must
   1 ; This routine just loads the DE register with the contents of the two
   1 ; This routine is used, in the first instance, by the multiply calculator
   1 ; This routine is used when printing floating point numbers to calculate
   1 ; This routine is used to search two-byte hash tables for a character
   1 ; This routine is used to get the two coordinates of STRING$, ATTR and POINT.
   1 ; This routine is used to copy 8 text lines from the printer buffer
   1 ; This routine is used to backtrack to a command token and then
   1 ; This routine is used on many occasions when extending a dynamic area
   1 ; This routine is used often to get the address, in HL, of a BASIC line
   1 ; This routine is used 10 times to advance along a DEF FN statement
   1 ; This routine is remarkable for its brevity - 7 bytes.
   1 ; This routine is not used by the ROM but allows users to evaluate
   1 ; This routine is designed to deal with something that is known to be in the
   1 ; This routine is called twice when printing floating point numbers and also
   1 ; This routine is called twice by addition to prepare the two numbers. The
   1 ; This routine is called once only to create a single space
   1 ; This routine is called once from MAIN-2 when the BASIC line is to
   1 ; This routine is called on a number of occasions to check if syntax is being
   1 ; This routine is called from the FOR command to test for an initial
   1 ; This routine is called from PRINT ITEMS above, and also LIST as in
   1 ; This routine is called from COPY-LINE, when interrupts are disabled,
   1 ; This routine is called from COPY and COPY-BUFF to output a line of
   1 ; This routine is called from CLASS-03 when a command may be followed by
   1 ; This routine is called from AUTO-LIST
   1 ; This routine is called four times to place the value zero on the
   1 ; This routine is called by the mathematical routines - FP-TO-BC, PRINT-FP,
   1 ; This routine is called by MAKE-ROOM to adjust upwards and by RECLAIM to
   1 ; This routine is called before any character is output while outputting
   1 ; This routine is also used to print the exponent of E-format numbers.
   1 ; This routine gets a floating point number e.g. 127.4 from the calculator
   1 ; This routine finds the floating point number represented by an expression
   1 ; This routine finds the data entry in the STRMS area for the specified
   1 ; This routine fetches a byte and word from the calculator stack
   1 ; This routine extracts a line number, at an address that has previously
   1 ; This routine entered at OUT-SP-NO is used to compute then output the first
   1 ; This routine deals with user-defined functions.
   1 ; This routine deals with print items as in
   1 ; This routine considers a single positional character ';', ',', '''
   1 ; This routine compares a line number supplied in BC with an addressed
   1 ; This routine clears an arbitrary 256 bytes of memory.
   1 ; This routine checks that the character in A is alphanumeric
   1 ; This routine checks that the character in A is alphabetic
   1 ; This routine checks that the ASCII character in A is numeric
   1 ; This routine calls the mathematical routine to multiply HL by DE in runtime.
   1 ; This routine alters a single byte in the 64K address space.
   1 ; This routine also recovers from an error situation where, for instance, an 
   1 ; This routine allows a one-byte instruction to stack up to 32 constants
   1 ; This routine addresses a system variable ATTR_T, MASK_T or P-FLAG in HL.
   1 ; This raises the first number X to the power of the second number Y.
   1 ; This produces an automatic listing in the upper screen.
   1 ; This point is used to print ASCII characters  32d - 127d.
   1 ; This loop renders the similar loop at V-PASS redundant.
   1 ; This is what causes 2 + 2 to give the answer 4.
   1 ; This is therefore using the alternate set.
   1 ; This is the service routine for the input stream of the keyboard channel 'K'.
   1 ; This is the routine that evaluates that expression.
   1 ; This is puzzling as very careful consideration must have been given to
   1 ; This is now used to determine if the 'K' cursor is to be printed but this
   1 ; This is known as Procrustean lengthening and shortening after a
   1 ; This is chr$ 14.
   1 ; This is called to evaluate a complex structure that has been found, in
   1 ; This is called from ED-EDIT to clear workspace if edit key is
   1 ; This is an exit branch from PO-1-OPER, PO-2-OPER
   1 ; This is a unary operation, so on entry HL points to the last value and DE 
   1 ; This is a fundamental transcendental function from which others such as cos
   1 ; This is a fundamental transcendental function from which others such as asn
   1 ; This is a continuation of the restart BC-SPACES
   1 ; This is a compact and highly versatile routine.
   1 ; This important subroutine is used to calculate the character output
   1 ; This important routine is called during runtime and from LINE-SCAN
   1 ; This has no alternative use in input mode.
   1 ; This function subroutine returns the attributes of a screen location -
   1 ; This function returns the integer of x, which is just the same as truncate
   1 ; This function returns the code of a bit-mapped character at screen
   1 ; This entry point is used to move the stack back to its normal place
   1 ; This entry point is used to create BC spaces in various areas such as
   1 ; This entry point is used prior to input and prior to the execution,
   1 ; This entry point is not used in this ROM but would
   1 ; This entry point is from the ED-UP with HL addressing E_PPC_hi
   1 ; This entry point is from ED-DOWN with HL addressing E_PPC
   1 ; This entry point is also called from CL-ALL below to
   1 ; This ensures that in a low memory situation, that valid line numbers can
   1 ; This enables a$(2 TO) to return a null string if the passed string is
   1 ; This common code is used to transfer the character bytes to memory.
   1 ; This command sets the SEED for the RND function to a fixed value.
   1 ; This command runs a program starting at an optional line.
   1 ; This command routine sets the border to one of the eight colours.
   1 ; This command reclaims the space used by the variables.
   1 ; This command just jumps back to SAVE-ETC to handle the four tape commands.
   1 ; This command is mysterious.
   1 ; This command copies the top 176 lines to the ZX Printer
   1 ; This combination of routines is called from 20 places when
   1 ; This clever routine is used to check and evaluate an integer expression
   1 ; This class routine is also called from INPUT and READ to find the
   1 ; This call entry point is used to update the system variables e.g. by RETURN.
   1 ; This bug does not apply to embedded PRINT items as it is quite permissible
   1 ; This branch is taken from LOOK-VARS when a defined function is currently
   1 ; This alters the position where subsequent READ commands look for data.
   1 ; This acts on the lower screen and deletes the character to left of
   1 ; This acts on the cursor in the lower section of the screen in both
   1 ; This acts on the cursor in the lower screen in both editing and input
   1 ; They are treated the same and the old value is overwritten.
   1 ; These will not be encountered with the keyboard but would be handled
   1 ; These two subroutines are called while editing.
   1 ; These routines would have opened any buffers associated with the stream
   1 ; These routines never get called while the editor is being used for input.
   1 ; These routines have 3 entry points -
   1 ; These just generate an error report as the ROM is 'incomplete'.
   1 ; These are the 11 subroutines accessed by the above table.
   1 ; There seems to have been an unsuccessful attempt to circumvent the use
   1 ; There is some point in coming here as, as well as once creating buffers,
   1 ; There is no need to open the printer buffer as it is there already
   1 ; The zero has been fetched from the calculator stack but not deleted and
   1 ; The variable name to be matched is in C.
   1 ; The value is first rounded up and then converted to integer.
   1 ; The user has pressed SHIFT 1 to bring edit line down to bottom of screen.
   1 ; The ultimate power of channels and streams died at birth.
   1 ; The tone period is measured in T states and consists of
   1 ; The token is in E, and D holds a statement count, decremented from zero.
   1 ; The test will always fail and the jump to ED-EDGE-2 will be taken.
   1 ; The table requires a zero end-marker as the letter has been
   1 ; The system variables are in no particular order except that STKEND, the first
   1 ; The syntax of string slicing is very natural and it is as well to reflect
   1 ; The subgroup 0-3 needs to be manipulated to form the next available four
   1 ; The starting point was PROG - 1 or the end of a line.
   1 ; The single entry point EACH-STMT is used to
   1 ; The sign byte $00 +ve or $FF -ve is in C.
   1 ; The second routine fetches 16-bit integers to the BC register pair 
   1 ; The routines alter the output address of the current channel so that
   1 ; The routine would have to deal with that and exit to OPEN_END with BC
   1 ; The routine should check a flag or HL address and simply return if COPY
   1 ; The routine itself works out which command has called it by examining the
   1 ; The routine is also called from the syntax path of DIM command to check the
   1 ; The routine begins by checking for an optional STEP.
   1 ; The routine CL-SC-ALL is called once from PO to scroll all the display
   1 ; The return will be to here if no scrolling occurred
   1 ; The return address STMT-RET is dropped and the rest of line ignored.
   1 ; The resulting waveform has a duty ratio of exactly 50%.
   1 ; The result lies in the range -1 to +1.              
   1 ; The result is zero if both values are zero else a non-zero value.
   1 ; The restore command sets the system variable for the data address to
   1 ; The report line must accommodate a 4-digit line number and a 3-digit
   1 ; The reason one routine is made to handle two apparently unrelated tasks
   1 ; The pointer will be the next line if continuing from above or to
   1 ; The point subroutine is called from s-point via the scanning functions
   1 ; The pause command takes as its parameter the number of interrupts
   1 ; The parser has already checked the expression the result of which is on
   1 ; The parameter tables have already evaluated the presence of a variable
   1 ; The parameter or "Syntax" table
   1 ; The open stream look-up table consists of matched pairs.
   1 ; The offset table
   1 ; The number of dimensions is still in A.
   1 ; The method is to advance from the beginning of the line each time,
   1 ; The message <b><font color=#333388>'scroll?'</font></b> appears here with last byte inverted.
   1 ; The memory.
   1 ; The main screen displays part of the BASIC program and the user wishes
   1 ; The main scanning loop
   1 ; The line number, or residual part, is held in HL and the BC register
   1 ; The last few commands appear to have been added in a rush but their syntax
   1 ; The instruction at <A href="#L257D">L257D</a> should just be a RET.
   1 ; The initialization phase.
   1 ; The highest location is a statement byte followed by a two-byte line number.
   1 ; The fourteen pointers to dynamic memory, starting with VARS and ending 
   1 ; The four service subroutines for routines in the scanning function table
   1 ; The fix therefore would be to ensure that CLASS-07 and CLASS-09 make
   1 ; The first terminator is found in  escaped input items only,
   1 ; The first of these routines fetches a 8-bit integer (range 0-255) from the
   1 ; The exception to the last rule is when the result is -65536
   1 ; The evaluation process is quite complex as the Spectrum has to parse two
   1 ; The entry points from control character table are PO-2-OPER and PO-1-OPER.
   1 ; The entire free RAM is available to each BASIC statement.
   1 ; The enter key has been pressed to have BASIC line or input accepted.
   1 ; The editor is called to prepare or edit a BASIC line.
   1 ; The editing area or workspace is cleared depending on context.
   1 ; The definition can be anywhere in the program area but these are best
   1 ; The default stream is stream 2 which is normally the upper screen
   1 ; The cosine of angle x is the adjacent side (a) divided by the hypotenuse 1.
   1 ; The comma control character. The 32 column screen has two 16 character
   1 ; The colours used for the lower screen are based on this.
   1 ; The close stream routines in fact have no ancillary actions to perform
   1 ; The character that has been received can now be processed.
   1 ; The channel letter is followed by an 8-bit displacement to the
   1 ; The calculator stack increases by 5 bytes.
   1 ; The branch was to here if a jump is to made to a new line number
   1 ; The branch was here from LINE-NEW if BASIC is branching.
   1 ; The bloke was hatstand and slain by Theseus.
   1 ; The bit-mapped UDGs are ignored which is curious as it requires only a
   1 ; The behaviour and options are quite different in the various modes
   1 ; The above section deals with the flexible syntax allowed.
   1 ; The Table INDEXING routine
   1 ; The Stream Opening Routines.
   1 ; The Spectrum's main stream output command.
   1 ; The Spectrum screen arrangement leads to the L register already holding 
   1 ; The REM command routine.
   1 ; The Plot subroutine
   1 ; The LPRINT command joins here.
   1 ; The GO TO command routine is also called by GO SUB and RUN routines
   1 ; The GO SUB command diverts BASIC control to a new line number
   1 ; The Error reports with the last byte inverted. The first entry
   1 ; The Channel and Streams Routines
   1 ; The Calculator
   1 ; The CONTINUE command transfers the OLD (but incremented) values of
   1 ; The Boolean OR operator. e.g. X OR Y
   1 ; The BASIC interpreter has found a command code $CE - $FF
   1 ; The B register holds the current line.
   1 ; The B register holds on entry the number of lines to be cleared 1-24.
   1 ; The <b><font color=#333388>'get-argt'</font></b> function is designed to modify the angle and its sign 
   1 ; The 16 2*2 mosaic characters 128-143 decimal are formed from
   1 ; The 1-byte offset limits their location to within 255 bytes of their
   1 ; That task, in fact, is performed here by the dual-area routine CLEAR-SP.
   1 ; That is the previous statement was a GO TO, GO SUB, RUN, RETURN, NEXT etc..
   1 ; That is quite easy to understand. However you don't have to make it much
   1 ; Test for scroll
   1 ; Temporary colour items
   1 ; Table search
   1 ; Table of priorities
   1 ; Table of operators
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'ZX81 NAME'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'ZX SPECTRUM CHARACTER SET'</font></b>
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'ZERO OR ONE'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'VERIFY CONTROL'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'VAL and VAL$'</font></b> FUNCTIONS
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'USR'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'USR STRING'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'UNARY MINUS'</font></b> OPERATION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'TRIGONOMETRIC'</font></b> FUNCTIONS
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'TOKEN'</font></b> TABLES
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'TEST FOR ZERO'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'TEST FOR CHANNEL K'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'TEST FIVE SPACES'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'TANGENT'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'TABLE OF CONSTANTS'</font></b>
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'TABLE OF ADDRESSES'</font></b>
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'STRING CONCATENATION'</font></b> OPERATION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'STRING AND NUMBER'</font></b> OPERATION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'STR$'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'START-NEW'</font></b> BRANCH     
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'START'</font></b>
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'STACK NUMBER'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'SQUARE ROOT'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'SPARE'</font></b> LOCATIONS
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'SKIP OVER'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'SKIP CONSTANTS'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'SINE'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'SIGNUM'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'SET STACK POINTERS'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'SERIES GENERATOR'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'SEPARATOR'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'SEMI-TONE'</font></b> TABLE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'SAVE/LOAD RETURN'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'SAVE CONTROL'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'RETURN'</font></b> COMMAND
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'REPEAT KEY'</font></b> BRANCH
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'REMOVE FLOATING POINT'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'REM'</font></b> COMMAND
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'REDUCE ARGUMENT'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'RECURSIVE PRINTING'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'READ-IN'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'RE-STACK TWO "SMALL" INTEGERS'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'RE-STACK ONE "SMALL" INTEGER'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'RAM CHECK'</font></b> SECTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'PRINT OUTPUT'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'PRINT CHARACTER'</font></b> RESTART
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'PRINT ANY CHARACTER'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'PRINT ALL CHARACTERS'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'PREPARE TO MULTIPLY OR DIVIDE'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'POSITION STORE'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'POSITION FETCH'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'PEEK'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'OR'</font></b> OPERATOR
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'OPEN CHANNEL'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'ONE SPACE'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'NUMBER AND NUMBER'</font></b> OPERATION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'NOT'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'NON-MASKABLE INTERRUPT'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'NEW'</font></b> COMMAND
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'NATURAL LOGARITHM'</font></b> FUNCTION 
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'MULTIPLY'</font></b> ROUTINE     
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'MODULUS'</font></b> SUBROUTINE 
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'MESSAGE PRINTING'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'MERGE CONTROL'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'MASKABLE INTERRUPT'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'MAIN OUTPUT'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'MAIN EXECUTION LOOP'</font></b>
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'LOCATE MEMORY'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'LOAD CONTROL'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'LINE DRAWING'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'LET'</font></b> COMMAND
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'LESS THAN ZERO'</font></b> OPERATION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'LEN'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'KEYBOARD'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'KEYBOARD SCANNING'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'KEYBOARD INPUT'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'KEYBOARD DECODING'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'KEY-TEST'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'KEY'</font></b> TABLES
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'JUMP-TRUE'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'JUMP'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'INT'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'INPUT'</font></b> COMMAND 
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'INPUT CONTROL'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'INPUT ADDRESS'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'INITIAL STREAM'</font></b> DATA
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'INITIAL CIRCLE/DRAW PARAMETERS'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'INITIAL CHANNEL'</font></b> INFORMATION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'IN'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'GREATER THAN ZERO'</font></b> OPERATOR
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'GET ATTRIBUTE ADDRESS'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'FREE MEMORY'</font></b> USER ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'EXPONENTIATION'</font></b> OPERATION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'EXP'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'EXCHANGE'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'ERROR-2'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'ERROR'</font></b> RESTART
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'END-CALC'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'EDITOR-FULL'</font></b> ERROR ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'DRAW'</font></b> COMMAND
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'DOUBLE ANGLE FORMULA'</font></b>
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'DIVISION'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'DECREASE THE COUNTER'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CURSOR RIGHT'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CURSOR LEFT'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CREATE BC SPACES'</font></b> RESTART
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'COSINE'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CONTROL CHARACTER'</font></b> TABLE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'COMPARISON'</font></b> OPERATIONS
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'COLLECT NEXT CHARACTER'</font></b> RESTART
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'COLLECT CHARACTER'</font></b> RESTART
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CODE'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CODE OUTPUT'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CLS-LOWER'</font></b> SUBROUTINE 
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CLS'</font></b> COMMAND 
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CLOSE-2'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CLOSE STREAM'</font></b> SUBROUTINES
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CLOSE STREAM LOOK-UP'</font></b> TABLE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CLOSE #'</font></b> COMMAND
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CLEAR TEXT LINES'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CL-SET'</font></b> ROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CIRCLE/DRAW CONVERGENCE POINT'</font></b>
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CIRCLE'</font></b> COMMAND
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CHR$'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CH ADD + 1'</font></b> SUBROUTINE
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'CALCULATE'</font></b> RESTART
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'BEEP'</font></b> COMMAND
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'ARCTAN'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'ARCSIN'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'ARCCOS'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'ARC LOOP'</font></b>
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'ARC END'</font></b>
   1 ; THE <b><font color=#333388>'ABSOLUTE MAGNITUDE'</font></b> FUNCTION
   1 ; TASM cross-assembler directives. 
   1 ; System variable ERR_SP still points to editing error handler.
   1 ; Syntax has been checked and the two comma-separated values are on the
   1 ; Success!
   1 ; Subtraction is done by switching the sign byte/bit of the second number
   1 ; Stream data
   1 ; Storing -ve integers in two's complement form, means that they are ready for
   1 ; Store integer
   1 ; Store in a memory area ($C0 etc.)
   1 ; Store a positive integer
   1 ; Storage of variables. For full details - see chapter 24.
   1 ; Storage of numbers in 5 byte form.
   1 ; Stop or Break was encountered so consider CONTINUE.
   1 ; Steven Vickers, Pitman Pocket Guide to the Spectrum, 1984.
   1 ; Steven Vickers writing in comp.sys.sinclair on 20-DEC-1993
   1 ; Statement loop
   1 ; Start                                                                   End
   1 ; Stack variable component
   1 ; Stack literals ($34)
   1 ; Stack function argument
   1 ; Stack accumulator
   1 ; Stack a constant (A0 etc.)
   1 ; Stack Digit
   1 ; Stack BC register pair
   1 ; Something of significance is being passed to these ghost routines in the
   1 ; Some uses can be quite abstract but the principles can be seen in simple
   1 ; Some of these codes and bits may be altered later if the context suggests
   1 ; Some e.g. 02 are only called once so a call to the command is made from
   1 ; Some classes e.g. 07 and 0B have the same address in all invocations
   1 ; Some class routines check syntax entirely and some leave this task for the
   1 ; So nothing to do
   1 ; So any variable name is higher that $3F and can be distinguished
   1 ; So an assembly language programmer who has disabled interrupts to use
   1 ; So +1 is  00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000
   1 ; Single operation (3B)
   1 ; Sinclair BASIC requires no poking of system variables.
   1 ; Sinclair BASIC adheres to the ANSI-78 standard and a LET is required in
   1 ; Since these can only be evaluated in context and were defaulted to
   1 ; Since the three angles of any triangle add up to 180 degrees, or pi radians,
   1 ; Since the maximum actual line limit is 9999 then the system limit, 16383
   1 ; Since angle x plus angle y equals a right-angle, we can find angle y by 
   1 ; Since AT and TAB cannot be entered this point is never reached
   1 ; Similarly by eliminating BIN and '.' now it is later able to assume that
   1 ; Similarly PRINT TAN (3*PI/2), TAN (5*PI/2) etc.
   1 ; Shift floating point number right
   1 ; Set permanent colours
   1 ; Set channel flags
   1 ; Secondly it converts the angle in radians to a fraction of a right angle,
   1 ; Sean Irvine               for default list of section headings
   1 ; Scanning variable routines
   1 ; Scanning main loop
   1 ; Scanning is evaluating the expression after the '=' and the variable
   1 ; Scanning function table
   1 ; Scanning function routines
   1 ; Scanning function (FN)
   1 ; Scanning SCREEN$
   1 ; Scanning ATTR
   1 ; Scan expression or sub-expression
   1 ; Save header and program/data bytes
   1 ; SET-MIN is called at the start of the MAIN-EXEC loop and prior to
   1 ; S-BIN and S-DECIMAL are the same
   1 ; Run a direct command
   1 ; Routine to control loudspeaker
   1 ; Returning early from subroutine
   1 ; Return result of evaluating next expression
   1 ; Result in range 0 to pi.
   1 ; Report and line number outputting
   1 ; Remember the edit line will contain characters and tokens
   1 ; Recursive string functions are possible using VAL$ instead of VAL and the
   1 ; Recursion is not allowed: i.e. the definition of a function should not use
   1 ; Reclaim edit-line?
   1 ; Read line number of line in editing area
   1 ; REPORT-G
   1 ; Put two numbers in BC register
   1 ; Put stack in A register
   1 ; Probably for compatibility with other BASICs particularly ZX81 BASIC.
   1 ; Printable character(s)
   1 ; Print the cursor
   1 ; Print question mark
   1 ; Print position
   1 ; Print items
   1 ; Print comma
   1 ; Print carriage return
   1 ; Print a whole BASIC line
   1 ; Print a floating point number
   1 ; Print a flashing character
   1 ; Prepare to add
   1 ; Point to first and last locations of work space
   1 ; Point Subroutine
   1 ; Perform carriage return
   1 ; Perform NEXT loop
   1 ; Perform AUTO-LIST
   1 ; Pass printer buffer to printer
   1 ; Pass five registers to calculator stack
   1 ; P_FLAG  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   are the permanent flags.
   1 ; PRINT AT and from the general PRINT ALL characters routine to test if
   1 ; PRINT AT 10,0;"The value of A is ";a
   1 ; PRINT +"3 is the greatest.".
   1 ; PRINT """Hooray!"" he cried."
   1 ; PREP routines which gives
   1 ; PORT 254 ($FE)
   1 ; PORT    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   1 ; PORT                                                                    PORT
   1 ; PO-TV-2 or PO-CONT.
   1 ; PAUSE 0 pauses indefinitely.
   1 ; PAPER 6; CLS will not turn the screen yellow and
   1 ; Outputting numbers at start of BASIC line
   1 ; Outputting characters in a BASIC line
   1 ; Outputs a square wave of given duration and frequency
   1 ; Output to port $FB -
   1 ; Others for example CIRCLE (x,y,z) check the first part (x,y) using the
   1 ; Open Screen stream.
   1 ; Open Printer stream.
   1 ; Open Keyboard stream.
   1 ; One of the shortest and least used commands. As with 'OK' not an error.
   1 ; One of the revolutionary concepts of Sinclair BASIC was that it supported
   1 ; On exit, HL=result, DE=stkend.
   1 ; On entry, as always with binary operations,
   1 ; On entry, HL points to start of search area.
   1 ; On entry, HL must point to the end of the something to be deleted.
   1 ; On entry, HL addresses where the first location is to be created.
   1 ; On entry the channel code entry is on the calculator stack with the next
   1 ; On entry HL points to first operand (X) and DE to second operand (Y).
   1 ; Offsets $C0 to $DF
   1 ; OPEN-S Subroutine
   1 ; OPEN-P Subroutine
   1 ; OPEN-K Subroutine
   1 ; OPEN-2 Subroutine
   1 ; OPEN stream look-up table
   1 ; Now store 1 in mem-0.
   1 ; Now separate capslock 06 from modes 7-15.
   1 ; Now enter a loop to print it
   1 ; Now deal with a runtime error as opposed to an editing error.
   1 ; Now consider the following character fetched earlier.
   1 ; Now consider paper 2; #2; a$
   1 ; Note this is not a subroutine but a branch of the main execution loop.
   1 ; Note that this causes floating point numbers to be stripped from
   1 ; Note that classes 00, 03 and 05 will fetch the addresses from this table.
   1 ; Note that BIN need not have any '0's or '1's after it.
   1 ; Note that ADD-CHAR precedes the table so we can't offset to it directly.
   1 ; Note if you move alter the syntax table next line may have to be altered.
   1 ; Note ERR_SP points here during line entry which allows the
   1 ; Not all the calling routines raise an error with overflow so no attempt
   1 ; Not a trivial task.
   1 ; No real harm can come from SCREEN$(255,255) although the BASIC manual
   1 ; No actual check on ranges is performed - that's up to the BASIC programmer.
   1 ; No Room for line
   1 ; Next is chr$ 15
   1 ; Move cursor left when editing
   1 ; Move a floating point number (31)
   1 ; Mike Dailly               for comments.
   1 ; Merge a Line or Variable
   1 ; Make Room
   1 ; Main parser (BASIC interpreter)
   1 ; MASK_T  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   that is 1 shows that the
   1 ; Luckily this provides a mechanism for extending these in a shadow ROM
   1 ; Lower screen copying
   1 ; Loops till all colour items output, finally addressing the coordinates.
   1 ; Long names may contain spaces but not colour controls (when assigned).
   1 ; Load header or block of information
   1 ; Load a data block
   1 ; Literals $E0 to $FF
   1 ; List to any stream.
   1 ; Last updated: 13-DEC-2004
   1 ; LPRINT "A"; etc..
   1 ; LOOK-VARS
   1 ; LOOK-PROG
   1 ; LOG(2^A)
   1 ; LIST, RUN, GO TO, GO SUB and RESTORE have problems and the latter may
   1 ; LIST #15
   1 ; LD DE,(DE+1) Subroutine
   1 ; L0EAF with B holding 192 (and interrupts disabled) for a full-screen
   1 ; Just listing a line makes it the current edit line.
   1 ; It's even easier to subtract 1 from the angle and rectify the sign.
   1 ; It would save two duplicate bytes and if we also got rid of that sub 8 
   1 ; It wasn't written here but in the ZX81 where the programmers had to squeeze
   1 ; It was not the end-marker so a single statement byte remains at the base of 
   1 ; It was a string expression - start in DE, length in BC
   1 ; It updates the system variables used to fetch the next line/statement.
   1 ; It returns once a single item has been dealt with as it is part
   1 ; It probably had a zippier label though as the intention is to simplify the
   1 ; It performs a 'RESTORE 0' then CLEAR
   1 ; It isn't very efficient and it would have been better to hold the
   1 ; It is used to step along the 16-bit dimension sizes in array definitions.
   1 ; It is quite permissible to send these to any stream.
   1 ; It is popular to call this from machine code at point
   1 ; It is not possible to erase an array, but it can be re-dimensioned to
   1 ; It is more than one character but re-test current character so that 6 reset
   1 ; It is further complicated in that it deals with TAB and AT characters
   1 ; It is called from mult, truncate, negate and sgn.
   1 ; It is called from above and also from PR-ITEM-3 to handle a single embedded
   1 ; It is called from STK-VAR and from DIM. In the latter case syntax is not
   1 ; It is called from SCANNING to isolate the required part of the structure.
   1 ; It is called from MAIN-3 to extract the line number in preparation for
   1 ; It is called from LINE-SCAN to check the syntax of the digits.
   1 ; It is called from CLASS-01 when assigning to a string or array including
   1 ; It is by calling this routine after any change that the cursor, for
   1 ; It is bits 7-5 of the first character of a variable that allow
   1 ; It is best to work through using, say, +-3.4 as examples.
   1 ; It is at STMT-RET that the actual change in control takes place.
   1 ; It is also used by the error routine to clear the respective
   1 ; It is also used by STK-VAR to calculate array subscripts and by DIM to
   1 ; It is also called from PRINT-ITEM to get the two numeric expressions that
   1 ; It is also called from INPUT to input a numeric or string expression.
   1 ; It is also called at STMT-RET after every statement.
   1 ; It is a this stage of the ROM that the Spectrum ceases altogether to be
   1 ; It could have been derived directly from atn using acs(x) = atn(sqr(1-x*x)/x).
   1 ; It also clears the screen and the GO SUB stack.
   1 ; Ironically the tape streamer is not accessed through streams and
   1 ; Invoked in BASIC with:
   1 ; Interestingly, in the Pitman pocket guide, 1984, Vickers says that the
   1 ; Interestingly the calculator stack is moved from its normal place at the
   1 ; Integer truncation towards zero ($3A)
   1 ; Integer to floating point
   1 ; In this form 1 is stored as
   1 ; In this case HL points to the initial letter, bits 7-5
   1 ; In runtime this 'command' is passed by but the syntax is checked when such
   1 ; In fact, provided there is enough free RAM, the Spectrum can evaluate
   1 ; In fact, after reducing the argument, the absolute value of the argument
   1 ; In fact the alternate set is used for the whole routine.
   1 ; In either case this is dealt with by recursive calls to SCANNING.
   1 ; Ignore next 2 codes from key-input routine
   1 ; If, for simplicity, two Spectrums were both using #15 as a bi-directional
   1 ; If they are both integers, then go for the easy route.
   1 ; If the statement was part of a direct command then -2 is used as a
   1 ; If the number is negative then a similar process to that used in INT-STORE
   1 ; If the character is greater than a space it is a required separator.
   1 ; If so go to next statement which in the first case will be on next line.
   1 ; If rejoining from earlier there will be a value 'x' on stack.
   1 ; If no match is found a null string is returned.
   1 ; If negative, the number is stored in 2's complement form so that it is
   1 ; If mode was zero then, while printing a BASIC line, bit 2 of flags has been
   1 ; If less, then it is a command class in the range 00 - 0B.
   1 ; If continuing from above the value zero.
   1 ; If checking syntax,
   1 ; If an error occurs while editing, or inputting, then ERR_SP
   1 ; If a user written machine-code program disables interrupts then it
   1 ; IY for other purposes can still use the calculator for mathematical
   1 ; INPUT and INPUT LINE converge here.
   1 ; INPUT ITEM subroutine
   1 ; INPUT ASSIGNMENT Subroutine
   1 ; I digress.
   1 ; However, this only gets called from OUT-LINE when printing the edit line
   1 ; However, there are so many exchanges going on at the places this is invoked
   1 ; However, ironically, only the LOAD command gets it right. It will not
   1 ; However, by the clever use of string expressions and VAL, such recursion is
   1 ; However, as sine and cosine are horizontal translations of each other,
   1 ; However that wasn't the plan.
   1 ; However it's just as easy to reduce the argument first and subtract the
   1 ; However it wouldn't be wise to have two streams attached to the ZX Printer
   1 ; However if we examine angle y then a/h is the sine of that angle.
   1 ; However if the error code is now zero then the OK message will be printed.
   1 ; However all 64 pixels in the character cell take any embedded colour
   1 ; Here, perhaps, another Spectrum has said print #15; AT 0,0; "This is yellow"
   1 ; Has the user just pressed the ENTER key ?
   1 ; Happily no check is made as to whether ROM or RAM is addressed.
   1 ; Handle subtraction (03)
   1 ; Handle slicing of strings
   1 ; Handle scrolling
   1 ; Handle reserve room
   1 ; Handle reclaiming space
   1 ; Handle printing floating point
   1 ; Handle display with line number
   1 ; Handle delete (02)
   1 ; Handle change of colour
   1 ; Handle addition of BASIC line
   1 ; Handle addition (0F)
   1 ; Handle STOP command
   1 ; Handle RUN command
   1 ; Handle RESTORE command
   1 ; Handle READ command
   1 ; Handle RANDOMIZE command
   1 ; Handle PRINT commands
   1 ; Handle POKE command
   1 ; Handle PLOT command
   1 ; Handle PAUSE command
   1 ; Handle OUT command
   1 ; Handle OPEN# command
   1 ; Handle NEXT command
   1 ; Handle LPRINT command
   1 ; Handle LLIST
   1 ; Handle LIST
   1 ; Handle IF command
   1 ; Handle GO TO command
   1 ; Handle GO SUB command
   1 ; Handle FOR command
   1 ; Handle EDIT key
   1 ; Handle DIM command
   1 ; Handle DEF FN command
   1 ; Handle DATA command
   1 ; Handle COPY command
   1 ; Handle CONTINUE command
   1 ; Handle CLEAR command
   1 ; Handle CAT, ERASE, FORMAT, MOVE commands
   1 ; Handle BORDER command
   1 ; HL=first number, DE=second number
   1 ; HL=HL*DE Subroutine
   1 ; HL points to top line of third and must be copied to bottom of previous 3rd.
   1 ; HL points to the stack or a location in MEM and no deletion occurs.
   1 ; HL points to start of variable name after 'LET' in BASIC line.
   1 ; HL points to last value int x
   1 ; HL points to first number, DE to second.
   1 ; HL points to 4th byte.
   1 ; HL addresses the first number, DE addresses the second number.
   1 ; Go to next statement
   1 ; Get starting address of line, or line after
   1 ; Get pixel address
   1 ; Get next one
   1 ; Get line number of next line
   1 ; Get last value from calculator stack
   1 ; Get from memory area ($E0 etc.)
   1 ; General line checking
   1 ; For integers the form is
   1 ; For each command there exists a variable list of parameters.
   1 ; For each code in the range $07 to $0F this table contains a
   1 ; For arithmetic only, A holds the sign of the result which is stored in
   1 ; For 8-bit integers there will be at most 3 digits.
   1 ; For 16-bit integers there will be at most 5 digits. 
   1 ; Footnote. calling any location that holds JP (HL) is the equivalent to
   1 ; Floating point to BC register
   1 ; Floating point to A
   1 ; Floating point form is an alternative method of storing numbers which can
   1 ; First make statement zero number one leaving others unaffected.
   1 ; First it ensures that the angle 'wraps round'. That if a ship turns through 
   1 ; Find start address of new line
   1 ; Find integers
   1 ; Find each statement
   1 ; Find DATA, DEF FN or NEXT.
   1 ; Finally see if an exponent has been input.
   1 ; Fetch two numbers
   1 ; Fetch two  parameters from calculator stack
   1 ; Fetch integer
   1 ; Fetch a value
   1 ; Fetch a number
   1 ; FEFE  [SHI] [ Z ] [ X ] [ C ] [ V ]  |  [ B ] [ N ] [ M ] [sym] [ SPC ] 7FFE
   1 ; FDFE  [ A ] [ S ] [ D ] [ F ] [ G ]  |  [ H ] [ J ] [ K ] [ L ] [ ENT ] BFFE
   1 ; FBFE  [ Q ] [ W ] [ E ] [ R ] [ T ]  |  [ Y ] [ U ] [ I ] [ O ] [ P ]   DFFE
   1 ; F7FE  [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]  |  [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 0 ]   EFFE
   1 ; Expect numeric/string expression
   1 ; Examples of direct commands are RUN, CLS, LOAD "", PRINT USR 40000,
   1 ; Evaluates tangent x as    sin(x) / cos(x).
   1 ; Error A unless the argument is between -1 and +1.
   1 ; Error 6 if the argument, in radians, is too close to one like pi/2
   1 ; Entry point for all tape commands
   1 ; Entry point OUT-NUM-2 is used from OUT-LINE to output the line number
   1 ; Entry point OUT-NUM-1 is used by the Error Reporting code to print
   1 ; Entering an existing line number deletes that line.
   1 ; Entering a non-existent line allows the subsequent line to be edited next.
   1 ; Enter/newline
   1 ; Enter with: pitch on top of calculator stack
   1 ; End of statement?
   1 ; End of printing
   1 ; End of line?
   1 ; Editor routine for BASIC and INPUT
   1 ; Editor error routine
   1 ; Editing keys table
   1 ; Early demonstrations of the Spectrum showed a single microdrive being
   1 ; Early adverts said that the network and RS232 were in this ROM. 
   1 ; E-format to floating point
   1 ; Dr. Ian Logan             for labels and functional disassembly.
   1 ; Dr. Frank O'Hara          for labels and functional disassembly.
   1 ; Documented by Alvin Albrecht.
   1 ; Difference routine
   1 ; Development of this ROM continued for another three months until the cost
   1 ; Derived from asn above which is in turn derived from the preceding atn.
   1 ; Decimal to floating point
   1 ; DIM a(2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) is possible and creates a multi-
   1 ; DIM a$(3,3,10) can be considered as two dimensional array of ten-character
   1 ; DELETE editing
   1 ; DE (STKEND) points to start of value.
   1 ; D holds parameter 0-9 for ink/paper 0,1 or 8 for bright/flash,
   1 ; Cursor up editing
   1 ; Cursor right editing
   1 ; Cursor left editing
   1 ; Cursor down editing
   1 ; Cosines are calculated as the sine of the opposite angle rectifying the 
   1 ; Copy line routine
   1 ; Control characters with operands
   1 ; Continue here when dealing with TAB.
   1 ; Compare line numbers
   1 ; Command syntax example: OPEN #5,"s"
   1 ; Command syntax example: BORDER 7
   1 ; Command classes---01, 02, and 04
   1 ; Command classes---00, 03, and 05
   1 ; Command class---0B
   1 ; Command class---09
   1 ; Command class---04
   1 ; Command class table
   1 ; Command Syntax: STOP
   1 ; Command Syntax example: PLOT 128,88
   1 ; Come here after interpretation
   1 ; Colour Item Routines
   1 ; Collect line number
   1 ; Clearing whole display area
   1 ; Clear various editing areas
   1 ; Clear edit/work space
   1 ; Clear Printer Buffer
   1 ; Check whether digit or letter
   1 ; Check syntax
   1 ; Check statement for DATA or DEF FN
   1 ; Check signal being loaded
   1 ; Check for valid digit
   1 ; Check for a number marker
   1 ; Check for BREAK key
   1 ; Check available memory
   1 ; Channels 'N' and 'B' are user channels and have been removed successfully 
   1 ; Channels 'K' and 'S' are system channels and it would be inappropriate
   1 ; Channel code look-up table
   1 ; Channel S flag
   1 ; Channel P flag
   1 ; Channel K flag
   1 ; Certain control characters are followed by 1 or 2 operands.
   1 ; Canned report messages
   1 ; Canned cassette messages
   1 ; CO-TEMP-3
   1 ; CLASS-04 has also checked the variable and the name is in STRLEN_lo.
   1 ; CIRCLE INK 2; 128,88,50 will not draw a red circle.
   1 ; Byte 5 - unused but always zero.
   1 ; Byte 4 - High byte
   1 ; Byte 3 - Low byte of integer.
   1 ; Byte 2 - sign byte, $00 +ve, $FF -ve.
   1 ; Byte 1 - zero,
   1 ; By default all expressions are positive and the spurious '+' is eliminated
   1 ; Both integers and floating-point numbers can be stored in five bytes.
   1 ; Both forms can be finished by pressing a key.
   1 ; Begin by considering whether to print a leading sign for negative numbers.
   1 ; BIN is really just a notational symbol and not a function.
   1 ; BASIC line.
   1 ; BASIC interface to BEEPER subroutine.
   1 ; Attribute handling
   1 ; At this point there is a looping return address on the stack, an error
   1 ; At this point the start of the DEF FN argument list is on the machine stack.
   1 ; As with the ZX80,
   1 ; As with any command, there are two values on the machine stack at the time 
   1 ; As this defined function may be part of a hierarchy of defined functions
   1 ; As the definition is just an expression, there would seem to be no means
   1 ; As noted earlier, Vickers says there should have been an entry in
   1 ; As it moves along the first list, the character address CH_ADD is stored
   1 ; As an example, to output five seconds of middle C (261.624 Hz):
   1 ; As a general rule the calculator avoids using the IY register.
   1 ; As a consequence of this omission the buffer will needlessly
   1 ; Apart from a couple of minor glitches, which you can now correct, the
   1 ; Anyway doesn't matter, these routines are long gone.
   1 ; Andy Styles               for full relocatability implementation and testing.                    testing.
   1 ; Andrew Owen               for ZASM compatibility and format improvements.
   1 ; An instruction fetch on $0008 may page in a peripheral ROM,
   1 ; An important part of the runtime process is to check that the number of
   1 ; An extra UDG might have been better.
   1 ; An expression that begins with a quote requires special treatment.
   1 ; An existing line with same number is deleted first.
   1 ; An enigma.
   1 ; An earlier mathematician Lewis Carroll may have been pleased that
   1 ; An acquired programming skill is the ability to include brackets where
   1 ; Alvin Albrecht            for comments.
   1 ; Although 32 memory storage locations can be addressed, only six
   1 ; Alternatively the user wishes to clear the input buffer and start again.
   1 ; Alternatively a direct statement has finished correctly.
   1 ; Alternatively ...
   1 ; Alter stream
   1 ; Also from AUTO-LIST with HL addressing S_TOP just to update S_TOP
   1 ; Also called from LIST-4.
   1 ; Also a$(9 TO 5) returns a null string not an error.
   1 ; All the remaining functions will be evaluated by a single call to the
   1 ; All the other commands deal with the limit unsatisfactorily.
   1 ; All that is being checked is that there are a valid set of comma-separated
   1 ; All routines are capable of being run in two modes - syntax checking mode
   1 ; Alex Pallero Gonzales     for corrections.
   1 ; Again it's up to the BASIC programmer to supply valid values of line/column.
   1 ; Again a single class for four commands.
   1 ; Afterwards, HL will point to the location before this.
   1 ; Adjust pointers before making or reclaiming room
   1 ; Add code to current line
   1 ; Add back any carry
   1 ; Acknowledgements
   1 ; Acceptable characters at this point are carriage return and ':'.
   1 ; ATTR_T  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   1 ; A zero end-marker is required as channel 'R' is not present.
   1 ; A string expression in brackets can be sliced. e.g. (STR$ PI) (3 TO )
   1 ; A slice can itself be sliced ad infinitum
   1 ; A simple return but when used as a calculator literal this
   1 ; A simple form of 'PRINT #3' although it can output to 16 streams.
   1 ; A short form of LIST #3. The listing goes to stream 3 - default printer.
   1 ; A screen byte holds 8 pixels so it is necessary to rotate a mask
   1 ; A pixel can be reset (inverse 1), toggled (over 1), or set ( with inverse
   1 ; A numeric variable could be simple or an array element.
   1 ; A new line is added to the BASIC program at the appropriate place.
   1 ; A loop is now entered to insert the size of each dimension that was pushed
   1 ; A loop is now entered to compare, by subtraction, each corresponding character
   1 ; A list of comma-separated variables is assigned from a list of
   1 ; A holds the derived offset $00-$1F.
   1 ; A holds control $10 (INK) to $15 (OVER)
   1 ; A holds $00-$1F offset.
   1 ; A direct command is to be run or, if continuing from above,
   1 ; A channel is an input/output route to a hardware device
   1 ; A carriage return is 'printed' to screen or printer buffer.
   1 ; A bracket at the start of a sub-expression may be spurious or necessary
   1 ; A binary operation.
   1 ; A General Note on Invalid Line Numbers.
   1 ; A DEFB 02 delete is required immediately on using the calculator.
   1 ; =========================================
   1 ; =======================================
   1 ; ==================================
   1 ; =========  ====   == ======== === ======== ========  ==== ===  =  === === ===
   1 ; ===&gt;  there were many branches forward to here
   1 ; ==&gt; branch here from  L-NUMERIC
   1 ; ==&gt; The branch was here if not in table.
   1 ; <font color=#CC00FF>(n1,n2 -- r,q)</font>  
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> while it would be pedantic to comment on every occasion a JP
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> this exit seems correct but the general-purpose routine S-STRING
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> this does allow a degree of nonsense to be accepted as in
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> this command should ensure that current channel is actually 'S'.
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> these invisible storage locations hold nothing meaningful for the
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> these commands should ensure that current channel is 'S'
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> the two-byte sequence 'rst 08; defb $0b' could replace the above jp.
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> the high byte of the line number is incorrectly compared with $F0
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> the COPY command rejoins here, essentially to execute the next
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> one of the class routines will eventually drop the return address
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> it would be better if the 2nd RRCA preceded the string test.
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> incidentally this is the only occasion in Spectrum BASIC when an
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> in a BASIC line we can safely backtrack to a colour parameter.
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> if either of the numeric expressions contain STR$ then the flag setting 
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> for what was intended there should also have been an
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> for example line number 200 -
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> at this point we have a validated line number, not just an
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> as a general rule the calculator avoids using the IY register
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> any of the above seven will serve as a program end-marker.
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> although the calculator is performing a single operation most
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> While in editing/input mode should an error occur then RST 08 will
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> While a starting line can be specified it is
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> Though not used by the ROM as such, it has also been set up as
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> The routine seems designed to clear a buffer that follows the
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> Such code is made into subroutines to make programs easier to
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> LET a$(3 TO 6) = h$   will assign "hat " if h$ = "hat"
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> In BASIC, TAB is followed by a 16-bit number and was initially
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> If supplied with inappropriate high numbers the system may crash
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> For ZASM assembler replace following expression with SUB $13.
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> At each pass of the digit loop this will be divided by ten.
   1 ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $8C 'series-0C')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $88 'series-08')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $86 'series-06')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $3D 're-stack')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $38 'end-calc')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $37 'greater-0' )</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $36 'less-0' )</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $35 'dec-jr-nz')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $33 'jump')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $32 'n-mod-m')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $30 'not')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $2f 'chr$')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $2e 'str$')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $2d 'usr-no')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $2C 'in')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $2B 'peek')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $2A 'abs')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $29 'sgn')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $1e 'len')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $1d 'val')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $1c 'code')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $1a 'read-in')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $1B 'negate')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $19 'usr-$')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $18 'val$')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $17 'strs-add')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $16 'strs-eql')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $15 'str-less')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $14 'str-grtr')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $13 'strs-neql')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $12 'str-gr-eql')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $11 'str-l-eql')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $10 'str-&amp;-no')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $0E 'nos-eql')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $0D 'no-less')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $0C 'no-grtr')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $0B 'nos-neql')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $0A 'no-gr-eql')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $08 'no-&amp;-no')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $07 'or' )</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $05 'division')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $04 'multiply')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $01 'exchange')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset: $00 'jump-true')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset $39: 'get-argt')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset $27: 'int' )</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset $26: 'exp')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset $25: 'ln')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset $21: 'tan')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset $20: 'cos')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(offset $1F: 'sin')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(Offset $28: 'sqr')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(Offset $24: 'atn')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(Offset $23: 'acs')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(Offset $22: 'asn')</font>
   1 ; <font color=#339933>(Offset $06: 'to-power')</font>
   1 ; 76543210 meaning                               brief outline of format.
   1 ; 4) Functions arcsin, arccosine and arctan enable one to calculate an unknown
   1 ; 32-bit numbers as well from above
   1 ; 32-bit multiplication to which it will resort if this overflows.
   1 ; 32 bytes to the ZX Printer.
   1 ; 3) Functions sine, cosine and tangent enable one to calculate the length 
   1 ; 3) CO TEMP-4 to handle a colour command such as FLASH 1
   1 ; 254     |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   1 ; 23697   |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|
   1 ; 23696   |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|   taken not from ATTR-T but from
   1 ; 23695   |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|
   1 ; 2) To find a token in held E.
   1 ; 2) In any right-angled triangle the sum of the squares of the two shorter
   1 ; 2) CO-TEMP-3 to handle a single embedded print colour item.
   1 ; 111      for-next loop variable.               18 bytes.
   1 ; 110      string array.                         2 byte length + contents.
   1 ; 101      variable length named numeric.        5 bytes.
   1 ; 10010001 00000000 00000001
   1 ; 10010000 00000000 00000010 &lt;-  now shift left and decrement exponent
   1 ; 10000010 01000000 00000000 &lt;-  until a 1 abuts the imaginary point
   1 ; 10000001 10000000 00000000     to the left of the mantissa.
   1 ; 10000001 00000000 00000000
   1 ; 10000000 the variables area end-marker.
   1 ; 100      array of numbers.                     2 byte length + contents.
   1 ; 10 LET Babies cannot manage crocodiles = Babies are illogical AND
   1 ; 10 BORDER 3 : PLOT VAL STR$ 128, VAL STR$ 100
   1 ; 1) with 9 digits but 8 in mem-5-1 and A holding 4, carry set if rounding up.
   1 ; 1) To find the D'th statement in a line.
   1 ; 1) The sum of the three angles is always PI radians (180 degrees).
   1 ; 1) CO-TEMP-2 to handle a series of embedded Graphic colour items.
   1 ; 011      simple numeric variable.              5 bytes.
   1 ; 010 - simple string, 110 - string array, 100 - array of numbers.
   1 ; 010      string variable.                      2 byte length + contents.
   1 ; 0 or 1 for over/inverse.
   1 ; 0 ^ 0 = 1.
   1 ; 0 ^ -n = arithmetic overflow.
   1 ; 0 ^ +n = 0.
   1 ; ... so that INPUT_AD directs control to here at next call to WAIT-KEY
   1 ; ... and again later at this point
   1 ; -8-&gt; 
   1 ; -----------------------------------------------------------------
   1 ; ----------------------------------------------------------
   1 ; --------------------------------------------------------
   1 ; -------------------------------------------------
   1 ; -------- ------------------------              -----------------------
   1 ; --------
   1 ; -*-&gt; the branch was here if a string existed.
   1 ; -&gt; this routine evaluates and outputs a colour control and parameter.
   1 ; -&gt; this entry point used by CLASS-07. e.g. the command PAPER 6.
   1 ; -&gt; the single entry point.
   1 ; -&gt; the scanning branch was here if not alphanumeric.
   1 ; -&gt; the mid-point entry point of the loop
   1 ; -&gt; the mid entry point of loop.
   1 ; -&gt; the initial entry point with HL addressing start of syntax table entry.
   1 ; -&gt; the entry point from above or LINE-RUN
   1 ; -&gt; entry point.
   1 ; -&gt; This initial entry point deals with two operands - AT or TAB.
   1 ; -&gt; This initial entry point deals with one operand INK to OVER.
   1 ; -&gt; The entry point is here if A is used as a running flag.
   1 ; -&gt; Entry point.
   1 ; -&gt; Entry point from CLASS-09. Embedded Graphic colour items.
   1 ; - observation, Steven Vickers, 1984, Pitman.
   1 ; - from a turn of the century newsgroup discussion initiated by Mike Wynne.
   1 ; - Steven Vickers, 1984.
   1 ; - - &gt;
   1 ; ** Part 6. EXECUTIVE ROUTINES  **
   1 ; * Note that a comma is required as a separator with the OPEN command
   1 ; (multiplication is done by a sequence of additions).
   1 ; (bits 7..2 of L) and a fine part (bits 1..0 of L) which
   1 ; (PR-ALL-6 would require an extra 3 bytes of code).
   1 ; ( so HL = $4800 or $5000 ) ( but also sometimes $4000 )
   1 ; ( or in the case of mem-5 will become zero as a result of RLD instruction )
   1 ; ( comment out, perhaps, for other assemblers - see Notes at end.)
   1 ; &gt;&gt; This is where they were all headed for.
   1 ; $FE     |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|
   1 ; $C0 to $C5 are required by the ROM and only the thirty bytes (6*5)
   1 ; $C0 = numeric result, numeric operand.            e.g. 'sin'
   1 ; $80 = numeric result, string operand.             e.g. 'code'
   1 ; $7F - <b>Character: ' &copy; '        </b>CHR$(127)
   1 ; $7E - <b>Character: '~'          </b>CHR$(126)
   1 ; $7D - <b>Character: '}'          </b>CHR$(125)
   1 ; $7C - <b>Character: '|'          </b>CHR$(124)
   1 ; $7B - <b>Character: '{'          </b>CHR$(123)
   1 ; $7A - <b>Character: 'z'          </b>CHR$(122)
   1 ; $79 - <b>Character: 'y'          </b>CHR$(121)
   1 ; $78 - <b>Character: 'x'          </b>CHR$(120)
   1 ; $77 - <b>Character: 'w'          </b>CHR$(119)
   1 ; $76 - <b>Character: 'v'          </b>CHR$(118)
   1 ; $75 - <b>Character: 'u'          </b>CHR$(117)
   1 ; $74 - <b>Character: 't'          </b>CHR$(116)
   1 ; $73 - <b>Character: 's'          </b>CHR$(115)
   1 ; $72 - <b>Character: 'r'          </b>CHR$(114)
   1 ; $71 - <b>Character: 'q'          </b>CHR$(113)
   1 ; $70 - <b>Character: 'p'          </b>CHR$(112)
   1 ; $6F - <b>Character: 'o'          </b>CHR$(111)
   1 ; $6E - <b>Character: 'n'          </b>CHR$(110)
   1 ; $6D - <b>Character: 'm'          </b>CHR$(109)
   1 ; $6C - <b>Character: 'l'          </b>CHR$(108)
   1 ; $6B - <b>Character: 'k'          </b>CHR$(107)
   1 ; $6A - <b>Character: 'j'          </b>CHR$(106)
   1 ; $69 - <b>Character: 'i'          </b>CHR$(105)
   1 ; $68 - <b>Character: 'h'          </b>CHR$(104)
   1 ; $67 - <b>Character: 'g'          </b>CHR$(103)
   1 ; $66 - <b>Character: 'f'          </b>CHR$(102)
   1 ; $65 - <b>Character: 'e'          </b>CHR$(101)
   1 ; $64 - <b>Character: 'd'          </b>CHR$(100)
   1 ; $63 - <b>Character: 'c'          </b>CHR$(99)
   1 ; $62 - <b>Character: 'b'          </b>CHR$(98)
   1 ; $61 - <b>Character: 'a'          </b>CHR$(97)
   1 ; $60 - <b>Character: ' &pound; '        </b>CHR$(96)
   1 ; $5F - <b>Character: '_'          </b>CHR$(95)
   1 ; $5E - <b>Character: '^'          </b>CHR$(94)
   1 ; $5D - <b>Character: ']'          </b>CHR$(93)
   1 ; $5C - <b>Character: '\'          </b>CHR$(92)
   1 ; $5B - <b>Character: '['          </b>CHR$(91)
   1 ; $5A - <b>Character: 'Z'          </b>CHR$(90)
   1 ; $59 - <b>Character: 'Y'          </b>CHR$(89)
   1 ; $58 - <b>Character: 'X'          </b>CHR$(88)
   1 ; $57 - <b>Character: 'W'          </b>CHR$(87)
   1 ; $56 - <b>Character: 'V'          </b>CHR$(86)
   1 ; $55 - <b>Character: 'U'          </b>CHR$(85)
   1 ; $54 - <b>Character: 'T'          </b>CHR$(84)
   1 ; $53 - <b>Character: 'S'          </b>CHR$(83)
   1 ; $52 - <b>Character: 'R'          </b>CHR$(82)
   1 ; $51 - <b>Character: 'Q'          </b>CHR$(81)
   1 ; $50 - <b>Character: 'P'          </b>CHR$(80)
   1 ; $4F - <b>Character: 'O'          </b>CHR$(79)
   1 ; $4E - <b>Character: 'N'          </b>CHR$(78)
   1 ; $4D - <b>Character: 'M'          </b>CHR$(77)
   1 ; $4C - <b>Character: 'L'          </b>CHR$(76)
   1 ; $4B - <b>Character: 'K'          </b>CHR$(75)
   1 ; $4A - <b>Character: 'J'          </b>CHR$(74)
   1 ; $49 - <b>Character: 'I'          </b>CHR$(73)
   1 ; $48 - <b>Character: 'H'          </b>CHR$(72)
   1 ; $47 - <b>Character: 'G'          </b>CHR$(71)
   1 ; $46 - <b>Character: 'F'          </b>CHR$(70)
   1 ; $45 - <b>Character: 'E'          </b>CHR$(69)
   1 ; $44 - <b>Character: 'D'          </b>CHR$(68)
   1 ; $43 - <b>Character: 'C'          </b>CHR$(67)
   1 ; $42 - <b>Character: 'B'          </b>CHR$(66)
   1 ; $41 - <b>Character: 'A'          </b>CHR$(65)
   1 ; $40 = string result, numeric operand.             e.g. 'str$'
   1 ; $40 - <b>Character: '@'          </b>CHR$(64)
   1 ; $3F - <b>Character: '?'          </b>CHR$(63)
   1 ; $3E - <b>Character: '&gt;'          </b>CHR$(62)
   1 ; $3D - <b>Character: '='          </b>CHR$(61)
   1 ; $3C - <b>Character: '&lt;'          </b>CHR$(60)
   1 ; $3B - <b>Character: ';'          </b>CHR$(59)
   1 ; $3A - <b>Character: ':'          </b>CHR$(58)
   1 ; $39 - <b>Character: '9'          </b>CHR$(57)
   1 ; $38 - <b>Character: '8'          </b>CHR$(56)
   1 ; $37 - <b>Character: '7'          </b>CHR$(55)
   1 ; $36 - <b>Character: '6'          </b>CHR$(54)
   1 ; $35 - <b>Character: '5'          </b>CHR$(53)
   1 ; $34 - <b>Character: '4'          </b>CHR$(52)
   1 ; $33 - <b>Character: '3'          </b>CHR$(51)
   1 ; $32 - <b>Character: '2'          </b>CHR$(50)
   1 ; $31 - <b>Character: '1'          </b>CHR$(49)
   1 ; $30 - <b>Character: '0'          </b>CHR$(48)
   1 ; $2F - <b>Character: '/'          </b>CHR$(47)
   1 ; $2E - <b>Character: '.'          </b>CHR$(46)
   1 ; $2D - <b>Character: '-'          </b>CHR$(45)
   1 ; $2C - <b>Character: ','          </b>CHR$(44)
   1 ; $2B - <b>Character: '+'          </b>CHR$(43)
   1 ; $2A - <b>Character: '*'          </b>CHR$(42)
   1 ; $29 - <b>Character: ')'          </b>CHR$(41)
   1 ; $28 - <b>Character: '('          </b>CHR$(40)
   1 ; $27 - <b>Character: '''          </b>CHR$(39)
   1 ; $26 - <b>Character: '&amp;'          </b>CHR$(38)
   1 ; $25 - <b>Character: '%'          </b>CHR$(37)
   1 ; $24 - <b>Character: '$'          </b>CHR$(36)
   1 ; $23 - <b>Character: '#'          </b>CHR$(35)
   1 ; $22 - <b>Character: '"'          </b>CHR$(34)
   1 ; $21 - <b>Character: '!'          </b>CHR$(33)
   1 ; $20 - <b>Character: ' '          </b>CHR$(32)
   1 ; $0000   $4000       $5800        $5B00          $5C00         $5CB6 = CHANS 
   1 ; $00 = string result, string operand.              e.g. 'val$'
   1 ; "Due to a bug, if you bring in a peripheral channel and later use a colour
   1 ; "Contrary to the manual, CLEAR doesn't execute a RESTORE" -
   1 ;  | F0 LIS| F1 LET| F2 PAU| F3 NXT| F4 POK| F5 PRI| F6 PLO| F7 RUN|
   1 ;  | E0 LPR| E1 LLI| E2 STP| E3 REA| E4 DAT| E5 RES| E6 NEW| E7 BDR|
   1 ;  | D0 FMT| D1 MOV| D2 ERS| D3 OPN| D4 CLO| D5 MRG| D6 VFY| D7 BEP|
   1 ;  | C8 &gt;= | C9 &lt;&gt; | CA LIN| CB THN| CC TO | CD STP| CE DEF| CF CAT|
   1 ;  | C0 USR| C1 ST$| C2 CH$| C3 NOT| C4 BIN| C5 OR | C6 AND| C7 &lt;= |
   1 ;  | B8 LN | B9 EXP| BA INT| BB SQR| BC SGN| BD ABS| BE PEK| BF IN |
   1 ;  | B0 VAL| B1 LEN| B2 SIN| B3 COS| B4 TAN| B5 ASN| B6 ACS| B7 ATN|
   1 ;  | A8 FN | A9 PNT| AA SC$| AB ATT| AC AT | AD TAB| AE VL$| AF COD|
   1 ;  | A0 [Q]| A1 [R]| A2 [S]| A3 [T]| A4 [U]| A5 RND| A6 IK$| A7 PI |
   1 ;  | 98 [I]| 99 [J]| 9A [K]| 9B [L]| 9C [M]| 9D [N]| 9E [O]| 9F [P]|
   1 ;  | 90 [A]| 91 [B]| 92 [C]| 93 [D]| 94 [E]| 95 [F]| 96 [G]| 97 [H]|
   1 ;  | 88 136| 89 137| 8A 138| 8B 139| 8C 140| 8D 141| 8E 142| 8F 143|
   1 ;  | 80 128| 81 129| 82 130| 83 131| 84 132| 85 133| 86 134| 87 135|
   1 ;  | 78  x | 79  y | 7A  z | 7B  { | 7C  | | 7D  } | 7E  ~ | 7F  &copy; |
   1 ;  | 70  p | 71  q | 72  r | 73  s | 74  t | 75  u | 76  v | 77  w |
   1 ;  | 68  h | 69  i | 6A  j | 6B  k | 6C  l | 6D  m | 6E  n | 6F  o |
   1 ;  | 60  &pound; | 61  a | 62  b | 63  c | 64  d | 65  e | 66  f | 67  g |
   1 ;  | 58  X | 59  Y | 5A  Z | 5B  [ | 5C  \ | 5D  ] | 5E  ^ | 5F  _ |
   1 ;  | 50  P | 51  Q | 52  R | 53  S | 54  T | 55  U | 56  V | 57  W |
   1 ;  | 48  H | 49  I | 4A  J | 4B  K | 4C  L | 4D  M | 4E  N | 4F  O |
   1 ;  | 40  @ | 41  A | 42  B | 43  C | 44  D | 45  E | 46  F | 47  G |
   1 ;  | 38  8 | 39  9 | 3A  : | 3B  ; | 3C  &lt; | 3D  = | 3E  &gt; | 3F  ? |
   1 ;  | 30  0 | 31  1 | 32  2 | 33  3 | 34  4 | 35  5 | 36  6 | 37  7 |
   1 ;  | 28  ( | 29  ) | 2A  * | 2B  + | 2C  , | 2D  - | 2E  . | 2F  / |
   1 ;  | 20 SP | 21  ! | 22  " | 23  # | 24  $ | 25  % | 26  &amp; | 27  ' |
   1 ;  | 18 Pa0| 19 Pa1| 1A Pa2| 1B Pa3| 1C Pa4| 1D Pa5| 1E Pa6| 1F Pa7|
   1 ;  | 10 Ik0| 11 Ik1| 12 Ik2| 13 Ik3| 14 Ik4| 15 Ik5| 16 Ik6| 17 Ik7|
   1 ;  | 08 LFT| 09 RIG| 0A DWN| 0B UP | 0C DEL| 0D ENT| 0E SYM| 0F GRA|
   1 ;  | 00 Fl0| 01 Fl1| 02 Br0| 03 Br1| 04 In0| 05 In1| 06 CAP| 07 EDT|
   1 ;  would using square roots to form cos (a) from sin (a).
   1 ;  type is a program or an array.
   1 ;  statement, colour controls will be sent to it by mistake." - Steven Vickers
   1 ;  so 00 00 XX 00 00 (positive) or 00 FF XX FF 00 (negative).
   1 ;  mem-3 but that would spoil a good story and be slightly slower, as also 
   1 ;  key is pressed.
   1 ;  i.e. integer indicator, sign byte, low, high, unused.
   1 ;  class-06  e.g. GOTO a*1000   ; a numeric expression must follow
   1 ;  a table using subtraction and minor manipulation. 
   1 ;  ^     $27                                                 $18           v
   1 ;  WORKSP                  STKBOT  STKEND   sp               RAMTOP UDG  P_RAMT
   1 ;  The ten single-character digit symbols are converted without the aid of
   1 ;  The ten keywords assigned to the digits in extended mode.
   1 ;  The ten control codes assigned to the top line of digits when the shift 
   1 ;  The remaining red keywords below the keys.
   1 ;  The red keywords below keys on the original keyboard.
   1 ;  The green keywords on the original keyboard.
   1 ;  The colour system variable handler.
   1 ;  The 26 unshifted extended mode keys for the alphabetic characters.
   1 ;  The 26 shifted extended mode keys for the alphabetic characters.
   1 ;  The 26 red symbols assigned to the alphabetic characters of the keyboard.
   1 ;  Pitman Pocket Guide, 1984.
   1 ;  Lao Tze 604 - 531 B.C.
   1 ;  CHANS           PROG      VARS           E_LINE              WORKSP
   1 ;  <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> that cos (a) could be formed here directly using 'cos' and stored in 
   1 ;  "Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve 
   1 ;  "A good calculator does not need artificial aids"
   1 ;   zero. The most likely explanation is that there were once separate end tests
   1 ;   zero if zero, with one if positive and  with -minus one if negative.
   1 ;   y=sqr(1-x*x)                         - no need to multiply 1 by itself.
   1 ;   x-coordinate of this point measured from the centre of the circle is the 
   1 ;   x coordinate to obtain a new fractional x-coordinate.
   1 ;   would reclaim any buffers associated with a stream. At least one has been
   1 ;   would just be a straight line.  Eliminating this case here prevents 
   1 ;   would be lost until eventually the draw coordinates might differ from the 
   1 ;   with the manual (that says this is unused), the location has been used for 
   1 ;   with closing the stream of that channel.
   1 ;   wishes to move the cursor down one line in edit mode.
   1 ;   will lead to either a system restart or the production of a strange report.
   1 ;   will give just the same result as
   1 ;   will calculate the address of the A'th entry, where each entry occupies
   1 ;   will be labelled terminating, absolute and start coordinates.
   1 ;   which may be in floating point or integer form, with the integer values
   1 ;   where it is going to stick the wanted value.  The instruction LD DE, $0000 
   1 ;   where dur   = duration in seconds
   1 ;   when this is rotated out again then 8 bits have been read.
   1 ;   when the initial set carry is passed out again then a byte is complete.
   1 ;   when starting to read 8 bits the receiving byte is marked with bit at right.
   1 ;   when saving.
   1 ;   when it is set up to save the actual data.
   1 ;   when detecting a read-in signal on the tape.
   1 ;   when carry set then marker bit has been passed out and byte is complete.
   1 ;   when all bytes loaded then parity byte should be zero.
   1 ;   when a BASIC line is parsed.
   1 ;   well-used formula.  Normally the rotation formula is used with the x and y
   1 ;   we could skip to normalize now but it's quicker to avoid normalizing 
   1 ;   vertical arc draws one less than the perceived number of arcs. 
   1 ;   variables. 
   1 ;   variable pointed to <A href="#L121C">L121C</a> and that this enabled a Warm Restart to be 
   1 ;   variable COORDS to ensure that drawing commences at the correct pixel.
   1 ;   values or section common code. The alternate register set is the only place
   1 ;   value in mem-1 is zero and the ry value in mem-2 is the full chord.
   1 ;   value for the attribute file and it is only necessary to manipulate H to 
   1 ;   used to show type of arguments and result.
   1 ;   used to output a character in the A register so there is no need to 
   1 ;   used to indicate which of the two passes is in effect and the carry 
   1 ;   used by PRINT-FP.
   1 ;   updated.
   1 ;   up their two logarithms in the tables, added them together and then looked 
   1 ;   two mantissas by setting the leftmost bit that is used for the sign.
   1 ;   twelve for LN and ATN.  The mechanics of the routine are interesting but
   1 ;   trouble with expressions.
   1 ;   transfer sign of mantissa to Carry Flag.
   1 ;   to scale the coordinates of the first line which still points in the 
   1 ;   to fetch the next immediate character following the current valid character
   1 ;   to enhance the text channel on the ZX Interface 1.
   1 ;   to decode the key values.
   1 ;   to be changed to match the BORDER colour.
   1 ;   to access system variables and flags so a user-written program must 
   1 ;   to absolute coordinates by adding to the coordinates of the last point 
   1 ;   times a second (sixty times a second in the USA ).
   1 ;   time the calculator stack is manipulated due to other activity on the 
   1 ;   through an empty D.
   1 ;   through an angle, in radians, supplied by the third parameter.
   1 ;   this unnecessary alteration then there will be two blank lines between the
   1 ;   this table. The last byte of a token is inverted to denote the end of
   1 ;   this routine was indeed reversed but not as at first intended.
   1 ;   this entry point is when A holds $80 indicating a new variable.
   1 ;   this entry point is used to find a single edge from above but also 
   1 ;   they could be present in a string expression, and in other situations.
   1 ;   these routines form the three simple results when the number is zero.
   1 ;   these routines are designed to work on either area.
   1 ;   there is enough space between the calculator stack and the machine stack 
   1 ;   then decrease the counters within the two key-state maps
   1 ;   then both sets will be free.
   1 ;   then all 8 half-rows have been read. Shift is the first key to be
   1 ;   the word. The first is an inverted step-over byte.
   1 ;   the values obtained from this table.
   1 ;   the value 91 decimal. 
   1 ;   the type is a numeric or string array.
   1 ;   the two numeric values, or the two string parameters, are on the 
   1 ;   the time, it will now execute the code at 66 Hex.
   1 ;   the second set is always examined before the first.
   1 ;   the save loop begins by testing if reduced length is zero and if so
   1 ;   the same reason and to initialize the calculator stack at the start of
   1 ;   the same as used by ED-ERROR from which this has been augmented.  The
   1 ;   the right place.
   1 ;   the reading of the EAR bit (D6) will always be preceded by a test of the 
   1 ;   the output stream of the current channel.  The alternate register set is 
   1 ;   the outer loop is counted by H
   1 ;   the opportunity arose".
   1 ;   the lower screen/input buffer or the ZX printer.
   1 ;   the low byte of the Syntax table entry which was stored in T_ADDR.
   1 ;   the loading loop loads each byte and is entered at the mid point.
   1 ;   the length of the initial chord on a unary circle. This factor f is used
   1 ;   the last value is zero but no registers are altered.
   1 ;   the last relative y value (ry) used by DRAW.
   1 ;   the last point plotted that are required to get to the current point and 
   1 ;   the jump will always be made to ARC-START.
   1 ;   the jump was to here with extended mode with uppercase A-Z.
   1 ;   the jump was here with mode = 0
   1 ;   the jump was here with digits, space, enter and symbol shift (&lt; $xx)
   1 ;   the jump was here for tokens
   1 ;   the jump was here for other variables.
   1 ;   the input routine in use is the one for the keyboard.
   1 ;   the formula returns the next relative coordinates to use. 
   1 ;   the first line will be drawn and how long it is and then the rotation 
   1 ;   the final parity byte is saved reducing count to $FFFF.
   1 ;   the filename is more than ten characters in length or the null string.
   1 ;   the end points. The next pair will be the moving absolute values of x and y
   1 ;   the editor to highlight the error position if it occurred during syntax 
   1 ;   the data itself is saved.
   1 ;   the current channel so the above two instructions are superfluous.
   1 ;   the command LOAD code may rejoin here with zero stacked as start.
   1 ;   the circle continues in an anti-clockwise direction. As noted earlier the 
   1 ;   the character bitmaps so that they don't move as code is added and removed.
   1 ;   the central angle by the radius of the circle.
   1 ;   the case for the null string rejoins here.
   1 ;   the branch was here with an insertion or replacement point.
   1 ;   the branch was here with SAVE CODE start, 
   1 ;   the branch was here with BASIC to consider an optional auto-start line
   1 ;   the branch was here when the location in workspace held a variable.
   1 ;   the branch was here when possibility of a '(' has been excluded.
   1 ;   the branch was here when first characters of name matched. 
   1 ;   the branch was here to merge a program and its variables or an array.
   1 ;   the branch was here to consider auto-start.
   1 ;   the branch was here to consider a 'SCREEN$', the display file.
   1 ;   the branch was here to consider CODE.
   1 ;   the branch is here when two characters don't match
   1 ;   the branch is here when a program as opposed to an array is to be loaded.
   1 ;   the attributes for the lower lines are the same as upper ones and have 
   1 ;   the arc is on a slope.
   1 ;   the angle 2 * PI radians which is 360 degrees.
   1 ;   the Z80's DJNZ instruction.
   1 ;   the Spectrum invokes machine code programs. This function returns the
   1 ;   the CALCULATE routine.
   1 ;   the 21 User Definable Graphics e.g.
   1 ;   the 'to_power' function. A cube root or indeed any root/power would be just
   1 ;   the 'IF' token and expression.
   1 ;   that this is perhaps not the best idea you've had that day.
   1 ;   that are updated after each line is drawn. The final pair will be loaded 
   1 ;   tests repeated. CH_ADD will be addressing somewhere -
   1 ;   ten spaces are required for the default filename but it is simpler to
   1 ;   temporarily diverted to deal with, say colour control codes. 
   1 ;   table to the routine that performs any ancillary actions associated
   1 ;   system variables area during E-LINE-NO; INT-TO-FP; stk-ten.  In any case,
   1 ;   system variable that is updated above and if, as some have done, you make 
   1 ;   subroutine that clears the lower display area.  Note that at the moment 
   1 ;   subroutine is on two occasions called directly when it is known that
   1 ;   streams 0 - 2 can't be closed as they are shared by the operating system.
   1 ;   straight lines - when drawn in any direction.
   1 ;   stored in the 'mem' locations.  Some are not relevant for the circle.
   1 ;   stacking intermediate, unwanted constants onto a dummy calculator stack,
   1 ;   stacked.
   1 ;   stack in memory and conveniently DE which points to the first free byte
   1 ;   stack holds zero which is not very efficient as the test will always yield
   1 ;   stack always starts off as zero and the carry fed in determines if NOT is 
   1 ;   square using 4 straight lines although very small circles are just drawn as 
   1 ;   square root of a negative number generates an error in Sinclair BASIC.
   1 ;   spot so tidy the calculator stack and machine stack and plot the centre.
   1 ;   spaces may appear in variable names although the parser never sees them.
   1 ;   space key (D0), so store the initial post-test state.
   1 ;   sometimes red stripes on black paper just visible.
   1 ;   so the value of B denotes the state of the bit (two edges) read from tape.
   1 ;   so the same processing steps are used and then a final NOT is applied.
   1 ;   so that the exponent byte can be accessed for quick testing.
   1 ;   so a sixteen-bit register is required to store the length
   1 ;   so CHR$ 9 will only work if the next print position is at a newly
   1 ;   slightly displaced to the right.
   1 ;   six values are held in compressed format.
   1 ;   situation is that the lower screen is full and a rasp is given to suggest
   1 ;   simpler, than using LD (COORDS),HL.
   1 ;   simple addition and subtraction simplifying the navigational and 
   1 ;   seventeen bytes of header data. It is also the exit route from that routine
   1 ;   series.  As far as calculators are concerned, Chebyshev polynomials have an
   1 ;   sequence             
   1 ;   selected for the editing area or workspace. The routines that call
   1 ;   screen in case the lower two lines have been extended upwards.
   1 ;   sample indicates we are in the middle of a two or five second lead-in.
   1 ;   sample 256 edges to check that we are in the middle of a lead-in section. 
   1 ;   routines. The normal channel is $09F4.
   1 ;   routine.
   1 ;   rotated left to work up the left hand side and then down the right
   1 ;   right, the top angle is also (a/2) as angle BAE and EBA add to give a right
   1 ;   result is then doubled. 
   1 ;   residue mod p.
   1 ;   require to draw a circle or arc - on paper!
   1 ;   repetitions of values like 3.49 would mean that the fractional parts 
   1 ;   removing the possibility of any inaccuracy.
   1 ;   removed.
   1 ;   relevance to the BASIC parser. Otherwise CH_ADD is incremented and the
   1 ;   recursively to print tokens and the spaces associated with them.
   1 ;   read. The lower six bits of the shifts are unambiguous.
   1 ;   reach an approximation in just six iterations for SIN, eight for EXP and
   1 ;   re-initialize the system.  All RAM above RAMTOP should, and will be,
   1 ;   radius. 
   1 ;   radius and for an arc is the diameter with, as it happens, a pinch more if 
   1 ;   radius 87. The Spectrum can attempt larger circles e.g. CIRCLE 0,14,255
   1 ;   radius 50 will have 24 straight lines but an arc of radius 50 will have 20
   1 ;   radians. 
   1 ;   quadratic reciprocity says that if p and q are distinct odd primes, then
   1 ;   pseudo-register and makes consequential relative jumps just like
   1 ;   program has altered it.
   1 ;   professor of Geometry at Oxford University. These simplified the layout
   1 ;   produce two new x and y coordinates in an anticlockwise direction on the 
   1 ;   process of drawing a large circle, free memory is checked 1315 times.
   1 ;   proceed with graphic codes.
   1 ;   proceed when the blue and yellow bands have been output.
   1 ;   preserved.
   1 ;   preserve any of the current main registers (HL, DE, BC).  
   1 ;   present in the parameter table is also present in the correct
   1 ;   precise the space key is pressed during a tape operation.
   1 ;   plus etc. If either number is zero then this is flagged.
   1 ;   plotted. The first two values on the stack are the terminal tx and ty 
   1 ;   plotted is saved as it will initialize the moving ax, value. 
   1 ;   placing two zeros in the NMIADD system variable.
   1 ;   place.
   1 ;   picked up from a channel that has an open stream.
   1 ;   performed at any time, even while playing machine code games, or while 
   1 ;   paths converge here and nothing must follow.
   1 ;   parameters can be derived from it, by a routine shared with DRAW.
   1 ;   p), so (75/65537) = (5/65537)^2 * (3/65537) = (3/65537). Now the law of
   1 ;   overwrite the first file-type indicator byte as well.
   1 ;   output will definitely be to the lower screen.
   1 ;   otherwise the variable was not found in run-time with SAVE/MERGE.
   1 ;   otherwise the long name matches in its entirety.
   1 ;   other purposes, then subsequent output to the printer buffer could corrupt 
   1 ;   other problems" - Rene Descartes 1596 - 1650.
   1 ;   other paths rejoin here with BC holding length in range 1 - 10.
   1 ;   other characters irrelevant to the parsing of a BASIC line etc. .
   1 ;   or with input - INPUT, INKEY$ etc.
   1 ;   or the null string if false.
   1 ;   or more fully,
   1 ;   or both, is reached.
   1 ;   operator.
   1 ;   operations although the SUB 8 instruction does nothing useful and merely
   1 ;   operation and it handles normal completion with the restoration of the
   1 ;   only used to evaluate the number of straight lines and then discarded.
   1 ;   only is necessary. With anything less the second check only is required.
   1 ;   only if it's not a quadratic residue. For let w be a primitive root, d
   1 ;   once pointed to by the System Variable NMIADD.  It would be essential that
   1 ;   once called from somewhere else in another context.
   1 ;   on whether the last test gave a true result.
   1 ;   on the circle. The periphery angle BAC is therefore a right angle by the 
   1 ;   on address $0008 may page in a peripheral ROM such as the Sinclair 
   1 ;   often used by third-party software. 
   1 ;   of the tables enabling humans to easily scale calculations.
   1 ;   of the system variable NMIADD are zero or return if the location holds a
   1 ;   of the mathematical and string functions found in BASIC expressions.
   1 ;   of division then it can no longer be in integer form and the next re-stack
   1 ;   of NEW the supplied top value.  The entire screen turns black with 
   1 ;   number.
   1 ;   number or variable names match (zero flag set) then a replacement takes 
   1 ;   number 9. The Napieran square root function is just a special case of 
   1 ;   now use a variation of that formula to rotate the first arc through (A-a)/2
   1 ;   now the raw key (0-38d) is converted to a main key (uppercase).
   1 ;   now the new line or variable is entered.
   1 ;   now test if byte counter has reached $FFFF.
   1 ;   now send a sync pulse. At this stage mic is off and A holds value
   1 ;   now hold zero.
   1 ;   now enter a loop to merge the data block in workspace with the program and 
   1 ;   now digits in 'KLC' mode
   1 ;   non-zero system variables and channel information.  The A register flags 
   1 ;   non-zero ones are all invertible. Hence under multiplication they form a
   1 ;   non-zero address.   So attaching a simple switch to the NMI as in the book 
   1 ;   nearest angle within reach is used.
   1 ;   naturally occurring number in branches of mathematics.
   1 ;   name for a number approximated to 2.718281828.
   1 ;   must have been symbol shift
   1 ;   must be found. The gap between two edges will be more for a '1' than a '0'
   1 ;   might have been to use end-calc; rst 08; defb 05.
   1 ;   middle of the arc-drawing loop. The arc count which includes the first 
   1 ;   memory situation as we're just printing.  The pitch and duration are exactly
   1 ;   may be supplied. This provides a user-friendly method of redefining
   1 ;   may alter that channel to divert subsequent RST 10 instructions to temporary
   1 ;   match or -128 for a type mismatch. Although characters have to be counted
   1 ;   makes b_i equal to n+1.
   1 ;   maintains the state of the bit to be saved.
   1 ;   machine stack.
   1 ;   lower screen and the upper screen areas which will also scroll wrongly.
   1 ;   long-term comparison byte containing both border colour and EAR bit. 
   1 ;   locations below this.
   1 ;   location.  Usually it stops when it reaches the top $FFFF, or in the case 
   1 ;   location of the calculator stack or MEM area.  The value one is written if 
   1 ;   location following the command.  For example, the 'THEN' token after
   1 ;   literals which are in range $80 - $FF.
   1 ;   lines of the display, setting attributes and correcting situations where
   1 ;   lines have been cleared, that any other lines take the permanent screen
   1 ;   like the ZX Spectrum that natural logarithms are once more at the fore,
   1 ;   keys and the space, ENTER and symbol shift key.
   1 ;   key values 0-39 else 255
   1 ;   its uses are for other channels.
   1 ;   it would be simpler all round if the routine just shoved unwanted values 
   1 ;   it leads to division by zero when x is 1 or -1.
   1 ;   it all till it finds an unpopulated location or, less likely, a faulty 
   1 ;   is used to find a single edge.
   1 ;   is unnecessary. Only the Sinclair ZX80 had integer division.
   1 ;   is the previously calculated, constant CENTRAL ANGLE of the arcs.
   1 ;   is syntactically incorrect and not really desirable.
   1 ;   is set then data is loaded, if reset then it is verified.
   1 ;   is made to MAIN-4, etc. to handle the error.
   1 ;   is indexed to provide an offset to the handling routine that
   1 ;   is encountered after the keyword.
   1 ;   is drawn, they are not shown until then.
   1 ;   is a primitive root modulo 65537.
   1 ;   is a cyclical sequence of p-1 distinct numbers in the range 0 to 1
   1 ;   is 4 (as set up by the CD_PARAMS routine) and so the zero flag will never 
   1 ;   inverted end-marker of the previous entry in the table.
   1 ;   into the COORDS system variable so that the first vertical line starts at 
   1 ;   internal language.
   1 ;   intended to work the other way.  Sinclair Research said that, since they
   1 ;   integer or floating point, on calculator stack.
   1 ;   intact.
   1 ;   instead of the more expensive 'cos' function.
   1 ;   instead of being used as destination variables.
   1 ;   inscribed angle (a/2) is half the central angle (a).
   1 ;   input workspace.
   1 ;   inoperable. Similarly PUSH and CALL instructions cannot be used to store
   1 ;   initialization.  It's new location is after the system variables and is 
   1 ;   in which case another edge should appear before B rises to $FF
   1 ;   in this ROM and within 256 bytes of the close stream look up table that
   1 ;   in the first five bytes of ROM.  The destination DE normally points to the
   1 ;   in the case of a CIRCLE or to the calculated end point in the case of 
   1 ;   in the accumulator.
   1 ;   in run-time there are two 16-bit parameters on the calculator stack.
   1 ;   in a Warm Restart scenario, to produce a report code, leaving any program 
   1 ;   if they measure up to anything significant.
   1 ;   if there are more characters after CODE expect start and possibly length.
   1 ;   if the numeric argument were printed.
   1 ;   if the number was zero (false) then the null string must be returned by
   1 ;   if the keyboard has not been pressed during the last five interrupts
   1 ;   if ten characters matched and the types previously matched then C will 
   1 ;   if not consider the second key map.
   1 ;   if it was any other value.
   1 ;   if coming from START or NEW.
   1 ;   if a string expression preceded the '(' then slice it.
   1 ;   i.e. abort the KEYBOARD call.
   1 ;   horizontal lines at the top and bottom. The number of lines is calculated
   1 ;   here to calculate the next coordinate using the ROTATION FORMULA where (a)
   1 ;   header or to $FF for data.  IX points to the start of receiving location 
   1 ;   having excluded a repeating key we can now consider a new key.
   1 ;   have been implemented inline.  On the ZX81, this calculator routine was also
   1 ;   hand side of the keyboard. When the reset bit drops into the carry
   1 ;   had never advertised the NMI, they had no plans to fix the error "until 
   1 ;   group (Fp*, say) of order p-1; moreover (and not so obvious) Fp* is cyclic.
   1 ;   graphics mode with digits
   1 ;   give the starting y coordinate sy. 
   1 ;   from the radius of the circle and is always divisible by 4. For complete 
   1 ;   from the initial sx and sy values which are kept at the base of the
   1 ;   from the 2nd RRCA is, as before, fed into the first of the end tests but
   1 ;   from BEEP, to stack an entry in the semi-tone table.  It is not part of the
   1 ;   from  the current input channel.
   1 ;   four of the other mem locations by the CIRCLE DRAW PARAMETERS routine which 
   1 ;   formula takes over and calculates all other rotated points.
   1 ;   form the correct colour attribute address.
   1 ;   for verification the byte read from tape is compared with that in memory.
   1 ;   for the result in a table of antilogarithms to give the desired product.
   1 ;   for the duration of the routine.
   1 ;   for numbers and strings.
   1 ;   for mic on.
   1 ;   for keys '0' - '7' we assign a mosaic character depending on shift.
   1 ;   for full treatment of how these are generated with demonstrations in
   1 ;   for any subsequent LDIR.
   1 ;   for another five-byte value.  It returns with BC holding the value 5 ready 
   1 ;   for LOAD/VERIFY put zero on stack to signify handle at location saved from.
   1 ;   follows the table.
   1 ;   followed by an 8-bit displacement, from that byte's address in the
   1 ;   followed by a '(' then the numeric expression is complete.
   1 ;   floating-point numbers in the calculator's memory area.
   1 ;   floating point values used above by several pixels.
   1 ;   floating point form.  HL points to first byte.
   1 ;   floating point form inserted after that.  Similar invisible value holders
   1 ;   five bytes.  It is used for reading the semi-tone table and addressing
   1 ;   finally flags set or reset if necessary.
   1 ;   fairly random.
   1 ;   factor of 65536: hence w^{32768*r} = 1 (mod p), so 65536 divides 32768*r,
   1 ;   example, when '#' is encountered with output - PRINT, LIST etc.
   1 ;   errors have occurred while the normal input and output routines have been
   1 ;   end of the calculator stack which might be in the normal place or in the
   1 ;   else the destination is the first dimension within the array structure
   1 ;   else print a terminal carriage return.
   1 ;   else is data bytes and a shorter lead-in is used.
   1 ;   else force division by zero thereby raising an Arithmetic overflow error.
   1 ;   else entire variables area has to be searched.
   1 ;   else delete the top two stack values and draw a simple straight line.
   1 ;   else continue into VERIFY control routine to verify.
   1 ;   else allow saved code to be loaded to a specified address.
   1 ;   else all possibilities have been considered and nothing must follow.
   1 ;   else X is non-zero. Function 'ln' will catch a negative value of X.
   1 ;   else A indicates type 0-3.
   1 ;   earlier to print mosaic characters.
   1 ;   each section.
   1 ;   e.g. from mult when integer multiplication has overflowed.
   1 ;   e.g. cp 'V'; jr c,addit; pop af ;pop af ;;addit etc. (6 extra bytes).
   1 ;   e.g. We know the opposite side (x) and hypotenuse (1) 
   1 ;   e.g. VAL$ (z$+"(2)") = a$(2) if z$ happens to be "a$".
   1 ;   e.g. VAL "2.3" = 2.3, VAL "2+4" = 6, VAL ("2" + "4") = 24.
   1 ;   e.g. STR$ (1/10) produces "0.1".
   1 ;   e.g. PRINT PAPER 2; CHR$ 9; AT 4,0;
   1 ;   e.g. NOT 0 returns 1, NOT 1 returns 0, NOT -3 returns 0.
   1 ;   e.g. CODE "Aardvark" = 65, CODE "" = 0.
   1 ;   e.g. (STR$ PI) (3 TO) (TO 2)    or "nonsense" (4 TO )
   1 ;   e.g. "You Win" AND score&gt;99 will return the string if condition is true
   1 ;   e.g.    -3 AND 2  returns -3.
   1 ;   during the one-second gap following the header on tape.
   1 ;   down in memory.  The table is never searched, by this ROM, and the last 
   1 ;   doing it this way makes the circle slightly larger.
   1 ;   does work but is not very helpful"
   1 ;   does not divide d) as +1 or -1, according as d is or is not a quadratic
   1 ;   division by zero at later stage.
   1 ;   disable interrupts to make use of the IY register.
   1 ;   direction of the end point and may be larger.
   1 ;   difference was zero and false with anything else. 
   1 ;   devised, in conjunction with Napier, by Henry Briggs a Cambridge-educated 
   1 ;   defined place.
   1 ;   current background colour.
   1 ;   credit: Martin Wren-Hilton 1982.
   1 ;   cos a = 1 - 2 * sin(a/2) * sin(a/2)
   1 ;   cos (a) = 1 - 2 * sin(a/2) * sin(a/2).
   1 ;   copied from ROM to the STRMS system variables area during initialization.
   1 ;   coordinates.  The x-coordinate is converted first but first the last point 
   1 ;   coordinates required by the DRAW routine.
   1 ;   coordinates have the integer coordinates of the last plot position 
   1 ;   coordinates from the centre of the circle (or arc) and a supplied angle to 
   1 ;   converting a number in the range 0-255 to a string e.g. CHR$ 65 = "A".
   1 ;   convenient resting place for DATADD.
   1 ;   continue with extended digits 0-9.
   1 ;   continue with SAVE/LOAD/VERIFY SCREEN$.
   1 ;   continue with SAVE/LOAD  DATA
   1 ;   continue with SAVE, LOAD, MERGE of DATA.
   1 ;   continue with LOAD, MERGE, VERIFY and also SAVE within ten character limit.
   1 ;   continue with LOAD, MERGE and VERIFY.
   1 ;   continue when data type matches.
   1 ;   continue when HL addresses a BASIC line number.
   1 ;   continue to save program and any variables.
   1 ;   continue to consider DATA.
   1 ;   continue or jump to here if one of the buffers was free.
   1 ;   continue in runtime.
   1 ;   continue in run-time to save BASIC without auto-start.
   1 ;   continue after delay with H holding zero and B also.
   1 ;   context.  This could be a keyword and, with the exception of NOT a repeat 
   1 ;   contents of the BC register pair.
   1 ;   contains an offset to the second byte of a channel.  The first byte of a 
   1 ;   congruent to w^r (mod p). If d is not primitive, then its order is a proper
   1 ;   concept and not all errors pass through here.
   1 ;   comparisons. On entry, the calculator literal is in the B register and
   1 ;   compared by comparing every character until a mismatch, or the end of one
   1 ;   command which stacks the origin of the circle (X,Y).
   1 ;   command entry point.
   1 ;   code then a decision would have to be made at this point to jump forward, 
   1 ;   closing straight line is drawn at ARC_END, but it otherwise loops back to 
   1 ;   clever trick 'cos' is derived from 'sin' using simple arithmetic operations
   1 ;   circumference of the circle.
   1 ;   circles it will range from 4 for a square circle to 32 for a circle of 
   1 ;   chip's JR instruction.
   1 ;   checking.  It is used at 37 places in the program.  An instruction fetch 
   1 ;   characters to be counted. The characters must be shown on the screen.
   1 ;   character, which could be anything other than a comma, provides a 
   1 ;   character 144.
   1 ;   channel can't be used as that would result in an offset of zero for some 
   1 ;   channel area using the system variable CURCHL.
   1 ;   centre, or origin, D.  Line BC is the diameter of length 2 and A is a point 
   1 ;   centre is (a).
   1 ;   cassette handling routines in this ROM.
   1 ;   carry is set on entry else zero.
   1 ;   can be removed.
   1 ;   can be mapped to 256 input characters
   1 ;   can be deleted to expose the closing coordinates.
   1 ;   called repeatedly to step along the line.  It is used 83 times.
   1 ;   called at the previous instruction.
   1 ;   call the two bits are XORed to form the result sign - minus * minus giving
   1 ;   calculator suite of routines.  On entry, HL points to the number to be 
   1 ;   calculator stack. 
   1 ;   calculator stack.
   1 ;   calculator stack throughout the arc loop. 
   1 ;   calculator stack for safe keeping.
   1 ;   calculated as X+Y rather than by Pythagoras Theorem and the sine of the
   1 ;   c are also equal. If b+c+c = 180 degrees and b+a = 180 degrees then c=a/2.
   1 ;   by calls to the DRAW-LINE routine.
   1 ;   but we could have just symbol shift and no other
   1 ;   but these will error as they go off-screen after four lines are drawn.
   1 ;   but the program line or variable matches so old one is reclaimed.
   1 ;   but no more than ten characters are allowed for SAVE.
   1 ;   but long-named variables have to be matched character by character.
   1 ;   but if it is the wildcard, then add ten to C which is minus ten for a type
   1 ;   but if found in table the priority has to be looked up.
   1 ;   but if bit is 1 then the mic state is held for longer.
   1 ;   but continue when a transition is found on tape.
   1 ;   but an edge, a transition of the EAR bit, has been found so switch the
   1 ;   but a short gap will be the sync pulse.
   1 ;   branch here when variable is to replace an existing one
   1 ;   border and also abnormal termination when the break key, or to be more
   1 ;   bit 7 of C will not alter from state set here.
   1 ;   between workspace and the calculator stack.
   1 ;   below.
   1 ;   below the space character.
   1 ;   beginning - see accompanying documentation.
   1 ;   begin by testing for a shift with no other.
   1 ;   begin by deleting the known zero to leave Y the power factor.
   1 ;   be set and the loop is always entered.  The first test is superfluous and
   1 ;   be drawn by joining the last point plotted to the initial start point 
   1 ;   available to store 3 persistent 16-bit system variables.
   1 ;   attributes.
   1 ;   at offset x,y using the LINE-DRAW routine.
   1 ;   at line 4000, or indeed, at all.
   1 ;   astronomical calculations which beset his age.
   1 ;   assume upper screen in use and thus optimize for path that requires speed.
   1 ;   asn(a) = atn(x/sqr(1-x*x))
   1 ;   as this could cause one to become free.
   1 ;   as simple.
   1 ;   as opposed to, say, LOAD 'x' CODE 32768,300.
   1 ;   as a tangent, taking the radius as its distance from the centre.
   1 ;   are the squares in Fp*, and the "Legendre symbol" (d/p) is defined (when p
   1 ;   are now brought into play.
   1 ;   are also created after the numeric and string variables in a DEF FN list.
   1 ;   are adjacent (or the same) but is probably best dispensed with.
   1 ;   arc will form part.  This value does not have to be too accurate as it is
   1 ;   applied to it. So the only time the greater-0 test is applied is if the
   1 ;   any variables within braces will be treated as part, or all, of the prompt
   1 ;   any NMI Handler would perform the tasks from here to the EI instruction 
   1 ;   another Spectrum has been allowed to gain control of this one. 
   1 ;   angle as do BAE and EAC.
   1 ;   and zero is used to denote that a stream is closed.
   1 ;   and we wish to find angle a in radians.
   1 ;   and the last absolute values of x and y 
   1 ;   and make it more readable, it can also be used for the opposite effect and
   1 ;   and lower screen or, if the printer is in use, the column position and 
   1 ;   and hence r is even and d is a square (mod p). Conversely, the squares in
   1 ;   and for streams 0 - 3 just enter the initial data back into the STRMS entry
   1 ;   and determine also the number of straight lines from that value and the
   1 ;   and cosine are pre-calculated and held in the mem locations. As a 
   1 ;   and by picking any two numbers, 1.72 and 6.89 say,
   1 ;   and HL holds its address which will not be within quoted text
   1 ;   and Dr Frank O'Hara, published 1983 by Melbourne House.
   1 ;   and DE holds the length of bytes to be loaded. If, on entry the carry flag 
   1 ;   an invisible chr 14d inserted after them and the 5-byte integer or
   1 ;   an ARC.
   1 ;   although some computers retain logarithms to the base ten.
   1 ;   alters the string test bit.
   1 ;   altering the length of the string on the calculator stack to zero.
   1 ;   also returns the number of straight lines in the B register.
   1 ;   along the way it gets modified by the comparison process. The result on the
   1 ;   allocated the local currency symbol for the relevant country -
   1 ;   after each line is drawn. Since we are drawing a vertical line then the rx
   1 ;   advantage over other series, for example the Taylor series, as they can
   1 ;   addresses the exponent of the test value.
   1 ;   addressed by the system variable CHANS which means that it can slide up and
   1 ;   address to be updated by PRINT or PLOT.
   1 ;   address of the User Defined Graphic character that is in the string.
   1 ;   address and update the associated system variable.
   1 ;   accurate, absolute coordinates maintained in ax and ay and these new 
   1 ;   absolute memory address.
   1 ;   above conditions so this path is never taken.
   1 ;   a value 0-9.
   1 ;   a string expression and allow it to be sliced.  If a numeric expression is 
   1 ;   a period of mic off with yellow border. 
   1 ;   a length on tape shorter than expected is not allowed for CODE
   1 ;   a final value 1 (true) or 0 (false). 
   1 ;   a dot on the screen.
   1 ;   a BASIC line.  It is also called to stack a numeric variable value, and
   1 ;   a 256-byte section of memory.
   1 ;   ZASM (MacOs) cross-assembler directives. (uncomment by removing ';' )
   1 ;   With two parameters, it simply draws an approximation to a straight line
   1 ;   With three parameters, an arc is drawn to the point at offset x,y turning 
   1 ;   With the factor stored, scale the x coordinate first.
   1 ;   With INPUT LINE, this key must be used instead of entering STOP.
   1 ;   While PRINT ATN (x/SQR (1-x*x)) gives the same results as PRINT ASN x,
   1 ;   When the NMI line is held low, then no matter what the Z80 was doing at 
   1 ;   When drawing a large arc, free memory is checked 928 times.
   1 ;   When a BASIC LINE or the INPUT BUFFER is parsed any numbers will have
   1 ;   What is being used here, instead, is the relative X and Y parameters from
   1 ;   Weird, but necessary, if saving to sectors.
   1 ;   We now want three copies of this pair of values on the calculator stack.
   1 ;   We can derive length y by Pythagoras and then use ATN instead. 
   1 ;   VAL$ treats the characters in a string as a string expression.
   1 ;   VAL treats the characters in a string as a numeric expression.
   1 ;   Using shift keys and a combination of modes the Spectrum 40-key keyboard
   1 ;   Uses an adaptation of the formula asn(x) = atn(x/sqr(1-x*x))
   1 ;   Use this, &amp; Gauss' law of quadratic reciprocity, to show that 75 
   1 ;   Use the exponent manipulating trick again to double the value of mem-2.
   1 ;   Unshifted alphabetic keys have $20 added to the value.
   1 ;   Unary so on entry HL points to last value, DE to STKEND.
   1 ;   Unary follow.
   1 ;   Typically, a Spectrum will have 16K or 48K of RAM and this code will test
   1 ;   Typically with PRINT USR 0.
   1 ;   To recap the full calculator stack is       tx, ty, ax, ay.
   1 ;   To raise a number to the power 3, find its 'ln', multiply by 3 and find the 
   1 ;   To overcome this, 1 is added to y giving half the required angle and the 
   1 ;   To move n octaves higher or lower, frequencies are multiplied by 2^n.
   1 ;   Three pseudo binary operations first.
   1 ;   This table contains an entry for a letter found in the CHANS area.
   1 ;   This subroutine is used by the ROM to open a channel 'K', 'S', 'R' or 'P'.
   1 ;   This subroutine is called once from the keyboard INPUT command to check if 
   1 ;   This subroutine is called once from RST 18 to skip over white-space and
   1 ;   This subroutine is called from RST 20, and three times from elsewhere
   1 ;   This subroutine deals with the input items and print items.
   1 ;   This single operation is used, in the first instance, to evaluate most
   1 ;   This section deals with the upper screen.
   1 ;   This section deals with the lower screen.
   1 ;   This section applies to START only.
   1 ;   This routine, when supplied with a base address in HL and an index in A,
   1 ;   This routine which is part of PRINT-OUT allows RST $10 to be used 
   1 ;   This routine updates the system variables associated with the main screen, 
   1 ;   This routine traverses variable-length entries in the table of constants,
   1 ;   This routine swaps the last two values on the calculator stack.
   1 ;   This routine saves a section of data. It is called from SA-CTRL to save the
   1 ;   This routine replaces the last value on the calculator stack,
   1 ;   This routine removes these 'compiled' numbers from the edit line or
   1 ;   This routine re-stacks an integer, usually on the calculator stack, in full 
   1 ;   This routine places an integer value of zero or one at the addressed 
   1 ;   This routine is used when it is inconvenient to save these values at the
   1 ;   This routine is used to print any character in range 32d - 255d
   1 ;   This routine is used to load bytes and on entry A is set to $00 for a 
   1 ;   This routine is entered with the HL register holding the last screen
   1 ;   This routine is called to stack a hidden floating point number found in
   1 ;   This routine is called to re-stack two numbers in full floating point form
   1 ;   This routine is called once to verify that the mandatory separator
   1 ;   This routine is called on five occasions to print the ASCII equivalent of 
   1 ;   This routine is called in succession from multiply and divide to prepare
   1 ;   This routine is called from MOVE-FP, STK-CONST and STK-STORE to test that 
   1 ;   This routine is called from INPUT, and from the MAIN execution loop.
   1 ;   This routine is called from 3 places other than above to load a data block.
   1 ;   This routine is also used to terminate the VAL and READ-IN  routines for
   1 ;   This routine is also called directly from the end-tests of the comparison 
   1 ;   This routine increments the Spectrum's three-byte FRAMES counter fifty 
   1 ;   This routine fetches the line/column and display file address of the upper 
   1 ;   This routine fetches the address of the input stream from the current 
   1 ;   This routine fetches a filename in ZX81 format and is not used by the 
   1 ;   This restart is used on only 12 occasions to create BC spaces
   1 ;   This restart is used 21 times.
   1 ;   This restart enters the Spectrum's internal, floating-point, stack-based, 
   1 ;   This overwrites the last value with 1 if it was zero else with zero
   1 ;   This moves the print position to the right leaving a trail in the
   1 ;   This location can also be 'called' to reset the machine.
   1 ;   This literal combines two strings into one e.g. LET a$ = b$ + c$
   1 ;   This is very much a housekeeping routine which clears between 2 and 23
   1 ;   This is the single entry point for the four tape commands.
   1 ;   This is the routine most often used by the RST 10 restart although the
   1 ;   This is the initial stream data for the seven streams $FD - $03 that is
   1 ;   This is the error routine addressed by ERR_SP.  This is not for the out of
   1 ;   This is the calculator literal used by the INKEY$ function when a '#'
   1 ;   This is quicker than multiplying by four.
   1 ;   This is either for its own use or in response to a user's request, for
   1 ;   This initial channel information is copied from ROM to RAM, during 
   1 ;   This function returns the contents of a memory address.
   1 ;   This function returns a single character string that is a result of 
   1 ;   This function reads a byte from an input port.
   1 ;   This function produces a string comprising the characters that would appear
   1 ;   This formula forms cos(a) from sin(a/2) using simple arithmetic.
   1 ;   This entry point prints the BASIC keywords, '&lt;&gt;' etc. from alt set
   1 ;   This entry point is used to print tape, boot-up, scroll? and error messages.
   1 ;   This entry point entered from above to print ASCII and UDGs but also from 
   1 ;   This ensures that the final line finishes exactly at the starting pixel 
   1 ;   This enables the calculator to perform relative jumps just like the Z80 
   1 ;   This enables the calculator to perform conditional relative jumps dependent
   1 ;   This command allows streams to be closed after use.
   1 ;   This can also be expressed as 1-length CE.  Examining the triangle at the
   1 ;   This calculator literal finds the absolute value of the last value,
   1 ;   This branch is used to update the printer position by 32 places
   1 ;   This branch is taken when the command is LOAD with type 0, 1 or 2. 
   1 ;   This branch is taken from above and from RST 00h.
   1 ;   This Interrupt Service Routine will jump to location zero if the contents 
   1 ;   These two nested routines ensure that the appropriate pointers are
   1 ;   These six look-up tables are used by the keyboard reading routine
   1 ;   These routines begin with the service routines followed by a single
   1 ;   There is nowhere to store values in RAM or on the stack which becomes
   1 ;   There is not much point in coming here.
   1 ;   There is no NMI switch on the standard Spectrum or its peripherals.
   1 ;   There are two parameters e.g. DRAW 255,175
   1 ;   There are two branches to this routine.
   1 ;   There are some one and two-byte alternatives but perhaps the most formal
   1 ;   There are reserved locations there for another 12 streams.  Each location 
   1 ;   Then if b_i is the residue of a^i modulo p (1&lt;=b_i&lt;p-1), the 
   1 ;   The various control routines for LOAD, VERIFY and MERGE are executed 
   1 ;   The values cos(a) and sin(a) are pre-calculated and held in mem-3 and mem-4 
   1 ;   The user function with a one-character string argument, calculates the
   1 ;   The two parameters of the two strings to be combined are on the stack.
   1 ;   The tokenized characters 134d (RND) to 255d (COPY) are expanded using
   1 ;   The third parameter is 2*PI (or a multiple of 2*PI) so a 360 degrees turn
   1 ;   The tabular use of logarithms was that to multiply two numbers one looked
   1 ;   The table doesn't require a zero end-marker as the letter has been
   1 ;   The subroutine is also called directly from the end-tests of the comparison
   1 ;   The starting point is at the base of this chord which is drawn upwards and
   1 ;   The routine prints to the current channel and the printing of control codes
   1 ;   The routine first determines in what context it has been called by examining
   1 ;   The radius/diameter is left on the calculator stack.
   1 ;   The purpose was once to find the offset to a special closing routine,
   1 ;   The previous 32 function-type words are printed without a leading space
   1 ;   The parameters of the DRAW command were relative and they are now converted 
   1 ;   The parameters derived from mem-5 (A) and from the radius are set up in 
   1 ;   The next test avoids drawing 4 straight lines when the start and end pixels
   1 ;   The next step calculates (roughly) the diameter of the circle of which the 
   1 ;   The neat arrangement of ports means that the B register need only be
   1 ;   The moving absolute values of x and y are no longer required and they
   1 ;   The mid entry point.
   1 ;   The last-character-inverted Cassette messages.
   1 ;   The last location of the key map holds the decoded key from the first 
   1 ;   The keywords for the main alphabetic keys are obtained by adding $A5 to
   1 ;   The keys consist of the 26 upper-case alphabetic characters, the 10 digit
   1 ;   The inverse sine function with result in radians.
   1 ;   The individual bits of the literal are manipulated to group similar
   1 ;   The function RND involves replacing b_i-1 in memory by b_(i+1)-1, 
   1 ;   The following have a leading space if they begin with a letter
   1 ;   The following are just the next available slots for the 128 compound 
   1 ;   The first three numeric comparisons are just the opposite of the last three
   1 ;   The first ten characters of any other command parameter are acceptable.
   1 ;   The first table contains the maps for the 39 keys of the standard
   1 ;   The first pair remain on the stack throughout the circle routine and are 
   1 ;   The first of these service routines is a curiosity.
   1 ;   The first entry point looks for two adjacent edges. The second entry point
   1 ;   The first chord drawn is the vertical chord on the right of the circle.
   1 ;   The final arc offsets are obtained by subtracting the final COORDS value
   1 ;   The figure shows a right triangle that inscribes a circle of radius 1 with
   1 ;   The exponential function EXP x is equal to e^x, where e is the mathematical
   1 ;   The error pointer is made to point to the position of the error to enable
   1 ;   The error code is stored and after clearing down stacks, an indirect jump 
   1 ;   The entry point to save yellow part of bit.
   1 ;   The entry point to save 1 entire bit. For first bit B holds $3B(*).
   1 ;   The entry point TEMP-PTR1 is used from the SCANNING routine.
   1 ;   The entire address space can be peeked including the ROM.
   1 ;   The end-calc literal terminates a mini-program written in the Spectrum's
   1 ;   The cosine of (a) is the length DE as the hypotenuse is of length 1.
   1 ;   The contents of the location currently addressed by CH_ADD are fetched.
   1 ;   The common code tests RAM and sets it to zero re-initializing all the 
   1 ;   The calculator has an instruction that decrements a single-byte
   1 ;   The backfill loop is entered at midpoint and ensures, if more than 2
   1 ;   The arc will consist of 4 to 252 straight lines each one of which is drawn 
   1 ;   The arc is greater than 0.5 so the circle can be drawn.
   1 ;   The arc drawing loop will draw up to 31 straight lines for a circle and up 
   1 ;   The address of this routine is pushed on the stack prior to any load/save
   1 ;   The accumulator is set to  $00 for a header, $FF for data.
   1 ;   The above map may help in reading.
   1 ;   The ZX81 ROM used PRINT EXP ( LN 9 / 2 ) to find the square root of the 
   1 ;   The USR function followed by a number 0-65535 is the method by which
   1 ;   The Spectrum's DRAW command is overloaded and can take two parameters sets.
   1 ;   The Spectrum uses Interrupt Mode 1.
   1 ;   The Spectrum uses Chebyshev polynomials to generate approximations for
   1 ;   The Spectrum screen arrangement leads to the L register holding the correct
   1 ;   The Spectrum Input character keys. One or two are abbreviated.
   1 ;   The Spectrum DRAW routine draws to the rounded x and y coordinate and so 
   1 ;   The NEW command path rejoins here.
   1 ;   The NEW command is about to set all RAM below RAMTOP to zero and then
   1 ;   The L register has been loaded with the report code but X-PTR is not
   1 ;   The EXP function is the BASIC equivalent of a calculator's 'antiln' function 
   1 ;   The CIRCLE command makes extensive use of the calculator and as part of
   1 ;   The CIRCLE command draws a circle as a series of straight lines.
   1 ;   The CIRCLE and ARC-DRAW commands converge here. 
   1 ;   The Boolean AND operator.
   1 ;   The BASIC lines are displayed at the top of the screen and the user
   1 ;   The B register holds a count, up to 256, within which the edge (or edges) 
   1 ;   The ARC will consist of multiple straight lines so call the CIRCLE-DRAW
   1 ;   The A register holds the code of the character that is to be sent to
   1 ;   The 'x&gt;y' example is the easiest as it employs straight-thru logic.
   1 ;   That is, PRINT ATN (x/(SQR (1-x*x) +1)) *2
   1 ;   Test the angle for the special case of 360 degrees.
   1 ;   Test if top value on calculator stack is zero.  The carry flag is set if 
   1 ;   Test if the last value on the calculator stack is greater than zero.
   1 ;   THE GEOMETRIC PROOF OF FORMULA   cos (a) = 1 - 2 * sin(a/2) * sin(a/2)
   1 ;   Subtracting $EO (the present arrangement) gives a value of
   1 ;   Subtract the length of the half-chord from the absolute y coordinate to
   1 ;   String comparisons are a little different in that the eql/neql carry flag
   1 ;   Strictly speaking, the radius should be multiplied by cos(a/2) first but
   1 ;   Store the last point plotted to initialize the moving ay value.
   1 ;   Store the last point plotted to initialize the moving ax value.
   1 ;   Store the absolute ay in temporary variable mem-0 for the moment.
   1 ;   Starts with normal initial step-over byte.
   1 ;   Starts with binary operations which have two operands and one result.
   1 ;   Software houses would have been able to protect their games from attack by
   1 ;   So, asn(a) = atn(x/y)
   1 ;   So that simple arithmetic can be used, the length of the chord can be 
   1 ;   So cos (a) = 1 - AC * sin(a/2) 
   1 ;   Sinclair BASIC see "The Complete Spectrum ROM Disassembly" by Dr Ian Logan
   1 ;   Since y*y + x*x = 1*1 (Pythagoras Theorem) then
   1 ;   Since the vertex of the largest triangle B touches the circle, the 
   1 ;   Since the initial sx and sy values are not required until the final arc
   1 ;   Since a string slice can itself be sliced then loop repeatedly 
   1 ;   Similarly to find the n'th root divide the logarithm by 'n'.
   1 ;   Similar to FORTH's 'divide mod' /MOD
   1 ;   SIN, ATN, LN and EXP.  These are named after the Russian mathematician
   1 ;   Rule of Thales.
   1 ;   Returns the length of a string.
   1 ;   Returns the ASCII code of a character or first character of a string
   1 ;   Returns 1 or 2 keys in DE, most significant shift first if any
   1 ;   Remove the now redundant diameter value D.
   1 ;   Register DE is set to STKEND and HL, the result pointer, is set to five 
   1 ;   Register A contains the message number, often zero to print first message.
   1 ;   RANDOM THEORY from the ZX81 manual by Steven Vickers
   1 ;   Pafnuty Chebyshev, born in 1821, who did much pioneering work on numerical
   1 ;   PRINT-A-2 is a continuation of the RST 10 restart that prints any character.
   1 ;   POKE USR "a", BIN 10000000 will put a dot in the top left corner of the
   1 ;   PARAMETERS ROUTINE to pre-calculate sine values from the angle (in mem-5)
   1 ;   Overwrite registers with values for lower screen.
   1 ;   Originally IX addresses first location and only one header is required
   1 ;   Once we get the coordinates of the first straight line then the 'ROTATION
   1 ;   On the first call A holds zero and picks up the sign bit. On the second
   1 ;   On the Spectrum, this is only used internally by the RND function and could
   1 ;   On later Amstrad-made Spectrums, and the Brazilian Spectrum, the logic of 
   1 ;   On exit, HL=result, DE=stkend.
   1 ;   On entry, as always with binary operations,
   1 ;   On entry, HL points to the exponent the first byte of the value.
   1 ;   On entry the DE register points to an initial step-over byte or the 
   1 ;   On entry -
   1 ;   OLD     NEW         PROG   DATA  DATA  CODE 
   1 ;   Numeric Comparisons.
   1 ;   Numbers are compared by subtracting one from the other, strings are 
   1 ;   Number y is subtracted from x and the result tested for greater-0 yielding
   1 ;   Now the initial x and y coordinates are made positive and summed to see 
   1 ;   Now test every edge looking for the terminal sync signal.
   1 ;   Now store this important constant in mem-5 and delete so that other 
   1 ;   Now scale the y coordinate.
   1 ;   Now save the rest of the main registers and read and decode the keyboard.
   1 ;   Now reduce the low byte of the Syntax table entry to give command.
   1 ;   Now make the radius positive and ensure that it is in floating point form 
   1 ;   Now form cos(a) from sin(a/2) using the 'DOUBLE ANGLE FORMULA'.
   1 ;   Now enter the calculator and store the complete rotation angle in mem-5 
   1 ;   Now add the fractional relative x coordinate to the fractional absolute
   1 ;   Note that for simplicity, Sinclair have located all the control codes
   1 ;   Note that for a circle this is also the end coordinate.
   1 ;   Non-standard entry points have a label beginning with X. 
   1 ;   Next simply add the radius to the x coordinate to give a fuzzy x-coordinate.
   1 ;   Next calculate the relative y coordinate to the end-point.
   1 ;   Next calculate the length of half a chord by multiplying the sine of half 
   1 ;   Natural logarithms were devised in 1614 by well-traveled Scotsman John 
   1 ;   Napier's logarithms were quickly overtaken by logarithms to the base 10
   1 ;   Napier's logarithms enabled the above operations to be accomplished by 
   1 ;   Napier who noted
   1 ;   Napier also mentioned "square and cubicle extractions". 
   1 ;   More specifically a change in bit 6 of value input from port $FE.
   1 ;   Memory location mem-1 holds the last relative x value (rx) and mem-2 holds
   1 ;   Magically, the two new rotated coordinates rx and ry are all that we would
   1 ;   Looking at the largest triangle, side AC can be expressed as 
   1 ;   Locations mem-1 and mem-2 are the relative x and y values which are updated
   1 ;   Line AC is a chord touching two points on the circle and the angle at the 
   1 ;   Like 'pi' also, 'e' is an irrational number and starts 2.718281828...
   1 ;   Let p be a [large] prime, &amp; let a be a primitive root modulo p.
   1 ;   Keyboard input has been made and it remains to adjust the upper
   1 ;   Just as one would do if drawing the curve on paper, the final line would
   1 ;   Its generators are the "primitive roots". The "quadratic residues modulo p"
   1 ;   It is used on 77 occasions.
   1 ;   It is this routine that helps make the variables 'Anum bEr5 3BUS' and
   1 ;   It is only recently with the introduction of pocket calculators and machines
   1 ;   It is only necessary to place the values (sx) and (sy) in the system 
   1 ;   It is only called from the above INPUT routine but was obviously
   1 ;   It is only called from PO-ABLE which continues into PO-STORE
   1 ;   It is not possible to use this routine for the table of constants as these
   1 ;   It is highly likely that the first check was written by Steven Vickers.
   1 ;   It is further used recursively from within the calculator.
   1 ;   It is entered with a system stream $FD - $FF, or a user stream $00 - $0F
   1 ;   It is called on three occasions when the value of DE must be preserved.
   1 ;   It is always a good idea to anchor, using ORGs, important sections such as 
   1 ;   It can be deduced by looking elsewhere in this ROM that the NMIADD system
   1 ;   Interface 1 or Disciple Disk Interface.  This was not an original design 
   1 ;   Initially, the syntax has been partly checked using the class for the DRAW 
   1 ;   Initially the A register holds the character to be considered
   1 ;   In the case when p = 65537, we can show that d is a primitive root if and
   1 ;   In some ways it can be regarded as a polygon, but the first line is drawn 
   1 ;   In all cases the accumulator is first set to $FF so the routine could be 
   1 ;   In Sinclair BASIC strings can be more than twenty thousand characters long
   1 ;   If, as suggested above, the NMI service routine pointed to this section of
   1 ;   If the user typed 40000 instead of 4000 then it won't auto-start
   1 ;   If the literal has to be also usable as a function then bits 6 and 7 are 
   1 ;   If the first line is less than .5 then 4 'lines' would be drawn on the same 
   1 ;   IX-$11  IX+$00      0      1     2     3      Type.
   1 ;   IX-$10  IX+$01      x      x     x     x      F  ($FF if filename is null).
   1 ;   IX-$0F  IX+$02      x      x     x     x      i
   1 ;   IX-$0E  IX+$03      x      x     x     x      l
   1 ;   IX-$0D  IX+$04      x      x     x     x      e
   1 ;   IX-$0C  IX+$05      x      x     x     x      n
   1 ;   IX-$0B  IX+$06      x      x     x     x      a
   1 ;   IX-$0A  IX+$07      x      x     x     x      m
   1 ;   IX-$09  IX+$08      x      x     x     x      e
   1 ;   IX-$08  IX+$09      x      x     x     x      .
   1 ;   IX-$07  IX+$0A      x      x     x     x      (terminal spaces).
   1 ;   IX-$06  IX+$0B      lo     lo    lo    lo     Total  
   1 ;   IX-$05  IX+$0C      hi     hi    hi    hi     Length of datablock.
   1 ;   IX-$04  IX+$0D      Auto   -     -     Start  Various
   1 ;   IX-$03  IX+$0E      Start  a-z   a-z   addr   ($80 if no autostart).
   1 ;   IX-$02  IX+$0F      lo     -     -     -      Length of Program 
   1 ;   IX-$01  IX+$10      hi     -     -     -      only i.e. without variables.
   1 ;   IX points to start of descriptor.
   1 ;   IX points to descriptor.
   1 ;   INKEY$ # does not interact correctly with the keyboard, #0 or #1, and
   1 ;   Holds frequencies corresponding to semitones in middle octave.
   1 ;   Hence to check whether 75 is primitive mod 65537, we want to calculate that
   1 ;   Hence (3/65537) = (65537/3) * (-1)^{65536*2/4} = (65537/3)
   1 ;   Having cleared all 24 lines of the display area, continue into the 
   1 ;   Having calculated the x value for DRAW do the same for the y value.
   1 ;   HL=first number, DE=second number
   1 ;   HL=destination
   1 ;   HL addresses the exponent.
   1 ;   HEADER  HEADER             num   chr          NOTES.
   1 ;   Graphically it is a change of border colour, say, blue to yellow.
   1 ;   Generally most approaches try to maintain main entry points as they are
   1 ;   Function to calculate the natural logarithm (to the base e ). 
   1 ;   From keyboard and s-inkey$
   1 ;   From $00 Flash 0 to $FF COPY. The routine above has decoded all these.
   1 ;   Fp* form a subgroup of (Fp*)^2 of index 2, and so cannot be generators.
   1 ;   For this reason the accurate offsets calculated above are added to the 
   1 ;   For other assemblers you may have to add directives like these near the 
   1 ;   For control characters in the range 6 - 23d the following table
   1 ;   For both arcs and circles, constants derived from the central angle are
   1 ;   For ZX printer backspace up to first column but not beyond.
   1 ;   For 'x=y' NOT is applied to the subtraction result yielding true if the
   1 ;   For 'x&lt;y' the same logic is used but the two values are first swapped on the
   1 ;   First the header data is saved. Then after a wait of 1 second
   1 ;   First test that the argument to LN is a positive, non-zero number.
   1 ;   First calculate the relative x coordinate to the end-point.
   1 ;   Finally draw the last straight line.
   1 ;   Fetch the moving ax and ay to the calculator stack.
   1 ;   FORTH-like language.
   1 ;   FORMULA' used in the arc loop will take care of all other points, but we
   1 ;   Error A unless the argument is between -1 and +1 inclusive.
   1 ;   Error A if the argument is 0 or negative.
   1 ;   Enter with: DE = #cycles - 1
   1 ;   End of true unary.
   1 ;   ERROR 6 if argument is more than about 88.
   1 ;   During the save loop a parity byte is maintained in H.
   1 ;   Division is accomplished by subtracting the two logs.
   1 ;   Dividing the sine of the step angle by the sine of the total angle gives
   1 ;   Destructively test if last value on calculator stack is less than zero.
   1 ;   Derived from arctan function above.
   1 ;   DE=character source
   1 ;   Credit April 1983, Dilwyn Jones. "Delving Deeper into your ZX Spectrum".
   1 ;   Continue when the circle's radius measures greater than one by forming 
   1 ;   Continue when the arc will have a discernable shape.
   1 ;   Consider arithmetic modulo a prime p. There are p residue classes, and the
   1 ;   Compare with OR routine above.
   1 ;   Close but no cigar.
   1 ;   Chapter 5. Exercise 6. (For mathematicians only.)
   1 ;   Change the exponent of pi/2 from $81 to $83 giving 2*PI the central angle.
   1 ;   Carry is set if saved bit is 1. zero is reset NZ on entry.
   1 ;   Called from the interrupt 50 times a second.
   1 ;   By creating an isosceles triangle with two equal sides of 1, angles c and 
   1 ;   Brennan calls numerous routines in this ROM.  
   1 ;   Both this routine and the called KEYBOARD subroutine use the IY register 
   1 ;   Both the CIRCLE algorithm and the ARC drawing algorithm make use of the
   1 ;   Both TEMP-PTR1 and TEMP-PTR2 are used by the READ command routine.
   1 ;   Bit 7 of second byte will be set if so.
   1 ;   Begin by calculating the number of chords which will be returned in B.
   1 ;   Backspace and up a line if that action is from the left of screen.
   1 ;   BEEP dur, pitch
   1 ;   BC=line/column
   1 ;   At this point we have either a type mismatch, a wildcard match or ten
   1 ;   At the opposite end, CIRCLE 128,88,1.23 will draw a circle as a perfect 3x3
   1 ;   At switch on, the Z80 chip is in Interrupt Mode 0.
   1 ;   Aside: 3E - 3F are therefore unused calculator literals.
   1 ;   As with all commands the address STMT-RET is on the stack.
   1 ;   As the calculator stack is quite busy, only the active parts are shown in 
   1 ;   As the BASIC commands and expressions are interpreted, this routine is
   1 ;   As an alternative, the ASCII equivalent, upper or lower case,
   1 ;   Arrangement of two headers in workspace.
   1 ;   Any temporary memory areas used by the stream would be reclaimed and
   1 ;   Any attempt to CLOSE streams $00 to $04, without first opening the stream,
   1 ;   An important step after the evaluation of an expression is to test for
   1 ;   An edge is a transition from one mic state to another.
   1 ;   An arc can be drawn.
   1 ;   Although the three pairs of x/y values are the same for a circle, they 
   1 ;   Although the test value has been deleted it is still above the calculator
   1 ;   Although the 'tab' and 'at' characters will not appear in a BASIC line,
   1 ;   Also see notes at Address Labels 0609 and 1CA5 if your assembler has 
   1 ;   Also $60, '`', not used in BASIC but used in other languages, has been
   1 ;   All five bytes will be zero but first four only need be tested.
   1 ;   All Spectrum circles consist of two vertical lines at each side and two 
   1 ;   After all for a circle, the radius is used. Consequently, a circle of 
   1 ;   ASCII DEL, $7F, has been made a copyright symbol.
   1 ;   AC = 2 * sin(a/2)   and so combining these we get 
   1 ;   A value higher than 1 gives the required error as attempting to find  the
   1 ;   A sync pulse is much shorter than the steady pulses of the lead-in.
   1 ;   A single entry point is used to evaluate six numeric and six string
   1 ;   A single call to 'sin' involves 63 memory checks and so values of sine 
   1 ;   A rule of thumb is employed that uses a value z which for a circle is the
   1 ;   A return is made if the value represents a character that has
   1 ;   A possible repeat has been identified. HL addresses the raw key.
   1 ;   A continuation of the code at 0008.
   1 ;   A branch from the main SAVE-ETC routine at SAVE-ALL.
   1 ;   A bit consists of a period with mic on and blue border followed by 
   1 ;   A BASIC line or variable is inserted at the current point. If the line 
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> this isn't checked, but is subsequently handled by the system.
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> this first vertical chord is drawn at the radius so circles are
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> this entry point is used when out of memory at REPORT-4.
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> this entry point is a disabled Warm Restart that was almost certainly
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> the jump to DRW-STEPS is just to decrement B and jump into the 
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> the golden rule that there are no restriction on anything is broken.
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> the curious double check on the range. With 26 UDGs the first check
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> the calculator stack actually holds   tx, ty, ax, ay
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> that this is a very clever twist on what is after all a very clever,
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> that since the value at the top of the stack has arisen as a result
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> that any values stored in location 23681 will be overwritten with 
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> that STACK-BC re-initializes the IY register if a user-written
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> that PR-CC-hi (23681) is used by this routine and if, in accordance 
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> since the DJNZ instruction does not affect flags, the zero flag is 
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> should selectively drop return address if code &gt; 'U' ($55).
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> mem-0, mem-1 and mem-2 can be used again now...
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> for both the CIRCLE and ARC commands the minimum initial line count 
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> although white-space is usually placed in a program to indent loops
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> after second sin, mem-0 and mem-1 become free.
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> a couple of LD (COORDS),A instructions would have been quicker, and 
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> When inputting from the keyboard all characters are returned with
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> The string pointer is saved but not used!!
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> The location NMIADD was, in fact, later used by Sinclair Research 
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> The high byte of the address D remains constant (which it should).
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> The Sinclair Interface 1 ROM written by Dr. Ian Logan and Martin 
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> The Complete Spectrum ROM Disassembly incorrectly names DF-SZ as the
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> For ZASM use SUB $E0 as next instruction.
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> BC already contains $1821.
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> As a consequence of clearing the lower screen channel 0 is made 
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> (Of course, 65537 is 2^16 + 1, not -1.)
   1 ;   <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> 'sin' and 'cos' trash locations mem-0 to mem-2 so fetch mem-2 to the 
   1 ;   40-key Spectrum keyboard. The remaining key [SHIFT $27] is read directly.
   1 ;   4) in workspace if accepting input but not that from INPUT LINE.
   1 ;   3) in the edit buffer if parsing a direct command or a new BASIC line.
   1 ;   251 straight lines for an arc between two points. In both cases the final
   1 ;   2) in workspace if evaluating, for example, a string expression.
   1 ;   2) from earlier with no carry to load or verify code.
   1 ;   1) in the BASIC program area during line execution.
   1 ;   1) From above to verify a program or array
   1 ;   --------------------
   1 ;   ------  ------      ----   ----  ----  ----   -----------------------------
   1 ;   -&gt; for streams 4 - 15 then blank the entry.
   1 ;   - Thales, 640 - 546 B.C.
   1 ;   - Plato,  429 - 347 B.C.
   1 ;   - John Donne, Cambridge educated theologian, 1624
   1 ;   - Dr. Ian Logan, Understanding Your Spectrum, 1982.
   1 ;   - Albert Einstein, 1879-1955.
   1 ;   (same algorithm as the ZX Spectrum).
   1 ;   (s-inkey$ never gets into graphics mode.)
   1 ;   (excluding 1). By choosing a suitably, these can be made to look 
   1 ;   (d) Tone duration in cycles = 5s/3.822ms = 1308 cycles
   1 ;   (b) Tone period in T-States = 3.822ms*fCPU = 13378
   1 ;   (a) Tone period = 1/261.624 = 3.822ms
   1 ;   (I referred to Pierre Samuel's "Algebraic Theory of Numbers".)
   1 ;   (HL has nothing important usually P_FLAG)
   1 ;   (75/65537) = -1. There is a multiplicative formula (ab/p) = (a/p)(b/p) (mod
   1 ;   ( from System Variable COORDS ) subtracted from them to give the relative 
   1 ;   'diameter' which is at the top of the calculator stack.
   1 ;   'antiln'.  e.g. PRINT EXP( LN 4 * 3 )  gives 64.
   1 ;   'a number 53 bus' appear the same to the parser.
   1 ;   'ROTATION FORMULA' (see later).  It is only necessary to work out where 
   1 ;   'Natural' logarithms are powers to the base 'e', which like 'pi' is a 
   1 ;   &amp; yielding the result (b_(i+1)-1)/(p-1). RAND n (with 1&lt;=n&lt;=65535)
   1 ;   $03 - MERGE
   1 ;   $02 - VERIFY
   1 ;   $01 - LOAD
   1 ;   $00 - SAVE
   1 ;   #target rom           ; declare target file format as binary.
   1 ;   #code   0,$4000       ; declare code segment.
   1 ;   "Spectrum Hardware Manual" causes a reset.  The logic was obviously 
   1 ;   "Nothing doth more molest and hinder calculators than the multiplications,
   1 ;   "Music is the hidden mathematical endeavour of a soul unconscious it 
   1 ;   "I will be sufficiently rewarded if when telling it to others, you will 
   1 ;   "However the programmer has failed to store the new print position
   1 ;   "He who can properly define and divide is to be considered a god"
   1 ;   "He said go forth and something about mathematics, I wasn't really 
   1 ;   "Goe not Thou about to Square eyther circle" -
   1 ;   "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler"
   1 ;    | data  |  | Work Space | Stack |       |  Stack  | Stack | |   |      |
   1 ;    | INPUT |NL| Temporary  | Calc. | Spare | Machine | GOSUB |?|$3E| UDGs |
   1 ;    | Channel  |$80|  BASIC  | Variables |$80| Edit Line  |NL|$80|
   1 ;    |   Info   |   | Program |   Area    |   | or Command |  |   |
   1 ;    sides is equal to the square of the longest side opposite the right-angle.
   1 ;    rotation in radians (A).
   1 ;    on the next address pages this ROM out and the shadow ROM in.
   1 ;    of an unknown side when the length of one other side and an angle is 
   1 ;    now make a multiple of 4 e.g. 29 becomes 28
   1 ;    not claim the discovery as your own, but will say it is mine."
   1 ;    listening" - overheard conversation between two unicorns.
   1 ;    length of the third side.
   1 ;    known.
   1 ;    is calculating" - Gottfried Wilhelm Liebnitz 1646 - 1716
   1 ;    divisions, square and cubical extractions of great numbers".
   1 ;    calculator stack and plot a point at the centre.
   1 ;    are despised
   1 ;    angle when the length of two of the sides is known.
   1 ;    ^              ^         ^               ^                   ^
   1 ;    ^                       ^       ^       ^                   ^   ^      ^
   1 ;    [ The Odd Streak ].
   1 ;    Very useful if you know the length of two sides and wish to know the
   1 ;    Very helpful if you know two angles and wish to find the third.
   1 ;    This command clears the display.
   1 ;    There are three parameters e.g. DRAW 255, 175, .5
   1 ;    Then bring D to the top of the stack again.
   1 ;    The value is compressed into A register, no carry with valid circle.
   1 ;    The routine is also called during initialization and by the CLEAR command.
   1 ;    The first two are relative coordinates and the third is the angle of 
   1 ;    The circle is no larger than a single pixel so delete the radius from the
   1 ;    Nobody is despised who can manage a crocodile AND Illogical persons
   1 ;    If it's difficult to write it should be difficult to read.
   1 ;    For an arc, a limit of 252 is imposed.
   1 ;    Bring back sin(A/2) from mem-0 which will shortly get trashed.
   1 ;    As an example for a circle of radius 87 the number of lines will be 29.
   1 ;    Adding 4 could set carry for arc, for the circle example, 28 becomes 32.
   1 ;    <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> When the Sinclair Interface1 is fitted then an instruction fetch 
   1 ;    (p/q)(q/p) = (-1)^{(p-1)(q-1)/4}
   1 ;    &pound;  in most Spectrums.
   1 ;    &copy;  Find H and L for desired tone period:
   1 ;     The ZX81 uses p=65537 &amp; a=75, &amp; stores some b_i-1 in memory. 
   1 ;     65537 is a Mersenne prime 2^16-1. <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font>
   1 ;     20 PRINT 1.72 * 6.89.
   1 ;     10 PRINT EXP ( LN 1.72 + LN 6.89 ) 
   1 ;      999999999 is printed as 1E+9
   1 ;      100000009 is printed as 1.0000001E+8
   1 ;      100000001 is printed as 1E+8
   1 ;       yRotated = y * cos(angle) - x * sin(angle)
   1 ;       xRotated = y * sin(angle) + x * cos(angle)
   1 ;       Yrotated = x * sin(a) + y * cos(a)
   1 ;       Xrotated = x * cos(a) - y * sin(a)
   1 ;        00100111                                            00011000
   1 ;        -3 OR 2  returns 1.
   1 ;        -3 OR 0  returns -3.
   1 ;         | p | t | p | t | p | t | p | t |
   1 ;         |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   corresponding attribute is
   1 ;         |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   1 ;         {paper9 }{ ink9 }{ inv1 }{ over1}   The print flags. Even bits are
   1 ;         {fl}{br}{   paper   }{  ink    }    The temporary mask used for
   1 ;         {fl}{br}{   paper   }{  ink    }    The temporary colour attributes
   1 ;         where fCPU = clock frequency of the CPU = 3.5MHz
   1 ;         wages - tax, TRUE, The meaning of life
   1 ;         pitch = # of semitones above/below middle C
   1 ;         HL = (Tp - 236) / 8 = (13378 - 236) / 8 = 1643 = 0x066B
   1 ;         DE = 1308 - 1 = 0x051B
   1 ;         0 OR -3 returns 1.
   1 ;         0     1     2     3     4 -Bits-  4     3     2     1     0
   1 ;          ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___    transparent colours. Any bit
   1 ;          ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___    temporary flags. The odd bits
   1 ;          ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___    system variable.
   1 ;          ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 
   1 ;           7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0     what is already on the screen.
   1 ;           10000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
   1 ;           -3 AND 0  returns 0.
   1 ;            = -1
   1 ;            = (2/3)  (because 65537 = 2 mod 3)
   1 ;            0 and 0  returns 0.
   1 ;            0 and -2 returns 0.
   1 ;             zero     sign     low      high    unused
   1 ;             duration next on calculator stack
   1 ;              II       +1        I
   1 ;               HL = tone period as described next
   1 ;                  = 236 + 2048*H + 8*L = 236 + 8*HL
   1 ;                     90 deg.
   1 ;                     270 deg.
   1 ;                     (pi/2)
   1 ;                      spk mic { border  }  
   1 ;                       |
   1 ;                          coarse    medium       fine
   1 ;                           (b_i-1)/(p-1)
   1 ;                             ---5--&gt;         &lt;---2---  &lt;--3---
   1 ;                               ; these only occur in unimplemented commands
   1 ;                               ; similar commands. Clever.
   1 ;                               ; from SAVE-ETC
   1 ;                               ; embedded colour items.
   1 ;                               ; although the routine expt-exp is called
   1 ;                                  and    "hats" if h$ = "hatstand".
   1 ;                                            A                     
   1 ;                                            %011      will be xor/or result
   1 ;                                                           comp -&gt; C/F
   1 ;                                                           ====    ===
   1 ;                                                                         
   1 ;                                                                    
   1 ;                                                                   
   1 ;                                                                 
   1 ;               
   1 #end                            ; generic cross-assembler directive 
   1 #define equ  .EQU
   1 #define ORG  .ORG
   1 #define EQU  .EQU
   1 #define DEFW .WORD
   1 #define DEFM .TEXT
   1 #define DEFB .BYTE      
   1         XOR     L               ; include the new byte.
   1         XOR     L               ; exclusive or with new byte.
   1         XOR     L               ; compare with that on tape
   1         XOR     L               ; compare type in A with first byte in L.
   1         XOR     L               ;
   1         XOR     E               ; apply masks
   1         XOR     E               ; A contains zero, E contains one if the
   1         XOR     E               ;
   1         XOR     D               ; xor the two sets of flags
   1         XOR     C               ; xor with inverse mask
   1         XOR     C               ; xor sign         00000000   or  11111111
   1         XOR     C               ; xor sign         00000000       11111111
   1         XOR     C               ; two's complement
   1         XOR     C               ; now with INVERSE MASK
   1         XOR     C               ; compare with initial long-term state.
   1         XOR     B               ; the y value
   1         XOR     B               ; switch the pixel
   1         XOR     B               ; restore unmasked bits  xxyyyxxx
   1         XOR     B               ;                     010xxbbb
   1         XOR     B               ;
   1         XOR     A               ; signal a header.
   1         XOR     A               ; set statement to zero.
   1         XOR     A               ; set A to zero.
   1         XOR     A               ; reset zero flag
   1         XOR     A               ; default to array/slice - to be retained.
   1         XOR     A               ; clear to signal small integer
   1         XOR     A               ; clear to address table directly
   1         XOR     A               ; clear to address message directly
   1         XOR     A               ; clear to accept
   1         XOR     A               ; clear carry flag.
   1         XOR     A               ; clear carry flag (ready to rotate in).
   1         XOR     A               ; clear accumulator.
   1         XOR     A               ; clear accumulator to use as a running flag.
   1         XOR     A               ; clear accumulator so that we can address
   1         XOR     A               ; clear accumulator
   1         XOR     A               ; Signal coming from START.
   1         XOR     (IY+$01)        ; xor with FLAGS now updated by SCANNING.
   1         XOR     (IY+$01)        ; xor with FLAGS - bit 6 should be same 
   1         XOR     (IY+$01)        ; xor with FLAGS
   1         XOR     (IY+$01)        ; compare with bits of FLAGS
   1         XOR     (HL)            ; xor with corresponding character byte
   1         XOR     (HL)            ; will give $00 or $FF (inverse)
   1         XOR     (HL)            ; toggle BIT 3 of FLAGS2 the capslock bit
   1         XOR     (HL)            ; pick up the first or xor with first.
   1         XOR     (HL)            ; permanent now as original
   1         XOR     (HL)            ; only permanent bits affected
   1         XOR     (HL)            ; on system variable.
   1         XOR     (HL)            ; now XOR with source
   1         XOR     (HL)            ; combine with HL
   1         XOR     (HL)            ; bit 7 of HL will be set if number is negative.
   1         XOR     (HL)            ; apply variable type indicator mask (above).
   1         XOR     (HL)            ;
   1         XOR     $58             ; combine with base address.
   1         XOR     $40             ; xor with 01000000 (high byte screen start)
   1         XOR     $38             ;
   1         XOR     $10      ;(7)   ; toggle output beep bit
   1         XOR     $0F             ; toggle bits becomes range $88-$8F
   1         XOR     $0F             ; switch from RED (mic on) to CYAN (mic off).
   1         XOR     $07             ; make the ink white.
   1         XOR     $07             ;
   1         XOR     $04             ; toggle the quotes flag.
   1         XOR     $03             ; and make blue/yellow.
   1         SUB     L               ;
   1         SUB     D               ; to give the statement after the NEXT
   1         SUB     D               ; compare with old
   1         SUB     D               ;
   1         SUB     C               ; to range $00 - $20
   1         SUB     C               ; subtract C to give count of trailing
   1         SUB     C               ; sub sign         00000000   or  11111111
   1         SUB     C               ; reverse the column number.
   1         SUB     B               ; to range $00 - $17.
   1         SUB     B               ; the new line number.
   1         SUB     B               ; the
   1         SUB     B               ; subtract the y value.
   1         SUB     B               ; subtract the counter
   1         SUB     B               ; subtract line number to reverse
   1         SUB     B               ; subtract indicator byte setting carry
   1         SUB     (IY+$50)        ; subtract new in SPOSNL_lo
   1         SUB     (IY+$4F)        ; value of S_POSN_hi.
   1         SUB     (IY+$4F)        ; subtract S_POSN_hi ithe current line number.
   1         SUB     (HL)            ; subtract with that of 2nd string.
   1         SUB     (HL)            ;
   1         SUB     $CE             ; subtract 'DEF FN' - first command
   1         SUB     $AF             ; subtract token 'CODE' value to reduce
   1         SUB     $90             ; make UDGs range 0-20d
   1         SUB     $80             ;
   1         SUB     $7E             ; subtract 
   1         SUB     $41             ; and return with carry set
   1         SUB     $31             ; '1'
   1         SUB     $30             ; convert from ASCII to digit
   1         SUB     $24             ; subtract '$' from fetched character
   1         SUB     $24             ; subtract '$'
   1         SUB     $20             ; reduce to ink range $10-$17
   1         SUB     $19             ;
   1         SUB     $18             ; and adjust.
   1         SUB     $17             ; decimal 23 ('tab')
   1         SUB     $10             ; reduce exponent by 2^16
   1         SUB     $10             ; for ASCII most will now be correct
   1         SUB     $0D             ; subtract 13d leaving 1 and 2
   1         SUB     $0C             ; 12 semitones = one octave
   1         SUB     $09             ; subtract 9 - max possible
   1         SUB     $08             ; subtract eight - which is not useful. 
   1         SUB     $07             ;
   1         SUB     $06             ; subtract six from length_lo.
   1         SUB     $02             ; reduce range $FF-$02
   1         SRL     L               ; L = medium part of tone period
   1         SRL     L               ;
   1         SRL     H               ; shift key bits right into carry.
   1         SRA     L               ;
   1         SET     7,L             ; make attribute FLASH.
   1         SET     7,C             ; this converts a simple string to a 
   1         SET     7,C             ; set numeric (Boolean) result for all others
   1         SET     7,A             ; use spare bit to signal checking syntax.
   1         SET     7,(IY+$37)      ; update FLAGX  - signal handling INPUT LINE
   1         SET     7,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS - signal running program.
   1         SET     7,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS - Signal running program
   1         SET     7,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS  - signal running program.
   1         SET     7,(HL)          ; set it to implied state
   1         SET     7,(HL)          ; set bit 7 at location
   1         SET     7,(HL)          ; now set to give true 32-bit mantissa
   1         SET     7,(HL)          ; invert it.
   1         SET     6,C             ; set numeric operand bit
   1         SET     6,C             ; set 6 signaling string if solitary  010
   1         SET     6,(HL)          ; signal numeric result
   1         SET     6,(HL)          ; set default to numeric result in FLAGS
   1         SET     5,C             ; signal numeric                       011
   1         SET     5,B             ; signal not an array
   1         SET     5,(IY+$02)      ; update TV_FLAG - signal lower screen
   1         SET     5,(IY+$02)      ; update TV_FLAG  - signal lower screen will
   1         SET     5,(IY+$02)      ; set TV_FLAG  - signal lower screen requires
   1         SET     5,(IY+$02)      ; TV_FLAG  - Signal lower screen requires
   1         SET     5,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS  - signal a new key.
   1         SET     5,(HL)          ; signal in Input Mode for editor.
   1         SET     4,(IY+$30)      ; update FLAGS2   - signal K channel in use
   1         SET     3,(IY+$02)      ; update TV_FLAG - signal reprint the edit
   1         SET     3,(HL)          ; signal 'L' mode.
   1         SET     3,(HL)          ; signal 'L' mode to interrupt routine.
   1         SET     2,(HL)          ; signal 'L' mode. (used for input)
   1         SET     1,(IY+$37)      ; FLAGX  - Signal a new variable
   1         SET     1,(IY+$30)      ; update FLAGS2  - signal printer buffer has 
   1         SET     1,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS  - signal printer in use.
   1         SET     0,(IY+$30)      ; update FLAGS2 - signal will be necessary to
   1         SET     0,(IY+$02)      ; update TV_FLAG  - signal lower screen in use
   1         SET     0,(IY+$02)      ; signal to TV_FLAG  - lower screen in use.
   1         SET     0,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS  - signal suppress leading space.
   1         SET     0,(HL)          ; signal no leading space to FLAGS
   1         SET     0,(HL)          ; TV_FLAG - signal lower screen in use.
   1         SCF                     ; set the carry flag.
   1         SCF                     ; set carry flag to signal printer.
   1         SCF                     ; set carry flag to show overflow
   1         SCF                     ; set carry flag to load data on tape.
   1         SCF                     ; set carry flag to control SET-DE
   1         SCF                     ; set carry flag to calculate from end of
   1         SCF                     ; set carry flag signalling looping exhausted.
   1         SCF                     ; set carry flag signaling edge found within
   1         SCF                     ; set carry flag ready to rotate in.
   1         SCF                     ; set carry flag indicating load not verify.
   1         SCF                     ; set carry flag indicating a variable not a
   1         SCF                     ; set carry flag - not found
   1         SCF                     ; prepare a set carry flag
   1         SCF                     ; else set the carry flag.
   1         SCF                     ; Set Carry Flag
   1         SBC     HL,SP           ; if less than the machine stack pointer
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; test if an error address has been reached.
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; test against pointer address in DE and
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract variable address
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract to give total length.
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract to give program length.
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract to get length
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract the two pointers.
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract the two lengths.
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract start point from end point.
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract start from end to give length.
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract position from old stkend 
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract high value from low to obtain
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract and add back setting
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract and
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract address from start of line
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; new ramtop must be lower or the same.
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; if HL is greater than the value then jump
   1         SBC     HL,DE           ; find length of BASIC and
   1         SBC     HL,BC           ; subtract value from limit.
   1         SBC     HL,BC           ; subtract old length from new.
   1         SBC     HL,BC           ; subtract cursor address from pointer
   1         SBC     HL,BC           ; point to start of value.
   1         SBC     HL,BC           ; decrease HL by 5 to point to start.
   1         SBC     HL,BC           ; cancel the last addition
   1         SBC     HL,BC           ; HL points to start of value.
   1         SBC     A,A             ; will be FF, if more, else 00.
   1         SBC     A,A             ; will be FF for INVERSE 1 else zero
   1         SBC     A,A             ; will be $FF if backward or $00 if forward.
   1         SBC     A,A             ; result is $FF if so else $00.
   1         SBC     A,A             ; restore a negative result sign
   1         SBC     A,A             ; now form $FF bit 6 = numeric result
   1         SBC     A,A             ; now $FF if negative or $00
   1         SBC     A,A             ; byte will be $FF if negative, $00 if positive.
   1         SBC     A,A             ; A = 0/FF if B is pos/neg
   1         SBC     A,A             ; $FF if was 9,  $00 if 0-8
   1         SBC     A,A             ; $00 if 0-7, $FF if 8
   1         SBC     A,A             ;
   1         SBC     A,$00           ; will set to $FF if carry set.
   1         RST     30H             ; using BC-SPACES restart.
   1         RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES makes DE point to start
   1         RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES in workspace.
   1         RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES creates the space sliding
   1         RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES creates the space in workspace.
   1         RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES creates the space for true
   1         RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES creates space for one character
   1         RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES creates room.
   1         RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES creates room in workspace.
   1         RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC   ;x or 0,d.           first pass.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC    score&gt;100 (1=TRUE 0=FALSE)
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC    ; v, d.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC     add step and re-store
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      z, A.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      y, x, last-x.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      x, y.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      x, y, sin(A/2), D.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      x, y, r.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      x, y, r, hc.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      x, y, r, 2*PI.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      x, y, A.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      v,l.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      ty, tx, coords_x.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      tx, y, last-y.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      rx, ty, coords_y
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      ax, ay.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      ax, ay, Dx, ay, iy.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      ax, ax, ix.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC         l,s.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC           x.
   1         RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC           ;s.
   1         RST     20H             ; else NEXT-CHAR
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR to advance pointer
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR to address next character
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR skips any noise and white-space
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR re-initializes HL from CH_ADD
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR re-initializes HL and advances
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR moves CH-ADD past the statement
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR in FN statement advances to next
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR in BASIC area points to an
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR if a comma was found
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR fetches character after NEXT
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advances to next statement/CR
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advances to character after ')'
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advances to bracket
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advances the parsed character address.
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advances past '=' to expression
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advances past ')' in define
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advance to next character
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR - variable must come next.
   1         RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR  moves to next character
   1         RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR to fetch HL
   1         RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR puts character at CH_ADD in A
   1         RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR looks at the BASIC line
   1         RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR ignoring leading white-space.
   1         RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR gets next character in FN
   1         RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR gets character after variable name.
   1         RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR gets character addressed by CH_ADD.
   1         RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR from FN statement
   1         RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR fetches next character.
   1         RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR fetches adjusted character position
   1         RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR checks BASIC line
   1         RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR - HL points to place in statement.
   1         RST     10H             ; PRINT-A.
   1         RST     10H             ; PRINT-A prints using this alternate set.
   1         RST     10H             ; PRINT-A prints the carriage return (in A)
   1         RST     10H             ; PRINT-A prints '&gt;' the current line cursor.
   1         RST     10H             ; PRINT-A outputs the control to current
   1         RST     10H             ; PRINT-A outputs parameter.
   1         RST     10H             ; PRINT-A  outputs to current channel in
   1         RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
   1         RST      28H            ;; FP-CALC
   1         RST      20H            ; NEXT-CHAR
   1         RRCA                    ; to the
   1         RRCA                    ; to right.
   1         RRCA                    ; thirty two (same as 5 RLCAs)
   1         RRCA                    ; third and
   1         RRCA                    ; the third RRCA - test for '&lt;=', '&gt;=' or '&lt;&gt;'.
   1         RRCA                    ; test if quotes required.
   1         RRCA                    ; shift
   1         RRCA                    ; rotations to put set bit in
   1         RRCA                    ; rotate permanent bits to temporary bits.
   1         RRCA                    ; rotate bits
   1         RRCA                    ; rotate bit 7 to bit 6
   1         RRCA                    ; rotate bit 0 to bit 7
   1         RRCA                    ; range 0-7.
   1         RRCA                    ; now 32 - 256(0)
   1         RRCA                    ; not five as we need offset * 2
   1         RRCA                    ; multiply by
   1         RRCA                    ; lose bit 0.
   1         RRCA                    ; left.
   1         RRCA                    ; for flash8/bright8 complete
   1         RRCA                    ; elsewhere and is a candidate for
   1         RRCA                    ; eight.
   1         RRCA                    ; divide by
   1         RRCA                    ; carry if bit 7 is set
   1         RRCA                    ; by 32  (same as five RLCA instructions)
   1         RRCA                    ; border colour bits moved to 2..0
   1         RRCA                    ; bits 3 and 4
   1         RRCA                    ; bits
   1         RRCA                    ; bit 7 (flash) bit 6 (bright)
   1         RRCA                    ; bit 0 to (C)
   1         RRCA                    ; a subroutine.)
   1         RRCA                    ; 4 places to right
   1         RRCA                    ; 2nd RRCA causes eql/neql to set carry.
   1         RRCA                    ; 00000xx0
   1         RRCA                    ; (this code sequence is used twice
   1         RRCA                    ; $09, $0A or $0B.
   1         RRCA                    ;   to match border bits on port #FE
   1         RRCA                    ;
   1         RRC     C               ; now rotate the sign byte $00 or $FF
   1         RRA                     ; test outer key the space. (bit 6 moves to 5)
   1         RRA                     ; test for space key pressed.
   1         RRA                     ; rotate to bit 5.
   1         RRA                     ; rotate it to carry flag again
   1         RRA                     ; rotate bit 0 - SPACE
   1         RRA                     ; rotate bit 0 - SHIFT
   1         RRA                     ; restore zero to accumulator.
   1         RRA                     ; if a space is pressed
   1         RRA                     ; halve it 0, 1 or 2.
   1         RRA                     ; bit 2 is INVERSE
   1         RRA                     ; bit 0 to carry.
   1         RRA                     ; bit 0 set if OVER 1
   1         RRA                     ; and rotate back in altering sign
   1         RRA                     ;                     10xxxxxx
   1         RRA                     ;                     0xxxxxxx
   1         RRA                     ;                     010xxxxx
   1         RR      L               ; rotate any carry into L
   1         RR      H               ; rotate the sign bit to left of H
   1         RR      D               ; and back to bit 7 of D restoring bit 1
   1         RR      B               ; rotate bit 1/3 of original chr to carry
   1         RLD                     ; shift RH nibble to left in (HL)
   1         RLCA                    ; to bits 1 and 0  range $00 - $03.
   1         RLCA                    ; to bit 2
   1         RLCA                    ; to
   1         RLCA                    ; the paper bits setting the
   1         RLCA                    ; test bit 7 of original name.
   1         RLCA                    ; shift the colour to
   1         RLCA                    ; shift bits 0-2
   1         RLCA                    ; shift bit 0
   1         RLCA                    ; rotate to left
   1         RLCA                    ; rotate to              xyyyxxxx
   1         RLCA                    ; rotate bit 7 of A to carry.
   1         RLCA                    ; rotate
   1         RLCA                    ; required position.     yyyxxxxx
   1         RLCA                    ; ink colour black.
   1         RLCA                    ; double as there are two bytes per 
   1         RLCA                    ; bits 3-5
   1         RLCA                    ; X4 - quadruple.
   1         RLCA                    ; X2 - double.
   1         RLCA                    ; 11100000 or 00011100
   1         RLCA                    ; 01110000 or 00001110
   1         RLC     B               ; form next port address e.g. FEFE &gt; FDFE
   1         RLC     A               ; double the value and set flags.
   1         RLA                     ; test sign bit of A.
   1         RLA                     ; test if the terminal inverted character.
   1         RLA                     ; sets carry for abs and if number negative
   1         RLA                     ; if backward jump, carry is set.
   1         RLA                     ; destructively test
   1         RLA                     ; carry to bit 0 of A
   1         RL      L               ; rotate the carry bit into L.
   1         RL      E               ; rotate leftmost print bit to carry
   1         RL      E               ; pick up carry in E if line before current
   1         RL      E               ;  C&lt;xxxxxxxx&lt;C
   1         RL      C               ; shift AC left into carry
   1         RL      B               ; rotate the B register left
   1         RL      B               ;
   1         RL      (HL)            ; rotate the sign bit into the carry flag.
   1         RL      (HL)            ;
   1         RETN                    ; return to previous interrupt state.
   1         RET     Z               ; shift key pressed.
   1         RET     Z               ; return with failure when $FF passed.
   1         RET     Z               ; return with carry reset if so.
   1         RET     Z               ; return now if in editing mode
   1         RET     Z               ; return if zero.          &gt;&gt;
   1         RET     Z               ; return if zero.
   1         RET     Z               ; return if zero (strings only).
   1         RET     Z               ; return if zero
   1         RET     Z               ; return if the screen is full and the line
   1         RET     Z               ; return if string result.
   1         RET     Z               ; return if so to ED-LOOP
   1         RET     Z               ; return if so as complete.  &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
   1         RET     Z               ; return if so -        e.g. INPUT (p$); a$
   1         RET     Z               ; return if so              --&gt;
   1         RET     Z               ; return if result zero
   1         RET     Z               ; return if positive.
   1         RET     Z               ; return if positive number.
   1         RET     Z               ; return if one key or no key.
   1         RET     Z               ; return if not.                        &gt;&gt;
   1         RET     Z               ; return if checking syntax
   1         RET     Z               ; return if FP-TO-BC indicated positive.
   1         RET     Z               ; return also with carry clear if so.
   1         RET     Z               ; return also -         e.g. PRINT a
   1         RET     Z               ; return also
   1         RET     Z               ; or continue and print carriage return in
   1         RET     Z               ; if duration = 0, skip BEEP and avoid 65536 cycle
   1         RET     Z               ; and return if not pressed.
   1         RET     Z               ; Return if upper screen in use.
   1         RET     P               ;
   1         RET     NZ              ; return with solitary symbol shift
   1         RET     NZ              ; return with carry set if at end
   1         RET     NZ              ; return immediately in runtime
   1         RET     NZ              ; return immediately if so.
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if yet to match (carry will be set).
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if so.
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if so with main code.
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if so
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if shift pressed.
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if result is numeric.
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if not zero. 
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if not zero as already in full
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if not zero and with carry reset.
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if not yet zero.
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if not in editor - to ED-LOOP.
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if not at exact position.
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if no match.
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if no match e.g. CODE vs. DATA.
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if no match              &gt;&gt;&gt;
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if more as must be
   1         RET     NZ              ; return if invalid combinations
   1         RET     NZ              ; return as no exponent.
   1         RET     NZ              ; return (via CL-SET) if greater
   1         RET     NZ              ; if we have collected 2 keys already
   1         RET     NC              ; return with just a shift (in B now)
   1         RET     NC              ; return with carry clear if so.
   1         RET     NC              ; return to SA/LD-RET.   - - &gt;
   1         RET     NC              ; return if space pressed.  &gt;&gt;&gt;
   1         RET     NC              ; return if space pressed or time-out.
   1         RET     NC              ; return if so.
   1         RET     NC              ; return if so
   1         RET     NC              ; return if second non-zero, first is result.
   1         RET     NC              ; return if scrolling unnecessary
   1         RET     NC              ; return if number was not zero - the string 
   1         RET     NC              ; return if match was found. -&gt;
   1         RET     NC              ; return if line has been passed or matched.
   1         RET     NC              ; return if just a single shift
   1         RET     NC              ; return if altered.
   1         RET     NC              ; return early if checking syntax.
   1         RET     NC              ; make an early return if so &gt;&gt;&gt;
   1         RET     NC              ; iteration. Return to STMT-RET if a loop is
   1         RET     NC              ; items - return if success.
   1         RET     NC              ; but if the letter wasn't found in the
   1         RET     NC              ; Return if it is significant.
   1         RET     NC              ;
   1         RET     M               ; return if the null string.
   1         RET     M               ; return if not - but continue with parent
   1         RET     M               ; return if $FF, as leading spaces not
   1         RET     C               ; will return when character is not numeric &gt;
   1         RET     C               ; then return - OK.
   1         RET     C               ; return, if so, with carry set.
   1         RET     C               ; return with space, enter and symbol-shift
   1         RET     C               ; return with carry set if so.
   1         RET     C               ; return with carry set if &gt; 65535, overflow
   1         RET     C               ; return with carry set "key found" for
   1         RET     C               ; return with acceptable keys.
   1         RET     C               ; return to ED-LOOP if already at left
   1         RET     C               ; return if was zero as this
   1         RET     C               ; return if successful.
   1         RET     C               ; return if so leaving zero unchanged.
   1         RET     C               ; return if result was zero - first operand, 
   1         RET     C               ; return if nothing more to output. -&gt;
   1         RET     C               ; return if not reset
   1         RET     C               ; return if not numeric character
   1         RET     C               ; return if no more iterations possible.
   1         RET     C               ; return if less.
   1         RET     C               ; return if less than zero character.
   1         RET     C               ; return if greater than 'OVER', $DE.
   1         RET     C               ; return if carry set ( entry = set-de)
   1         RET     C               ; return carry set if zero
   1         RET     C               ; is within first range
   1         RET     C               ; for all messages and function tokens
   1         RET     C               ; exit if so as no change is required.
   1         RET     C               ; Return if so as no trailing space required.
   1         RET     C               ; Return if numeric else continue into
   1         RET     C               ; Return if no trailing space.
   1         RET      Z              ; return to previous call in chain if checking
   1         RET                     ; zero set if exact match.
   1         RET                     ; to give 0 and 1    flash codes.
   1         RET                     ; to STMT-RET (or GO-SUB command)
   1         RET                     ; the USR function returns value of BC.
   1         RET                     ; return. with zero set if two together.
   1         RET                     ; return. -&gt;
   1         RET                     ; return.       with Q1 and Q4           &gt;&gt;&gt;
   1         RET                     ; return.                 -&gt;
   1         RET                     ; return.               
   1         RET                     ; return without updating column position
   1         RET                     ; return with zero set if keyboard is use.
   1         RET                     ; return with result.
   1         RET                     ; return with new area ready to be populated.
   1         RET                     ; return with carry set.
   1         RET                     ; return with carry set if zero.
   1         RET                     ; return with carry set
   1         RET                     ; return with carry reset if successful
   1         RET                     ; return with carry reset
   1         RET                     ; return with HL pointing at the numeric
   1         RET                     ; return with H'L' pointing to location
   1         RET                     ; return with DE unchanged
   1         RET                     ; return with DE addressing new STKEND
   1         RET                     ; return with CHANS displacement in BC
   1         RET                     ; return with BC set at 5.
   1         RET                     ; return with A holding $0D
   1         RET                     ; return with + int x on stack.
   1         RET                     ; return via CL-SET for lower display.
   1         RET                     ; return via CL-SET (was pushed on stack).
   1         RET                     ; return values are the length of area in BC,
   1         RET                     ; return to update STRMS entry thereby 
   1         RET                     ; return to the calling routine.
   1         RET                     ; return to interrupt routine.
   1         RET                     ; return to calling routine COPY/COPY-BUFF.
   1         RET                     ; return to STMT-RET to branch to new
   1         RET                     ; return to STMT-RET (or RUN)
   1         RET                     ; return to STMT-RET
   1         RET                     ; return to ED-LOOP
   1         RET                     ; return signalling success.
   1         RET                     ; return pointing to a valid character.
   1         RET                     ; return ignoring pushed value, CL-SET
   1         RET                     ; return from here.
   1         RET                     ; return from here in runtime to STMT-RET.
   1         RET                     ; return and continue into PO-STORE
   1         RET                     ; return -&gt;
   1         RET                     ; return - zero flag will be set if so.
   1         RET                     ; return - item finished &gt;&gt;&gt;
   1         RET                     ; return - either a simple return
   1         RET                     ; return - - &gt;
   1         RET                     ; return (with zero set if it was).
   1         RET                     ; return    (B has other key still)
   1         RET                     ; make the return.
   1         RET                     ; make an indirect jump to the routine
   1         RET                     ; in STRMS and return.
   1         RET                     ; if it is less that 'A'
   1         RET                     ; for return value.
   1         RET                     ; else return with 16-bit result in HL.
   1         RET                     ; carry will be set if not pressed.
   1         RET                     ; carry set if within a-z.
   1         RET                     ; but return from here if checking syntax.
   1         RET                     ; before returning
   1         RET                     ; and return to loop or quit.
   1         RET                     ; and return &gt;&gt;&gt;
   1         RET                     ; and return  (entry = set-hl (in input))
   1         RET                     ; and make an indirect jump to the command.
   1         RET                     ; and make an indirect jump to routine
   1         RET                     ; and make an indirect jump to it.
   1         RET                     ; Return - carry clear if character '0' - '9'
   1         RET                     ; Return
   1         RET                     ; RETURN to ED-LOOP.
   1         RET                     ; Make an indirect jump forward to routine.
   1         RES     7,H             ; reset flash mask bit so active. 
   1         RES     7,C             ; reset bit 7 of op code for 'str$', 'chr$'
   1         RES     7,(IY+$37)      ; update FLAGX  - signal not INPUT LINE.
   1         RES     7,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS  - signal checking syntax.
   1         RES     7,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS  - signal checking syntax
   1         RES     7,(HL)          ; cancel the bit anyway.
   1         RES     6,C             ; signal string operand for 'code', 'val' and
   1         RES     6,C             ; signal 'numeric' array even if string as
   1         RES     6,C             ; make long named type                 001
   1         RES     6,(IY+$57)      ; reset P_FLAG  - signal NOT PAPER 9 ?
   1         RES     6,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS - signal string result.
   1         RES     6,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS - signal string result for
   1         RES     6,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS  - Signal string result
   1         RES     6,(IY+$01)      ; set FLAGS  - Signal string result
   1         RES     6,(HL)          ; signal string result
   1         RES     6,(HL)          ; reset bit 6 of FLAGS to show string result.
   1         RES     5,B             ; signal a string variable.
   1         RES     5,(IY+$37)      ; update FLAGX - signal in EDIT not INPUT mode.
   1         RES     5,(IY+$02)      ; update TV_FLAG  - signal don't clear lower
   1         RES     5,(IY+$01)      ; update bit 5 of FLAGS - signal no new key.
   1         RES     5,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS  - reset the new key flag.
   1         RES     5,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS    - signal no new key
   1         RES     5,(HL)          ; signal not in input mode
   1         RES     5,(HL)          ; signal 'no new key'.
   1         RES     5,(HL)          ; TV_FLAG - signal do not clear lower screen.
   1         RES     4,(IY+$30)      ; update FLAGS2  - signal K channel not in use.
   1         RES     4,(IY+$02)      ; update TV_FLAG  - signal no auto listing.
   1         RES     4,(IY+$02)      ; reset TV_FLAG  - signal auto listing finished.
   1         RES     3,(IY+$02)      ; update TV_FLAG  - signal no change in mode
   1         RES     3,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS - signal use 'K' mode for
   1         RES     3,(HL)          ; signal 'K' mode initially.
   1         RES     2,(IY+$30)      ; update FLAGS2 - signal NOT in QUOTES.
   1         RES     2,(IY+$01)      ; initialize FLAGS to 'K' mode and leave
   1         RES     2,(HL)          ; signal 'K' mode. (starts before keyword)
   1         RES     1,(IY+$30)      ; set FLAGS2 - signal printer buffer is clear.
   1         RES     0,(IY+$30)      ; update FLAGS2  - signal main screen is clear.
   1         RES     0,(IY+$07)      ; set MODE to 'L'
   1         RES     0,(IY+$02)      ; update TV_FLAG - signal main screen in use.
   1         RES     0,(IY+$02)      ; update TV_FLAG  - signal main screen in use
   1         RES     0,(IY+$02)      ; signal to TV_FLAG  - main screen in use.
   1         RES     0,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS - signal leading space required.
   1         RES     0,(HL)          ; allow for leading space
   1         PUSH    IX              ; transfer IX,
   1         PUSH    IX              ; save pointer to descriptor.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; transfer address
   1         PUSH    HL              ; the IY register unfortunately.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save workspace area pointer.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save variables area pointer on stack.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save variable first character pointer
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save total space
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save the supplied limit.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save the pointer to next literal on stack
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save the pointer on stack.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save the pointer address.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save the holding register.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save the dimension counter
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save system variable hi pointer.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save state map location
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save start of quoted text.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save start address in DEF FN  ***
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save position in DEF FN statement
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save pointer.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to the last value/result.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to second character   ^2
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to offset byte
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to next literal
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to last char in vars
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to first letter       ^1
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save pointer
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save original length.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save masks.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save line address underneath
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save it on stack.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save it
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save destination
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save data pointer.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save bitmap start
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save address on stack and
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save address of line.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save address in DEF FN statement
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save HL - pointer to first operand.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; save HL
   1         PUSH    HL              ; registers
   1         PUSH    HL              ; re-save return address.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; put pos pointer on stack.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; pushed onto the machine stack.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; push the pointer.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; push the error address.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; push the address.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; push the address on the stack.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; push the address on machine stack.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; push data pointer/rubbish.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; push STKEND value.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; pointer to whatever comes after
   1         PUSH    HL              ; perhaps an obsolete entry point.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; now restore the error address
   1         PUSH    HL              ; is saved on stack to handle errors.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; is saved on stack as terminating routine.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; is pushed on stack and addressed by ERR_SP.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; is pushed as the error routine
   1         PUSH    HL              ; is pushed as common exit route.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; is now pushed as a return address
   1         PUSH    HL              ; else save workspace pointer. 
   1         PUSH    HL              ; and transfer it
   1         PUSH    HL              ; and save the address
   1         PUSH    HL              ; and save that too.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; and save start on machine stack also.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; and save on the machine stack.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; and save on stack
   1         PUSH    HL              ; and save also
   1         PUSH    HL              ; and save again
   1         PUSH    HL              ; and save
   1         PUSH    HL              ; and pushed onto stack.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; and push also
   1         PUSH    HL              ; and initial address.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; and destination
   1         PUSH    HL              ; Save address of workspace.
   1         PUSH    HL              ; * save start
   1         PUSH    DE              ; transfer the start of new space to
   1         PUSH    DE              ; saved code/parameters
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save this pointer.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save the top line number.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save the start in workspace
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save the address of the start of the string.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save the E flag.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save system variable address.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save start2 *.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save start of second string
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save start of destination.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save start in workspace.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save start address.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save source address
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save source
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save screen start address
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save pointer to the now obsolete number 
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save pointer to lowest number for result.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save pointer to first new location.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save pointer to STKEND.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save old line/column.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save new value
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save new prog/vars pointer.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save it again
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save dest pointer in prog/vars area.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save data space
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save FN ')' pointer.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; save D - result type
   1         PUSH    DE              ; push the address STMT-RET.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; preserve DE.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; now address of routine
   1         PUSH    DE              ; else save start address of string
   1         PUSH    DE              ; and workspace pointer
   1         PUSH    DE              ; and save.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; and save it on the stack again.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; and save it on the stack
   1         PUSH    DE              ; and push for return address.
   1         PUSH    DE              ; and normal STKEND
   1         PUSH    DE              ; and STKEND.
   1         PUSH    DE              ;                 
   1         PUSH    BC              ; then the address of the machine code
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save with the type.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save type in C.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save the line and column in BC.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save the letter/type
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save the length.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save the length again.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save the current line number
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save sign (in B)
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save return address
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save new length.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save length of string to be sliced.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save length
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save it.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save dimensions/type
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save dimension size                     ***
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save current priority/operation
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save current print position
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save C the string test, and B the letter.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save BC - value 5 from test room ??.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; save BC
   1         PUSH    BC              ; resave return address - ED-LOOP.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; put in on stack.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; push the error address.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; push the address
   1         PUSH    BC              ; preserve BC which is used as a store.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; preserve BC
   1         PUSH    BC              ; now re-stack the address STMT-RET
   1         PUSH    BC              ; is now pushed on stack as looping address.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; and the line counter.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; and the length.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; and save it.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; and save again.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; and save again on stack.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; and length.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; and length            (*)
   1         PUSH    BC              ; and its length.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; and PUSH onto GO SUB stack.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; Save the line count on the machine stack.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; Restore line counter to the machine stack.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; Preserve the number of lines in B.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; B = octave displacement from middle C, 2's complement: -5&lt;=B&lt;=10
   1         PUSH    BC              ; ** save length of new program line/variable.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; ** and length.
   1         PUSH    BC              ; * save it.
   1         PUSH    BC              ;   BC = tone_period(HL)
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save this mask on the stack
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save the value and flags
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save the token number to control
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save the running flag.
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save the input character.
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save the colour token.
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save the code
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save the argument.
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save shifted exponent.
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save result sign.
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save on stack to prevent lower screen
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save key.
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save it again.
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save flag (will be $FF if parameter&gt;limit)
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save count.
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save control.
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save character.
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save character and flags
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save again
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save A and carry
   1         PUSH    AF              ; save A
   1         PUSH    AF              ; re-save shifted exponent
   1         PUSH    AF              ; preserve flags.
   1         PUSH    AF              ; preserve accumulator though not corrupted.
   1         PUSH    AF              ; and save on stack before any branching.
   1         PUSH    AF              ; and save it on stack.
   1         PUSH    AF              ; and preserve
   1         PUSH    AF              ;
   1         POP     IX              ; transfer to IX.
   1         POP     IX              ; to IX register.
   1         POP     IX              ; to IX register pair.
   1         POP     IX              ; the available index register.
   1         POP     IX              ; retrieve pointer to start
   1         POP     IX              ; restore descriptor pointer.
   1         POP     IX              ; restore IX.
   1         POP     IX              ; * and start.
   1         POP     HL              ; saved value not required.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore xx
   1         POP     HL              ; restore workspace pointer.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore workspace pointer
   1         POP     HL              ; restore variable position
   1         POP     HL              ; restore topmost address.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore the result pointer.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore the limit.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore the holding register.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore the data pointer.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore the address pointer.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore the address of the next line.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore the address of CURCHL.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore the
   1         POP     HL              ; restore temporary masks
   1         POP     HL              ; restore system variable hi pointer.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore start.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore start of string to HL.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore start of string in workspace.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore start address.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore saved character address in program.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore saved HL register.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore pointer to the first byte.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore pointer to next literal.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore pointer to first character of variable
   1         POP     HL              ; restore pointer to 2nd character.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore pointer
   1         POP     HL              ; restore original screen/printer position
   1         POP     HL              ; restore original result pointer
   1         POP     HL              ; restore original P_FLAG.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore original ATTR_T/MASK_T.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore original ATTR_T, MASK_T
   1         POP     HL              ; restore old program pointer.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore next literal pointer.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore next literal pointer from stack
   1         POP     HL              ; restore new value
   1         POP     HL              ; restore map pointer
   1         POP     HL              ; restore length of second to HL.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore first location in workspace to HL.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore current channel.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore current channel address
   1         POP     HL              ; restore address.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore HL.
   1         POP     HL              ; restore DEF FN pointer
   1         POP     HL              ; registers.
   1         POP     HL              ; re-fetch start of quoted text.
   1         POP     HL              ; re-fetch first length
   1         POP     HL              ; pop the start address in DEF FN statement
   1         POP     HL              ; pop the original DEFADD value
   1         POP     HL              ; pop the limit length.
   1         POP     HL              ; pop the length.
   1         POP     HL              ; pop the data pointer.
   1         POP     HL              ; pop the FN ')' pointer
   1         POP     HL              ; pop result sign pointer
   1         POP     HL              ; pop pointer to variable in assignment.
   1         POP     HL              ; pop length to HL as default end point
   1         POP     HL              ; pop dimension counter, array type
   1         POP     HL              ; pop counter
   1         POP     HL              ; pop P_FLAG to H.
   1         POP     HL              ; original STKEND is now RESULT pointer.
   1         POP     HL              ; now the error address.
   1         POP     HL              ; fetch the error address.
   1         POP     HL              ; else restore
   1         POP     HL              ; drop the return address.
   1         POP     HL              ; drop the looping address
   1         POP     HL              ; drop the address of previous
   1         POP     HL              ; drop return address.
   1         POP     HL              ; drop original CH_ADD which points to
   1         POP     HL              ; drop line address
   1         POP     HL              ; drop address ED-ERROR
   1         POP     HL              ; and start of string
   1         POP     HL              ; and pop into HL.
   1         POP     HL              ; and pointer to possible result.
   1         POP     HL              ; and pointer to last value
   1         POP     HL              ; and display address.
   1         POP     HL              ; address the start.
   1         POP     HL              ; address of start
   1         POP     HL              ; HL = tone period
   1         POP     HL              ; * restore the saved STRMS pointer.
   1         POP     DE              ; the 2nd descriptor, to DE.
   1         POP     DE              ; restore the ramtop value.
   1         POP     DE              ; restore the prog/vars pointer
   1         POP     DE              ; restore the old line column.
   1         POP     DE              ; restore the E flag.
   1         POP     DE              ; restore start of string in workspace.
   1         POP     DE              ; restore source
   1         POP     DE              ; restore screen address
   1         POP     DE              ; restore real STKEND
   1         POP     DE              ; restore previous address to DE.
   1         POP     DE              ; restore pointer to first FN argument.
   1         POP     DE              ; restore pointer - new STKEND.
   1         POP     DE              ; restore old system variable address.
   1         POP     DE              ; restore length to DE.
   1         POP     DE              ; restore initial DE.
   1         POP     DE              ; restore character source address
   1         POP     DE              ; restore and
   1         POP     DE              ; restore DE
   1         POP     DE              ; registers.
   1         POP     DE              ; registers and
   1         POP     DE              ; pop the return address STMT-RET.
   1         POP     DE              ; pop the flag to D.
   1         POP     DE              ; pop the dimension pointer.                              ***
   1         POP     DE              ; pop the address of the position.
   1         POP     DE              ; pop pointer to new area.
   1         POP     DE              ; pop pointer to 2nd. char
   1         POP     DE              ; pop STKEND to DE.
   1         POP     DE              ; pop STKEND
   1         POP     DE              ; pointers.
   1         POP     DE              ; now a possible BASIC return line.
   1         POP     DE              ; fetch workspace 1st character pointer
   1         POP     DE              ; fetch saved start of string to DE.
   1         POP     DE              ; drop pointer to 1st prog char          v1
   1         POP     DE              ; discard pointer to 'DEF FN'.
   1         POP     DE              ; and pop in into D'E'
   1         POP     DE              ; and DE register.
   1         POP     DE              ; STKEND
   1         POP     DE              ; Restore the initial DE value.
   1         POP     DE              ; DE = first operand
   1         POP     DE              ; * re-fetch trailing space byte to D 
   1         POP     DE              ; * pop value for PROG which may have been 
   1         POP     DE              ; * pop the data length.
   1         POP     BC              ; the start of data pointer is added
   1         POP     BC              ; the source address CHARS or UDG
   1         POP     BC              ; saved
   1         POP     BC              ; retrieve length of line.
   1         POP     BC              ; retrieve BASIC length
   1         POP     BC              ; restore the saved
   1         POP     BC              ; restore the result to balance stack.
   1         POP     BC              ; restore the line counter.
   1         POP     BC              ; restore the line $01-$24.
   1         POP     BC              ; restore the length of string.
   1         POP     BC              ; restore the flags
   1         POP     BC              ; restore the chord count  
   1         POP     BC              ; restore sign
   1         POP     BC              ; restore result.
   1         POP     BC              ; restore original BC
   1         POP     BC              ; restore old WORKSP
   1         POP     BC              ; restore new length.
   1         POP     BC              ; restore line/column
   1         POP     BC              ; restore letter/type
   1         POP     BC              ; restore length to BC
   1         POP     BC              ; restore length from stack.
   1         POP     BC              ; restore counts.
   1         POP     BC              ; restore counter.
   1         POP     BC              ; restore count for return value.
   1         POP     BC              ; restore code/parameters
   1         POP     BC              ; restore character in C
   1         POP     BC              ; restore address.
   1         POP     BC              ; restore BC.
   1         POP     BC              ; restore BC
   1         POP     BC              ; restore 5 counter to BC ??.
   1         POP     BC              ; pop total space
   1         POP     BC              ; pop the type.
   1         POP     BC              ; pop the number of dimensions.
   1         POP     BC              ; pop the Error Address.
   1         POP     BC              ; pop dimension counter/type
   1         POP     BC              ; pop dimension counter.
   1         POP     BC              ; pointers
   1         POP     BC              ; old value of SPOSN_L
   1         POP     BC              ; length of first
   1         POP     BC              ; fetch the saved registers.
   1         POP     BC              ; fetch counts.
   1         POP     BC              ; drop the return address and
   1         POP     BC              ; drop return address if at end.
   1         POP     BC              ; drop return address
   1         POP     BC              ; drop address of calling routine.
   1         POP     BC              ; drop address STMT-RET.
   1         POP     BC              ; discard the
   1         POP     BC              ; and line column
   1         POP     BC              ; and fetch the letter
   1         POP     BC              ; and character counter in B
   1         POP     BC              ; Restore the straight line count.
   1         POP     BC              ; Restore the line count to the B register.
   1         POP     BC              ; Restore the arc counter from the machine stack.
   1         POP     BC              ; Restore registers.
   1         POP     BC              ; Balance the machine stack
   1         POP     BC              ; Balance machine stack by taking chord-count.
   1         POP     BC              ; ** pop length
   1         POP     AF              ; retrieve the value
   1         POP     AF              ; restore token and continue.
   1         POP     AF              ; restore the value
   1         POP     AF              ; restore the permanent flag.
   1         POP     AF              ; restore the number.
   1         POP     AF              ; restore the character code.
   1         POP     AF              ; restore test against '$'.
   1         POP     AF              ; restore scroll counter.
   1         POP     AF              ; restore saved result type to A
   1         POP     AF              ; restore previous flags
   1         POP     AF              ; restore possible result sign.
   1         POP     AF              ; restore original P_FLAG
   1         POP     AF              ; restore message/token number
   1         POP     AF              ; restore expected result flag (bit 6).
   1         POP     AF              ; restore count
   1         POP     AF              ; restore character and mask
   1         POP     AF              ; restore carry (set if eql/neql)
   1         POP     AF              ; restore A and carry.
   1         POP     AF              ; restore A and carry flag from comparison.
   1         POP     AF              ; restore A
   1         POP     AF              ; registers.
   1         POP     AF              ; pop the running flag.
   1         POP     AF              ; pop the flag.
   1         POP     AF              ; pop the exponent.
   1         POP     AF              ; pop preserved accumulator.
   1         POP     AF              ; pop carry and
   1         POP     AF              ; pop A 
   1         POP     AF              ; pop A
   1         POP     AF              ; get saved key value.
   1         POP     AF              ; fetch first character back.
   1         POP     AF              ; fetch back the letter name.
   1         POP     AF              ; else restore flags.
   1         POP     AF              ; else restore flag.
   1         POP     AF              ; drop return address SCAN-LOOP
   1         POP     AF              ; bring the code back
   1         POP     AF              ; bring back the true error number
   1         POP     AF              ; and restore character.
   1         POP     AF              ; A = octave displacement from middle C, 2's complement: -5&lt;=A&lt;=10
   1         POP      DE             ;
   1         OUT     (C),A           ; perform the operation.
   1         OUT     ($FE),A  ;(11)  ; output pulse
   1         OUT     ($FE),A         ; switch to mic on and red.
   1         OUT     ($FE),A         ; send to port to effect the change of colour. 
   1         OUT     ($FE),A         ; outputting to port effects an immediate
   1         OUT     ($FE),A         ; output to port.
   1         OUT     ($FE),A         ; output mic off, cyan border.
   1         OUT     ($FE),A         ; output byte $02/$0D to tape port.
   1         OUT     ($FE),A         ; change the border colour.
   1         OUT     ($FE),A         ; and set it now by writing to a port.
   1         OUT     ($FB),A         ; to stop the slowed printer motor.
   1         OUT     ($FB),A         ; slow the printer for the
   1         OUT     ($FB),A         ; printer motor.
   1         OUT     ($FB),A         ; and output to port.
   1         OR      L               ; zero.
   1         OR      L               ; is the null string and hold flags.
   1         OR      L               ; indicating variable does not already exist.
   1         OR      L               ; e.g. LOAD 'x' CODE
   1         OR      L               ;            
   1         OR      L               ;
   1         OR      E        ;(4)   ;   (low-&gt;low). if cycle countdown = 0
   1         OR      E               ; zero if closed.
   1         OR      E               ; test the low byte for zero
   1         OR      E               ; test against low byte.
   1         OR      E               ; low byte E to A and test for zero
   1         OR      E               ; expected bytes.
   1         OR      E               ; contain zero so test for this.
   1         OR      C               ; zero.
   1         OR      C               ; zero length.
   1         OR      C               ; the null string.
   1         OR      C               ; the line is non-zero.
   1         OR      C               ; the length.
   1         OR      C               ; test length of first string.
   1         OR      C               ; result is zero.
   1         OR      C               ; of the string.
   1         OR      C               ; length is zero and sets flag accordingly.
   1         OR      C               ; is zero and
   1         OR      C               ; is one character.
   1         OR      C               ; indicates the stream is closed.
   1         OR      C               ; for zero length
   1         OR      C               ; combine with stored pattern
   1         OR      C               ; as arrays and strings begin at 1.
   1         OR      C               ; and make a 
   1         OR      C               ; $FF for abs, no change neg
   1         OR      C               ;
   1         OR      B               ; result would be zero.
   1         OR      B               ; or with mask to make white
   1         OR      (HL)            ; sets bit 7 for abs
   1         OR      (HL)            ; set bit 0 if simple variable to be reclaimed
   1         OR      (HL)            ; combine with first byte of first
   1         OR      (HL)            ; OR with third byte.
   1         OR      (HL)            ; OR with second byte and clear carry.
   1         OR      (HL)            ; OR with fourth byte.
   1         OR      $F8             ; or with 11111000 paper/bright/flash 8
   1         OR      $9F             ; combine with 10011111.
   1         OR      $80             ; now set bit 7 as last character of long
   1         OR      $80             ; invert the last character.
   1         OR      $60             ; or with 01100000 presume a simple variable.
   1         OR      $58             ; form correct high byte for third of screen
   1         OR      $58             ;
   1         OR      $50             ; $58, $59 or $5A.
   1         OR      $40             ; add the base address of screen.
   1         OR      $20             ; make variable lower-case.
   1         OR      $20             ; make lowercase - set bit 5.
   1         OR      $20             ; ensure it is upper-case.
   1         OR      $20             ; convert to range 1 - 26.
   1         OR      $20             ; convert to lower-case
   1         OR      $08             ; set bit 3 - MIC off.
   1         OR      $02             ; combine with red border colour.
   1         OR       $08            ; bit 3 set (tape output bit on port #FE)
   1         NOP                     ; These seem unnecessary.
   1         NEG                     ; negative numbers are made positive
   1         NEG                     ; Negate to give number of scrolls required.
   1         NEG                     ; Negate the exponent.
   1         NEG                     ; Negate as counter decrements from zero
   1         LDIR                    ; ldir will clear lines.
   1         LDIR                    ; from ROM to RAM.
   1         LDIR                    ; else copy the bytes.
   1         LDIR                    ; else copy bytes overwriting some spaces.
   1         LDIR                    ; copy value into DEF FN statement
   1         LDIR                    ; copy up to ten bytes
   1         LDIR                    ; copy the five bytes.
   1         LDIR                    ; copy string to workspace.
   1         LDIR                    ; copy string from program or variables or
   1         LDIR                    ; copy bytes.
   1         LDIR                    ; copy bytes to set all attributes.
   1         LDIR                    ; copy bytes scrolling the linear attributes.
   1         LDIR                    ; copy bytes of line or variable into new area.
   1         LDIR                    ; copy bytes (BC=0, H incremented, L=0)
   1         LDIR                    ; copy bytes
   1         LDIR                    ; copy a pixel line to previous third.
   1         LDIR                    ; copy C bytes
   1         LDIR                    ; Copy the bytes to RAM.
   1         LDIR                    ; Copy five bytes to program location
   1         LDIR                    ; Copy 'deleted' values to variable.
   1         LDDR                    ; the program, variables, etc are moved up.
   1         LDDR                    ; copy the BASIC line back to initial command.
   1         LDDR                    ; copy of the standard characters A - U.
   1         LDDR                    ; copy bytes from end to start.
   1         LDDR                    ; copy bytes filling with spaces.
   1         LDDR                    ; LDDR sets to zeros or spaces
   1         LD      SP,HL           ; set up the machine stack pointer.
   1         LD      SP,HL           ; initialize the machine stack pointer.
   1         LD      SP,HL           ; else put error routine on stack
   1         LD      SP,($5C3F)      ; set stack pointer to LIST_SP
   1         LD      SP,($5C3D)      ; ERR_SP points to an error handler on the
   1         LD      L,E             ; to the HL register.
   1         LD      L,E             ; to end - just a one character slice.
   1         LD      L,E             ; to HL.
   1         LD      L,E             ; to HL for result.
   1         LD      L,E             ; pair.
   1         LD      L,E             ;
   1         LD      L,C             ; to HL.              e.g. a$(42 to 99)
   1         LD      L,C             ; to HL register.
   1         LD      L,C             ; to HL
   1         LD      L,C             ; start to HL also.
   1         LD      L,C             ; number to the HL register.
   1         LD      L,C             ; line number to HL.
   1         LD      L,B             ; load L with the line from B.
   1         LD      L,B             ; dimensions to L since these require 16 bits
   1         LD      L,A             ; will be next group of 8.
   1         LD      L,A             ; transfer A to L
   1         LD      L,A             ; store in L for later indexing.
   1         LD      L,A             ; result to L
   1         LD      L,A             ; place X value in L.
   1         LD      L,A             ; low byte to L.
   1         LD      L,A             ; low byte now correct.
   1         LD      L,A             ; character to A
   1         LD      L,A             ; and transfer to L.
   1         LD      L,A             ; and store in L for indexing
   1         LD      L,A             ; L a multiple of 32.
   1         LD      L,A             ;
   1         LD      L,(IY+$0E)      ; fetch BORDCR to L which is used for lower
   1         LD      L,(IX-$06)      ; fetch length of old data 
   1         LD      L,(IX+$0D)      ; else use the destination in the header
   1         LD      L,(IX+$0D)      ; else fetch the low byte.
   1         LD      L,(IX+$00)      ; load currently addressed byte to L.
   1         LD      L,(HL)          ; fetch the error code that follows.
   1         LD      L,$05           ; make elements 5 bytes as is numeric.
   1         LD      L,$00           ;
   1         LD      IY,$5C3A        ; set IY to ERR_NR. IY can reach all standard
   1         LD      IX,<A href="#L03D1">L03D1</a>        ; Address: BE-IX+3
   1         LD      IX,($5C5F)      ; reload IX from adjusted X_PTR
   1         LD      IX,($5C5F)      ; reload IX from X_PTR which will have been
   1         LD      I,A             ; Set the I register - this remains constant
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L3365">L3365</a>        ; Address: RE-ENTRY
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L32C5">L32C5</a>        ; Address: stk-zero - start of table of
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L2D2B">L2D2B</a>        ; address: STACK-BC is
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L27B0">L27B0</a> - $C3  ; $26ED is base of table
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L2795">L2795</a>        ; Address: $2795 - tbl-of-ops
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L2596">L2596</a>        ; Address: scan-func
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L1C01">L1C01</a>        ; address: class-tbl.
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L1B76">L1B76</a>        ; address: STMT-RET
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L1A48">L1A48</a>        ; address: offst-tbl
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L177A">L177A</a>        ; address: op-str-lu is loaded.
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L1716">L1716</a>        ; address: cl-str-lu in ROM.
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L162D">L162D</a>        ; address: chn-cd-lu
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L15C6">L15C6</a>        ; set source to ROM Address: init-strm
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L1555">L1555</a>        ; Address: REPORT-G
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L1167">L1167</a>        ; address: ED-FULL
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L0FA0">L0FA0</a> - 7    ; base address of editing keys table. $0F99
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L0F38">L0F38</a>        ; address: ED-LOOP is loaded to HL.
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L0A11">L0A11</a> - 6    ; address 0A0B - the base address of control
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L053F">L053F</a>        ; Address: SA/LD-RET
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L046E">L046E</a>        ; Address: semi-tone
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L0284">L0284</a>-$30    ; $0254 - base of E-DIGITS
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L0260">L0260</a>-$30    ; prepare base of table CTL-CODES.
   1         LD      HL,<A href="#L0246">L0246</a>-$41    ; Address: $0205 L0246-$41 EXT-SHIFT base
   1         LD      HL,($5CB4)      ; now P-RAMT ($7FFF on 16K RAM machine)
   1         LD      HL,($5CB2)      ; fetch RAMTOP to HL again as we've lost it.
   1         LD      HL,($5CB0)      ; fetch the system variable NMIADD.
   1         LD      HL,($5C91)      ; fetch P_FLAG
   1         LD      HL,($5C8F)      ; pick up ATTR_T and MASK_T
   1         LD      HL,($5C8F)      ; fetch current ATTR_T, MASK_T to HL.
   1         LD      HL,($5C8F)      ; fetch L = ATTR_T, H = MASK-T
   1         LD      HL,($5C8F)      ; L=ATTR_T, H=MASK_T
   1         LD      HL,($5C8D)      ; fetch L=ATTR_P and H=MASK_P
   1         LD      HL,($5C8A)      ; fetch updated SPOSNL
   1         LD      HL,($5C8A)      ; fetch SPOSNL
   1         LD      HL,($5C86)      ; Fetch display file address from DFCCL
   1         LD      HL,($5C84)      ; Fetch DF_CC display file address
   1         LD      HL,($5C82)      ; fetch ECHO_E
   1         LD      HL,($5C80)      ; Fetch printer buffer address from PR_CC.
   1         LD      HL,($5C7B)      ; Fetch UDG    differs on 16K/48K machines.
   1         LD      HL,($5C78)      ; Fetch the first two bytes at FRAMES1.
   1         LD      HL,($5C74)      ; fetch T_ADDR
   1         LD      HL,($5C68)      ; find start of variable contents from MEM.
   1         LD      HL,($5C68)      ; fetch MEM the base of memory area.
   1         LD      HL,($5C68)      ; MEM is base address of the memory cells.
   1         LD      HL,($5C65)      ; set HL to STKEND location after value
   1         LD      HL,($5C65)      ; make HL point to first empty location STKEND
   1         LD      HL,($5C65)      ; fetch new STKEND the top destination.
   1         LD      HL,($5C65)      ; fetch STKEND the start of free memory.
   1         LD      HL,($5C65)      ; STKEND points to end of stack.
   1         LD      HL,($5C63)      ; fetch STKBOT to HL as well
   1         LD      HL,($5C61)      ; set HL to WORKSP - location after edit line.
   1         LD      HL,($5C61)      ; point to end of line + 1 - WORKSP.
   1         LD      HL,($5C61)      ; fetch WORKSP - end of line.
   1         LD      HL,($5C61)      ; Fetch WORKSP.
   1         LD      HL,($5C5F)      ; fetch stored CH_ADD value from X_PTR.
   1         LD      HL,($5C5F)      ; fetch adjusted workspace pointer from X_PTR
   1         LD      HL,($5C5F)      ; fetch X_PTR  the original READ CH_ADD
   1         LD      HL,($5C5D)      ; get current address from CH_ADD
   1         LD      HL,($5C5D)      ; fetch CH_ADD - points to location after the
   1         LD      HL,($5C5D)      ; fetch CH_ADD
   1         LD      HL,($5C5B)      ; load address of cursor from K_CUR.
   1         LD      HL,($5C5B)      ; load HL with end of string from K_CUR.
   1         LD      HL,($5C5B)      ; fetch address of keyboard cursor from K_CUR
   1         LD      HL,($5C59)      ; load HL with E_LINE.
   1         LD      HL,($5C59)      ; fetch E_LINE
   1         LD      HL,($5C59)      ; an editing error so address E_LINE.
   1         LD      HL,($5C59)      ; address E_LINE.
   1         LD      HL,($5C59)      ; address E_LINE in editing area.
   1         LD      HL,($5C59)      ; address E_LINE - first location after
   1         LD      HL,($5C59)      ; address E_LINE
   1         LD      HL,($5C57)      ; load HL with Data Address DATADD, which is
   1         LD      HL,($5C55)      ; fetch NXTLIN to HL.
   1         LD      HL,($5C53)      ; load HL from system variable PROG
   1         LD      HL,($5C53)      ; fetch start of program from PROG
   1         LD      HL,($5C53)      ; fetch start of program area from PROG
   1         LD      HL,($5C51)      ; fetch value of system variable CURCHL
   1         LD      HL,($5C51)      ; fetch current channel CURCHL
   1         LD      HL,($5C51)      ; fetch address of CURCHL - current channel.
   1         LD      HL,($5C51)      ; fetch CURCHL to HL to address current channel
   1         LD      HL,($5C51)      ; fetch CURCHL the current channel.
   1         LD      HL,($5C51)      ; fetch CURCHL make HL address output routine.
   1         LD      HL,($5C51)      ; address CURCHL
   1         LD      HL,($5C4F)      ; fetch CHANS.
   1         LD      HL,($5C4F)      ; fetch CHANS the location of the base of
   1         LD      HL,($5C4F)      ; fetch CHANS address to HL
   1         LD      HL,($5C4D)      ; reload HL with DEST.
   1         LD      HL,($5C4D)      ; pick up pointer to end of string from DEST.
   1         LD      HL,($5C4D)      ; load address of variable from DEST
   1         LD      HL,($5C4D)      ; address DEST first character.
   1         LD      HL,($5C4B)      ; load HL with VARS - start of variables area.
   1         LD      HL,($5C4B)      ; load HL from system variable VARS
   1         LD      HL,($5C49)      ; get current line from E_PPC
   1         LD      HL,($5C49)      ; fetch E_PPC current edit line to HL.
   1         LD      HL,($5C49)      ; fetch E_PPC - line number.
   1         LD      HL,($5C45)      ; get the current line from PPC
   1         LD      HL,($5C45)      ; Load with current line number from PPC
   1         LD      HL,($5C42)      ; fetch line number from NEWPPC
   1         LD      HL,($5C36)      ; fetch address of CHARS.
   1         LD      HL,($5C0E)      ; TVDATA gives control code and possible
   1         LD      HL,($5C0B)      ; get original DEFADD address
   1         LD      HL,$FFF6        ; prepare the value minus ten.
   1         LD      HL,$FFF0        ; prepare minus seventeen.
   1         LD      HL,$FFE0        ; set HL to the 16-bit value -32.
   1         LD      HL,$FFE0        ; load the value -32.
   1         LD      HL,$F8E0        ; subtract $08 from H and add $E0 to L -
   1         LD      HL,$D8F0        ; load HL with value -9999
   1         LD      HL,$5CB6        ; The address of the channels - initially
   1         LD      HL,$5CAC        ; address MEM-5-1 the leading digits counter.
   1         LD      HL,$5CAB        ; address MEM-5-1 leading digit counter
   1         LD      HL,$5CAA        ; set HL to mem-4-5th last byte of buffer
   1         LD      HL,$5CA6        ; address MEM-4-0 byte destination.
   1         LD      HL,$5CA1        ; set HL to start of digits at MEM-3-1
   1         LD      HL,$5CA1        ; address MEM-3 start of digits
   1         LD      HL,$5CA1        ; MEM-3
   1         LD      HL,$5C92        ; use MEM-0 as a temporary calculator stack
   1         LD      HL,$5C92        ; normal location of MEM-0
   1         LD      HL,$5C92        ; address MEM-0
   1         LD      HL,$5C92        ; MEM-0: number stored here is in 16 bit integer format (pitch)
   1         LD      HL,$5C91        ; point to P_FLAG.
   1         LD      HL,$5C91        ; address system variable P_FLAG
   1         LD      HL,$5C91        ; address P_FLAG.
   1         LD      HL,$5C91        ; address P_FLAG
   1         LD      HL,$5C90        ; point to MASK_T
   1         LD      HL,$5C8F        ; address ATTR_T
   1         LD      HL,$5C89        ; address S_POSN_hi - line
   1         LD      HL,$5C71        ; point to system variable FLAGX
   1         LD      HL,$5C71        ; address system variable FLAGX
   1         LD      HL,$5C6C        ; fetch S_TOP the rough estimate.
   1         LD      HL,$5C6B        ; address DF_SZ
   1         LD      HL,$5C6A        ; point to FLAGS2
   1         LD      HL,$5C67        ; address BREG in system variables
   1         LD      HL,$5C4B        ; address VARS the first of the
   1         LD      HL,$5C4A        ; set HL to E_PPC_hi as next routine stores
   1         LD      HL,$5C49        ; address E_PPC - 'current line'
   1         LD      HL,$5C44        ; set source top to NSPPC next statement.
   1         LD      HL,$5C41        ; address the MODE system variable.
   1         LD      HL,$5C3B        ; point to FLAGS.
   1         LD      HL,$5C3B        ; point to FLAGS
   1         LD      HL,$5C3B        ; make HL address FLAGS
   1         LD      HL,$5C3B        ; fetch FLAGS
   1         LD      HL,$5C3B        ; address system variable FLAGS
   1         LD      HL,$5C10        ; address STRMS - the start of the streams
   1         LD      HL,$5B00        ; the base address of the Printer Buffer.
   1         LD      HL,$5AC0        ; set initial attribute address to the leftmost 
   1         LD      HL,$4000        ; set start to display file start.
   1         LD      HL,$3C00        ; a strange place to set the pointer to the 
   1         LD      HL,$1F80        ; a timing constant H=$1F, L=$80
   1         LD      HL,$1A90        ; set the pitch - or tone period.
   1         LD      HL,$1A90        ; set pitch or tone period.
   1         LD      HL,$0C98        ; another timing value H=$0C, L=$98.
   1         LD      HL,$0523        ; The keyboard repeat and delay values are 
   1         LD      HL,$0415        ; set up 16-bit outer loop counter for 
   1         LD      HL,$00C8        ; and pitch.
   1         LD      HL,$0050        ; test against another 80 bytes
   1         LD      HL,$000A        ; an overhead of ten bytes
   1         LD      HL,$0001        ; make elements one character presuming string
   1         LD      HL,$0001        ; explicit - inc hl would do.
   1         LD      HL,$0000        ; set destination to zero as not fixed.
   1         LD      HL,$0000        ; prepare to clear some system variables.
   1         LD      HL,$0000        ; initialize result to zero
   1         LD      H,D             ; transfer the address
   1         LD      H,D             ; transfer start of filename
   1         LD      H,D             ; transfer DE space + 1 from make-room
   1         LD      H,D             ; copy start
   1         LD      H,C             ; set H to zero - from last LDIR.
   1         LD      H,B             ; transfer size
   1         LD      H,B             ; transfer second parameter
   1         LD      H,B             ; transfer line number
   1         LD      H,B             ; transfer line
   1         LD      H,B             ;
   1         LD      H,A             ; transfer the modified
   1         LD      H,A             ; transfer row bits to H
   1         LD      H,A             ; transfer high byte to H.
   1         LD      H,A             ; set H, MASK P, to 00000000.
   1         LD      H,A             ; save high byte of attributes.
   1         LD      H,A             ; high byte correct.
   1         LD      H,A             ; and store back in parity register.
   1         LD      H,A             ; and reset address.
   1         LD      H,A             ; and place y value in high byte.
   1         LD      H,A             ; HL now has the correct address.
   1         LD      H,A             ; HL is now correct
   1         LD      H,A             ;
   1         LD      H,(IY+$0D)      ; fetch statement from SUBPPC and
   1         LD      H,(IX-$05)      ; to HL.
   1         LD      H,(IX-$05)      ; the first header.
   1         LD      H,(IX+$0E)      ; fetch high byte of autostart line number.
   1         LD      H,(IX+$0E)      ; and load code at address saved from.
   1         LD      H,(HL)          ; and store in H
   1         LD      H,$FF           ; disable limit check by setting HL high
   1         LD      H,$5C           ; now form the address in STRMS area.
   1         LD      H,$00           ; zero high byte.
   1         LD      H,$00           ; trailing spaces
   1         LD      H,$00           ; set up parity byte as zero.
   1         LD      H,$00           ; set high byte to zero
   1         LD      H,$00           ; prepare to index
   1         LD      E,L             ; to DE.
   1         LD      E,L             ; the DE register pair.
   1         LD      E,L             ; copy HL
   1         LD      E,D             ; but first switch
   1         LD      E,D             ;
   1         LD      E,C             ; to DE overwriting 0001.
   1         LD      E,C             ; copy C to E    (D is 0)
   1         LD      E,C             ; DE = #cycles
   1         LD      E,B             ; set E to 0
   1         LD      E,A             ; transfer the new key to E
   1         LD      E,A             ; to give the low byte of top line
   1         LD      E,A             ; sign byte to E.
   1         LD      E,A             ; save first in E
   1         LD      E,A             ; place in E for sign
   1         LD      E,A             ; place in E
   1         LD      E,A             ; now transfer to DE
   1         LD      E,A             ; main key to A
   1         LD      E,A             ; control character 06 - 23d
   1         LD      E,A             ; and store result in E
   1         LD      E,(IY-$02)      ; use RASP value.
   1         LD      E,(IY-$02)      ; fetch RASP value.
   1         LD      E,(IY-$01)      ; on PIP value for duration.
   1         LD      E,(IY+$2D)      ; fetch BREG - the count of scroll lines to E.
   1         LD      E,(IX+$0B)      ; fetch length of new data
   1         LD      E,(IX+$0B)      ; fetch length of bytes from the
   1         LD      E,(HL)          ; to E
   1         LD      E,(HL)          ; pick up the low byte.
   1         LD      E,(HL)          ; offset to E
   1         LD      E,(HL)          ; low byte of line number to E.
   1         LD      E,(HL)          ; low byte of line length to E.
   1         LD      E,(HL)          ; in DE.
   1         LD      E,(HL)          ; fetch the offset to routine.
   1         LD      E,(HL)          ; fetch offset to E
   1         LD      E,(HL)          ; fetch low byte of CHANS offset
   1         LD      E,$FF           ; signal 'no leading zeros'.
   1         LD      E,$F3           ; search will be for token 'NEXT'
   1         LD      E,$E4           ; token 'DATA'
   1         LD      E,$99           ; reset bit 6 and substitute $19 'usr-$'
   1         LD      E,$20           ; signal 'output leading spaces'
   1         LD      E,$00           ; set E to zero to suppress token searching
   1         LD      DE,<A href="#L168F">L168F</a>        ; DE to LINE-ZERO should HL also fail.
   1         LD      DE,<A href="#L15AF">L15AF</a>        ; Address: init-chan in ROM.
   1         LD      DE,<A href="#L1539">L1539</a> - 1    ; the message table directly.
   1         LD      DE,<A href="#L1537">L1537</a> - 1    ; address the comma and space message.  
   1         LD      DE,<A href="#L1391">L1391</a>        ; address: rpt-mesgs.
   1         LD      DE,<A href="#L110D">L110D</a>        ; address: KEY-NEXT will be next input stream
   1         LD      DE,<A href="#L10A8">L10A8</a>        ; fetch address KEY-INPUT for second pass
   1         LD      DE,<A href="#L10A8">L10A8</a>        ; address: KEY-INPUT will be next input stream
   1         LD      DE,<A href="#L0DD9">L0DD9</a>        ; set DE to address: CL-SET
   1         LD      DE,<A href="#L0CF8">L0CF8</a>        ; make DE address: scrl-mssg
   1         LD      DE,<A href="#L09F4">L09F4</a>        ; set address to PRINT-OUT for first pass.
   1         LD      DE,<A href="#L09F4">L09F4</a>        ; address: PRINT-OUT
   1         LD      DE,<A href="#L09C0">L09C0</a>        ; address base of last 4 tape messages
   1         LD      DE,<A href="#L09A1">L09A1</a>        ; address: tape-msgs
   1         LD      DE,($5CB2)      ; Fetch RAMTOP as top value.
   1         LD      DE,($5C8F)      ; make D hold ATTR_T, E hold MASK-T
   1         LD      DE,($5C8A)      ; fetch SPOSNL.
   1         LD      DE,($5C6C)      ; fetch S_TOP to DE, the current top line
   1         LD      DE,($5C65)      ; set DE to STKEND
   1         LD      DE,($5C61)      ; fetch WORKSP to DE
   1         LD      DE,($5C61)      ; WORKSP points to the beginning.
   1         LD      DE,($5C5F)      ; fetch adjusted workspace pointer from X_PTR
   1         LD      DE,($5C59)      ; address the start of line E_LINE.
   1         LD      DE,($5C53)      ; fetch the address of PROG
   1         LD      DE,($5C53)      ; fetch PROG to DE.
   1         LD      DE,($5C4B)      ; fetch VARS
   1         LD      DE,($5C38)      ; Fetch RASP/PIP.
   1         LD      DE,$FFFF        ; a buffer to receive 2 keys.
   1         LD      DE,$FFFF        ; Set pointer to top of possible physical RAM.
   1         LD      DE,$FFFB        ; the value -5
   1         LD      DE,$A3E2        ; the number of bytes from stream 4, $5C1E,
   1         LD      DE,$5CA1        ; address MEM-3-0 nibble source.
   1         LD      DE,$5C92        ; MEM-0 is location of 8 bytes of character
   1         LD      DE,$5C70        ; address OSPPC - statement for CONTINUE.
   1         LD      DE,$5C10        ; set destination to system variable STRMS-FD
   1         LD      DE,$5AE0        ; start of last 'line' of attribute area
   1         LD      DE,$3EAF        ; address of last byte of 'U' bitmap in ROM.
   1         LD      DE,$0701        ; now address next third adjusting
   1         LD      DE,$02C0        ; prepare known number of characters in
   1         LD      DE,$0200        ; the search is to be for the end of the
   1         LD      DE,$0200        ; count 1+1 statements, dummy value in E to
   1         LD      DE,$0100        ; fetch offset to chr$ 32
   1         LD      DE,$0032        ; allow for another 50 bytes.
   1         LD      DE,$0011        ; there are seventeen bytes.
   1         LD      DE,$0011        ; seventeen bytes
   1         LD      DE,$000F        ; add 3*5 to
   1         LD      DE,$0008        ; and prepare to add 8.
   1         LD      DE,$0006        ; six bytes forward points to loc past value.
   1         LD      DE,$0005        ; each numeric element is 5 bytes.
   1         LD      DE,$0001        ; the result will be 1.
   1         LD      DE,$0001        ; default the start point to position 1.
   1         LD      DE,$0000        ; put zero in D, to suppress line cursor.
   1         LD      DE,$0000        ; initialize 16 bit buffer register.
   1         LD      DE,$0000        ; dummy value for STKEND at start of ROM
   1         LD      DE,$0000        ;
   1         LD      D,H             ; transfer address to
   1         LD      D,H             ; transfer HL, the last value, to DE.
   1         LD      D,H             ; to DE.
   1         LD      D,H             ; set DE to point to last location.
   1         LD      D,H             ; copy HL
   1         LD      D,E             ; transfer a possible previous key to D
   1         LD      D,C             ; LSB to D
   1         LD      D,B             ; transfer the start
   1         LD      D,A             ; transfer to high byte.
   1         LD      D,A             ; transfer now to D
   1         LD      D,A             ; transfer count to D
   1         LD      D,A             ; the two keys.
   1         LD      D,A             ; store statement in D.
   1         LD      D,A             ; save the mask to control the printer later.
   1         LD      D,A             ; save literal in D
   1         LD      D,A             ; save line in D for later.
   1         LD      D,A             ; save current character
   1         LD      D,A             ; save character in D
   1         LD      D,A             ; register DE now holds start address of cell.
   1         LD      D,A             ; place in D
   1         LD      D,A             ; load D with zero to form the displacement
   1         LD      D,A             ; Store result in D.
   1         LD      D,A             ; Counter to D
   1         LD      D,(IY+$36)      ; fetch OSPPC statement.
   1         LD      D,(IY+$0D)      ; fetch statement from SUBPPC system variable.
   1         LD      D,(IY+$01)      ; post-SCANNING FLAGS to D
   1         LD      D,(IY+$01)      ; pick up FLAGS (3 bytes)
   1         LD      D,(IX+$0C)      ; to DE.
   1         LD      D,(IX+$0C)      ; from 2nd descriptor.
   1         LD      D,(IX+$0C)      ; descriptor.
   1         LD      D,(HL)          ; to D
   1         LD      D,(HL)          ; reload the high byte.
   1         LD      D,(HL)          ; put the high byte to D.
   1         LD      D,(HL)          ; high byte of line number to D.
   1         LD      D,(HL)          ; high byte of line length to D.
   1         LD      D,(HL)          ; get line
   1         LD      D,(HL)          ; fetch to D
   1         LD      D,(HL)          ; fetch high byte.
   1         LD      D,(HL)          ; fetch high byte of the system variable.
   1         LD      D,(HL)          ; fetch high byte of offset
   1         LD      D,$40           ; signal numeric in D.
   1         LD      D,$3E           ; prepare cursor '&gt;' in D.
   1         LD      D,$00           ; signal string.
   1         LD      D,$00           ; set statement to 0 - first.
   1         LD      D,$00           ; prepare to add.
   1         LD      D,$00           ; prepare to add
   1         LD      D,$00           ; prepare for beeper.
   1         LD      D,$00           ; prepare for addition
   1         LD      D,$00           ; is transferred to DE.
   1         LD      D,$00           ; initialize statement counter to zero.
   1         LD      D,$00           ; and reset D to index into main table
   1         LD      D,$00           ; and give a short click based
   1         LD      C,L      ;(4)   ; C = medium part of tone period
   1         LD      C,L             ; to the BC register.
   1         LD      C,L             ; to register BC.
   1         LD      C,L             ; to be moved.
   1         LD      C,L             ; to BC.
   1         LD      C,L             ; to BC register.
   1         LD      C,L             ; to BC
   1         LD      C,L             ; the BC register pair
   1         LD      C,L             ; save L in C low byte
   1         LD      C,L             ; length to old length.
   1         LD      C,L             ; in BC.
   1         LD      C,L             ; and create
   1         LD      C,H             ; transfer to
   1         LD      C,E             ; to BC register pair.
   1         LD      C,E             ; to BC
   1         LD      C,E             ; from DE to BC.
   1         LD      C,E             ; and points to start of data in variable.
   1         LD      C,D             ; exponent to C
   1         LD      C,D             ; column to C (0-31d)
   1         LD      C,B             ; MSB to C
   1         LD      C,B             ; B is now zero, so BC now zero.
   1         LD      C,A      ;(4)   ; save port #FE output byte
   1         LD      C,A             ; transfer to C
   1         LD      C,A             ; transfer the low byte to A.
   1         LD      C,A             ; transfer the current character to C.
   1         LD      C,A             ; transfer result to sign byte.
   1         LD      C,A             ; transfer byte count to C ($E0 at most)
   1         LD      C,A             ; transfer INVERSE mask to C
   1         LD      C,A             ; transfer 'function' to C
   1         LD      C,A             ; store the sign byte in the C register.
   1         LD      C,A             ; store the new long-term byte.
   1         LD      C,A             ; store result in C
   1         LD      C,A             ; store part in C
   1         LD      C,A             ; store parameter in C.
   1         LD      C,A             ; store in C.
   1         LD      C,A             ; store in C as an intermediate value.
   1         LD      C,A             ; store exponent in C
   1         LD      C,A             ; save result in C
   1         LD      C,A             ; restore long-term port state.
   1         LD      C,A             ; put the valid command code back in C.
   1         LD      C,A             ; put modified comparison operator back
   1         LD      C,A             ; possible operator to C
   1         LD      C,A             ; positive exponent to C
   1         LD      C,A             ; place the result in the low byte.
   1         LD      C,A             ; place result, zero or -118, in C.
   1         LD      C,A             ; place it in C.
   1         LD      C,A             ; load C with $21
   1         LD      C,A             ; copy to C also.
   1         LD      C,A             ; and transfer to C.
   1         LD      C,A             ; and to C
   1         LD      C,A             ; and store initial state long-term in C.
   1         LD      C,A             ; and store in C.
   1         LD      C,A             ; and store in C
   1         LD      C,A             ; and store back in register C.
   1         LD      C,A             ; and put back in C for long-term.
   1         LD      C,A             ; and place in column register.
   1         LD      C,(IY+$71)      ; MEM-5-1st No. of digits to C
   1         LD      C,(IY+$71)      ; MEM-5-1st
   1         LD      C,(IY+$57)      ; P_FLAG to C
   1         LD      C,(IY+$0D)      ; then SUBPPC for statement
   1         LD      C,(IY+$07)      ; pick up MODE  (3 bytes)
   1         LD      C,(IX+$0F)      ; fetch length of BASIC on tape
   1         LD      C,(IX+$0B)      ; get new length
   1         LD      C,(IX+$0B)      ; fetch new data length 
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; transfer to base line of upper part
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; transfer to C.
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; transfer to C and
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; transfer to C
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; transfer the offset to C.
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; to C
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; place in C
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; pick up the letter.
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; pick up displacement to syntax table entry.
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; pick it up in C.
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; operation code to C ( B is still zero )
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; low byte to C.
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; low byte to C
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; low byte of line length to C.
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; low byte of displacement to C.
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; fetch the displacement to opening routine.
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; fetch sign to C
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; fetch offset from table and make B zero.
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; fetch low byte of routine
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; each byte of first
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; displacement to BC
   1         LD      C,(HL)          ; C = pos/neg flag = 0/FF
   1         LD      C,$FF           ; set a flag to indicate when a significant
   1         LD      C,$FF           ; prepare negative sign byte and
   1         LD      C,$F6           ; value -10 ( B is still $FF )
   1         LD      C,$F6           ; set C to minus ten - will count characters
   1         LD      C,$80           ; C has bit 7 set to indicate type mismatch as
   1         LD      C,$3F    ;(7)   ;
   1         LD      C,$22           ; else double length to thirty four.
   1         LD      C,$21           ; the leftmost column position.
   1         LD      C,$21           ; set the column position .
   1         LD      C,$21           ; set column of upper screen to leftmost.
   1         LD      C,$21           ; set C to $21 (was $21 from above routine)
   1         LD      C,$21           ; make column $21. (No use is made of this)
   1         LD      C,$20           ; set count to 32 bytes.
   1         LD      C,$12           ; set BC to eighteen locations.
   1         LD      C,$0D           ; otherwise an additional 13 bytes are needed.
   1         LD      C,$0A           ; ten bytes to move
   1         LD      C,$08           ; there are eight screen lines to a text line.
   1         LD      C,$08           ; there are 8 pixel lines to scroll.
   1         LD      C,$05           ; set byte count to 5 -  10 nibbles
   1         LD      C,$05           ; result is five locations lower
   1         LD      C,$04           ; four bytes for top/bottom half
   1         LD      C,$03           ; increase space to three bytes for the
   1         LD      C,$02           ; the rightmost column position.
   1         LD      C,$01           ; set C length to one
   1         LD      C,$01           ; prepare a positive sign byte.
   1         LD      C,$00           ; the length of an empty string
   1         LD      C,$00           ; set flag to zero indicating that any 
   1         LD      C,$00           ; initialize quotes flag
   1         LD      C,$00           ;
   1         LD      BC,<A href="#L1B52">L1B52</a>        ; address: SCAN-LOOP
   1         LD      BC,<A href="#L15C6">L15C6</a> + 14   ; prepare the address of the byte after
   1         LD      BC,($5CB4)      ; Fetch P-RAMT differs on 16K/48K machines.
   1         LD      BC,($5CB2)      ; use the existing value of RAMTOP if zero.
   1         LD      BC,($5CAB)      ; set C to MEM-5-1st digit counter.
   1         LD      BC,($5C8A)      ; Fetch line/column from SPOSNL
   1         LD      BC,($5C88)      ; fetch S_POSN to BC.
   1         LD      BC,($5C88)      ; fetch S_POSN current line/column of
   1         LD      BC,($5C88)      ; Fetch line/column from S_POSN
   1         LD      BC,($5C82)      ; fetch line and column from ECHO_E
   1         LD      BC,($5C7B)      ; fetch the UDG system variable value.
   1         LD      BC,($5C7B)      ; fetch UDG to address bit patterns
   1         LD      BC,($5C78)      ; use the lower two bytes at FRAMES1.
   1         LD      BC,($5C76)      ; fetch system variable SEED
   1         LD      BC,($5C72)      ; fetch STRLEN to BC.
   1         LD      BC,($5C66)      ; STKEND_hi
   1         LD      BC,($5C55)      ; fetch NXTLIN
   1         LD      BC,($5C45)      ; fetch the current line number from PPC
   1         LD      BC,($5C45)      ; fetch PPC the current line number.
   1         LD      BC,($5C36)      ; address CHARS
   1         LD      BC,$FFFB        ; the value -5
   1         LD      BC,$FF9C        ; value -100
   1         LD      BC,$FEFE        ; the commencing port address
   1         LD      BC,$3B0E        ; B=$3B time(*), C=$0E, YELLOW, MIC OFF.
   1         LD      BC,$1821        ; reset column and line to 0,0
   1         LD      BC,$1721        ; line 23 for lower screen
   1         LD      BC,$1018        ; prepare priority $10, operation code 'val$' -
   1         LD      BC,$04F0        ; prepare priority $04, operation $C0 + 
   1         LD      BC,$00A8        ; there are 21 user defined graphics.
   1         LD      BC,$0040        ; set the values of
   1         LD      BC,$0020        ; thirty-two bytes are to be copied.
   1         LD      BC,$0015        ; There are 21 bytes of initial data in ROM.
   1         LD      BC,$0014        ; a 20-byte overhead memory check.
   1         LD      BC,$0011        ; presume seventeen bytes for a header.
   1         LD      BC,$0011        ; prepare to add seventeen
   1         LD      BC,$000E        ; copy the 14 bytes of initial 7 streams data
   1         LD      BC,$000A        ; else trim length to ten.
   1         LD      BC,$0006        ; the function requires six hidden bytes for
   1         LD      BC,$0006        ; six locations required
   1         LD      BC,$0006        ; prepare to strip six bytes
   1         LD      BC,$0006        ; add six to HL
   1         LD      BC,$0005        ; start of number is five bytes before.
   1         LD      BC,$0005        ; length of number
   1         LD      BC,$0005        ; five bytes to move
   1         LD      BC,$0005        ; assume numeric and assign an initial 5 bytes
   1         LD      BC,$0005        ; an overhead of five bytes
   1         LD      BC,$0002        ; prepare for ink/paper etc.
   1         LD      BC,$0001        ; one space required.
   1         LD      BC,$0001        ; of character to be deleted.
   1         LD      BC,$0001        ; make room for one character
   1         LD      BC,$0001        ; make one space in workspace.
   1         LD      BC,$0001        ; initialize space required to one for
   1         LD      BC,$0000        ; this seems unnecessary.
   1         LD      BC,$0000        ; the stream is to be blanked.
   1         LD      BC,$0000        ; prepare to set DATADD to first line.
   1         LD      BC,$0000        ; initialize length of string to zero.
   1         LD      BC,$0000        ; initialize length of string to zero
   1         LD      BC,$0000        ; default the length result to zero.
   1         LD      B,H      ;(4)   ; B = coarse part of tone period
   1         LD      B,H             ; transfer to BC
   1         LD      B,H             ; transfer to
   1         LD      B,H             ; transfer the length to
   1         LD      B,H             ; transfer the length
   1         LD      B,H             ; transfer result
   1         LD      B,H             ; transfer it to
   1         LD      B,H             ; transfer adjusted value
   1         LD      B,H             ; transfer HL - cursor address
   1         LD      B,H             ; total space
   1         LD      B,H             ; to give number of data bytes
   1         LD      B,H             ; otherwise set
   1         LD      B,H             ; line to H   (0-23d)
   1         LD      B,H             ; and save result
   1         LD      B,D             ; transfer the length (final dimension size)
   1         LD      B,D             ; transfer int
   1         LD      B,D             ; set B exponent to 0
   1         LD      B,D             ; register DE has advanced past all dimensions
   1         LD      B,C             ; set B to 5 counter
   1         LD      B,C             ; load B with now trailing digit counter.
   1         LD      B,C             ; No. of digits to B counter
   1         LD      B,A             ; zero count to B
   1         LD      B,A             ; transfer to mask
   1         LD      B,A             ; transfer to B register
   1         LD      B,A             ; transfer line to B
   1         LD      B,A             ; the line number from top of screen to B.
   1         LD      B,A             ; set count to 256 bytes.
   1         LD      B,A             ; save the count in B.
   1         LD      B,A             ; save statement in B.??
   1         LD      B,A             ; save result in B.
   1         LD      B,A             ; save in B
   1         LD      B,A             ; save count in B.
   1         LD      B,A             ; save character in B
   1         LD      B,A             ; save character
   1         LD      B,A             ; preserve A in B.
   1         LD      B,A             ; place in line register
   1         LD      B,A             ; pixel position to B, 0-7.
   1         LD      B,A             ; load mask to B
   1         LD      B,A             ; last byte not used
   1         LD      B,A             ; else negative count now +ve
   1         LD      B,A             ; count to B
   1         LD      B,A             ; and make a copy in B.
   1         LD      B,A             ; and line to one above lower screen.
   1         LD      B,A             ; and B.
   1         LD      B,A             ; and B, the syntax dimension counter (256)
   1         LD      B,A             ; also does as an initial slight counter value.
   1         LD      B,(IY+$38)      ; get single-character name from STRLEN_lo
   1         LD      B,(IY+$31)      ; fetch lower screen display file size DF_SZ
   1         LD      B,(IY+$31)      ; fetch DF_SZ to B.
   1         LD      B,(IY+$31)      ; fetch DF_SZ to B
   1         LD      B,(IX+$10)      ; from 2nd descriptor
   1         LD      B,(IX+$0C)      ; of data block on tape.
   1         LD      B,(IX+$0C)      ; from 2nd header.
   1         LD      B,(IX+$0C)      ; from 2nd header
   1         LD      B,(HL)          ; transfer to B overwriting zero.
   1         LD      B,(HL)          ; transfer that to B
   1         LD      B,(HL)          ; to B
   1         LD      B,(HL)          ; priority to B.
   1         LD      B,(HL)          ; place in B
   1         LD      B,(HL)          ; indicator to B
   1         LD      B,(HL)          ; high byte of line number to B
   1         LD      B,(HL)          ; high byte of displacement to B.
   1         LD      B,(HL)          ; fetch old value
   1         LD      B,(HL)          ; fetch high byte of routine.
   1         LD      B,(HL)          ; B = LSB, two's complement
   1         LD      B,$FF           ; prepare OVER mask in B.
   1         LD      B,$DF           ;
   1         LD      B,$B2           ; timing.
   1         LD      B,$B0           ; top 176 lines.
   1         LD      B,$B0           ; timing.
   1         LD      B,$B0           ; reset the B timer byte.
   1         LD      B,$A4           ; hold count. also timed instruction.
   1         LD      B,$91           ; set exponent byte +ve $81
   1         LD      B,$89           ; reduce the initial exponent by eight.
   1         LD      B,$80           ; mask for flash 10000000
   1         LD      B,$60           ; there are 96 characters in ASCII set.
   1         LD      B,$42           ; set timed delay. (66 decimal)
   1         LD      B,$40           ; mask for bright 01000000
   1         LD      B,$3E           ; set up delay
   1         LD      B,$3B           ; a final delay. 
   1         LD      B,$38           ; set paper mask 00111000
   1         LD      B,$37           ; another short timed delay.
   1         LD      B,$32           ; wait for a second - 50 interrupts.
   1         LD      B,$31           ; set up timing.
   1         LD      B,$2F           ; another short timed delay.
   1         LD      B,$21           ;
   1         LD      B,$20           ; there are thirty two bytes
   1         LD      B,$18           ; set count to whole display ??
   1         LD      B,$18           ; There are 24 lines.
   1         LD      B,$10           ; set B, bit counter, to 16d
   1         LD      B,$10           ; set B to 16
   1         LD      B,$10           ; priority $10 for all the rest
   1         LD      B,$0B           ; set counter to eleven.
   1         LD      B,$0A           ; the count will be ten characters for the
   1         LD      B,$09           ; the count is 9 (not ten) as the first 
   1         LD      B,$08           ; set count to 8 lines of 32 bytes.
   1         LD      B,$08           ; count the bits.
   1         LD      B,$08           ; and reduce the bit counter to 8.
   1         LD      B,$08           ;
   1         LD      B,$07           ; set ink mask 00000111
   1         LD      B,$07           ; set B to 7, C is zero.
   1         LD      B,$07           ; count seven more bytes
   1         LD      B,$04           ; set bit 2 of mask for inverse.
   1         LD      B,$01           ; prepare OVER mask setting bit 0.
   1         LD      B,$01           ; load B with 1.
   1         LD      B,$01           ; continue to clear the bottom line.
   1         LD      B,$00           ; signal negate required before joining
   1         LD      B,$00           ; set high byte to zero.
   1         LD      B,$00           ; set high byte to 0, prepare for ldir.
   1         LD      B,$00           ; set B to zero for later indexing.
   1         LD      B,$00           ; priority marker zero is pushed on stack
   1         LD      B,$00           ; prepare to index into the class table.
   1         LD      B,$00           ; prepare to copy
   1         LD      B,$00           ; prepare to add offset.
   1         LD      B,$00           ; prepare to add
   1         LD      B,$00           ; make the high byte zero.
   1         LD      B,$00           ; make B zero
   1         LD      B,$00           ; limited to 127
   1         LD      B,$00           ; initialize dimensions to zero and
   1         LD      B,$00           ; but here if it was found in table so
   1         LD      B,$00           ; and make B zero
   1         LD      B,$00           ;
   1         LD      A,L             ; the stored control code
   1         LD      A,L             ; remainder to A.
   1         LD      A,L             ; load the initial key value to A
   1         LD      A,L             ; destination registers.
   1         LD      A,L             ; consider low byte first.
   1         LD      A,H             ; transfer to A
   1         LD      A,H             ; test the destination for zero
   1         LD      A,H             ; test for
   1         LD      A,H             ; test address
   1         LD      A,H             ; save H in A high byte
   1         LD      A,H             ; now find the corresponding attribute byte
   1         LD      A,H             ; high byte to A.
   1         LD      A,H             ; fetch the running parity byte.
   1         LD      A,H             ; fetch parity byte.
   1         LD      A,H             ; compare high byte only
   1         LD      A,H             ; check length of old
   1         LD      A,H             ; Test if the result was zero.
   1         LD      A,H             ;
   1         LD      A,E             ; transfer to accumulator.
   1         LD      A,E             ; old column to A
   1         LD      A,E             ; now test E
   1         LD      A,E             ; new operation to A register
   1         LD      A,E             ; low byte to A as a useful return value.
   1         LD      A,E             ; load least significant key from E
   1         LD      A,E             ; fetch the operation code
   1         LD      A,E             ; fetch low byte   00000001       00000001
   1         LD      A,D      ;(4)   ; one cycle of waveform has completed
   1         LD      A,D             ; transfer parameter to A.
   1         LD      A,D             ; transfer command bits to A.
   1         LD      A,D             ; the high byte $00 - $27 is 
   1         LD      A,D             ; test that the stream is open.
   1         LD      A,D             ; test if
   1         LD      A,D             ; re-fetch parameter
   1         LD      A,D             ; priority to A
   1         LD      A,D             ; now test if D is still FF ?
   1         LD      A,D             ; if there is no program then DE will
   1         LD      A,D             ; high byte        00000000       00000000
   1         LD      A,D             ; fetch the high byte D
   1         LD      A,D             ; fetch the cursor.
   1         LD      A,D             ; fetch parameter for INVERSE/OVER
   1         LD      A,D             ; fetch original parameter 0,1 or 8
   1         LD      A,D             ; fetch high byte
   1         LD      A,D             ; check length of
   1         LD      A,D             ; bring back the line to A.
   1         LD      A,D             ; bring back compound literal
   1         LD      A,D             ; 
   1         LD      A,C      ;(4)   ; restore output byte for port #FE
   1         LD      A,C             ; x value to A
   1         LD      A,C             ; type to A
   1         LD      A,C             ; transfer name/type to A.
   1         LD      A,C             ; transfer line to A.
   1         LD      A,C             ; transfer $F6 or $80 to A
   1         LD      A,C             ; the x value 0-255.
   1         LD      A,C             ; the new column number ($21) to C
   1         LD      A,C             ; the column position. $21-$01
   1         LD      A,C             ; stored exponent to A
   1         LD      A,C             ; restore current character
   1         LD      A,C             ; restore A
   1         LD      A,C             ; line to A $00 - $17   (max 00010111)
   1         LD      A,C             ; first value to A
   1         LD      A,C             ; fetch value
   1         LD      A,C             ; fetch type - should be 011xxxxx
   1         LD      A,C             ; fetch the length, one or three.
   1         LD      A,C             ; fetch the character back
   1         LD      A,C             ; fetch lower priority operation code
   1         LD      A,C             ; fetch long-term mask from C
   1         LD      A,C             ; fetch comparison value.
   1         LD      A,C             ; fetch byte with stored carry
   1         LD      A,C             ; copy letter/flags to A
   1         LD      A,C             ; column to A range 00000000 to 00011111
   1         LD      A,C             ; bring back intermediate result from C
   1         LD      A,C             ; and to A
   1         LD      A,C             ; and test if carriage return only
   1         LD      A,B             ; transfer to A
   1         LD      A,B             ; transfer the line to A.
   1         LD      A,B             ; transfer the line to A (1-24).
   1         LD      A,B             ; transfer scroll number to A.
   1         LD      A,B             ; transfer line to A.
   1         LD      A,B             ; test value for zero and reject
   1         LD      A,B             ; test this one
   1         LD      A,B             ; test this
   1         LD      A,B             ; test the length
   1         LD      A,B             ; test that it is not
   1         LD      A,B             ; test now if initial or residual length
   1         LD      A,B             ; test length
   1         LD      A,B             ; test if the number of
   1         LD      A,B             ; test if length
   1         LD      A,B             ; test for zero which
   1         LD      A,B             ; test for
   1         LD      A,B             ; store line count to A
   1         LD      A,B             ; second value
   1         LD      A,B             ; save line in A (1-24)
   1         LD      A,B             ; retrieve statement.
   1         LD      A,B             ; restore A without affecting flags.
   1         LD      A,B             ; re-fetch the line count.
   1         LD      A,B             ; re-fetch copy (0-5)
   1         LD      A,B             ; put current value of mask in A
   1         LD      A,B             ; one to test
   1         LD      A,B             ; is the length zero ?
   1         LD      A,B             ; hi byte of length1 to A
   1         LD      A,B             ; get line count.
   1         LD      A,B             ; fetch the literal (either $1D or $18).
   1         LD      A,B             ; fetch stored report code.
   1         LD      A,B             ; fetch high byte of line number and
   1         LD      A,B             ; fetch augmented timing value from B.
   1         LD      A,B             ; else just use the mask (white)
   1         LD      A,B             ; dimensions to A
   1         LD      A,B             ; action flag $FF=abs, $00=neg.
   1         LD      A,B             ; A = pitch + 60
   1         LD      A,B             ; $FF=abs, $00=neg
   1         LD      A,B             ; 
   1         LD      A,(IX-$03)      ; fetch letter name from old header.
   1         LD      A,(IX+$00)      ; fetch type 0, 1 or 2.
   1         LD      A,(IX+$00)      ; fetch loaded header type to A
   1         LD      A,(IX+$00)      ; fetch incoming type 
   1         LD      A,(IX+$00)      ; else fetch type from tape.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; use it to pick up current character.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; until we find
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; the high byte of line number
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; sign to A, $00 or $FF
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; reload the first byte
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; reload next (or same) character
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; pick up the letter.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; pick up the key decoded possibly in another
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; pick up the exponent ( - $50).
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; pick up the colour attribute.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; pick up other mode value.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; pick up main key value
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; pick up in A
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; pick up character.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; pick up byte.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; number and pick up in A.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; next character
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; load the first character
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; load first byte to accumulator
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; get next literal
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; get high byte of line number.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; get first of 5 bytes
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; get first byte.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch the following character
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch the channel identifier.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch the byte following 'stk-data'
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch the addressed character.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch temporary attribute as no change.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch screen byte to A
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch name
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch masked letter to A.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch mask to accumulator.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch low byte of length.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch it.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch it
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch high byte of line number.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch first character and test for 
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch exponent of positive fractional number
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch exponent of int x.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch exponent byte.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch exponent byte of D.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch exponent  of the half arc to A.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch exponent
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch existing attribute
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch digit
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch character.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch character
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch byte from screen.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch byte
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch adjacent character from source.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch addressed character
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; else pick up flag bits.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; and transfer that
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; and load character.
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; First byte must be zero, otherwise
   1         LD      A,(HL)          ; Fetch first, floating-point, exponent byte.
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; test first character of token
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; reload leftmost character
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; pick up the first character.
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; pick up previous in A
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; of the test
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; get attribute for last line
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; first byte of screen to A
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch workspace character.
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch the low byte of program line number.
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch the character
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch next character
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch existing destination byte
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch character.
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch character of first string. 
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch character
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; else fetch the first character.
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; byte to A
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; Re-fetch character from table.
   1         LD      A,(DE)          ; Fetch exponent of the length indicator.
   1         LD      A,(BC)          ; load contents into A register.
   1         LD      A,($5CAC)       ; fetch total MEM-5-1
   1         LD      A,($5CAB)       ; fetch digit count from MEM-5-1st
   1         LD      A,($5C91)       ; fetch P_FLAG to accumulator
   1         LD      A,($5C91)       ; P_FLAG
   1         LD      A,($5C8D)       ; fetch permanent attribute from ATTR_P.
   1         LD      A,($5C8D)       ; fetch ATTR_P - permanent attributes
   1         LD      A,($5C7E)       ; Fetch System Variable COORDS-y
   1         LD      A,($5C7E)       ; COORDS-y      last y (integer iy 0-175)
   1         LD      A,($5C7E)       ; COORDS-y
   1         LD      A,($5C7D)       ; Fetch System Variable COORDS-x
   1         LD      A,($5C7D)       ; COORDS-x      last x    (integer ix 0-255)
   1         LD      A,($5C7D)       ; COORDS-x
   1         LD      A,($5C74)       ; fetch reduced command from T_ADDR
   1         LD      A,($5C74)       ; fetch T_ADDR
   1         LD      A,($5C74)       ; else fetch the command from T_ADDR.
   1         LD      A,($5C74)       ; T_ADDR_lo to accumulator.
   1         LD      A,($5C71)       ; load accumulator from FLAGX
   1         LD      A,($5C6B)       ; fetch DF_SZ the display file size of
   1         LD      A,($5C6B)       ; fetch DF_SZ lower display file size.
   1         LD      A,($5C6A)       ; fetch FLAGS2.
   1         LD      A,($5C67)       ; load accumulator from system variable BREG
   1         LD      A,($5C48)       ; fetch border colour from BORDCR.
   1         LD      A,($5C48)       ; else lower screen uses BORDCR as attribute.
   1         LD      A,($5C48)       ; BORDCR
   1         LD      A,($5C47)       ; fetch current statement from SUBPPC
   1         LD      A,($5C44)       ; load statement to A from NSPPC.
   1         LD      A,($5C44)       ; fetch new statement from NSPPC
   1         LD      A,($5C41)       ; fetch MODE  0='KLC', 1='E', 2='G'.
   1         LD      A,($5C3B)       ; load accumulator from FLAGS
   1         LD      A,($5C3B)       ; get FLAGS which has been set above
   1         LD      A,($5C3B)       ; fetch system variable FLAGS.
   1         LD      A,($5C3B)       ; fetch FLAGS value
   1         LD      A,($5C3A)       ; fetch ERR_NR again
   1         LD      A,($5C3A)       ; fetch ERR_NR
   1         LD      A,($5C0A)       ; fetch the system variable value REPPER.
   1         LD      A,($5C09)       ; pick up the system variable REPDEL
   1         LD      A,($5C08)       ; system variable LASTK will hold last key -
   1         LD      A,$FF           ; signal data not header.
   1         LD      A,$FF           ; signal data not a header.
   1         LD      A,$FF           ; signal data bytes.
   1         LD      A,$FF           ; signal data as opposed to a header.
   1         LD      A,$FF           ; select system channel 'R'.
   1         LD      A,$FF           ; select system channel 'R'
   1         LD      A,$FF           ; prepare XOR mask for sign bit
   1         LD      A,$FF           ; Flag coming from NEW.
   1         LD      A,$FF           ;
   1         LD      A,$FE           ; Input address: $FEFE
   1         LD      A,$FE           ; 11111110 in A.
   1         LD      A,$FD           ; select system channel 'S'
   1         LD      A,$FD           ; select system channel 'K'
   1         LD      A,$CE           ; else load A with 'DEF FN' and
   1         LD      A,$CB           ; the comparison byte.
   1         LD      A,$C6           ; two edges must be spaced apart.
   1         LD      A,$C0           ; test against the
   1         LD      A,$C0           ; set A 11000000 is xor mask for a long name.
   1         LD      A,$80           ; the endpoint of character set
   1         LD      A,$7F           ; test the space key and
   1         LD      A,$7F           ; read from port address $7FFE the
   1         LD      A,$7F           ; prepare to read keyboard and EAR port
   1         LD      A,$5F           ; substitute ASCII '_'
   1         LD      A,$4B           ; prepare letter 'K'.
   1         LD      A,$45           ; prepare character 'e'
   1         LD      A,$43           ; alter 'L' to 'C'.
   1         LD      A,$3F           ; load A with '?' the error marker.
   1         LD      A,$3F           ; Load the accumulator with last page in ROM.
   1         LD      A,$3A           ; then a ':' character.
   1         LD      A,$38           ; the colour system is set to white paper,
   1         LD      A,$2E           ; prepare the character '.'
   1         LD      A,$2D           ; the character '-'
   1         LD      A,$2D           ; prepare character '-'
   1         LD      A,$22           ; value $21 is leftmost column.
   1         LD      A,$22           ; load the '"' character
   1         LD      A,$21           ; pre-load with leftmost position
   1         LD      A,$20           ; prepare leading space
   1         LD      A,$20           ; load A with 32 decimal
   1         LD      A,$20           ; followed by a space.
   1         LD      A,$20           ; Prepare the space character and continue to
   1         LD      A,$20           ;
   1         LD      A,$1F           ; the value 31d
   1         LD      A,$19           ; subtract from twenty five
   1         LD      A,$19           ; compute scroll count as 25 minus
   1         LD      A,$18           ; reset
   1         LD      A,$18           ; <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> This should be $19
   1         LD      A,$18           ;
   1         LD      A,$17           ; prepare the 'tab' control.
   1         LD      A,$16           ; prepare the 'at' control.
   1         LD      A,$16           ; 22 decimal
   1         LD      A,$10           ; initialize to 16d - INK.
   1         LD      A,$0F           ; make the border white and mic off.
   1         LD      A,$0E           ; fourteen variables to consider.
   1         LD      A,$0D           ; prepare mic off - cyan
   1         LD      A,$0D           ; prepare carriage return.
   1         LD      A,$0D           ; prepare a carriage return
   1         LD      A,$08           ; value 00001000
   1         LD      A,$08           ; prepare to count 8 bytes
   1         LD      A,$08           ; load A with 8
   1         LD      A,$07           ; put 7 in accumulator
   1         LD      A,$07           ; Select a white border
   1         LD      A,$06           ; prepare the 'comma' control character.
   1         LD      A,$05           ; load accumulator with $05 and
   1         LD      A,$04           ; load A with the value 4.
   1         LD      A,$04           ; else stop the
   1         LD      A,$02           ; select red for border, microphone bit on.
   1         LD      A,$01           ; subtract the negated counter from 1
   1         LD      A,$01           ; select channel 'K' the keyboard for input.
   1         LD      A,$01           ; prepare blue, mic=on.
   1         LD      A,$01           ; default to type numeric.
   1         LD      A,$01           ;
   1         LD      A,$00           ; select lower screen again
   1         LD      A,$00           ; load accumulator with zero - without
   1         LD      A,$00           ; explicit - select channel zero.
   1         LD      (IY+$57),L      ; and overwrite system variable P_FLAG.
   1         LD      (IY+$57),H      ; and restore system variable P_FLAG.
   1         LD      (IY+$57),$01    ; temporarily set P_FLAG 'OVER 1'.
   1         LD      (IY+$52),$03    ; set SCR_CT to 3 lines.
   1         LD      (IY+$52),$01    ; set SCR_CT - scroll count - to default.
   1         LD      (IY+$46),L      ; update PR_CC_lo - set to zero - superfluous.
   1         LD      (IY+$37),H      ; clear all the bits of FLAGX.
   1         LD      (IY+$31),$02    ; set DF_SZ the lower screen display size to
   1         LD      (IY+$31),$02    ; now set DF_SZ lower screen to 2
   1         LD      (IY+$26),H      ; blank X_PTR_hi to suppress error marker.
   1         LD      (IY+$26),$00    ; set X_PTR_hi so that iy is no longer relevant.
   1         LD      (IY+$26),$00    ; now nullify X_PTR_hi
   1         LD      (IY+$26),$00    ; make error pointer X_PTR_hi out of bounds
   1         LD      (IY+$0D),D      ; set SUBPPC to decremented statement number.
   1         LD      (IY+$0A),D      ; and statement in NSPPC
   1         LD      (IY+$0A),$FF    ; set statement NSPPC to $FF signalling
   1         LD      (IY+$0A),$01    ; set NSPPC to one for first statement.
   1         LD      (IY+$0A),$00    ; set statement NSPPC to zero.
   1         LD      (IY+$07),$00    ; set MODE to 'KLC'
   1         LD      (IY+$02),$10    ; update TV_FLAG set bit 3
   1         LD      (IY+$00),$FF    ; system variable ERR_NR is reset to 'OK'.
   1         LD      (IY+$00),$FF    ; set ERR_NR to 'OK'.
   1         LD      (IY+$00),$FF    ; set ERR_NR to 'OK' cancelling the error.
   1         LD      (IY+$00),$FF    ; reset ERR_NR to 'OK'.
   1         LD      (IY+$00),$FF    ; clear ERR_NR.
   1         LD      (IX+$10),H      ; in the descriptor.
   1         LD      (IX+$0F),L      ; place length of program
   1         LD      (IX+$0E),H      ; the descriptor.
   1         LD      (IX+$0E),B      ; line number in the descriptor.
   1         LD      (IX+$0E),B      ; in descriptor.
   1         LD      (IX+$0E),$80    ; place high line number in descriptor to
   1         LD      (IX+$0D),L      ; place start in
   1         LD      (IX+$0D),C      ; place the auto-start
   1         LD      (IX+$0D),C      ; place start
   1         LD      (IX+$0C),H      ; in descriptor.
   1         LD      (IX+$0C),B      ; in descriptor.
   1         LD      (IX+$0C),A      ; to descriptor.
   1         LD      (IX+$0C),$1B    ; to $1b00 to include bitmaps and attributes.
   1         LD      (IX+$0B),L      ; place total length
   1         LD      (IX+$0B),C      ; place length 
   1         LD      (IX+$0B),A      ; place in descriptor.
   1         LD      (IX+$0B),$00    ; set descriptor length
   1         LD      (IX+$01),$FF    ; set first byte of ten character filename
   1         LD      (IX+$00),L      ; place loaded byte at memory location.
   1         LD      (HL),E          ; then low byte of line number.
   1         LD      (HL),E          ; store low byte of length.
   1         LD      (HL),E          ; save the looping line
   1         LD      (HL),E          ; save low byte of line number.
   1         LD      (HL),E          ; place E
   1         LD      (HL),E          ; make it
   1         LD      (HL),E          ; load low byte
   1         LD      (HL),E          ; is made
   1         LD      (HL),E          ; insert or overwrite the low byte.
   1         LD      (HL),E          ; and update the input
   1         LD      (HL),D          ; two locations.
   1         LD      (HL),D          ; then high byte range $0 - $27 (1-9999).
   1         LD      (HL),D          ; the next call to WAIT-KEY.
   1         LD      (HL),D          ; store high byte.
   1         LD      (HL),D          ; save high byte of line number.
   1         LD      (HL),D          ; place D
   1         LD      (HL),D          ; output address.
   1         LD      (HL),D          ; load high byte
   1         LD      (HL),D          ; insert or overwrite the high byte.
   1         LD      (HL),D          ; and store the looping statement.
   1         LD      (HL),D          ; address from DE.
   1         LD      (HL),C          ; then store the sign byte
   1         LD      (HL),C          ; then low byte of length.
   1         LD      (HL),C          ; store each byte of second
   1         LD      (HL),C          ; place zero (or low byte).
   1         LD      (HL),C          ; place possible parameter. If only one
   1         LD      (HL),C          ; insert that byte
   1         LD      (HL),C          ; attributes.
   1         LD      (HL),B          ; store the exponent
   1         LD      (HL),B          ; place zero (or high byte).
   1         LD      (HL),B          ; place code (ink etc.)
   1         LD      (HL),B          ; insert high byte at position
   1         LD      (HL),B          ; high byte last.
   1         LD      (HL),B          ;
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; zero to first byte
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; zero to 2nd byte
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; update system variable.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; update FLAGX
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; then put back.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; store updated value.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; store the sign at correct location in 
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; store letter/type
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; store counter
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; reload into P_FLAG.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; put the decoded key in last location of map.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; put the altered adjusted number back
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; put back result even if $0A.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; place the 5 registers.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; place in free location
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; place in first new location.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; place back
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; mask back to MASK_T system variable.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; load one or zero to low byte.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; inserting the new value.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; for subsequent repeats REPPER will be used.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; apply permanent bits to temporary bits.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; and update system variable
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; and store updated value
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; and store result in FLAGS2 again.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; and place attributes in next line up.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; and place a quote in second location.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; and insert that for first repeat delay.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; and insert character.
   1         LD      (HL),A          ; and insert "No. of dims"
   1         LD      (HL),$FF        ; else mark this particular map free.
   1         LD      (HL),$FF        ;
   1         LD      (HL),$83        ;               x, y, r, 2*PI.
   1         LD      (HL),$80        ; variables end-marker.
   1         LD      (HL),$80        ; place end-marker at end.
   1         LD      (HL),$80        ; holds end-marker $80
   1         LD      (HL),$80        ; an end-marker.
   1         LD      (HL),$80        ;
   1         LD      (HL),$3E        ; top of user ram holds GOSUB end marker
   1         LD      (HL),$3E        ; now put the GO SUB end-marker at RAMTOP.
   1         LD      (HL),$20        ; place a space there.
   1         LD      (HL),$20        ; place a space character in HL
   1         LD      (HL),$0E        ; insert the 'hidden' marker.
   1         LD      (HL),$0E        ; insert number marker
   1         LD      (HL),$0D        ; insert carriage return at last new location.
   1         LD      (HL),$0D        ; insert carriage return
   1         LD      (HL),$0D        ; insert a carriage return at end.
   1         LD      (HL),$0D        ; initially just has a carriage return
   1         LD      (HL),$05        ; maintain interrupt counter at 5.
   1         LD      (HL),$05        ; and initialize counter to 5
   1         LD      (HL),$01        ; load first location with digit 1.
   1         LD      (HL),$00        ; presume numeric and insert a zero
   1         LD      (HL),$00        ; make location zero
   1         LD      (HL),$00        ; last byte always zero for integers.
   1         LD      (HL),$00        ; first byte zero shows integer not exponent
   1         LD      (HL),$00        ; else make MODE zero - KLC mode
   1         LD      (HL),$00        ; clear inverse, over, ink/paper 9
   1         LD      (HL),$00        ; blank the first byte.
   1         LD      (HL),$00        ;
   1         LD      (DE),A          ; update screen/printer
   1         LD      (DE),A          ; the character is inserted.
   1         LD      (DE),A          ; store each byte of first
   1         LD      (DE),A          ; start is addressed by DE, so insert code
   1         LD      (DE),A          ; put the key in workspace
   1         LD      (DE),A          ; place zero there - now the null string.
   1         LD      (DE),A          ; place zero in high byte of length.
   1         LD      (DE),A          ; place quote in first new location at DE.
   1         LD      (DE),A          ; place in destination.
   1         LD      (DE),A          ; else load zero to destination
   1         LD      (DE),A          ; and store in workspace
   1         LD      (DE),A          ; and overwrite that in edit line.
   1         LD      (DE),A          ; and load to edit line.
   1         LD      (DE),A          ; and load into first destination byte.
   1         LD      (BC),A          ; load memory location with A.
   1         LD      ($5CB4),HL      ; set P-RAMT to the highest working RAM
   1         LD      ($5CB4),BC      ; insert P-RAMT.
   1         LD      ($5CB2),HL      ; update system variable RAMTOP.
   1         LD      ($5CAC),A       ; MEM-5-1
   1         LD      ($5CA1),A       ; MEM-3-1
   1         LD      ($5C91),A       ; and save in P_FLAG.
   1         LD      ($5C91),A       ; and restore system variable P_FLAG
   1         LD      ($5C8F),HL      ; resave ATTR_T and MASK-T
   1         LD      ($5C8F),HL      ; and update system variables.
   1         LD      ($5C8F),HL      ; and restore system variables ATTR_T/MASK_T
   1         LD      ($5C8F),HL      ; and reset ATTR_T, MASK-T as 'scroll?' has
   1         LD      ($5C8F),A       ; set ATTR_T temporary colour attributes.
   1         LD      ($5C8D),HL      ; and store in ATTR_P and MASK_P
   1         LD      ($5C8D),A       ; set ATTR_P permanent colour attributes.
   1         LD      ($5C8C),A       ; update SCR_CT system variable.
   1         LD      ($5C8C),A       ; and place result in SCR_CT - scroll count.
   1         LD      ($5C8C),A       ; SCR_CT scroll count
   1         LD      ($5C88),BC      ; Update S_POSN - line/column upper screen
   1         LD      ($5C86),HL      ; Update DFCCL  lower screen memory address
   1         LD      ($5C84),HL      ; Update DF_CC - upper display file address
   1         LD      ($5C82),HL      ; and overwrite ECHO_E
   1         LD      ($5C82),BC      ; Update ECHO_E line/column input buffer
   1         LD      ($5C80),HL      ; Update PR_CC - full printer buffer memory 
   1         LD      ($5C7D),HL      ; Update the COORDS system variable.
   1         LD      ($5C7D),HL      ; Set system variable COORDS to 0,0.
   1         LD      ($5C7B),HL      ; make UDG system variable address the first
   1         LD      ($5C7B),HL      ; insert UDG.
   1         LD      ($5C78),HL      ; Place back in FRAMES1.
   1         LD      ($5C76),BC      ; store in SEED for next starting point.
   1         LD      ($5C74),HL      ; save pointer in system variable T_ADDR
   1         LD      ($5C74),A       ; and put back in T_ADDR as 0,1,2, or 3
   1         LD      ($5C6C),DE      ; update S_TOP.
   1         LD      ($5C6A),A       ; update FLAGS2
   1         LD      ($5C68),HL      ; is restored to system variable MEM.
   1         LD      ($5C68),HL      ; and set MEM to point to three 5-byte values
   1         LD      ($5C68),HL      ; The system variable MEM is made to point to
   1         LD      ($5C67),A       ; and store value in system variable BREG.
   1         LD      ($5C65),HL      ; use it to set STKEND system variable.
   1         LD      ($5C65),HL      ; update system variable STKEND.
   1         LD      ($5C65),HL      ; update STKEND as we are taking number.
   1         LD      ($5C65),HL      ; set new STKEND.
   1         LD      ($5C65),HL      ; set STKEND to the end of the empty stack.
   1         LD      ($5C65),HL      ; set STKEND 'removing' value from stack.
   1         LD      ($5C65),HL      ; and place in STKEND.
   1         LD      ($5C65),HL      ; STKEND
   1         LD      ($5C65),DE      ; Set STKEND to next free location.
   1         LD      ($5C63),HL      ; set STKBOT - bottom of the empty stack.
   1         LD      ($5C63),HL      ; and place in STKBOT
   1         LD      ($5C61),HL      ; start of WORKSP
   1         LD      ($5C61),HL      ; set WORKSP - empty workspace.
   1         LD      ($5C61),BC      ; system variable WORKSP was perhaps
   1         LD      ($5C5F),IX      ; save header pointer in X_PTR.
   1         LD      ($5C5F),IX      ; place the IX header pointer in X_PTR
   1         LD      ($5C5F),HL      ; store pointer in X_PTR
   1         LD      ($5C5F),HL      ; save in X_PTR while input is assigned.
   1         LD      ($5C5F),HL      ; save character position in X_PTR.
   1         LD      ($5C5F),HL      ; preserve workspace pointer in dynamic X_PTR
   1         LD      ($5C5F),HL      ; Copy it to the error pointer X_PTR.
   1         LD      ($5C5D),HL      ; update the CH_ADD system variable.
   1         LD      ($5C5D),HL      ; update system variable CH_ADD
   1         LD      ($5C5D),HL      ; to set CH_ADD up for slicing routine
   1         LD      ($5C5D),HL      ; system variable CH_ADD is set to first
   1         LD      ($5C5D),HL      ; store in the system variable CH_ADD.
   1         LD      ($5C5D),HL      ; set CH_ADD to this
   1         LD      ($5C5D),HL      ; set CH_ADD to the start of the string again.
   1         LD      ($5C5D),HL      ; set CH_ADD to first character
   1         LD      ($5C5D),HL      ; save in CH_ADD
   1         LD      ($5C5D),HL      ; put restored value back in CH_ADD
   1         LD      ($5C5D),HL      ; initialize CH_ADD to this value.
   1         LD      ($5C5D),HL      ; and update CH_ADD with character address.
   1         LD      ($5C5D),HL      ; and reset the system variable CH_ADD.
   1         LD      ($5C5D),DE      ; save in CH_ADD
   1         LD      ($5C5D),DE      ; load CH_ADD with start DE in workspace.
   1         LD      ($5C5B),HL      ; update K_CUR to address start of BASIC.
   1         LD      ($5C5B),HL      ; set system variable K_CUR to new location.
   1         LD      ($5C5B),HL      ; set K_CUR to start of empty area
   1         LD      ($5C5B),HL      ; make K_CUR keyboard cursor point there.
   1         LD      ($5C5B),DE      ; and update K_CUR system variable.
   1         LD      ($5C59),HL      ; Set E_LINE, where the edit line
   1         LD      ($5C57),HL      ; update system variable DATADD.
   1         LD      ($5C57),HL      ; store back in DATADD
   1         LD      ($5C57),HL      ; Set DATADD to location before program area.
   1         LD      ($5C55),BC      ; update NXTLIN
   1         LD      ($5C53),HL      ; and put back in PROG as it may have been
   1         LD      ($5C53),HL      ; Set PROG the location where BASIC starts.
   1         LD      ($5C53),DE      ; set PROG to original value.
   1         LD      ($5C4F),HL      ; Set the CHANS system variable.
   1         LD      ($5C4D),HL      ; save pointer in DEST.
   1         LD      ($5C4D),HL      ; and DEST of assigned string.
   1         LD      ($5C4B),HL      ; set system variable VARS
   1         LD      ($5C4B),HL      ; Set VARS to same location with a
   1         LD      ($5C49),HL      ; update E_PPC to new line number.
   1         LD      ($5C48),A       ; set BORDCR the border colour/lower screen
   1         LD      ($5C47),A       ; set statement number SUBPPC to zero.
   1         LD      ($5C45),HL      ; is set/reset as line number in PPC.
   1         LD      ($5C45),DE      ; set system variable PPC.
   1         LD      ($5C44),A       ; set system variable NSPPC
   1         LD      ($5C42),HL      ; set system variable to line number NEWPPC
   1         LD      ($5C42),HL      ; and store it in NEWPPC
   1         LD      ($5C42),BC      ; set system variable NEWPPC.
   1         LD      ($5C3D),SP      ; set ERR_SP to point to IN-VAR-1 on stack.
   1         LD      ($5C3D),SP      ; make system variable ERR_SP point to it.
   1         LD      ($5C3D),SP      ; make ERR_SP point to location.
   1         LD      ($5C3D),SP      ; make ERR_SP point to it.
   1         LD      ($5C3D),SP      ; and ERR_SP made to point to it.
   1         LD      ($5C3D),SP      ; adjust ERR_SP to point to new stack pointer
   1         LD      ($5C3D),HL      ; update the system variable ERR_SP
   1         LD      ($5C3D),HL      ; set ERR_SP to point to it.
   1         LD      ($5C3D),HL      ; is restored to ERR_SP system variable
   1         LD      ($5C3D),HL      ; ERR_SP is where the error pointer is
   1         LD      ($5C3A),A       ; set ERR_NR to 'OK' - 1.
   1         LD      ($5C38),DE      ; insert RASP/PIP.
   1         LD      ($5C38),BC      ; the PIP and RASP system variables.
   1         LD      ($5C36),HL      ; character set, CHARS - as no printing yet.
   1         LD      ($5C16),HL      ; ensure STRMS-00 is keyboard.
   1         LD      ($5C0F),A       ; store first operand in TVDATA-hi
   1         LD      ($5C0B),HL      ; set DEFADD to point to this argument list
   1         LD      ($5C0B),HL      ; blank DEFADD to signal that no defined
   1         LD      ($5C0B),HL      ; and re-insert into DEFADD system variable.
   1         LD      ($5C09),HL      ; loaded to REPDEL and REPPER.
   1         LD       D,$80          ;
   1         LD       C,A            ;
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L3671">L3671</a>         ; skip to STK-CODE with zero if the null string.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L35BF">L35BF</a>         ; skip forward to STK-PNTRS if so as complete.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L35B7">L35B7</a>         ; to OTHER-STR if null string
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L3585">L3585</a>         ; forward to FRST-LESS if length is zero.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L3572">L3572</a>         ; forward to BOTH-NULL if first string is also
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L3483">L3483</a>         ; forward to INT-CASE if a small integer
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L32BD">L32BD</a>         ; forward to RS-STORE if value is zero.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L3290">L3290</a>         ; to IX-END
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L3283">L3283</a>         ; to BITS-ZERO
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L3252">L3252</a>         ; to T-NUMERIC
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L31E2">L31E2</a>         ; to DIV-START
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L31AD">L31AD</a>         ; to REPORT-6
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L315E">L315E</a>         ; to SKIP-ZERO
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L3159">L3159</a>         ; to NEAR-ZERO
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L30A5">L30A5</a>         ; to GO-NC-MLT
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L309F">L309F</a>         ; to ADD-REP-6
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2F59">L2F59</a>         ; forward to PF-OUT-DT if so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2F25">L2F25</a>         ; skip to PF-R-BACK if ZERO?
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2EB8">L2EB8</a>         ; skip to PF-ALL-9 if so to deal with the
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2E24">L2E24</a>         ; forward if so to PF-SMALL 
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2DE1">L2DE1</a>         ; forward  FP-A-END if zero
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2DAD">L2DAD</a>         ; forward to FP-DELETE if an integer
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2D18">L2D18</a>         ; forward to E-FP-JUMP if exponent positive
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2CFE">L2CFE</a>         ; to SIGN-DONE
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2CF2">L2CF2</a>         ; to SIGN-FLAG if so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2CCB">L2CCB</a>         ; skip to DECIMAL if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2C7C">L2C7C</a>         ; skip to DIM-CLEAR if numeric
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2C2E">L2C2E</a>         ; loop back to D-NO-LOOP until all dimensions
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2BA3">L2BA3</a>         ; forward to L-IN-W/S if so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2B72">L2B72</a>         ; skip forward to L-DELETE$   -*-&gt;
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2B66">L2B66</a>         ; forward to L-EXISTS if not.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2B4F">L2B4F</a>         ; forward to L-SINGLE if it was just
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2B0C">L2B0C</a>         ; back to L-NO-SP is so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2AEB">L2AEB</a>         ; forward to I-RESTORE if checking syntax so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2AE8">L2AE8</a>         ; forward to I-CARRY if zero.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2AAD">L2AAD</a>         ; forward to SL-STORE to store entire string.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2A94">L2A94</a>         ; to SL-DEFINE using length as end point.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2A81">L2A81</a>         ; to SL-SECOND to evaluate second parameter.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2A81">L2A81</a>         ; to SL-SECOND to evaluate second parameter
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2A48">L2A48</a>         ; forward to SV-DIM to consider further slice
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2A48">L2A48</a>         ; forward to SV-DIM to consider a separate
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2A48">L2A48</a>         ; forward to SV-DIM if so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2A45">L2A45</a>         ; loop back if so to SV-SLICE
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2A22">L2A22</a>         ; skip to SV-NUMBER if so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2A20">L2A20</a>         ; forward to REPORT-3 if not
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L29EA">L29EA</a>         ; forward to SV-LOOP if so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L29E0">L29E0</a>         ; back to SV-CH-ADD to consider a slice.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L29C0">L29C0</a>         ; forward to SV-PTR with numeric arrays
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L29A1">L29A1</a>         ; back to SV-SIMPLE$ if result is zero as has
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2981">L2981</a>         ; forward to SFA-MATCH with a match.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L296B">L296B</a>         ; forward to SFA-CP-VR if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2943">L2943</a>         ; forward to V-PASS
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2932">L2932</a>         ; to V-80-BYTE if zero as must be 10000000
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2913">L2913</a>         ; back to V-SPACES until non-space
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2912">L2912</a>         ; loop back to V-MATCHES if a match on an
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L28EF">L28EF</a>         ; forward to V-RUN/SYN if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L28EF">L28EF</a>         ; forward to V-RUN/SYN if a defined function
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L28DE">L28DE</a>         ; forward to V-STR-VAR
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L288D">L288D</a>         ; forward to SF-VALUE if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2885">L2885</a>         ; forward to SF-R-BR-2 if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2885">L2885</a>         ; forward to SF-R-BR-2 if no arguments.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2852">L2852</a>         ; forward to SF-ARG-VL if numeric.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2831">L2831</a>         ; forward to SF-VALUES with a match.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L27F4">L27F4</a>         ; forward to SF-SYN-EN if string function.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L27E9">L27E9</a>         ; forward to SF-FLAG-6 if no arguments.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2790">L2790</a>         ; forward to S-NEXT if so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L275B">L275B</a>         ; forward to S-SYNTEST if checking syntax.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L270D">L270D</a>         ; forward to S-PUSH-PO if so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2665">L2665</a>         ; forward to S-INK$-EN if so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2630">L2630</a>         ; to S-PI-END if checking syntax.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2625">L2625</a>         ; forward to S-RND-END if checking syntax.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2625">L2625</a>         ; forward if so to S-RND-END
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L25D9">L25D9</a>         ; forward to S-Q-PRMS if checking syntax.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L25CB">L25CB</a>         ; to S-Q-COPY if so including just one of the
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L25BE">L25BE</a>         ; back to S-Q-AGAIN if two quotes WERE
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L255A">L255A</a>         ; forward to S-SC-MTCH if they match
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L24F9">L24F9</a>         ; to REPORT-Bc
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L245F">L245F</a>         ; forward, if zero (not possible), to ARC-END
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L238D">L238D</a>         ; forward, if so, to DR-3-PRMS
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2287">L2287</a>         ; forward to CO-TEMP-E if 8
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2273">L2273</a>         ; forward to CO-TEMP-C with FLASH and BRIGHT.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2257">L2257</a>         ; forward to CO-TEMP-A with INK/PAPER 8
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2257">L2257</a>         ; forward to CO-TEMP-A if black and
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2234">L2234</a>         ; forward to CO-TEMP-7 with INK and PAPER.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L21E1">L21E1</a>         ; back to CO-TEMP-1 for more.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L21E1">L21E1</a>         ; back if so to CO-TEMP-1
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L21D0">L21D0</a>         ; forward to IN-STOP if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2148">L2148</a>         ; forward to IN-VAR-2 if not using the
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L20C1">L20C1</a>         ; back to IN-ITEM-1 until no more in a
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2096">L2096</a>         ; forward to INPUT-1 if checking syntax.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2067">L2067</a>         ; forward to PR-POSN-3 if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L2067">L2067</a>         ; forward to PR-POSN-3 if checking syntax.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1FF2">L1FF2</a>         ; to PRINT-4 if not     e.g. just 'PRINT :'
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1FE5">L1FE5</a>         ; to PRINT-3 if consecutive positioners
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1FE5">L1FE5</a>         ; loop back to PRINT-3 if so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1FA6">L1FA6</a>         ; to DEF-FN-6 if null argument
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1F6A">L1F6A</a>         ; forward to DEF-FN-1 if parsing
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1F4F">L1F4F</a>         ; forward to PAUSE-END if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1F3D">L1F3D</a>         ; back to PAUSE-1 if not.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1F36">L1F36</a>         ; forward to REPORT-7 with a match.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1E8E">L1E8E</a>         ; forward to TWO-P-1 if positive
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1E1E">L1E1E</a>         ; forward to READ-2 if checking syntax
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1E0A">L1E0A</a>         ; forward to READ-1 if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1DEC">L1DEC</a>         ; back to READ-3 if so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1DD8">L1DD8</a>         ; forward to REPORT-1 if not
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1DA3">L1DA3</a>         ; forward to LOOK-P-2 if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1D7C">L1D7C</a>         ; forward to F-FOUND if it matches.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1D00">L1D00</a>         ; forward to IF-1 if checking syntax
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1CE6">L1CE6</a>         ; forward to USE-ZERO if so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1CD6">L1CD6</a>         ; forward to CL-09-1 if checking syntax.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1BF4">L1BF4</a>         ; forward to STMT-NEXT if address found.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1BBF">L1BBF</a>         ; forward to LINE-USE if was a program line
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1BBF">L1BBF</a>         ; forward to LINE-USE if line matched.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1BB3">L1BB3</a>         ; forward to LINE-END if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1BB3">L1BB3</a>         ; back to LINE-END if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1B9E">L1B9E</a>         ; forward to LINE-NEW if a jump is to be
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1B28">L1B28</a>         ; back to STMT-LOOP if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L19D6">L19D6</a>         ; forward to NEXT-O-4 to compute length.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L19AD">L19AD</a>         ; to EACH-S-5
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1990">L1990</a>         ; to EACH-S-1 if not
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L196C">L196C</a>         ; to OUT-CH-3 to output if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L196C">L196C</a>         ; to OUT-CH-3 if ':' is outside quoted text.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1925">L1925</a>         ; back to OUT-SP-2 if it is zero.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1909">L1909</a>         ; forward to OUT-C-2 if so to print.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1909">L1909</a>         ; forward to OUT-C-2 if not set to print.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L18F3">L18F3</a>         ; to OUT-C-1 if still zero ('KLC').
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L18B4">L18B4</a>         ; to OUT-LINE6, if so, as line is finished.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1894">L1894</a>         ; forward to OUT-LINE4 if not.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1881">L1881</a>         ; to OUT-LINE3 if zero.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1865">L1865</a>         ; to OUT-LINE1 if matched or line after.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1835">L1835</a>         ; back to LIST-ALL-2 if not
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1814">L1814</a>         ; skip to LIST-2 if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L17ED">L17ED</a>         ; to AUTO-L-4 if line exists.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1756">L1756</a>         ; skip forward to OPEN-1 if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L15DE">L15DE</a>         ; back to WAIT-KEY1 if no key is pressed
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L15AB">L15AB</a>         ; forward to MAIN-ADD2 is so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1386">L1386</a>         ; forward to MAIN-9 if no error.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1384">L1384</a>         ; skip forward to MAIN-8, if not, as set-up
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1373">L1373</a>         ; forward to MAIN-6 if so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1303">L1303</a>         ; forward to MAIN-4 if not.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L12A2">L12A2</a>         ; back to MAIN-EXEC if so for an automatic
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1219">L1219</a>         ; forward to RAM-SET if we did.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L11EF">L11EF</a>         ; forward to RAM-DONE if faulty.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L11E2">L11E2</a>         ; back to RAM-READ if zero flag was set.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1026">L1026</a>         ; back to ED-END if not.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L1024">L1024</a>         ; back to ED-ENTER if not to treat as if
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0E80">L0E80</a>         ; skip to CL-LINE-3 if not.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0DEE">L0DEE</a>         ; skip to CL-SET-1 if handling upper part
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0D5B">L0D5B</a>         ; skip to TEMPS-1 if not
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0D00">L0D00</a>         ; forward to REPORT-D if so else scroll.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0CD2">L0CD2</a>         ; to PO-SCR-3 if zero and scrolling required.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0C88">L0C88</a>         ; forward to PO-SCR-2 if not.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0C44">L0C44</a>         ; back to PO-STEP if not inverted.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0C35">L0C35</a>         ; forward to PO-TR-SP to consider trailing
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0C08">L0C08</a>         ; skip to PO-ATTR-2 if not
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0BFA">L0BFA</a>         ; skip to PO-ATTR-1 if not.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0BB6">L0BB6</a>         ; to PR-ALL-3 if screen
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0B93">L0B93</a>         ; to PR-ALL-1 if not
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0923">L0923</a>         ; forward if so to ME-VAR-L2 to add
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0909">L0909</a>         ; forward to ME-OLD-V2 if a match to replace.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0873">L0873</a>         ; forward if so to LD-PROG
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L084C">L084C</a>         ; forward if so to LD-DATA-1
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L07E9">L07E9</a>         ; forward to VR-CONT-1 if lengths match.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L07E9">L07E9</a>         ; forward to VR-CONT-1 if length unspecified
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L07CB">L07CB</a>         ; forward to VR-CONTRL if it is CODE.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0723">L0723</a>         ; forward to SA-LINE-1 if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L06F5">L06F5</a>         ; forward if so to SA-CODE-3
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0692">L0692</a>         ; forward to SA-DATA-1 if checking syntax.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L068F">L068F</a>         ; forward to SA-V-TYPE if numeric.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0685">L0685</a>         ; forward to SA-V-NEW with LOAD DATA.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0652">L0652</a>         ; forward to SA-DATA if so using the 255 
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0652">L0652</a>         ; forward to SA-DATA if checking syntax.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0621">L0621</a>         ; forward to SA-SPACE if so.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L05ED">L05ED</a>         ; back to LD-SAMPLE if no edge.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L050E">L050E</a>         ; forward to SA-PARITY if zero.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L04D0">L04D0</a>         ; skip to SA-FLAG if a header is being saved.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L03F6">L03F6</a>  ;(12/7);   go to BE-END
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L03B2">L03B2</a>         ; forward to K-@-CHAR if so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0364">L0364</a>         ; skip to K-TOKENS if so
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L034A">L034A</a>         ; to K-LOOK-UP if sym-shift
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L034A">L034A</a>         ; forward to K-LOOK-UP if neither shift.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L034A">L034A</a>         ; back to K-LOOK-UP with symbol-shift
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L034A">L034A</a>         ; back to K-LOOK-UP - changed to $0F, GRAPHICS.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L034A">L034A</a>         ; back to K-LOOK-UP - changed to $0C, delete.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L0341">L0341</a>         ; to K-E-LET if was 1 for extended letters.
   1         JR      Z,<A href="#L02AB">L02AB</a>         ; forward to KEY-DONE if zero and therefore
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L3705">L3705</a>        ; to N-NEGTV
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L3687">L3687</a>        ; to JUMP-2 if not zero
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L3686">L3686</a>        ; Back to JUMP if true (1).
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L360C">L360C</a>        ; forward to V-RPORT-C if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L35DC">L35DC</a>        ; forward to REPORT-Bd if negative
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L3575">L3575</a>        ; forward to SEC-PLUS if second not null.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L356B">L356B</a>        ; back to SECND-LOW and then STR-TEST
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L3559">L3559</a>        ; forward to STRINGS if so.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L3543">L3543</a>        ; skip to EX-OR-NOT with these.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L34E7">L34E7</a>        ; to REPORT-A if not a single character.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L33DE">L33DE</a>        ; forward to FORM-EXP if it was possible to
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L32B1">L32B1</a>        ; skip to RS-NRMLSE if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L326C">L326C</a>        ; to T-EXPNENT
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L323F">L323F</a>        ; to T-SMALL
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L3233">L3233</a>        ; to T-FIRST
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L31AD">L31AD</a>        ; to REPORT-6
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L3195">L3195</a>        ; to OFLOW-CLR
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L3186">L3186</a>        ; to NORML-NOW
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L3151">L3151</a>        ; to OFLW2-CLR
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L313B">L313B</a>        ; to MAKE-EXPT
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L30F0">L30F0</a>        ; to MULT-LONG
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L30EA">L30EA</a>        ; to MULT-RSLT
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L303E">L303E</a>        ; forward to FULL-ADDN if at least one was
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L303C">L303C</a>        ; forward to ADDN-OFLW if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L300D">L300D</a>        ; to ALL-ADDED
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2EB3">L2EB3</a>        ; skip forward to PF-TEST-2 if flag still $FF
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2EA9">L2EA9</a>        ; to PF-INSERT if non-zero value picked up.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2E8A">L2E8A</a>        ; back to PF-BYTES until the ten nibbles rolled
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2E56">L2E56</a>        ; forward to PF-LARGE if a large integer
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2E1E">L2E1E</a>        ; forward to PF-SAVE if 16-bit integer.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2CFF">L2CFF</a>        ; to ST-E-PART as no sign
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2CEB">L2CEB</a>        ; to E-FORMAT if not to consider that format
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2CB8">L2CB8</a>        ; to NOT-BIN if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2CB3">L2CB3</a>        ; forward to BIN-END if result not zero
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2C7F">L2C7F</a>        ; back to DIM-SIZES until all done.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2C2D">L2C2D</a>        ; forward to D-SIZE if so.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2C15">L2C15</a>        ; forward to D-RUN in runtime.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2C05">L2C05</a>        ; to D-RPORT-C with anything else
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2BAF">L2BAF</a>        ; forward to L-ADD$ if so.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2A7A">L2A7A</a>        ; to SL-RPT-C if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2A2C">L2A2C</a>        ; forward to SV-ELEM$ if so.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2A20">L2A20</a>        ; to REPORT-3 with anything else
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2A20">L2A20</a>        ; to REPORT-3 if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2A12">L2A12</a>        ; to SV-RPT-C with anything else
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2A12">L2A12</a>        ; forward to SV-RPT-C if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L29FB">L29FB</a>        ; forward to SV-MULT if not an array of
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L29E7">L29E7</a>        ; forward to SV-COUNT if so.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L29D8">L29D8</a>        ; forward to SV-CLOSE if so
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L29AE">L29AE</a>        ; forward to SV-ARRAYS otherwise
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2991">L2991</a>        ; to SFA-END if so as will be stacked
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L292A">L292A</a>        ; forward to V-NEXT if no match.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2929">L2929</a>        ; forward to V-GET-PTR if no match
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L28FD">L28FD</a>        ; to V-RUN to look for the variable in runtime
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L288B">L288B</a>        ; forward to REPORT-Q if type mismatch.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L288B">L288B</a>        ; forward to REPORT-Q if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2825">L2825</a>        ; forward to SF-NOT-FD if no match.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2802">L2802</a>        ; forward if not '$' to SF-ARGMT1
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L27F7">L27F7</a>        ; forward to SF-RUN in runtime
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L27E6">L27E6</a>        ; forward to SF-RPRT-C if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L27E4">L27E4</a>        ; forward if not to SF-BRKT-2 to test bracket
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L27D0">L27D0</a>        ; forward to SF-BRKT-1 with numeric function
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2790">L2790</a>        ; forward to S-NEXT if numeric result
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2788">L2788</a>        ; forward to S-NOT-AND  if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2770">L2770</a>        ; forward to S-LOOPEND if numeric
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L274C">L274C</a>        ; forward to S-STK-LST if numeric
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L274C">L274C</a>        ; forward to S-STK-LST if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2734">L2734</a>        ; forward, if numeric, to S-LOOP
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2723">L2723</a>        ; forward, if not, to S-OPERTR 
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L26B6">L26B6</a>        ; to S-SD-SKIP until a match
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L26B5">L26B5</a>        ; to S-STK-DEC in runtime
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2660">L2660</a>        ; to S-IK$-STK to store empty string if
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L25D9">L25D9</a>        ; forward to S-Q-PRMS if
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L25CB">L25CB</a>        ; back to S-Q-COPY to copy more if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2573">L2573</a>        ; forward to S-SCR-NXT if no match.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2573">L2573</a>        ; forward to S-SCR-NXT if a mismatch
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L252D">L252D</a>        ; forward to S-RPORT-C if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L250F">L250F</a>        ; back to S-QUOTE-S if not for more.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2303">L2303</a>        ; to PLOT-END if so.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L22FD">L22FD</a>        ; forward to PL-TST-IN if so.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L22A6">L22A6</a>        ; skip to BORDER-1 if so
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L227D">L227D</a>        ; forward to CO-TEMP-D if flash
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2228">L2228</a>        ; forward to CO-TEMP-6 if OVER
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L219B">L219B</a>        ; forward to IN-VAR-6 if INPUT LINE.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2174">L2174</a>        ; forward to IN-VAR-5 if using another input 
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L215E">L215E</a>        ; forward to IN-VAR-3 if so as input will
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L211C">L211C</a>        ; forward to IN-PR-2 if so as that is
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L211A">L211A</a>        ; forward to IN-PR-1 if so
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L20ED">L20ED</a>        ; forward to IN-ITEM-3 if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L20D8">L20D8</a>        ; forward to IN-ITEM-2 if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L206E">L206E</a>        ; to PR-POSN-4 if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2061">L2061</a>        ; forward to PR-POSN-2 if anything else.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L2024">L2024</a>        ; to PR-ITEM-3 if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L200E">L200E</a>        ; forward to PR-ITEM-2 if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1FBD">L1FBD</a>        ; to DEF-FN-7 if not 'Nonsense...'
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1FBD">L1FBD</a>        ; to DEF-FN-7 if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1FBD">L1FBD</a>        ; to DEF-FN-7 'Nonsense in BASIC'
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1FA6">L1FA6</a>        ; to DEF-FN-6 if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1F94">L1F94</a>        ; forward to DEF-FN-5 if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1F7D">L1F7D</a>        ; to DEF-FN-2 if not as numeric.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1F49">L1F49</a>        ; skip forward to PAUSE-2 if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1EB7">L1EB7</a>        ; skip to CLEAR-1 if not zero.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1E5A">L1E5A</a>        ; forward to RAND-1 if not zero.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1E37">L1E37</a>        ; forward to DATA-2 if in runtime
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1D10">L1D10</a>        ; to F-USE-1 if not to use 1 as default.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; to REPORT-C if not required separator.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; forward to REPORT-C if result not zero.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; forward to REPORT-C if not zero
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1C82">L1C82</a>        ; forward to EXPT-1NUM if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1C46">L1C46</a>        ; to VAR-A-3 if numeric
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1C46">L1C46</a>        ; to VAR-A-3 if not assigning to an array
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1BF4">L1BF4</a>        ; forward to STMT-NEXT if a program line.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1BEC">L1BEC</a>        ; forward to REPORT-N if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1A42">L1A42</a>        ; forward to OUT-NUM-4 if so to print zero 
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L19B1">L19B1</a>        ; to EACH-S-6
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L19A5">L19A5</a>        ; to EACH-S-4 if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L199A">L199A</a>        ; forward to EACH-S-3 if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1998">L1998</a>        ; to EACH-S-2
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1968">L1968</a>        ; to OUT-CH-2 with others to set 'L' mode.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1968">L1968</a>        ; to OUT-CH-2 if in input as no statements.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L195A">L195A</a>        ; to OUT-CH-1 if not statement separator
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L18A1">L18A1</a>        ; forward to OUT-LINE5 if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1835">L1835</a>        ; back to LIST-ALL-2 if upper screen not full.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L181A">L181A</a>        ; forward to LIST-3 if neither separator.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1767">L1767</a>        ; skip forward to OPEN-3 with 1 character
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1765">L1765</a>        ; to REPORT-Fb 'Invalid file name' if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1725">L1725</a>        ; back to REPORT-Ob if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L16DB">L16DB</a>        ; back to INDEXER-1 if no match.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1691">L1691</a>        ; to LINE-NO-A if an end-marker.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L166B">L166B</a>        ; back to PTR-NEXT if more.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1610">L1610</a>        ; forward to CHAN-OP-1 if open.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L15DE">L15DE</a>        ; forward to WAIT-KEY1 if so.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L157D">L157D</a>        ; forward if no existing line to MAIN-ADD1.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1376">L1376</a>        ; forward to MAIN-7 if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L12CF">L12CF</a>        ; forward, if correct, to MAIN-3.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L11DC">L11DC</a>        ; Back to RAM-FILL if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L11A7">L11A7</a>        ; back to REMOVE-FP until entire line done.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L115E">L115E</a>        ; forward to ED-SPACES if line has changed
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1105">L1105</a>        ; forward to KEY-DATA with INK 16d and
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L10F4">L10F4</a>        ; forward to KEY-FLAG if it has changed.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1051">L1051</a>        ; to ED-EDGE-2 if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1051">L1051</a>        ; forward to ED-EDGE-2 if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L1001">L1001</a>        ; skip to ED-STOP if so
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0F14">L0F14</a>        ; back to COPY-L-3 until 256 bits done.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0EC9">L0EC9</a>        ; forward to COPY-2 if not to continue loop.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0E4D">L0E4D</a>        ; back to CL-LINE-2 if 16 or 8 to do
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0E4A">L0E4A</a>        ; back to CL-LINE-1 till all done.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0E19">L0E19</a>        ; forward to CL-SCR-3 if partial scroll.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0E0D">L0E0D</a>        ; back to CL-SCR-2 if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0E05">L0E05</a>        ; back to CL-SCR-1 if all eight not done.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0DF4">L0DF4</a>        ; forward to CL-SET-2 if so.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0D89">L0D89</a>        ; loop back to CLS-2 until all 32 cells done.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0D65">L0D65</a>        ; skip to TEMPS-2 if lower screen using A=0.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0D1C">L0D1C</a>        ; back to PO-SCR-4A until done
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0CD2">L0CD2</a>        ; forward to PO-SCR-3 to scroll display if
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0C44">L0C44</a>        ; back to PO-STEP if not zero
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0C08">L0C08</a>        ; to PO-ATTR-2
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0BFA">L0BFA</a>        ; skip to PO-ATTR-1
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0BB7">L0BB7</a>        ; back to PR-ALL-4 for all 8 bytes
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0B93">L0B93</a>        ; but if not zero to PR-ALL-1
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0B76">L0B76</a>        ; to PO-CHAR-3 if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0B4C">L0B4C</a>        ; to PO-GR-3 until byte is stored 4 times
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0B1D">L0B1D</a>        ; Forward, if so, to PO-F-PR
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0AFC">L0AFC</a>        ; Forward, if so, to PO-ST-PR
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0AF0">L0AF0</a>        ; Forward, if so, to PO-ST-E
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0AD0">L0AD0</a>        ; to PO-SPACE until done
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0AC2">L0AC2</a>        ; to PO-TAB if not 22d i.e. 23d TAB.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0ABF">L0ABF</a>        ; to PO-AT-SET as line can be ignored.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0A38">L0A38</a>        ; to PO-BACK-2 if so, as we are unable to
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0921">L0921</a>        ; forward to ME-VAR-L1 if just one-character.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L091E">L091E</a>        ; forward to ME-OLD-V4 with a mismatch.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L08F0">L08F0</a>        ; forward to ME-VAR-LP if a variable or 
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L08DF">L08DF</a>        ; forward to ME-OLD-L1 if high bytes don't match
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L08AD">L08AD</a>        ; forward to LD-PROG-1 if so with no autostart.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0819">L0819</a>        ; forward if not to LD-CONT-1
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0806">L0806</a>        ; forward to REPORT-R if so
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0800">L0800</a>        ; skip to VR-CONT-3 if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L07F4">L07F4</a>        ; forward to VR-CONT-2 if destination specified.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L07AD">L07AD</a>        ; forward to LD-CH-PR with mismatch
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L07A6">L07A6</a>        ; forward to LD-NAME if not the wildcard.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L078A">L078A</a>        ; forward to LD-TYPE with mis-match.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0767">L0767</a>        ; back to LD-LOOK-H if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0716">L0716</a>        ; forward if not to SA-LINE to consider an
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L06E1">L06E1</a>        ; forward to SA-CODE-1 if there are parameters.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L06C3">L06C3</a>        ; forward to SA-CODE if not.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L06A0">L06A0</a>        ; forward to SA-SCR$ to consider SCREEN$ if
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0672">L0672</a>        ; back if not to SA-V-OLD to report
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0644">L0644</a>        ; forward to SA-NULL if not the SAVE command.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L05E9">L05E9</a>        ; loop back to LD-DELAY 22 times.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L05B3">L05B3</a>        ; forward to LD-FLAG if awaiting initial flag
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L05A9">L05A9</a>        ; back to LD-LOOP 
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0580">L0580</a>        ; back to LD-LEADER while more to do.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0574">L0574</a>        ; back to LD-WAIT, if not zero, with zero in B.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0511">L0511</a>        ; back to SA-BIT-2 if zero reset NZ (first pass)
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L04D8">L04D8</a>        ; back to SA-LEADER until L is zero.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L046C">L046C</a>        ; to REPORT-B
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L03F2">L03F2</a> ;(12/7);   to BE-AGAIN
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L03D6">L03D6</a> ;(12/7);   high or low pulse of waveform
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0389">L0389</a>        ; forward to K-GRA-DGT if mode was 2.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L034A">L034A</a>        ; back to K-LOOK-UP if shift pressed.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L032C">L032C</a>        ; forward to K-MAIN if not
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L02F1">L02F1</a>        ; forward to K-NEW if so.
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L02D1">L02D1</a>        ; forward to K-CH-SET if so
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L02D1">L02D1</a>        ; forward to K-CH-SET if not at end of count
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L02C6">L02C6</a>        ; back to K-ST-LOOP to consider this 2nd set
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L029F">L029F</a>        ; back to KEY-3KEYS if there were more
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0070">L0070</a>        ; skip to NO-RESET if NOT ZERO
   1         JR      NZ,<A href="#L0048">L0048</a>        ; Forward, if not, to KEY-INT
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L370E">L370E</a>        ; to RSLT-ZERO
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L370C">L370C</a>        ; to RESULT-OK
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L365F">L365F</a>        ; forward to R-I-STORE if no key detected.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L354E">L354E</a>        ; forward to NU-OR-STR with other 8 cases
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L34E7">L34E7</a>        ; to REPORT-A if originally higher 
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L34E7">L34E7</a>        ; to REPORT-A if higher than 20.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L34E4">L34E4</a>        ; forward to USR-STACK if no overflow.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L338C">L338C</a>        ; to DOUBLE-A with unary operations
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L32B2">L32B2</a>        ; loop back to RSTK-LOOP
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L3221">L3221</a>        ; to T-GR-ZERO
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L31F9">L31F9</a>        ; to NO-RSTORE
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L31AD">L31AD</a>        ; to REPORT-6
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L3195">L3195</a>        ; to OFLOW-CLR
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L30BC">L30BC</a>        ; to HL-AGAIN to skip addition if no carry
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L30A3">L30A3</a>        ; to END-COMPL
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L307C">L307C</a>        ; to TEST-NEG
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L3055">L3055</a>        ; to SHIFT-LEN
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L2FF9">L2FF9</a>        ; to ADDEND-0
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L2F2D">L2F2D</a>        ; forward to PF-COUNT with 1 - 9.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L2D71">L2D71</a>        ; forward to E-TST-END if no bit
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L2D55">L2D55</a>        ; to E-SAVE  if positive.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L2B9B">L2B9B</a>        ; forward if it fits to L-LENGTH.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L2B29">L2B29</a>        ; forward to L-SPACES if so.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L2B1F">L2B1F</a>        ; forward to L-TEST-CH if higher.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L294B">L294B</a>        ; forward to V-END if not
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L293E">L293E</a>        ; forward to V-FOUND-1 with a full match.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L28EF">L28EF</a>        ; to V-RUN/SYN when no more
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L28E3">L28E3</a>        ; forward to V-TEST-FN if just one character
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L2814">L2814</a>        ; forward to SF-CP-DEF if a match was found.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L2734">L2734</a>        ; forward to S-LOOP if not in table
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L2707">L2707</a>        ; forward to S-NO-TO-$  with 'sin' through
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L26DF">L26DF</a>        ; forward to S-NEGATE if not to consider
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L26C9">L26C9</a>        ; forward to S-LETTER if alpha       -&gt;
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L2660">L2660</a>        ; to S-IK$-STK to stack null string if
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L24C4">L24C4</a>        ; to DL-X-GE-Y
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L2497">L2497</a>        ; forward if less than 256 to DRAW-SAVE
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L23C1">L23C1</a>        ; forward, if &gt; 1,  to DR-PRMS
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L235A">L235A</a>        ; forward, if greater than .5, to C-ARC-GE1
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L233B">L233B</a>        ; Forward to C-R-GRE-1 
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L2244">L2244</a>        ; to REPORT-K if not 0 or 1.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L2129">L2129</a>        ; forward to IN-PR-3 if not.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L1F89">L1F89</a>        ; if not then to DEF-FN-4 to jump to
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L1EDC">L1EDC</a>        ; skip to CLEAR-2 if in actual RAM.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L1EDA">L1EDA</a>        ; forward to REPORT-M
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L1E9F">L1E9F</a>        ; forward to REPORT-B if above.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L1E0A">L1E0A</a>        ; forward to READ-1 if DATA found
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L1C30">L1C30</a>        ; forward to VAR-A-2 if found or checking
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L1B6F">L1B6F</a>        ; forward to SEPARATOR to check that correct
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L19CE">L19CE</a>        ; forward to NEXT-O-2 if not a for/next
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L19CE">L19CE</a>        ; back to NEXT-O-2 if not inverted bit.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L196C">L196C</a>        ; to OUT-CH-3 to print digit without
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L1765">L1765</a>        ; back to REPORT-F if not found
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L167F">L167F</a>        ; forward to PTR-DONE if var before pos
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L11EF">L11EF</a>        ; forward to RAM-DONE if we've got back to
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L117C">L117C</a>        ; forward to ED-C-DONE if no backfilling.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L111B">L111B</a>        ; forward to KEY-DONE2 and return with carry
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L10FA">L10FA</a>        ; forward to KEY-CONTR.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L10DB">L10DB</a>        ; skip forward to KEY-M-CL to handle Modes
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L0F81">L0F81</a>        ; forward to ADD-CHAR if so.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L0F1E">L0F1E</a>        ; back to COPY-L-5 if stylus not in position.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L0EFD">L0EFD</a>        ; back to COPY-L-1 if stylus of printer not
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L0C22">L0C22</a>        ; back to PO-EACH if not.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L0B5F">L0B5F</a>        ; to PO-T to print tokens
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L0B52">L0B52</a>        ; to PO-T&amp;UDG to print tokens and UDGs
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L0A69">L0A69</a>        ; to PO-QUEST to also print '?' if so.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L0912">L0912</a>        ; loop back to ME-OLD-V3 if more to test.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L08EB">L08EB</a>        ; forward to ME-NEW-L2 if line number in 
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L0767">L0767</a>        ; loop back to LD-LOOK-H until header found.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L0767">L0767</a>        ; back to LD-LOOK-H with 4 and over.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L0672">L0672</a>        ; forward to SA-V-OLD if variable found.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L064B">L064B</a>        ; forward to SA-NAME if length is one to ten.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L05BD">L05BD</a>        ; forward to LD-VERIFY if not to be loaded.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L058F">L058F</a>        ; back to LD-SYNC if gap too big, that is,
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L056C">L056C</a>        ; back to LD-START if too close together for a 
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L056B">L056B</a>        ; back to LD-BREAK with time-out.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L056B">L056B</a>        ; back to LD-BREAK with time out and no
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L056B">L056B</a>        ; back to LD-BREAK if time-out
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L056B">L056B</a>        ; back to LD-BREAK
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L051C">L051C</a>        ; forward to SA-OUT if bit is 0.
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L046C">L046C</a>        ;   goto REPORT-B
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L0427">L0427</a>        ; to BE-OCTAVE
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L0382">L0382</a>        ; to K-8-&amp;-9 if greater than '7'
   1         JR      NC,<A href="#L02A1">L02A1</a>        ; back to KEY-BITS if not pressed
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L37F8">L37F8</a>         ; forward, if less, to SMALL
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L3703">L3703</a>         ; to REPORT-6b
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L35DC">L35DC</a>         ; forward to REPORT-Bd if overflow
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L3585">L3585</a>         ; forward to FRST-LESS if carry set
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L34E7">L34E7</a>         ; to REPORT-A if too low. e.g. usr " ".
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L34D3">L34D3</a>         ; forward to USR-RANGE if ASCII.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L325E">L325E</a>         ; to T-TEST
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L31F2">L31F2</a>         ; to SUBN-ONLY
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L31AD">L31AD</a>         ; to REPORT-6
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L3195">L3195</a>         ; to OFLOW-CLR
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L315D">L315D</a>         ; to ZERO-RSLT
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L3151">L3151</a>         ; to OFLW2-CLR
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L30EF">L30EF</a>         ; to MULT-OFLW
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2F6C">L2F6C</a>         ; to PF-E-FRMT
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2F46">L2F46</a>         ; to PF-NOT-E
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2EEC">L2EEC</a>         ; to PF-FR-DGT
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2ECB">L2ECB</a>         ; forward if less to PF-MORE
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2E6F">L2E6F</a>         ; to PF-MEDIUM if integer &lt;= 2^27
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2CEB">L2CEB</a>         ; to E-FORMAT if not a digit e.g. '1.'
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2CEB">L2CEB</a>         ; exit to E-FORMAT when digits exhausted  &gt;
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2CCF">L2CCF</a>         ; to DEC-RPT-C if not
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2B3E">L2B3E</a>         ; back to L-CHAR with space and less.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2B29">L2B29</a>         ; forward to L-SPACES if so.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2B0B">L2B0B</a>         ; loop back to L-EACH-CH for more if so.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2AA8">L2AA8</a>         ; forward to SL-OVER if start &gt; end.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2A20">L2A20</a>         ; to REPORT-3 if &gt; HL
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L293F">L293F</a>         ; to V-FOUND-2  simple and for next
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L28AB">L28AB</a>         ; back to FN-SKPOVR if less
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2773">L2773</a>         ; forward to S-TIGHTER to execute the
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L270D">L270D</a>         ; forward to S-PUSH-PO if lower as result
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L26DD">L26DD</a>         ; step forward to S-CONT-1 if string  ===&gt;
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L24F7">L24F7</a>         ; to D-L-RANGE
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L24DB">L24DB</a>         ; to D-L-HR-VT
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L24D4">L24D4</a>         ; to D-L-DIAG
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2495">L2495</a>         ; forward, if over 256, to USE-252
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2258">L2258</a>         ; forward to CO-TEMP-B with 0-7.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L2246">L2246</a>         ; forward to CO-TEMP-9 if so.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L223E">L223E</a>         ; forward to CO-TEMP-8 with INK
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L20AD">L20AD</a>         ; forward to INPUT-2 if not.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L1F15">L1F15</a>         ; forward to REPORT-4 if this passes $FFFF
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L1F15">L1F15</a>         ; forward to REPORT-4 if over $FFFF
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L1E9F">L1E9F</a>         ; forward to REPORT-B if overflow occurred
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L1D84">L1D84</a>         ; forward to REPORT-I if the end of program
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L1D34">L1D34</a>         ; forward to F-L-S if already a FOR/NEXT
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L1B7D">L1B7D</a>         ; step forward to STMT-R-1 if not pressed.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L1A15">L1A15</a>         ; forward to E-L-1 if overflow i.e. &gt; 65535.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L19D5">L19D5</a>         ; forward to NEXT-O-3 if within BASIC area.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L196C">L196C</a>         ; to OUT-CH-3 to output controls and space.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L192B">L192B</a>         ; back to OUT-SP-1 until no carry from
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L181F">L181F</a>         ; forward to LIST-4 not a '#' .
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L17E4">L17E4</a>         ; to AUTO-L-3 if line 'should' appear
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L17E1">L17E1</a>         ; to AUTO-L-2 if S_TOP higher than E_PPC
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L1727">L1727</a>         ; skip forward to STR-DATA1 if so.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L16FC">L16FC</a>         ; forward to CLOSE-1 if a non-system stream.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L133C">L133C</a>         ; forward to MAIN-5 if so.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L117C">L117C</a>         ; forward to ED-C-DONE if no blanking
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L103E">L103E</a>         ; back to ED-EDGE-1 if cursor not matched.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0F92">L0F92</a>         ; forward to ED-KEYS if editing control
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0F81">L0F81</a>         ; forward to ADD-CHAR also.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0F6C">L0F6C</a>         ; forward to ED-CONTR if so
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0F0C">L0F0C</a>         ; forward to COPY-L-2 if 'break' not pressed.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0DA0">L0DA0</a>         ; back to CL-CHAN-A if first pass else done.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0D2D">L0D2D</a>         ; forward to PO-SCR-4B if scrolling required
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0C86">L0C86</a>         ; to REPORT-5 if so
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0C86">L0C86</a>         ; forward to REPORT-5 if less.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0C22">L0C22</a>         ; forward to PO-EACH if not a command, '&lt;&gt;' etc.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0BD3">L0BD3</a>         ; to PR-ALL-6 - printer address update
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0BA4">L0BA4</a>         ; to PR-ALL-2
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0B65">L0B65</a>         ; to PO-CHAR is so.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0AAC">L0AAC</a>         ; to PO-AT-ERR if C was greater than 31d.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0A69">L0A69</a>         ; to PO-QUEST to print '?' if so.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0955">L0955</a>         ; skip to ME-ENT-2 if variable
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L082E">L082E</a>         ; to LD-DATA
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0806">L0806</a>         ; forward to REPORT-R if the length on tape is 
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0554">L0554</a>         ; forward to SA/LD-END if not
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0367">L0367</a>         ; forward to K-DIGIT with digits, space, enter.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0296">L0296</a>         ; back to KEY-LINE if still more rows to do.
   1         JR      C,<A href="#L0090">L0090</a>         ; forward to SKIPS with ink, paper, flash,
   1         JR      <A href="#L35BF">L35BF</a>           ; back to exit via STK-PNTRS.
   1         JR      <A href="#L358C">L358C</a>           ; forward to END-TESTS
   1         JR      <A href="#L3588">L3588</a>           ; forward to leave via STR-TEST
   1         JR      <A href="#L3588">L3588</a>           ; forward to STR-TEST
   1         JR      <A href="#L3564">L3564</a>           ; back to BYTE-COMP
   1         JR      <A href="#L350B">L350B</a>           ; to FP-0/1 to overwrite operand with
   1         JR      <A href="#L350B">L350B</a>           ; back to FP-0/1 to overwrite the first operand
   1         JR      <A href="#L350B">L350B</a>           ; back to FP-0/1 to overwrite first operand
   1         JR      <A href="#L3507">L3507</a>           ; forward to SIGN-TO-C
   1         JR      <A href="#L34B0">L34B0</a>           ; exit to STACK-A (via IN-PK-STK to save a byte 
   1         JR      <A href="#L3474">L3474</a>           ; forward to NEG-TEST
   1         JR      <A href="#L33F8">L33F8</a>           ; loop back to SKIP-NEXT
   1         JR      <A href="#L33F1">L33F1</a>           ; loop back to STK-ZEROS until done.
   1         JR      <A href="#L338E">L338E</a>           ; forward to ENT-TABLE
   1         JR      <A href="#L336C">L336C</a>           ; back to SCAN-ENT
   1         JR      <A href="#L31FA">L31FA</a>           ; to COUNT-ONE
   1         JR      <A href="#L31E2">L31E2</a>           ; to DIV-START
   1         JR      <A href="#L3195">L3195</a>           ; to OFLOW-CLR
   1         JR      <A href="#L315D">L315D</a>           ; to ZERO-RSLT
   1         JR      <A href="#L3125">L3125</a>           ; to STRT-MLT
   1         JR      <A href="#L2F85">L2F85</a>           ; skip to PF-E-SIGN
   1         JR      <A href="#L2F5E">L2F5E</a>           ; forward to PF-DC-OUT       -&gt;
   1         JR      <A href="#L2F52">L2F52</a>           ; back to PF-OUT-LP
   1         JR      <A href="#L2F0C">L2F0C</a>           ; to PF-ROUND
   1         JR      <A href="#L2F0C">L2F0C</a>           ; forward to PF-ROUND
   1         JR      <A href="#L2EDF">L2EDF</a>           ; to PF-FRN-LP
   1         JR      <A href="#L2E7B">L2E7B</a>           ; forward to PF-BITS
   1         JR      <A href="#L2E01">L2E01</a>           ; back to PF-LOOP
   1         JR      <A href="#L2D60">L2D60</a>           ; back to E-LOOP  until all bits done.
   1         JR      <A href="#L2D40">L2D40</a>           ; back to NXT-DGT-2 to process as a digit
   1         JR      <A href="#L2CDA">L2CDA</a>           ; back to NXT-DGT-1
   1         JR      <A href="#L2CD5">L2CD5</a>           ; to DEC-STO-1 to add the decimal part to 'x'
   1         JR      <A href="#L2CA2">L2CA2</a>           ; back to BIN-DIGIT for more digits
   1         JR      <A href="#L2BA6">L2BA6</a>           ; forward to L-ENTER  ==&gt;
   1         JR      <A href="#L2B59">L2B59</a>           ; back to L-NUMERIC to overwrite value.
   1         JR      <A href="#L2B0C">L2B0C</a>           ; loop back to L-NO-SP.
   1         JR      <A href="#L2A94">L2A94</a>           ; forward to SL-DEFINE.
   1         JR      <A href="#L2A45">L2A45</a>           ; forward to SV-SLICE and make a return
   1         JR      <A href="#L29E7">L29E7</a>           ; forward to SV-COUNT with true no of dims 
   1         JR      <A href="#L295A">L295A</a>           ; back to SFA-LOOP while there are more
   1         JR      <A href="#L294B">L294B</a>           ; forward to V-END
   1         JR      <A href="#L2943">L2943</a>           ; back to V-PASS
   1         JR      <A href="#L2934">L2934</a>           ; forward to V-SYNTAX
   1         JR      <A href="#L2900">L2900</a>           ; loop back to V-EACH
   1         JR      <A href="#L28D4">L28D4</a>           ; loop back to V-CHAR
   1         JR      <A href="#L2843">L2843</a>           ; back to SF-ARG-LP looping until all
   1         JR      <A href="#L2808">L2808</a>           ; back to SF-FND-DF to continue search
   1         JR      <A href="#L27D9">L27D9</a>           ; back to SF-ARGMTS to parse all arguments.
   1         JR      <A href="#L2790">L2790</a>           ; forward to S-NEXT
   1         JR      <A href="#L2764">L2764</a>           ; forward to S-RUNTEST
   1         JR      <A href="#L2734">L2734</a>           ; back to S-LOOP to perform these
   1         JR      <A href="#L2713">L2713</a>           ; loop back to S-CONT-3
   1         JR      <A href="#L26DD">L26DD</a>           ; forward to S-CONT-1               ===&gt;
   1         JR      <A href="#L26C3">L26C3</a>           ; to S-NUMERIC to record nature of result
   1         JR      <A href="#L257D">L257D</a>           ; forward to S-SCR-STO
   1         JR      <A href="#L24DF">L24DF</a>           ; to D-L-STEP
   1         JR      <A href="#L24CB">L24CB</a>           ; to DL-LARGER
   1         JR      <A href="#L2439">L2439</a>           ; forward to ARC-START
   1         JR      <A href="#L22DC">L22DC</a>           ; back to PLOT routine to just plot x,y.
   1         JR      <A href="#L226C">L226C</a>           ; forward to exit via routine CO-CHANGE
   1         JR      <A href="#L226C">L226C</a>           ; back to CO-CHANGE addressing MASK_T
   1         JR      <A href="#L21B2">L21B2</a>           ; forward to IN-NEXT-2 to see if anything
   1         JR      <A href="#L21B2">L21B2</a>           ; forward to IN-NEXT-2 as print items
   1         JR      <A href="#L2161">L2161</a>           ; jump forward to IN-VAR-4
   1         JR      <A href="#L20FA">L20FA</a>           ; forward to IN-PROMPT to set up workspace.
   1         JR      <A href="#L2067">L2067</a>           ; skip to PR-POSN-3.
   1         JR      <A href="#L203C">L203C</a>           ; loop back to PR-STRING.
   1         JR      <A href="#L201E">L201E</a>           ; forward to PR-AT-TAB to print the sequence.
   1         JR      <A href="#L1FCF">L1FCF</a>           ; forward to PRINT-1
   1         JR      <A href="#L1F86">L1F86</a>           ; and back to DEF-FN-3
   1         JR      <A href="#L1EAF">L1EAF</a>           ; forward to CLEAR-RUN to clear variables
   1         JR      <A href="#L1E9C">L1E9C</a>           ; forward to FIND-I-1 for common exit routine.
   1         JR      <A href="#L1E73">L1E73</a>           ; forward to GO-TO-2
   1         JR      <A href="#L1E2C">L1E2C</a>           ; back to DATA-1
   1         JR      <A href="#L1D8B">L1D8B</a>           ; back to LOOK-P-1 for next line.
   1         JR      <A href="#L1D64">L1D64</a>           ; back to F-LOOP
   1         JR      <A href="#L1D16">L1D16</a>           ; to F-REORDER
   1         JR      <A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>           ; back to REPORT-C if numeric.
   1         JR      <A href="#L1C7A">L1C7A</a>           ; exit via EXPT-2NUM to check for x,y.
   1         JR      <A href="#L1C22">L1C22</a>           ; back to VAR-A-1
   1         JR      <A href="#L1BD1">L1BD1</a>           ; forward to NEXT-LINE.
   1         JR      <A href="#L1B55">L1B55</a>           ; forward to continue at GET-PARAM
   1         JR      <A href="#L1B29">L1B29</a>           ; forward to continue at STMT-L-1.
   1         JR      <A href="#L1A30">L1A30</a>           ; forward to continue at OUT-NUM-3
   1         JR      <A href="#L19DB">L19DB</a>           ; forward to NEXT-O-5 to add length of
   1         JR      <A href="#L1974">L1974</a>           ; back to LINE-AD-1 for another comparison
   1         JR      <A href="#L1968">L1968</a>           ; to OUT-CH-2 as ':' is within quotes
   1         JR      <A href="#L1937">L1937</a>           ; forward to exit via OUT-CHAR.
   1         JR      <A href="#L1909">L1909</a>           ; forward to OUT-C-2 to print.
   1         JR      <A href="#L1894">L1894</a>           ; back to OUT-LINE4 until entire line is done.
   1         JR      <A href="#L1835">L1835</a>           ; back to LIST-ALL-2.
   1         JR      <A href="#L17FB">L17FB</a>           ; forward to LIST-1
   1         JR      <A href="#L17CE">L17CE</a>           ; to AUTO-L-1 until estimate reached.
   1         JR      <A href="#L178B">L178B</a>           ; to OPEN-END
   1         JR      <A href="#L178B">L178B</a>           ; forward to OPEN-END
   1         JR      <A href="#L1646">L1646</a>           ; forward to CHAN-S-1 for indirect exit
   1         JR      <A href="#L15F7">L15F7</a>           ; forward to CALL-SUB.
   1         JR      <A href="#L12AC">L12AC</a>           ; back to MAIN-2 to allow user to correct.
   1         JR      <A href="#L12A9">L12A9</a>           ; forward to MAIN-1
   1         JR      <A href="#L117E">L117E</a>           ; forward to ED-C-END
   1         JR      <A href="#L1150">L1150</a>           ; back to ED-BLANK until all old text blanked.
   1         JR      <A href="#L1113">L1113</a>           ; forward to KEY-CHAN to change it ...
   1         JR      <A href="#L1105">L1105</a>           ; forward to KEY-DATA with the 
   1         JR      <A href="#L10F4">L10F4</a>           ; forward to KEY-FLAG to signal no-key.
   1         JR      <A href="#L106E">L106E</a>           ; forward to ED-LIST to produce an
   1         JR      <A href="#L1024">L1024</a>           ; forward to ED-ENTER to produce error.
   1         JR      <A href="#L1011">L1011</a>           ; forward to ED-CUR to update K-CUR
   1         JR      <A href="#L0F8B">L0F8B</a>           ; forward to ADD-CH-1
   1         JR      <A href="#L0EDA">L0EDA</a>           ; forward to COPY-END to switch off the printer
   1         JR      <A href="#L0DD9">L0DD9</a>           ; exit via CL-SET to set column
   1         JR      <A href="#L0D8E">L0D8E</a>           ; forward to enter the backfill loop at CLS-3 
   1         JR      <A href="#L0C14">L0C14</a>           ; forward to PO-TABLE.
   1         JR      <A href="#L0BC1">L0BC1</a>           ; back to PR-ALL-5
   1         JR      <A href="#L0B7F">L0B7F</a>           ; to PR-ALL to print to screen or printer
   1         JR      <A href="#L0B6A">L0B6A</a>           ; to PO-CHAR-2 - common code to lay down
   1         JR      <A href="#L0AD9">L0AD9</a>           ; forward to PO-ABLE.
   1         JR      <A href="#L0AC3">L0AC3</a>           ; forward to PO-FILL
   1         JR      <A href="#L0A80">L0A80</a>           ; forward to PO-CHANGE &gt;&gt;
   1         JR      <A href="#L0A7D">L0A7D</a>           ; forward to PO-TV-1
   1         JR      <A href="#L0958">L0958</a>           ; forward to ME-ENT-3
   1         JR      <A href="#L0921">L0921</a>           ; forward to ME-VAR-L1
   1         JR      <A href="#L0901">L0901</a>           ; back to ME-OLD-V1 to resume search.
   1         JR      <A href="#L08F9">L08F9</a>           ; loop back to ME-OLD-VP
   1         JR      <A href="#L08F0">L08F0</a>           ; loop back to ME-VAR-LP
   1         JR      <A href="#L08D7">L08D7</a>           ; back to ME-OLD-LP until destination position 
   1         JR      <A href="#L08D2">L08D2</a>           ; loop back to ME-NEW-LP.
   1         JR      <A href="#L0825">L0825</a>           ; forward to LD-CONT-2
   1         JR      <A href="#L075A">L075A</a>           ; forward to SA-ALL.
   1         JR      <A href="#L073A">L073A</a>           ; forward to SA-TYPE-0 to save program.
   1         JR      <A href="#L0710">L0710</a>           ; forward to SA-TYPE-3
   1         JR      <A href="#L06F9">L06F9</a>           ; forward to SA-CODE-4
   1         JR      <A href="#L06F0">L06F0</a>           ; forward to SA-CODE-2
   1         JR      <A href="#L05C8">L05C8</a>           ; forward to LD-MARKER 
   1         JR      <A href="#L05C4">L05C4</a>           ; forward to LD-DEC.
   1         JR      <A href="#L05C2">L05C2</a>           ; forward to LD-NEXT
   1         JR      <A href="#L0505">L0505</a>           ; back to SA-LOOP-P 
   1         JR      <A href="#L0308">L0308</a>           ; back to K-END
   1         JR      <A href="#L0053">L0053</a>           ; Forward to continue at ERROR-2.
   1         JR      <A href="#L001C">L001C</a>           ; jump back to TEST-CHAR until a valid
   1         JP      Z,<A href="#L2BC0">L2BC0</a>         ; jump forward if so, to L-NEW$
   1         JP      Z,<A href="#L28EF">L28EF</a>         ; jump back if so to V-RUN/SYN to look in
   1         JP      Z,<A href="#L28EF">L28EF</a>         ; JUMP back to V-RUN/SYN, if so, as there are
   1         JP      Z,<A href="#L270D">L270D</a>         ; to S-PUSH-PO if so to use the calculator
   1         JP      Z,<A href="#L21B2">L21B2</a>         ; forward to IN-NEXT-2 if checking syntax.
   1         JP      Z,<A href="#L20C1">L20C1</a>         ; jump back to IN-ITEM-1 if the zero flag
   1         JP      Z,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>         ; jump back to REPORT-C if so.
   1         JP      Z,<A href="#L1B28">L1B28</a>         ; to STMT-LOOP if result zero as statement is
   1         JP      Z,<A href="#L1B28">L1B28</a>         ; jump back to STMT-LOOP to consider
   1         JP      Z,<A href="#L1097">L1097</a>         ; jump to CLEAR-SP if so.
   1         JP      Z,<A href="#L101E">L101E</a>         ; jump to ED-IGNORE if not, else 
   1         JP      Z,<A href="#L0970">L0970</a>         ; jump forward to SA-CONTRL with SAVE  -&gt;
   1         JP      Z,<A href="#L08B6">L08B6</a>         ; jump forward to ME-CONTRL if so.
   1         JP      Z,<A href="#L0808">L0808</a>         ; JUMP forward to LD-CONTRL if so to 
   1         JP      Z,<A href="#L0018">L0018</a>         ; jump to exit via get-char pointing at
   1         JP      PO,<A href="#L046C">L046C</a>        ; if pitch &lt;= 67 goto REPORT-B
   1         JP      P,<A href="#L3380">L3380</a>         ; forward to FIRST-3D if in range $00 - $3D
   1         JP      P,<A href="#L3146">L3146</a>         ; to OFLW1-CLR
   1         JP      P,<A href="#L2F83">L2F83</a>         ; to PF-E-POS if positive
   1         JP      P,<A href="#L293F">L293F</a>         ; to V-FOUND-2  strings and arrays
   1         JP      P,<A href="#L04D8">L04D8</a>         ; back to SA-LEADER until H becomes $FF
   1         JP      P,<A href="#L0425">L0425</a>         ;   goto BE-i-OK
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L2DE3">L2DE3</a>        ; to PRINT-FP to print if numeric &gt;&gt;&gt;
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L2AFF">L2AFF</a>        ; jump forward to LET to make the assignment
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L2951">L2951</a>        ; JUMP to STK-F-ARG in runtime and then
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; jump forward to REPORT-C with anything else.
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; jump forward to REPORT-C if not
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; jump back to REPORT-C if not.
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; jump back to REPORT-C if not string
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; jump back to REPORT-C if not
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; Jump, if not, to REPORT-C
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L1C2E">L1C2E</a>        ; jump back to REPORT-2 if so
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L155D">L155D</a>        ; jump forward to MAIN-ADD if so to add the 
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L1097">L1097</a>        ; jump forward to CLEAR-SP if not in editor.
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L0ECD">L0ECD</a>        ; to COPY-BUFF if so, to flush buffer and reset
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L0D02">L0D02</a>        ; jump forward to PO-SCR-4 if so.
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L0C55">L0C55</a>        ; exit to PO-SCR to test for scrolling
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L0514">L0514</a>        ; JUMP back to SA-BIT-1 
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L04FE">L04FE</a>        ; JUMP to SA-LOOP if more bytes.
   1         JP      NZ,<A href="#L03D6">L03D6</a> ;(10)  ; to BE-H&amp;L-LP
   1         JP      NC,<A href="#L2684">L2684</a>        ; jump forward to S-ALPHNUM if not in primary
   1         JP      NC,<A href="#L21AF">L21AF</a>        ; forward to IN-NEXT-1 if not
   1         JP      NC,<A href="#L1E9F">L1E9F</a>        ; JUMP to REPORT-Bb if not in range 0 - 15.
   1         JP      NC,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; to REPORT-C if higher
   1         JP      NC,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; jump to REPORT-C if not.
   1         JP      NC,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; jump back to REPORT-C if not
   1         JP      NC,<A href="#L160E">L160E</a>        ; jump back to REPORT-Oa if not
   1         JP      NC,<A href="#L0AD9">L0AD9</a>        ; jump forward to PO-ABLE if so.
   1         JP      NC,<A href="#L05CA">L05CA</a>        ; JUMP back to LD-8-BITS
   1         JP      M,<A href="#L31D2">L31D2</a>         ; to DIV-LOOP
   1         JP      M,<A href="#L31AD">L31AD</a>         ; to REPORT-6 if over '127'.
   1         JP      M,<A href="#L2F52">L2F52</a>         ; skip forward to PF-OUT-LP if originally +ve
   1         JP      M,<A href="#L2A20">L2A20</a>         ; jump back to REPORT-3 if $FF.
   1         JP      M,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>         ; to REPORT-C to raise
   1         JP      M,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>         ; to REPORT-C if not string result
   1         JP      M,<A href="#L19C7">L19C7</a>         ; forward to NEXT-O-1 if so
   1         JP      M,<A href="#L039D">L039D</a>         ; jump to K-KLC-DGT if was 0.
   1         JP      M,<A href="#L034F">L034F</a>         ; to K-KLC-LET if was zero
   1         JP      C,<A href="#L31AD">L31AD</a>         ; to REPORT-6 if overflow - too many digits
   1         JP      C,<A href="#L31AD">L31AD</a>         ; to REPORT-6 if overflow (over 255)
   1         JP      C,<A href="#L2A20">L2A20</a>         ; to REPORT-3 if &gt; 65280 and then some
   1         JP      C,<A href="#L24F9">L24F9</a>         ; jump forward to REPORT-Bc if greater.
   1         JP      C,<A href="#L24F9">L24F9</a>         ; jump forward to REPORT-Bc if &gt;= 255.5.
   1         JP      C,<A href="#L2477">L2477</a>         ; forward, if the coordinates of first line
   1         JP      C,<A href="#L2211">L2211</a>         ; to CO-TEMP-5
   1         JP      C,<A href="#L1F15">L1F15</a>         ; to REPORT-4 if &gt; 65535
   1         JP      C,<A href="#L1F15">L1F15</a>         ; jump back to REPORT-4 if over 65535.
   1         JP      C,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>         ; jump to REPORT-C if less than a command
   1         JP      C,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>         ; jump back to REPORT-C with anything else
   1         JP      C,<A href="#L1C2E">L1C2E</a>         ; jump back to REPORT-2 if variable not found
   1         JP      C,<A href="#L1BB3">L1BB3</a>         ; jump to LINE-END if FALSE (0)
   1         JP      C,<A href="#L0C86">L0C86</a>         ; to REPORT-5 if too low
   1         JP      <A href="#L36C4">L36C4</a>           ; jump back to EXP routine   -&gt;
   1         JP      <A href="#L35BF">L35BF</a>           ; jump back to STK-PNTRS
   1         JP      <A href="#L3155">L3155</a>           ; to TEST-NORM
   1         JP      <A href="#L313D">L313D</a>           ; jump back to DIVN-EXPT
   1         JP      <A href="#L2ECF">L2ECF</a>           ; JUMP forward to PF-FRACTN
   1         JP      <A href="#L2D2B">L2D2B</a>           ; Jump back to STACK-BC to save result on the
   1         JP      <A href="#L2D2B">L2D2B</a>           ; JUMP to STACK-BC to put on calculator stack
   1         JP      <A href="#L2D28">L2D28</a>           ; jump forward to STACK-A to save result.
   1         JP      <A href="#L2D28">L2D28</a>           ; forward to STACK-A to store result
   1         JP      <A href="#L2A49">L2A49</a>           ; jump forward to SV-SLICE? to test for '('
   1         JP      <A href="#L2712">L2712</a>           ; to S-CONT-2 - to continue current
   1         JP      <A href="#L26C3">L26C3</a>           ; jump forward to S-NUMERIC
   1         JP      <A href="#L25DB">L25DB</a>           ; forward to S-STRING to stack result
   1         JP      <A href="#L24FF">L24FF</a>           ; to S-LOOP-1
   1         JP      <A href="#L24FF">L24FF</a>           ; jump back to S-LOOP-1 to go round the loop
   1         JP      <A href="#L24FF">L24FF</a>           ; jump back to S-LOOP-1
   1         JP      <A href="#L2477">L2477</a>           ; to LINE-DRAW
   1         JP      <A href="#L2477">L2477</a>           ; jump forward to LINE-DRAW
   1         JP      <A href="#L2477">L2477</a>           ; forward to LINE-DRAW
   1         JP      <A href="#L2420">L2420</a>           ; forward to DRW-STEPS
   1         JP      <A href="#L22DC">L22DC</a>           ; JUMP to PLOT
   1         JP      <A href="#L21B2">L21B2</a>           ; forward to IN-NEXT-2
   1         JP      <A href="#L1E73">L1E73</a>           ; to GO-TO-2 to update statement and line
   1         JP      <A href="#L1E73">L1E73</a>           ; exit via GO-TO-2 to execute another loop.
   1         JP      <A href="#L1E39">L1E39</a>           ; jump back to PASS-BY
   1         JP      <A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>           ; to REPORT-C (REPORT-Cb is within range)
   1         JP      <A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>           ; jump to REPORT-C with any other character
   1         JP      <A href="#L1A1B">L1A1B</a>           ; exit via OUT-NUM-1 to print exponent in BC
   1         JP      <A href="#L19E8">L19E8</a>           ; to RECLAIM-2 reclaim the character.
   1         JP      <A href="#L19E8">L19E8</a>           ; jump to indirect exit via RECLAIM-2
   1         JP      <A href="#L19E5">L19E5</a>           ; jump forward to RECLAIM-1.
   1         JP      <A href="#L198B">L198B</a>           ; to EACH-STMT to find next statement
   1         JP      <A href="#L16C5">L16C5</a>           ; jump back to SET-STK to set the calculator 
   1         JP      <A href="#L16C5">L16C5</a>           ; Jump to SET-STK to clear the calculator stack 
   1         JP      <A href="#L169E">L169E</a>           ; Jump forward to continuation code RESERVE.
   1         JP      <A href="#L1601">L1601</a>           ; exit via CHAN-OPEN to ED-LOOP
   1         JP      <A href="#L15EF">L15EF</a>           ; jump back to exit via OUT-CODE.    -&gt;
   1         JP      <A href="#L1313">L1313</a>           ; jump back to MAIN-G
   1         JP      <A href="#L12AC">L12AC</a>           ; jump back to MAIN-2.
   1         JP      <A href="#L12A2">L12A2</a>           ; and back to MAIN-EXEC producing a listing
   1         JP      <A href="#L11CB">L11CB</a>           ; Jump forward to common code at START-NEW.
   1         JP      <A href="#L0F30">L0F30</a>           ; to ED-AGAIN to re-stack address of
   1         JP      <A href="#L0DD9">L0DD9</a>           ; jump forward to CL-SET to store new position.
   1         JP      <A href="#L0DD9">L0DD9</a>           ; exit via CL-SET and then PO-STORE.
   1         JP      <A href="#L0D6E">L0D6E</a>           ; jump back to CLS-LOWER and make
   1         JP      <A href="#L0D4D">L0D4D</a>           ; to TEMPS
   1         JP      <A href="#L0D4D">L0D4D</a>           ; jump back to TEMPS and exit via that
   1         JP      <A href="#L0D4D">L0D4D</a>           ; jump back and exit via TEMPS          &gt;&gt;&gt;
   1         JP      <A href="#L0BDB">L0BDB</a>           ; exit to PO-ATTR to set colours for cell.
   1         JP      <A href="#L0B03">L0B03</a>           ; exit via a JUMP to PO-FETCH as this routine 
   1         JP      <A href="#L0B03">L0B03</a>           ; Jump forward to PO-FETCH, 
   1         JP      <A href="#L0ADC">L0ADC</a>           ; exit via PO-STORE to update the relevant
   1         JP      <A href="#L0802">L0802</a>           ; jump back to LD-BLOCK
   1         JP      <A href="#L0802">L0802</a>           ; JUMP back to LD-BLOCK
   1         JP      <A href="#L075A">L075A</a>           ; jump forward to SA-ALL
   1         JP      <A href="#L0525">L0525</a>           ; JUMP forward to SA-8-BITS            -8-&gt;
   1         JP      <A href="#L0507">L0507</a>           ; JUMP forward to SA-START     -&gt;
   1         JP      <A href="#L04C2">L04C2</a>           ; jump back to SA-BYTES
   1         JP      <A href="#L03B5">L03B5</a>           ; to BEEPER
   1         JP      <A href="#L0055">L0055</a>           ; jump back to ERROR-3 at $0055
   1         JP      (IX)     ;(8)   ; do high pulse of tone
   1         JP      (IX)     ;(8)   ; do another cycle
   1         JP      (HL)            ; now jump forward to the relevant routine.
   1         JP      (HL)            ; jump to that routine.
   1         JP      (HL)            ; jump to routine ( i.e. L0000 )
   1         JP      (HL)            ; jump to return address as BASIC program is
   1         JP      (HL)            ; and jump to the routine e.g. S-BIN
   1         JP      (HL)            ; and go there directly.
   1         JP       Z,<A href="#L1C8A">L1C8A</a>        ; jump to REPORT-C if so.
   1         INC     SP              ; adjust to overwrite unimportant byte
   1         INC     IX              ; increase byte pointer
   1         INC     HL              ; update to start of 'A' in RAM.
   1         INC     HL              ; to point to low byte of input routine.
   1         INC     HL              ; to point to first location.
   1         INC     HL              ; to first new location
   1         INC     HL              ; to address Number of dimensions.
   1         INC     HL              ; then to second.
   1         INC     HL              ; the total length
   1         INC     HL              ; the supplied
   1         INC     HL              ; the normal
   1         INC     HL              ; the input routine.
   1         INC     HL              ; the
   1         INC     HL              ; step past variable name
   1         INC     HL              ; step past the jump length.
   1         INC     HL              ; step past single character variable name.
   1         INC     HL              ; step past
   1         INC     HL              ; step over the second character of 'at'/'tab'.
   1         INC     HL              ; step over the
   1         INC     HL              ; step over output routine
   1         INC     HL              ; step
   1         INC     HL              ; skip the character
   1         INC     HL              ; skip over the exponent.
   1         INC     HL              ; skip over the
   1         INC     HL              ; skip low number byte.
   1         INC     HL              ; set HL to next location.
   1         INC     HL              ; routine address for
   1         INC     HL              ; point to start of string descriptor
   1         INC     HL              ; point to start of required string.
   1         INC     HL              ; point to start of new area.
   1         INC     HL              ; point to start of BASIC/variable contents.
   1         INC     HL              ; point to next source byte if not
   1         INC     HL              ; point to next location the 16-bit counter
   1         INC     HL              ; point to high byte.
   1         INC     HL              ; point to high byte of length.
   1         INC     HL              ; point to first new location.
   1         INC     HL              ; point to first new location and
   1         INC     HL              ; point to first byte of number
   1         INC     HL              ; point to 5th.
   1         INC     HL              ; past space
   1         INC     HL              ; past
   1         INC     HL              ; output streams
   1         INC     HL              ; output routine.
   1         INC     HL              ; output address
   1         INC     HL              ; or the input address on the second pass.
   1         INC     HL              ; of line number.
   1         INC     HL              ; number
   1         INC     HL              ; now point to third location.
   1         INC     HL              ; now increment the pointer.
   1         INC     HL              ; now address the hidden marker.
   1         INC     HL              ; next to high byte
   1         INC     HL              ; next location becomes
   1         INC     HL              ; next location
   1         INC     HL              ; next address.
   1         INC     HL              ; next address
   1         INC     HL              ; make HL address limit.
   1         INC     HL              ; length bytes.
   1         INC     HL              ; input and
   1         INC     HL              ; increment the length for inclusive byte.
   1         INC     HL              ; increment source
   1         INC     HL              ; increment bitmap address.
   1         INC     HL              ; increment as a starting point.
   1         INC     HL              ; increment a third time for 'at'/'tab'
   1         INC     HL              ; increment 2nd string pointer.
   1         INC     HL              ; increase to address high byte
   1         INC     HL              ; increase screen/printer position
   1         INC     HL              ; increase pointer.
   1         INC     HL              ; increase pointer'
   1         INC     HL              ; increase pointer within variable.
   1         INC     HL              ; in the next
   1         INC     HL              ; if -128&lt;=p&lt;=127, MSB will be 0/FF if B is pos/neg
   1         INC     HL              ; following.
   1         INC     HL              ; followed by
   1         INC     HL              ; five
   1         INC     HL              ; bytes.
   1         INC     HL              ; bump workspace address.
   1         INC     HL              ; and the two
   1         INC     HL              ; and pointer
   1         INC     HL              ; and increment for next iteration.
   1         INC     HL              ; and five bytes
   1         INC     HL              ; and digit characters
   1         INC     HL              ; and advance address
   1         INC     HL              ; and address the letter.
   1         INC     HL              ; all above have at least one extra character
   1         INC     HL              ; advance to the interrupt counter
   1         INC     HL              ; advance to the delay
   1         INC     HL              ; advance to start of next line.
   1         INC     HL              ; advance to second
   1         INC     HL              ; advance to last location of state map.
   1         INC     HL              ; advance to high byte
   1         INC     HL              ; advance to first new location.
   1         INC     HL              ; advance pointer
   1         INC     HL              ; advance past the expected '$' to 
   1         INC     HL              ; advance both
   1         INC     HL              ; adjust for carry.
   1         INC     HL              ; adjust HL (set by LDDR)
   1         INC     HL              ; address unused byte
   1         INC     HL              ; address the next location.
   1         INC     HL              ; address the first new location
   1         INC     HL              ; address the first byte of mantissa.
   1         INC     HL              ; address the 5-counter
   1         INC     HL              ; address start of string
   1         INC     HL              ; address start of data.
   1         INC     HL              ; address sign byte and
   1         INC     HL              ; address sign byte
   1         INC     HL              ; address next one.
   1         INC     HL              ; address next location. <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> not INC L.
   1         INC     HL              ; address next leftmost character to
   1         INC     HL              ; address next expected character
   1         INC     HL              ; address next digit
   1         INC     HL              ; address next character (first in quotes)
   1         INC     HL              ; address next character
   1         INC     HL              ; address next byte and
   1         INC     HL              ; address next byte - <font color=#9900FF>Note.</font> not INC L.
   1         INC     HL              ; address next as at least one parameter.
   1         INC     HL              ; address mantissa
   1         INC     HL              ; address low byte of length.
   1         INC     HL              ; address low byte of integer
   1         INC     HL              ; address low byte of
   1         INC     HL              ; address looping statement
   1         INC     HL              ; address length high
   1         INC     HL              ; address known zero indicator of 1st number
   1         INC     HL              ; address high byte of integer.
   1         INC     HL              ; address high byte in STRMS.
   1         INC     HL              ; address first location
   1         INC     HL              ; address first byte of mantissa
   1         INC     HL              ; address fifth byte.
   1         INC     HL              ; address MEM-5-2 total digits
   1         INC     HL              ; address 2nd location
   1         INC     HL              ; Step past the jump length.
   1         INC     HL              ; Increment lowest two bytes of counter.
   1         INC     HL              ; Increment again.
   1         INC     HL              ; HL now location after new space
   1         INC     HL              ; HL now addresses first byte of filename.
   1         INC     HL              ; Advance address.
   1         INC     H               ; proceed to test 256 edged sample.
   1         INC     H               ; next pixel line down.
   1         INC     H               ; next line down screen within 'thirds'.
   1         INC     H               ; increment the dimension counter
   1         INC     H               ; increment it
   1         INC     H               ; address next line down.
   1         INC     E               ;
   1         INC     DE              ; third byte
   1         INC     DE              ; points to end of new area.
   1         INC     DE              ; pointers.
   1         INC     DE              ; next location.
   1         INC     DE              ; make DE point to next location.
   1         INC     DE              ; make DE point to next byte.
   1         INC     DE              ; increment length ??
   1         INC     DE              ; increment destination
   1         INC     DE              ; increment 1st string pointer.
   1         INC     DE              ; increase the destination pointer
   1         INC     DE              ; increase length by one.
   1         INC     DE              ; increase length
   1         INC     DE              ; increase destination pointer.
   1         INC     DE              ; increase destination
   1         INC     DE              ; for letter name
   1         INC     DE              ; bump prog address.
   1         INC     DE              ; and advance address
   1         INC     DE              ; and 16-bit length
   1         INC     DE              ; advance destination address.
   1         INC     DE              ; address next.
   1         INC     DE              ; address next location.
   1         INC     DE              ; address next character in workspace area.
   1         INC     DE              ; address next
   1         INC     DE              ; Address next character in the table.
   1         INC     D               ; increment statement.
   1         INC     D               ; gives next pixel line down screen
   1         INC     D               ; else restore statement.
   1         INC     D               ;
   1         INC     C        ;(4)   ; adds 16 cycles to make duration of high = duration of low
   1         INC     C        ;(4)   ;
   1         INC     C               ; increment matched character count
   1         INC     C               ; increase length to one.
   1         INC     C               ; flag
   1         INC     C               ; and increment to give number of bytes
   1         INC     BC              ; two bytes
   1         INC     BC              ; to include character and length bytes.
   1         INC     BC              ; three bytes also.
   1         INC     BC              ; restore true length.
   1         INC     BC              ; restore counter to zero.
   1         INC     BC              ; one for the pot.
   1         INC     BC              ; of line number (two bytes)
   1         INC     BC              ; letter name and total length.
   1         INC     BC              ; length to include
   1         INC     BC              ; length by three
   1         INC     BC              ; increment the length for a carriage return.
   1         INC     BC              ; increment as we also copy byte at old STKEND.
   1         INC     BC              ; increase length counter.
   1         INC     BC              ; increase
   1         INC     BC              ; include these
   1         INC     BC              ; if it was AT/TAB - 3 locations required
   1         INC     BC              ; for the length of string.
   1         INC     BC              ; extra byte for letter.
   1         INC     BC              ; and line length
   1         INC     BC              ; adjust the 
   1         INC     BC              ; adjust length to
   1         INC     BC              ; adjust for inclusion
   1         INC     BC              ; add a byte.
   1         INC     BC              ; (two bytes).
   1         INC     BC              ;
   1         INC     B               ; the high byte is zero.
   1         INC     B               ; test if shift pressed.
   1         INC     B               ; test B is it empty i.e. not a shift.
   1         INC     B               ; shift ?
   1         INC     B               ; set sign to zero
   1         INC     B               ; set OVER mask to 0
   1         INC     B               ; now test if we arrived here from NEW.
   1         INC     B               ; move up one screen line
   1         INC     B               ; make B hold 1 also.
   1         INC     B               ; is shift being pressed ?
   1         INC     B               ; increment to give rotation count 1-8.
   1         INC     B               ; increment high byte.
   1         INC     B               ; increment B
   1         INC     B               ; increase to address last line of display
   1         INC     B               ; increase 1-8.
   1         INC     B               ; destructively test for shift
   1         INC     B               ; adjust to system range  $02-$18
   1         INC     B               ; $FF to $00 or $00 to $01 - expendable now.
   1         INC     A               ; zero flag set if replacement.
   1         INC     A               ; without altering carry.
   1         INC     A               ; value 255.
   1         INC     A               ; that is, initially zero.
   1         INC     A               ; test if now $FF by incrementing.
   1         INC     A               ; test for no error originally $FF.
   1         INC     A               ; set type to 2 - string array.
   1         INC     A               ; set to $00 if inverse
   1         INC     A               ; set A to 1, simple string.
   1         INC     A               ; reset zero flag i.e. NZ.
   1         INC     A               ; make range 1-21d to match LSBs of ASCII
   1         INC     A               ; increment.
   1         INC     A               ; increment to give true code.
   1         INC     A               ; increment digit
   1         INC     A               ; if it is zero we have at most 1 key
   1         INC     A               ; else change from INK to PAPER (17d) if so.
   1         INC     A               ; augment from 'K' to 'L'.
   1         INC     A               ; and zero flag.
   1         INC     A               ; and increment
   1         INC     A               ; adjust for system range $01-$17
   1         INC     A               ; adjust for initial step-over byte
   1         INC     (IY+$72)        ; make MEM-5-2nd hold 1.
   1         INC     (IY+$72)        ; increment MEM-5-2nd  leading digit counter
   1         INC     (IY+$71)        ; increment MEM-5-1st  digit counter
   1         INC     (IY+$71)        ; MEM-5-1st
   1         INC     (IY+$62)        ; Increment MEM-2-1st doubling half chord.
   1         INC     (IY+$40)        ; otherwise increment FRAMES3 the third byte.
   1         INC     (IY+$0F)        ; restore E_PPC_lo to the previous value.
   1         INC     (IY+$0D)        ; increment statement number SUBPPC
   1         INC     (HL)            ; increment the exponent leaving pi
   1         INC     (HL)            ; else increment S_POSN_hi
   1         INC      D              ;
   1         IN      A,(C)           ; Read the port.
   1         IN      A,($FE)         ; row with the space key at outside.
   1         IN      A,($FE)         ; row $7FFE. bit 6 is EAR, bit 0 is SPACE key.
   1         IN      A,($FE)         ; return to common exit (to restore border)
   1         IN      A,($FE)         ; read the ear state - bit 6.
   1         IN      A,($FE)         ; read lower right keys
   1         IN      A,($FE)         ; read lower left keys
   1         IM      1               ; select interrupt mode 1.
   1         EXX                     ; switch to main set.
   1         EXX                     ; switch to alternate set.
   1         EXX                     ; switch to alternate set
   1         EXX                     ; switch in the main set.
   1         EXX                     ; switch in main set.
   1         EXX                     ; switch back.
   1         EXX                     ; switch back to the main set and
   1         EXX                     ; switch back to main set.
   1         EXX                     ; switch back to alternate set.
   1         EXX                     ; swap
   1         EXX                     ; str$ as H'L' will be used.
   1         EXX                     ; regardless of state, set up possibly
   1         EXX                     ; main set
   1         EXX                     ; in case called from 'str$' then save the
   1         EXX                     ; Switch to the other set.
   1         EXX                     ; Switch in the main set.
   1         EXX                     ; Switch in main set
   1         EXX                     ; Switch in alternate set.
   1         EXX                     ; Switch back to this alternate set.
   1         EXX                     ; Switch back to main set.
   1         EXX                     ; Switch back to main set and continue into...
   1         EXX                     ; Else switch in the pointer set.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; was less so transfer to DE
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer to HL.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer to HL
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer to DE ?? pop straight into de ?
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer the stream to HL.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer start to HL.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer result to DE if looping again.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer program dest pointer to HL.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer program dest pointer back to DE.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer prog pointer to HL
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer pointer to HL
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer old value of STKEND to HL.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer offset to HL, STRMS data pointer
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer number to HL
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer next address to HL.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer new address to DE
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer first location to HL.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer destination address to DE, start
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer attribute address to DE
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer address to DE
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer ECHO_E to DE
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; transfer DE to HL
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; switch. DE = location after first new space
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; switch the pointer to HL.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; switch source and destination
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; switch so next in HL
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; switch pointers and make the UDGs a
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; swap source and destination addresses.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; swap registers
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; swap pointer to DE before
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; swap it to DE, HL points to last of
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; swap - HL is start, DE is destination.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; statement to D,  BASIC line number to HL.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; start to HL, length to DE.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; start of string/subscript to DE
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; start address to HL
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; set HL to location after value in DEF FN
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; set DE to second location.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; save the pointer to the letter in DE.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; save the pointer in DE.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; save the buffer
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; save start of BASIC in DE.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; save running total in DE
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; save result in DE bringing back sign pointer
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; save pointer to dimensions in DE
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; save pointer to '$' in DE
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; save pointer in DE
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; save letter pointer and bring back
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; save kstate-0 in de
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; save STRMS address in DE.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; save HL to DE.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; save HL address in DE.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; restore the source and destination.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; restore pointers. 
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; restore pointers.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; restore pointers
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; restore address pointer to HL.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; restore HL from DE
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; put start in DE.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; put STMT-RET in HL.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; pointer to DE, start of string to HL.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; offset to HL, program address to DE.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; now to HL, FN ')' pointer to DE.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; now make HL workspace pointer, DE vars pointer
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; new free location to HL.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; make workspace pointer source, prog/vars
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; make HL point to result and DE to STKEND.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; make HL point to exponent/zero indicator
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; make HL point to deleted value
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; make DE destination.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; line number to HL,
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; length to HL, 
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; integer to HL
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; exchange pointers.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; even up the exchanges so that DE addresses 
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; end of string + 1 to HL
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; else use address of next line.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; dimensions pointer to HL to synchronize
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; destination to HL
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; data pointer to DE, dim size to HL.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; character address to DE
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; buffer to HL
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; bring back variables data pointer.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; bring back pointer to previous or edit line
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; bring back KSTATE-0
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; back to DE
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; as we were.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; and switch pointers
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; and previous in DE
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; address of next line to HL.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; address first number again
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; address 4th byte, normalized int to DE
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; Swap pointers. HL points to program area.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; HL now addresses the top of the area to
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; HL addresses length low
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; HL = last value, DE = STKEND.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; DE = start now.
   1         EX      DE,HL           ; DE = STKEND
   1         EX      AF,AF'          ; store the flags.
   1         EX      AF,AF'          ; save flag??
   1         EX      AF,AF'          ; restore saved flag
   1         EX      AF,AF'          ; restore flags.
   1         EX      AF,AF'          ; restore flag
   1         EX      AF,AF'          ; preserve entry flags.
   1         EX      AF,AF'          ; fetch the flag
   1         EX      AF,AF'          ; fetch flags back.
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; swap with prog/vars pointer on stack. 
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; swap with line address on stack
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; swap with length on stack
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; swap with DEF FN address on stack ***
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; swap result with top line number on stack.
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; swap pos with system variable pointer
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; swap pointer on stack with the variable
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; swap - error address to HL,
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; statement to H, error address to base of
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; start pointer to stack, data pointer to HL.
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; start address to stack, end point to HL (*)
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; put length2 on stack, bring start2 to HL *.
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; put end point on stack, start address to HL
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; put HL on stack as next literal pointer
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; pointer to HL, destination to stack.
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; ld h,0; push hl would have done ?.
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; goes to stack
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; exchange with ECHO_E on stack
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; dim pointer to stack, data pointer to HL (*)
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; and store the address of next instruction,
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; Transfer H'L' to machine stack for the
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ; (*) length to HL, pointer to stack.
   1         EX      (SP),HL         ;
   1         EI                      ; enable interrupts now that we have a stack.
   1         EI                      ; enable interrupts
   1         EI                      ; Enable Interrupts.
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L343E">L343E</a>           ; loop back to SWAP-BYTE until all 5 done.
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L328A">L328A</a>           ; to LESS-MASK
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L327E">L327E</a>           ; to BYTE-ZERO
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L3261">L3261</a>           ; to T-SHIFT
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L316E">L316E</a>           ; to SHIFT-ONE
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L3114">L3114</a>           ; to MLT-LOOP
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L2FE5">L2FE5</a>           ; to ONE-SHIFT
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L2FAF">L2FAF</a>           ; loop to NEG-BYTE till all 5 done
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L2F64">L2F64</a>           ; loop back to PF-DEC-0S for B times.
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L2F52">L2F52</a>           ; loop back to PF-OUT-LP until B leading 
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L2EEF">L2EEF</a>           ; to PF-FR-EXX
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L2E7B">L2E7B</a>           ; back to PF-BITS until 8 or 16 (or 32) done
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L2B3E">L2B3E</a>           ; loop back to L-CHAR until B is zero.
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L29C3">L29C3</a>           ; back to SV-COMMA if more dimensions
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L255D">L255D</a>           ; back to S-SC-ROWS until all eight matched.
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L254F">L254F</a>           ; back to S-SCRN-LP if more characters.
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L24CE">L24CE</a>           ; to D-L-LOOP
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L2425">L2425</a>           ; Decrement and loop while &gt; 0 to ARC-LOOP
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L22F0">L22F0</a>           ; to PLOT-LOOP until B circular rotations.
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L22D4">L22D4</a>           ; to POINT-LP until pixel at right.
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L0F18">L0F18</a>           ; loop back to COPY-L-4 for all 8 bits.
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L0EE7">L0EE7</a>           ; back to PRB-BYTES. repeat for 256 bytes.
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L0ED3">L0ED3</a>           ; loop back to COPY-3 for all 8 lines.
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L0CF0">L0CF0</a>           ; loop back to PO-SCR-3A for all adjacent
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L0991">L0991</a>           ; back to SA-1-SEC until pause complete.
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L07A6">L07A6</a>           ; loop back to LD-NAME for ten characters.
   1         DJNZ    <A href="#L0629">L0629</a>           ; loop back to SA-BLANK till all eleven done.
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3851">L3851</a>           ; $06 Address: $3851 - to-power
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L384A">L384A</a>           ; $28 Address: $384A - sqr
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3843">L3843</a>           ; $23 Address: $3843 - acs
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3833">L3833</a>           ; $22 Address: $3833 - asn
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L37E2">L37E2</a>           ; $24 Address: $37E2 - atn
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L37DA">L37DA</a>           ; $21 Address: $37DA - tan
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L37B5">L37B5</a>           ; $1F Address: $37B5 - sin
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L37AA">L37AA</a>           ; $20 Address: $37AA - cos
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3783">L3783</a>           ; $39 Address: $3783 - get-argt
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3713">L3713</a>           ; $25 Address: $3713 - ln
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L36C4">L36C4</a>           ; $26 Address: $36C4 - exp
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L36AF">L36AF</a>           ; $27 Address: $36AF - int
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L36A0">L36A0</a>           ; $32 Address: $36A0 - n-mod-m
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L369B">L369B</a>           ; $38 Address: $369B - end-calc
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3686">L3686</a>           ; $33 Address: $3686 - jump
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L367A">L367A</a>           ; $35 Address: $367A - dec-jr-nz
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3674">L3674</a>           ; $1E Address: $3674 - len
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3669">L3669</a>           ; $1C Address: $3669 - code
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3645">L3645</a>           ; $1A Address: $3645 - read-in
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L361F">L361F</a>           ; $2E Address: $361F - str$
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L35DE">L35DE</a>           ; $1D Address: $35DE - val
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L35DE">L35DE</a>           ; $18 Address: $35DE - val$
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L35C9">L35C9</a>           ; $2F Address: $35C9 - chrs
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L359C">L359C</a>           ; $17 Address: $359C - strs-add
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L353B">L353B</a>           ; $16 Address: $353B - strs-eql
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L353B">L353B</a>           ; $15 Address: $353B - str-less
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L353B">L353B</a>           ; $14 Address: $353B - str-grtr
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L353B">L353B</a>           ; $13 Address: $353B - strs-neql
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L353B">L353B</a>           ; $12 Address: $353B - str-gr-eql
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L353B">L353B</a>           ; $11 Address: $353B - str-l-eql
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L353B">L353B</a>           ; $0E Address: $353B - nos-eql
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L353B">L353B</a>           ; $0D Address: $353B - no-less
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L353B">L353B</a>           ; $0C Address: $353B - no-grtr
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L353B">L353B</a>           ; $0B Address: $353B - nos-neql
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L353B">L353B</a>           ; $0A Address: $353B - no-gr-eql
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L353B">L353B</a>           ; $09 Address: $353B - no-l-eql
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L352D">L352D</a>           ; $10 Address: $352D - str-&amp;-no
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3524">L3524</a>           ; $08 Address: $3524 - no-&amp;-no
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L351B">L351B</a>           ; $07 Address: $351B - or
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3506">L3506</a>           ; $36 Address: $3506 - less-0
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3501">L3501</a>           ; $30 Address: $3501 - not
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L34F9">L34F9</a>           ; $37 Address: $34F9 - greater-0
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L34BC">L34BC</a>           ; $19 Address: $34BC - usr-$
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L34B3">L34B3</a>           ; $2D Address: $34B3 - usr-no
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L34AC">L34AC</a>           ; $2B Address: $34AC - peek
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L34A5">L34A5</a>           ; $2C Address: $34A5 - in
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3492">L3492</a>           ; $29 Address: $3492 - sgn
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L346E">L346E</a>           ; $1B Address: $346E - negate
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L346A">L346A</a>           ; $2A Address: $346A - abs
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3449">L3449</a>           ;     Address: $3449 - series-xx    $80 - $9F.
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L343C">L343C</a>           ; $01 Address: $343C - exchange
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L342D">L342D</a>           ;     Address: $342D - st-mem-xx    $C0 - $DF.
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L341B">L341B</a>           ;     Address: $341B - stk-const-xx $A0 - $BF.
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L340F">L340F</a>           ;     Address: $340F - get-mem-xx   $E0 - $FF.
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L33C6">L33C6</a>           ; $34 Address: $33C6 - stk-data
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L33C0">L33C0</a>           ; $31 Address: $33C0 - duplicate
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L33A2">L33A2</a>           ; $3B Address: $33A2 - fp-calc-2
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L33A1">L33A1</a>           ; $02 Address: $33A1 - delete
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3297">L3297</a>           ; $3D Address: $3297 - re-stack
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3214">L3214</a>           ; $3A Address: $3214 - truncate
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L31AF">L31AF</a>           ; $05 Address: $31AF - division
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L30CA">L30CA</a>           ; $04 Address: $30CA - multiply
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L3014">L3014</a>           ; $0F Address: $3014 - addition
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L300F">L300F</a>           ; $03 Address: $300F - subtract
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L2D4F">L2D4F</a>           ; $3C Address: $2D4F - e-to-fp
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L2C02">L2C02</a>           ; Address: $2C02; Address: DIM
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L2382">L2382</a>           ; Address: $2382; Address: DRAW
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L2320">L2320</a>           ; Address: $2320; Address: CIRCLE
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L22DC">L22DC</a>           ; Address: $22DC; Address: PLOT
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L2294">L2294</a>           ; Address: $2294; Address: BORDER
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L2089">L2089</a>           ; Address: $2089; Address: INPUT
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1FCD">L1FCD</a>           ; Address: $1FCD; Address: PRINT
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1FC9">L1FC9</a>           ; Address: $1FC9; Address: LPRINT
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1F60">L1F60</a>           ; Address: $1F60; Address: DEF-FN
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1F3A">L1F3A</a>           ; Address: $1F3A; Address: PAUSE
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1F23">L1F23</a>           ; Address: $1F23; Address: RETURN
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1EED">L1EED</a>           ; Address: $1EED; Address: GO-SUB
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1EAC">L1EAC</a>           ; Address: $1EAC; Address: CLEAR
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1EA1">L1EA1</a>           ; Address: $1EA1; Address: RUN
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1E80">L1E80</a>           ; Address: $1E80; Address: POKE
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1E7A">L1E7A</a>           ; Address: $1E7A; Address: OUT
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1E67">L1E67</a>           ; Address: $1E67; Address: GO-TO
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1E5F">L1E5F</a>           ; Address: $1E5F; Address: CONTINUE
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1E4F">L1E4F</a>           ; Address: $1E4F; Address: RANDOMIZE
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1E42">L1E42</a>           ; Address: $1E42; Address: RESTORE
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1E27">L1E27</a>           ; Address: $1E27; Address: DATA
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1DED">L1DED</a>           ; Address: $1DED; Address: READ
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1DAB">L1DAB</a>           ; Address: $1DAB; Address: NEXT
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1D03">L1D03</a>           ; Address: $1D03; Address: FOR
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1CF0">L1CF0</a>           ; Address: $1CF0; Address: IF
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1CEE">L1CEE</a>           ; Address: $1CEE; Address: STOP
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1BB2">L1BB2</a>           ; Address: $1BB2; Address: REM
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L17F9">L17F9</a>           ; Address: $17F9; Address: LIST
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L17F5">L17F5</a>           ; Address: $17F5; Address: LLIST
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L1736">L1736</a>           ; Address: $1736; Address: OPEN
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L16E5">L16E5</a>           ; Address: $16E5; Address: CLOSE
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L11B7">L11B7</a>           ; Address: $11B7; Address: NEW
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L10A8">L10A8</a>           ; KEY-INPUT
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L0F81">L0F81</a>           ; ADD-CHAR
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L0EAC">L0EAC</a>           ; Address: $0EAC; Address: COPY
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L0D6B">L0D6B</a>           ; Address: $0D6B; Address: CLS
   1         DEFW    <A href="#L03F8">L03F8</a>           ; Address: $03F8; Address: BEEP
   1         DEFM    "scroll"
   1         DEFM    "Variable not foun"
   1         DEFM    "VERIF"
   1         DEFM    "VAL"
   1         DEFM    "VA"
   1         DEFM    "US"
   1         DEFM    "Tape loading erro"
   1         DEFM    "THE"
   1         DEFM    "Subscript wron"
   1         DEFM    "Statement los"
   1         DEFM    "Start tape, then press any key"
   1         DEFM    "STR"
   1         DEFM    "STOP statemen"
   1         DEFM    "STOP in INPU"
   1         DEFM    "STO"
   1         DEFM    "STE"
   1         DEFM    "SQ"
   1         DEFM    "SI"
   1         DEFM    "SG"
   1         DEFM    "SCREEN"
   1         DEFM    "SAV"
   1         DEFM    "RU"
   1         DEFM    "RN"
   1         DEFM    "RETURN without GOSU"
   1         DEFM    "RETUR"
   1         DEFM    "RESTOR"
   1         DEFM    "REA"
   1         DEFM    "RE"
   1         DEFM    "RANDOMIZ"
   1         DEFM    "RAMTOP no goo"
   1         DEFM    "Program:"
   1         DEFM    "Parameter erro"
   1         DEFM    "PRIN"
   1         DEFM    "POK"
   1         DEFM    "POIN"
   1         DEFM    "PLO"
   1         DEFM    "PEE"
   1         DEFM    "PAUS"
   1         DEFM    "PAPE"
   1         DEFM    "Out of scree"
   1         DEFM    "Out of memor"
   1         DEFM    "Out of DAT"
   1         DEFM    "OVE"
   1         DEFM    "OU"
   1         DEFM    "OPEN "
   1         DEFM    "Number too bi"
   1         DEFM    "Number array:"
   1         DEFM    "Nonsense in BASI"
   1         DEFM    "No room for lin"
   1         DEFM    "NO"
   1         DEFM    "NEXT without FO"
   1         DEFM    "NEX"
   1         DEFM    "NE"
   1         DEFM    "MOV"
   1         DEFM    "MERG"
   1         DEFM    "LPRIN"
   1         DEFM    "LOA"
   1         DEFM    "LLIS"
   1         DEFM    "LIS"
   1         DEFM    "LIN"
   1         DEFM    "Invalid strea"
   1         DEFM    "Invalid file nam"
   1         DEFM    "Invalid colou"
   1         DEFM    "Invalid argumen"
   1         DEFM    "Invalid I/O devic"
   1         DEFM    "Integer out of rang"
   1         DEFM    "INVERS"
   1         DEFM    "INPU"
   1         DEFM    "INKEY"
   1         DEFM    "GO T"
   1         DEFM    "GO SU"
   1         DEFM    "FORMA"
   1         DEFM    "FOR without NEX"
   1         DEFM    "FO"
   1         DEFM    "FN without DE"
   1         DEFM    "FLAS"
   1         DEFM    "End of fil"
   1         DEFM    "EX"
   1         DEFM    "ERAS"
   1         DEFM    "DRA"
   1         DEFM    "DI"
   1         DEFM    "DEF F"
   1         DEFM    "DAT"
   1         DEFM    "Character array:"
   1         DEFM    "COP"
   1         DEFM    "CONTINU"
   1         DEFM    "COD"
   1         DEFM    "CO"
   1         DEFM    "CLOSE "
   1         DEFM    "CLEA"
   1         DEFM    "CL"
   1         DEFM    "CIRCL"
   1         DEFM    "CHR"
   1         DEFM    "CA"
   1         DEFM    "Bytes:"
   1         DEFM    "BRIGH"
   1         DEFM    "BREAK into progra"
   1         DEFM    "BREAK - CONT repeat"
   1         DEFM    "BORDE"
   1         DEFM    "BI"
   1         DEFM    "BEE"
   1         DEFM    "ATT"
   1         DEFM    "AT"
   1         DEFM    "AS"
   1         DEFM    "AN"
   1         DEFM    "AC"
   1         DEFM    "AB"
   1         DEFM    " 1982 Sinclair Research Lt"
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1CDB">L1CDB</a> - $       ; CF offset to Address: CLASS-0B
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1CBE">L1CBE</a> - $       ; B4 offset to Address: CLASS-09
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1C96">L1C96</a> - $       ; 8E offset to Address: CLASS-07
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1C8C">L1C8C</a> - $       ; 81 offset to Address: CLASS-0A
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1C82">L1C82</a> - $       ; 7B offset to Address: CLASS-06
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1C7A">L1C7A</a> - $       ; 71 offset to Address: CLASS-08
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1C6C">L1C6C</a> - $       ; 67 offset to Address: CLASS-04
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1C4E">L1C4E</a> - $       ; 4B offset to Address: CLASS-02
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1C1F">L1C1F</a> - $       ; 1D offset to Address: CLASS-01
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1C11">L1C11</a> - $       ; 0B offset to Address: CLASS-05
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1C0D">L1C0D</a> - $       ; 09 offset to Address: CLASS-03
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1B14">L1B14</a> - $       ; CB offset to Address: P-CAT
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1B10">L1B10</a> - $       ; C4 offset to Address: P-ERASE
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1B0A">L1B0A</a> - $       ; BF offset to Address: P-MOVE
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1B06">L1B06</a> - $       ; BC offset to Address: P-FORMAT
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1B02">L1B02</a> - $       ; B4 offset to Address: P-CLOSE
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AFC">L1AFC</a> - $       ; AF offset to Address: P-OPEN
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AF5">L1AF5</a> - $       ; 94 offset to Address: P-BORDER
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AF1">L1AF1</a> - $       ; 98 offset to Address: P-OUT
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AF0">L1AF0</a> - $       ; 98 offset to Address: P-OVER
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AEF">L1AEF</a> - $       ; 98 offset to Address: P-INVERSE
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AEE">L1AEE</a> - $       ; 98 offset to Address: P-BRIGHT
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AED">L1AED</a> - $       ; 98 offset to Address: P-FLASH
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AEC">L1AEC</a> - $       ; 98 offset to Address: P-PAPER
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AEB">L1AEB</a> - $       ; 98 offset to Address: P-INK
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AE7">L1AE7</a> - $       ; 95 offset to Address: P-CIRCLE
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AE3">L1AE3</a> - $       ; 92 offset to Address: P-BEEP
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AE2">L1AE2</a> - $       ; 93 offset to Address: P-MERGE
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AE1">L1AE1</a> - $       ; 91 offset to Address: P-VERIFY
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AE0">L1AE0</a> - $       ; 77 offset to Address: P-LOAD
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1ADF">L1ADF</a> - $       ; 6D offset to Address: P-SAVE
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1ADC">L1ADC</a> - $       ; 81 offset to Address: P-LLIST
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AD9">L1AD9</a> - $       ; 7F offset to Address: P-LPRINT
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AD6">L1AD6</a> - $       ; 5D offset to Address: P-COPY
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AD2">L1AD2</a> - $       ; 5C offset to Address: P-DRAW
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1ACF">L1ACF</a> - $       ; 70 offset to Address: P-RESTORE
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1ACC">L1ACC</a> - $       ; 6E offset to Address: P-DATA
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AC9">L1AC9</a> - $       ; 6C offset to Address: P-READ
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AC5">L1AC5</a> - $       ; 59 offset to Address: P-PAUSE
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AC1">L1AC1</a> - $       ; 51 offset to Address: P-PLOT
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1ABE">L1ABE</a> - $       ; 49 offset to Address: P-CLS
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1ABB">L1ABB</a> - $       ; 44 offset to Address: P-CLEAR
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AB8">L1AB8</a> - $       ; 56 offset to Address: P-CONT
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AB5">L1AB5</a> - $       ; 42 offset to Address: P-RANDOM
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AB1">L1AB1</a> - $       ; 43 offset to Address: P-POKE
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AAE">L1AAE</a> - $       ; 44 offset to Address: P-LIST
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AAB">L1AAB</a> - $       ; 3A offset to Address: P-RUN
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AA8">L1AA8</a> - $       ; 48 offset to Address: P-NEW
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AA5">L1AA5</a> - $       ; 41 offset to Address: P-REM
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1AA2">L1AA2</a> - $       ; 3F offset to Address: P-DIM
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1A9F">L1A9F</a> - $       ; 37 offset to Address: P-INPUT
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1A9C">L1A9C</a> - $       ; 2D offset to Address: P-PRINT
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1A98">L1A98</a> - $       ; 2B offset to Address: P-NEXT
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1A90">L1A90</a> - $       ; 2B offset to Address: P-FOR
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1A8D">L1A8D</a> - $       ; 15 offset to Address: P-RETURN
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1A8A">L1A8A</a> - $       ; 2E offset to Address: P-STOP
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1A86">L1A86</a> - $       ; 1F offset to Address: P-GO-SUB
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1A81">L1A81</a> - $       ; 0D offset to Address: P-IF
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1A7D">L1A7D</a> - $       ; 17 offset to Address: P-GO-TO
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1A7A">L1A7A</a> - $       ; 0F offset to Address: P-LET
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L107C">L107C</a> - $  ; 15d offset $D4 to Address: ED-GRAPH
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1076">L1076</a> - $  ; 14d offset $CF to Address: ED-SYMBOL
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1059">L1059</a> - $  ; 11d offset $B5 to Address: ED-UP
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1024">L1024</a> - $  ; 13d offset $7E to Address: ED-ENTER
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L1015">L1015</a> - $  ; 12d offset $70 to Address: ED-DELETE
   1         DEFB    <A href="#L100C">L100C</a> - $  ; 09d offset $6A to Address: ED-RIGHT