ICE Felix HC Disk File System Description George Chirtoaca, 08.10.2010 Version 1.0 1. Introduction 2. Generic format description 3. CP/M file system 4. BASIC file system 5. Resources 1. Introduction HC computers are equipped with a disk interface similar to Sinclair manufactured Interface I, but modified to control a disk drive instead of microdrive. It uses the Intel 8272 floppy disk controller, thus being able to handle Single Density or Double Density floppy disks. The interface is either a distinct board or later built in, for HC2000 model. Floppy drives where either 5.25" or later, 3.5". This leads to either 40 tracks for 5.25" or 80 tracks for 3.5". Disks can have one usable side or two, a certain number of sectors per track. HC disks have 2 sides. The order in which the disk tracks are read can differ: - track 0, head 0, track 0, head 1, track 1, head 0, track 1, head 1, etc, meaning, the track advances once both disk sides are read. - track 0, head 0, track 1, head 0, track 2, head 0,... track N, head 0, track 0, head 1, track 1, head 1, etc, meaning the whole side 0 is read, than the side 1. HC computers read the tracks in the first way. Each sector has an ID unique on the same track. Usually sectors are laid out interleaved, to optimize the access speed. There are two ways to interleave sectors: - at hardware level, sector IDs are not consecutive - at software level, CP/M reads data from sectors that are not adjacent. For HC, there's only software interleave, the order is 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ... This way, while sector 1 is read, the disk spins over the sector 2, the reading of sector 1 is finished and sector 3 is available for reading. HC computers have two operating systems, classic Sinclair BASIC with disk extension, and CP/M 2.2, each with it's own particular file system. Actually both file systems are CP/M based, but with different CP/M parameters. 2. Generic format description The CP/M file system structures are well described here: Only relevant parts are mentioned. The main disk layout looks like this: - usually the first 2 or 4 tracks contain the CP/M boot loader, but for HC BASIC this doesn't exist, only for CP/M disks - the next track contains the disk directory - the following tracks contain the file data 2.1 Disk Parameter Block The Disk Parameter Block describes the CP/M file system format: DEFW spt ;Number of 128-byte records per track DEFB bsh ;Block shift. 3 => 1k, 4 => 2k, 5 => 4k.... DEFB blm ;Block mask. 7 => 1k, 0Fh => 2k, 1Fh => 4k... DEFB exm ;Extent mask, see later DEFW dsm ;(no. of blocks on the disc)-1 DEFW drm ;(no. of directory entries)-1 DEFB al0 ;Directory allocation bitmap, first byte DEFB al1 ;Directory allocation bitmap, second byte DEFW cks ;Checksum vector size, 0 for a fixed disc ;No. directory entries/4, rounded up. DEFW off ;Offset, number of reserved tracks 2.2 The Directory Entry Structure UU F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 T1 T2 T3 EX S1 S2 RC AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL Each file on the disk has at least one directory entry in the disk directory, but can span across multiple ones. This structure holds information for one file part called "EXTENT". The size of the structure is 32 bytes, each byte having the following significance: UU - CP/M user code F1 - F8 - file name T1 - T3 - file name extension (ie .COM), bit 7 is attribute flag: T1 - R/O, T2 - SYS (hidden) EX - extent index S1 - reserved, 0 S2 - extent index, high byte, extent index = ((32*S2)+EX) / (exm+1) exm is the extent mask value from the Disc Parameter Block RC - Record count for this extent AL - Allocation unit number 2.3 File allocation The files are allocated in allocation units. So even if a file has one byte, which occupies part of one sector, a whole allocation unit is reserved for that file. The smallest disk allocation unit is a sector and the CP/M allocation unit has a few sectors. The smallest logical allocation unit for CP/M is the RECORD. One record has 128 bytes, because the first floppy disks had a sector size of 128 bytes. That's why CP/M cannot know the exact size of a file, it's only rounded at 128 byte boundary, but still occupies at least a whole allocation unit. Depending on how many allocation units are available on disk, the AL can be 8 bit wide or 16 bit wide. In the later case, the extent holds 8 allocation unit numbers, 2 bytes for each. Usually one directory controls one file extent, but it's possible that more extents are fitted in one directory entry. Then, the EXM CP/M parameter is bigger than 0. 3. CP/M file system HC CP/M is a standard CP/M 2.2 implementation. The parameters will be described using 22DSK program definition files. 3.1 CP/M on 3.5" drive BEGIN CPM3 HC CP/M 3.5 DENSITY MFM ,LOW CYLINDERS 80 SIDES 2 SECTORS 9,512 SIDE1 0 1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8 SIDE2 1 1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8 ORDER SIDES BSH 4 BLM 15 EXM 0 DSM 351 DRM 127 AL0 0C0H AL1 0 OFS 4 END - 80 tracks x 2 heads x 9 sect/track x 512 B/sect = 737280 B - 2048 B / alloc. unit => 360 alloc. units - 4 tracks for boot = 9 alloc units => 351 alloc. units free - 2 alloc unit for dir. => 4096/32 = 128 dir. entries max. 3.2 HC CP/M on 5.25" drive BEGIN CPM5 HC CP/M 5.25 DENSITY MFM ,LOW CYLINDERS 40 SIDES 2 SECTORS 9,512 SIDE1 0 1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8 SIDE2 1 1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8 ORDER SIDES BSH 4 BLM 15 EXM 1 DSM 174 DRM 63 AL0 080H AL1 0 OFS 2 END - 40 tracks x 2 heads x 9 sect/track x 512 B/sect = 368640 B - 2048 B/alloc. unit => 180 alloc. units - 2 tracks for boot => 329424B allocatable/2048B = 175.5 alloc. units - 1 alloc unit for dir. => 2048/32 = 64 dir. entries max. 4. BASIC file system The BASIC file system is CP/M based, with the addition that the files can have a type, specific for Spectrum, like: - 0 = Program - 1 = Bytes - 2 = Character Array - 3 = Number Array - anything else = file without type The file type and type specific information resides in the file header, 9 bytes wide, that is identical to the Sinclair IF1 file header: - 1 byte - file type, as described above: 0,1,2,3 - 2 bytes - file length (exact) - 2 bytes - bytes file start address, only for type 3 - 2 bytes - program length without variables, only for type 0 - variable name for arrays, type 2 or 3 - 2 bytes - start line number, only for type 0 BASIC commands for file operation are identical with IF1 commands, but with the device name "d" instead of "m". Ex: - LOAD *"d";1;"programX" - loads a program from drive 1 - LOAD *"d";2;"bytes" CODE - loads bytes from drive 2 - SAVE *"d";1;"no.array" DATA a(), etc 4.1 BASIC 3.5" format BEGIN BAS HC BASIC 3.5 DENSITY MFM ,LOW CYLINDERS 80 SIDES 2 SECTORS 16,256 SIDE1 0 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 SIDE2 1 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 ORDER SIDES BSH 4 BLM 15 EXM 0 DSM 320 DRM 127 AL0 0C0H AL1 0 OFS 0 END - 80 tracks x 2 heads x 16 sect/track x 256 B/sect = 655360 B - 2048 B / alloc. unit => 320 alloc. units - 0 tracks for boot = 0 alloc units => 320 alloc. units free - 2 alloc unit for dir. => 4096/32 = 128 dir. entries max. 4.2 BASIC 5.25" format BEGIN BAS HC BASIC 5.25 DENSITY MFM, LOW CYLINDERS 40 SIDES 2 SECTORS 16,256 SIDE1 0 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 SIDE2 1 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 ORDER SIDES BSH 4 BLM 15 EXM 0 DSM 160 DRM 127 AL0 0C0H AL1 0 OFS 0 END - 40 tracks x 2 heads x 16 sect/track x 256 B/sect = 327680 B - 2048 B / alloc. unit => 160 alloc. units - 0 tracks for boot = 0 alloc units => 160 alloc. units free - 2 alloc unit for dir. => 4096/32 = 128 dir. entries max. 5. Resources - Good description of CP/M file system and BDOS - 22DSK program by Sydex has nice documentation about CP/M - CP/M Manuals - Programs and documentation on my site - "ABC de calculatoare personale, vol. 2"