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2 Times New Roman 2 Ghid de utilizare asamblor ASM 1 ZapfDingbats 1 ZapfChancery 1 NewCenturySchlbk 1 MS LineDraw 1 Helvetica-Condensed 1 Default Paragraph Font 1 Courier New 1 C U P R I N S 1 AvantGarde 1 ATranslated by WordPort from WordStar 3.x, 4.0 document asmcup.txt 1 ANEXA 1 ........................................ 10 1 3. MESAJE DE EROARE ASM ........................ 8 1 2.5 CIMPUL "comentariu" ........................ 7 1 2.4.2 Operatori ................................ 5 1 2.4.1 Operanzi ................................. 4 1 2.4 CIMPUL "operand" ........................... 4 1 2.3 CIMPUL "cod operatie" ...................... 3 1 2.2 CIMPUL "eticheta" .......................... 3 1 2.1 CIMPUL "numar linie" ....................... 3 1 2. FORMATUL FISIERULUI SURSA ................... 3 1 1. PREZENTARE GENERALA ......................... 1