ReadOpusImage. (short= 'Imaging.exe') This program was put together in an afternoon, ment to make it easier for me to save my Spectrum work from a box full of Opus diskettes. So this program is not perfect, might even be erroneous. It is handed over here 'as is'. I hope that one or two spectrum enthousiasts will find it usefull. The program expects the "Spectrum Normal" Font to be present in the C:\WINDOWS\FONTS directory. You can download this font from John Garner's website under the name SpecNorm.FON. For making life more simple, I add the font to this zip. For building an Opus Image, check the programs READOPUS.EXE and OPUSIMG.EXE. Both can be found on the WOS internet site (Opustools). Beware the fact that these files have limitations!! october 2004 PS. Source of READOPUS added as IMGexample