Top 10k strings from MEMMAP.COM in <root> / doc / technical / RoelofKoning / /

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   3      :     
   2 Reset State Flag
   2 Equipment List
   2 BIOS routines
   2  Pgup Pgdn  
   1 your mood and monitor.
   1 your PC's memory as a 1 megabyte continuum.
   1 you many things about your PC which you did not
   1 whether the search should continue into the next
   1 was program code, starting at the current address.
   1 views of what is in your PC's memory.
   1 vector (see the Interrupt Vector Table), then the
   1 useful), together with the function of each byte.
   1 to search for a text string or set of hex-bytes.
   1 to extend the view into adjoining segments.
   1 to MAP.COM if you wish.
   1 this is also listed here.
   1 this data area variously in decimal, hex or
   1 the segments Y/N?
   1 the occurrence of a BREAK interrupt(
   1 the destination of the jump or call.
   1 tel 0705-483217              fax  0705-454233
   1 subroutines (known as interrupts).
   1 starting the string with a single 
   1 spaces, thus:     
   1 space represent real RAM or ROM memory chips.
   1 single byte steps, allowing you to find the
   1 selected from this point.
   1 segment, or at the beginning of the current one.
   1 see the PC timer-counter, actually counting.
   1 right (no operator precedence).
   1 resident version forward.
   1 read-only-memory etc. 
   1 programs, you must remove those first. MAP is
   1 produce peculiar displays.
   1 pressing the hotkeys, or from the main menu.
   1 performs simple calculations.
   1 pReal-Time Clock
   1 often as you wish.
   1 of the block which would be displayed if you
   1 of a clock-tick interrupt(
   1 ode views at this point.
   1 ode View        - disassembly of code
   1 not understood - DB
   1 not equipped with power to remove itself by
   1 nnnH = hex,     nnnB = binary
   1 nn nn nn nn
   1 ninstall        - remove from memory
   1 much will be data or text, and will disassemble
   1 machine code for speed and efficiency.
   1 leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  leeg  le
   1 know before.
   1 jumps or calls made. Return to where you were
   1 ismiss         
   1 is pointing.
   1 interrupt(
   1 instructions, or [
   1 in the middle of an instruction.
   1 in a similar fashion. The one displays entirely
   1 hex-bytes, force a string interpretation by
   1 hMAP (c) Clockwork Software 1990A
   1 gExpanded memory management
   1 ext view was
   1 ext View        - display as text
   1 execute MAP a second time. This will call the
   1 examine the program's code, what is in its data
   1 ex View         - display bytes and text
   1 entire segment. If you hit either end of the
   1 emory Map       - memory allocation
   1 ectors          - interrupt vector addresses
   1 driversROM chip -  
   1 do you want me to scroll
   1 data, programs, copy environments, video-buffer,
   1 currently being executed etc.
   1 current segment you will be asked if you wish
   1 current owner of the address to which the vector
   1 ction key(s)    - currently 
   1 correct starting alignment.
   1 contents of two 64k registers known as the
   1 call or dismiss this memory resident program as
   1 by another or other TSRs
   1 by (repeated) pressing of 
   1 but the evaluation proceeds strictly from left to
   1 but it doesn't seem to be resident.
   1 buffers, which section of the program is
   1 block of system data known as BIOS parameters.
   1 binary values into the other formats, and
   1 binary format (as seems to us most likely to be
   1 be employed if a 
   1 at:     Clockwork Software
   1 at the moment MAP took over control.
   1 at the main menu, releasing the memory employed.
   1 as text, the other in both hex-bytes and text.
   1 as nonsense;  b) the disassember may be starting
   1 as default Y/N?
   1 and told it to remove itself from memory forthwith.
   1 after the hotkeys are pressed, on the occurrence
   1 addressed in up to 4,000 different ways!
   1 addressable memory space is allocated between
   1 address in 
   1 activity interrupted by MAP.
   1 ] by whole
   1 ] by 20 instructions.
   1 Your input is assumed to be decimal format unless
   1 Your HOTKEYs and COLOURS are saved as defaults
   1 You must remove those first
   1 You have asked be to remove the CLOCKWORK MEMORY MAP from memory
   1 You can change the action or hotkey(s) used to
   1 Why not ask for a catalogue ?
   1 Where an interrupt has a documented function,
   1 Wait Active Flag
   1 Viewing non-existent memory locations will
   1 Video parameter pointer
   1 Video and Screen Services
   1 Video Control States
   1 Vector table
   1 User Timer Tick
   1 Unable to save defaults.
   1 Top of RAM
   1 Timer Overflow Flag
   1 Time-Out Values for RS-232 Communications Lines
   1 Time-Out Values for Parallel Printers
   1 The search goes forward from the present address.
   1 The program can be uninstalled by pressing 
   1 The program can be dismissed from the screen by
   1 The movable cursor holds the address which would
   1 The movable cursor highlights the start address
   1 The main menu shows the contents of the registers
   1 The bottom 1k of RAM holds a table of addresses
   1 The TEXT and HEX views display memory contents
   1 The PC can directly access 1 megabyte of memory.
   1 The MAP view shows how the PC's megabyte of
   1 The Clockwork Memory Map will help you to see
   1 The Clockwork Memory Map shows the contents of
   1 The Clockwork Memory Map is guaranteed to tell
   1 The Clockwork Memory Map gives six unrivalled
   1 The CODE view moves forward [
   1 The CODE view disassembles the memory as if it
   1 TEXT and HEX views
   1 System Timer and Clock Services
   1 Starting Address of Regen Buffer
   1 Single Step
   1 Serial I/O Services (Com Ports)
   1 Select one of four preset colour schemes to suit
   1 Search on into next segment
   1 Search for : 
   1 Search again, Remain here, Esc=return (S/R/Esc)?
   1 Save hotkey(s) and colours
   1 SEGMENT and the OFFSET - thus:
   1 Return when done - Esc to quit
   1 Restart at beginning of this segment,
   1 Report Memory Size
   1 Remember that - a) not all of a program is code,
   1 Read Only Memory
   1 Read Equipment-List
   1 RShiftLShiftCtrlAltESC1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  -  =  xxxTABQ  W  E  R  T  Y  U  I  O  P  [  ]  RETXXXA  S  D  F  G  H  J  K  L  ;  '  #  XXX\  Z  X  C  V  B  N  M  ,  .  /  XXX * 56 SPC58 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F1069 70 #7 #8 #9 G- #4 #5 #6 G+ #1 #2 #3 INSDEL84 85 86 F11F12
   1 RS-232 COM4 Printer Port Base Addresses
   1 RS-232 COM3 Printer Port Base Addresses
   1 RS-232 COM2 Printer Port Base Addresses
   1 RS-232 COM1 Printer Port Base Addresses
   1 Program - 
   1 Printer I/O Services
   1 Print Screen
   1 Press new hotkey combination
   1 Press any key to stop me            
   1 Press any key
   1 Press a number key and the display will jump to
   1 Operators 
   1 O ._NGtPWG
   1 Number of Rows on Display, minus 1
   1 Number of Fixed Disks
   1 Number of Columns in Current Mode
   1 Not all addresses in the 1 megabyte of memory
   1 Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI)
   1 Motor Off Counter
   1 Memory allocation - overall view
   1 Memory Size in kilobytes
   1 MAP was created by John Worley BSc DMS
   1 MAP pop-up while another program is running, to
   1 MAP attempts, as far as possible, to identify the
   1 Look particularly at address 
   1 Long Integer with User Wait Count (Microseconds)
   1 Long Integer with Timer Counter
   1 Length of Regen Buffer
   1 Last Fixed Disk Operation Status
   1 Last Diskette Drive Operation Status
   1 LPT4 Parellel Printer Port Base Addresses
   1 LPT3 Parellel Printer Port Base Addresses
   1 LPT2 Parellel Printer Port Base Addresses
   1 LPT1 Parallel Printer Port Base Addresses
   1 Keyboard Status and Type Flags
   1 Keyboard Status
   1 Keyboard LED Status
   1 Keyboard I/O Services
   1 Keyboard Buffer Tail Pointer
   1 Keyboard Buffer Start Offset Pointer
   1 Keyboard Buffer Head Pointer
   1 Keyboard Buffer End Offset Pointer
   1 Keyboard Break
   1 JUser Alarm
   1 Interrupt vector table
   1 Interrupt Vector table
   1 In a backwards direction the CODE view moves in
   1 If your text string might be misinterpreted as
   1 If you forget your new hotkey combination,
   1 If the program still owns the relevant interrupt
   1 If ambiguous, commence string with "
   1 If MAP has become trapped by later-come resident
   1 IRQ7 (printer)
   1 IRQ6 (floppy disk)
   1 IRQ5 (fixed disk)
   1 IRQ4 (COM1)
   1 IRQ3 (COM2)
   1 IRQ2 (reserved)
   1 IRQ1 (Keyboard)
   1 IRQ0 (System Timer)
   1 IOS parameters  - PC data area
   1 I have found the resident CLOCKWORK MEMORY MAP,
   1 Hit the end of this segment
   1 Hexbytes: 
   1 Hex-bytes must be entered separated by single
   1 Graphics character table
   1 Goto Segment:Offset -
   1 Give numbers as: nnn = decimal
   1 GO=MP]PMP]PmP
   1 From the TEXT, HEX or CODE views you may ask MAP
   1 From byte        
   1 Following the Interrupt Vector Table in RAM is a
   1 Following Jumps and Calls
   1 Fixed Disk Interrupt Control
   1 Fixed Disk Controller Status
   1 Fixed Disk Controller Error Status
   1 Extended Shift Status
   1 Expression:
   1 Explicit jumps and calls are displayed in the
   1 Expanded memory 
   1 Esc=abandon search - S/C/Esc ?
   1 Each memory byte is addressed by adding the
   1 Drive 1 Current Track
   1 Drive 0 Current Track
   1 Double-Word Pointer to Video Parameters for EGA
   1 Double-Word Pointer to User Wait Complete Flag
   1 Display Mode
   1 Diskette Media Control
   1 Diskette Drive Recalibrate Status
   1 Diskette Drive Motor Status
   1 Diskette Drive 1 Media State
   1 Diskette Drive 0 Media State
   1 Disk parameter pointer
   1 Disk I/O Services, Floppy and Hard Disks
   1 DOS parameter area
   1 Cursor Start
   1 Cursor Row Display Page 7
   1 Cursor Row Display Page 6
   1 Cursor Row Display Page 5
   1 Cursor Row Display Page 4
   1 Cursor Row Display Page 3
   1 Cursor Row Display Page 2
   1 Cursor Row Display Page 1
   1 Cursor Row Display Page 0
   1 Cursor End
   1 Cursor Column Display Page 7
   1 Cursor Column Display Page 6
   1 Cursor Column Display Page 5
   1 Cursor Column Display Page 4
   1 Cursor Column Display Page 3
   1 Cursor Column Display Page 2
   1 Cursor Column Display Page 1
   1 Cursor Column Display Page 0
   1 Current Setting of Mode Control Register
   1 Current Setting of Color Select Register (3x9h)
   1 Current Display Page
   1 Ctrl, Alt or no-shift) and one other key will do.
   1 Could not find $
   1 Could not find 
   1 Control is passed to the Clockwork Memory MAP on
   1 Consequently most bytes of memory can be
   1 Clockwork programs are written exclusively in
   1 Clockwork Software, Bidbury House,          phone 0705 483217
   1 Clockwork MEMORY MAP:-                                                          
   1 Clockwork MAP is trapped
   1 Character Height
   1 Cassette tape control
   1 Cassette and Extended Services
   1 CRT Controller Base Address
   1 CODE view together with a number.
   1 Buffers + files + 
   1 Breakpoint
   1 Break Key State
   1 Bootstrap Loader Service
   1 Bidbury Lane, HAVANT, PO9 3JG, U.K.           fax 0705 454233
   1 Because MAP is memory resident, you can have
   1 BIOS parameters
   1 BIOS parameter values
   1 BIOS parameter area
   1 BIOS in ROM
   1 BASIC Loader Service
   1 At the end of the segment you will be asked
   1 Any combination of a shift key (Lshift, Rshift,
   1 Additional block belonging to - 
   1 AEnvironment belonging to - 
   1 A simple calculator converts decimal, hex and
   1 A circular buffer stores details of the last ten
   1 <}Bu<sB$<3C=CGCQC
   1 7=8`8r#ILILILILILIL
   1 /Multiplex Interrupt
   1 ******************** searchbuffer >
   1 ) or the DOS-idle
   1 (or vectors) for the 256 BIOS and DOS
   1 (^(r#a(a(Y(a(a(
   1 ( ' ' ' ' 'r# '
   1 'Terminate and Stay Resident
   1 &Absolute Disk Write
   1 %Absolute Disk Read
   1 $Critical-Error Handler Address
   1 #Break Address
   1 "Terminate Address
   1 !Help with the
   1 !Error in code!$
   1 !DOS Service Calls
   1  where you will
   1  via Int   h
   1  to view the
   1  to quit  
   1  to Search for any string or bytes.
   1  to Goto any address
   1  select pages 
   1  or not understood           
   1  on entry 
   1  help page   
   1  change colours            
   1  at entry is the address of the
   1  are allowed in the input string
   1  Terminate Program
   1  Significance 
   1  Segment Owner 
   1  Press any key 
   1  Pgup/dn  
   1  Pgup Pgdn 1
   1  PC Plus review version (c) 1990 
   1  Number too big or too small  
   1  Mnemonic 
   1  Instruction 
   1  Function 
   1  Divide by 0
   1  Again (Y/N)? 
   1  = return-to-caller.
   1  0123456789ABCDEF
   1  0000:0000 
   1  - not found
   1  - Code view
   1  (precedence left-to-right)
   1   operators + - * / only
   1   - The Calculator
   1   - The BIOS parameters
   1   - Text & Hex views
   1   - Searching for strings
   1   - Mapview - memory allocation
   1   - Interrupt vector table
   1   - Hotkeys/Colours
   1   - Entry conditions
   1   - Dismissing/Uninstalling
   1   - Credits
   1   - About the program
   1   - About Memory Addresses
   1    Press your desired Action Keys -         RETURN to confirm, Esc to abort     
   1         press any key   
   1         HAVANT, PO9 3JG. UK
   1         Bidbury Lane,
   1         Bidbury House,
   1                - help
   1                - change colours
   1                - calculator
   1                               -more-
   1                                                                                 .