Top 10k strings from Imaging.exe in <root> / doc / technical / RoelofKoning / /

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  10 ParentFont
   9 OnStartDock
   9 OnDragDrop
   8 ParentShowHint
   8 ParentBiDiMode
   8 OnStartDrag
   8 OnMouseMove
   8 OnMouseDown0/B
   8 OnDragOver
   8 DragCursor
   8 Constraints
   7 OnEndDragL
   6 ParentCtl3D
   6 ParentColor
   5 kernel32.dll
   5 TWinControl
   5 TShiftState
   5 OnKeyPress
   5 OnContextPopupL
   4 clWindowText
   4 TDragDockObject
   4 PixelsPerInch
   4 OnDblClick`0B
   4 BorderStyle
   4 ; ;$;(;,;0;4;8;<;@;D;H;L;P;T;X;\;`;d;h;l;p;t;x;|;
   3 taLeftJustify
   3 TOpenDialog
   3 OpenButt1Click
   3 OnMouseWheelh4B
   3 OnMouseWheelDownh4B
   3 OnMouseUp`2B
   3 OnDockDrop
   3 OnContextPopup`0B
   3 OnConstrainedResize
   3 OnCanResizeL
   3 GetModuleHandleA
   3 GetModuleFileNameA
   3 Font.Style
   3 Font.Height
   3 Font.Color
   3 Font.Charset
   3 Alignmentd-B
   3 ? ?$?(?,?0?4?8?<?@?D?H?L?P?T?X?\?`?d?h?l?p?t?x?|?
   3 7 7$7(7,7074787<7@7D7H7L7P7T7X7\7`7d7h7l7p7t7x7|7
   2 user32.dll
   2 ssVertical
   2 poDefaultPosOnly
   2 comctl32.dll
   2 clHighlightText
   2 biMinimize
   2 advapi32.dll
   2 VirtualQuery
   2 VirtualAlloc
   2 ViewGroup1Click
   2 ViewGroup1
   2 VertScrollBar
   2 TextHeight
   2 TTextAttributes
   2 TStringList
   2 TSizeConstraints
   2 TScrollBox
   2 TSaveDialog
   2 TRichEditStrings
   2 TRadioButton
   2 TPrinterCanvas
   2 TPersistent
   2 TOwnerDrawState
   2 TMemoStrings
   2 TListBoxStrings
   2 THintAction
   2 TGroupButton
   2 TGraphicsObject
   2 TGraphicControl
   2 TDragState
   2 TDragObject
   2 TCustomRadioGroup
   2 TCustomPanel
   2 TCustomGroupBox
   2 TCustomForm
   2 TCustomControl
   2 TCustomAction
   2 TControlScrollBar
   2 TControlCanvas
   2 TContainedAction
   2 TCommonDialog
   2 TButtonControl
   2 TApplication
   2 SetFilePointer
   2 SetEndOfFile
   2 ScrollBars
   2 SaveDialog1
   2 ReturnButt5Click
   2 ReturnButt5
   2 RegQueryValueExA
   2 RegOpenKeyExA
   2 RegCloseKey
   2 OpenDialog1
   2 OnResize`2B
   2 OnMouseWheelUpL
   2 OnMeasureItem
   2 OnGetSiteInfo
   2 OnDockOver`0B
   2 OnClickx3B
   2 MultiSelect
   2 MessageBoxA
   2 MS Sans Serif
   2 LocalAlloc
   2 LoadStringA
   2 ListBox1Click
   2 LeaveCriticalSection
   2 Items.Strings
   2 InitializeCriticalSection
   2 HorzScrollBar
   2 HelpContext
   2 GetThreadLocale
   2 GetSystemMetrics
   2 GetProcAddress
   2 GetMonitorInfoA
   2 GetLocaleInfoA
   2 GetLastError
   2 GetCurrentThreadId
   2 FreeLibrary
   2 ExtractButt2Click
   2 ExitButt4Click
   2 EnterCriticalSection
   2 DragObject
   2 DeleteCriticalSection
   2 DefaultExt
   2 CreateFileA
   2 Constraints.MinWidth
   2 Constraints.MinHeight
   2 CloseHandle
   2 Captionh1A
   2 BorderIcons
   2 AutoScroll
   2 AutoLineReduction
   2 AutoHotkeys|@C
   2 > >$>(>,>0>4>8><>@>D>H>L>P>T>X>\>`>d>h>l>p>t>x>|>
   2 = =$=(=,=0=4=8=<=@=D=H=L=P=T=X=\=`=d=h=l=p=t=x=|=
   2 < <$<(<,<0<4<8<<<@<D<H<L<P<T<X<\<`<d<h<l<p<t<x<|<
   2 9 9$9(9,9094989<9@9D9H9L9P9T9X9\9`9d9h9l9p9t9x9|9
   2 8 8$8(8,8084888<8@8D8H8L8P8T8X8\8`8d8h8l8p8t8x8|8
   2 5 5$5(5,5054585<5@5D5H5L5P5T5X5\5`5d5h5l5p5t5x5|5
   2 1 1$1(1,1014181<1@1D1H1L1P1T1X1\1`1d1h1l1p1t1x1|1
   1 wsMinimized
   1 wsMaximizedL
   1 winspool.drv
   1 vcltest3.dll
   1 tbRightButton
   1 tbLeftButton
   1 taRightJustify
   1 ssHotTrack
   1 ssHorizontal
   1 psInsideFrame
   1 psDashDotDot
   1 poScreenCenter
   1 poProportional
   1 poPrintToFit
   1 poOwnerFormCenter
   1 poMainFormCenter
   1 poDesktopCenter
   1 poDesigned
   1 poDefaultSizeOnly
   1 pmNotMerge
   1 pmMergePenNot
   1 pmMergeNotPen
   1 pmMaskPenNot
   1 pmMaskNotPen
   1 oleaut32.dll
   1 ofShowHelp
   1 ofShareAware
   1 ofReadOnly
   1 ofPathMustExist
   1 ofOverwritePrompt
   1 ofOldStyleDialog
   1 ofNoValidate
   1 ofNoTestFileCreate
   1 ofNoReadOnlyReturn
   1 ofNoNetworkButton
   1 ofNoLongNames
   1 ofNoDereferenceLinks
   1 ofNoChangeDir
   1 ofHideReadOnly
   1 ofFileMustExist
   1 ofExtensionDifferent
   1 ofEnableSizing
   1 ofEnableIncludeNotify
   1 ofCreatePrompt
   1 ofAllowMultiSelect
   1 mmmm d, yyyy
   1 mbBarBreak
   1 maTopToBottom
   1 maRightToLeft
   1 maLeftToRight
   1 maBottomToTop
   1 maAutomatic
   1 lbStandard
   1 lbOwnerDrawVariable\
   1 lbOwnerDrawFixed
   1 layout text
   1 imSHanguel
   1 imDontCare
   1 fsUnderline
   1 fsStrikeOut
   1 fsStayOnTop
   1 fsMDIChild
   1 fpVariable
   1 dmMainForm
   1 dmAutomatic
   1 dmActiveForm
   1 crSizeNWSE
   1 crSizeNESW
   1 crMultiDrag
   1 crHourGlass
   1 crHandPoint
   1 crAppStart
   1 commdlg_help
   1 commdlg_FindReplace
   1 comdlg32.dll
   1 clWindowFrame
   1 clScrollBar
   1 clMenuText
   1 clInfoText
   1 clInactiveCaptionText
   1 clInactiveCaption
   1 clInactiveBorder
   1 clHighlight
   1 clGrayText
   1 clCaptionText
   1 clBtnShadow
   1 clBtnHighlight
   1 clBackground
   1 clAppWorkSpace
   1 clActiveCaption
   1 clActiveBorder
   1 cl3DDkShadow
   1 bsVertical
   1 bsToolWindow
   1 bsSizeable
   1 bsSizeToolWin
   1 bsHorizontal
   1 bsFDiagonal
   1 bsDiagCross
   1 bsBDiagonal
   1 biSystemMenu
   1 biMaximize
   1 bdRightToLeftReadingOnly
   1 bdRightToLeftNoAlign
   1 bdRightToLeft
   1 bdLeftToRight
   1 akBottomh-B
   1 WndProcPtr%.8X%.8X
   1 WindowState8BC
   1 WindowMenuL
   1 WindowFromPoint
   1 WideCharToMultiByte
   1 WheelDelta
   1 WantReturns
   1 WaitMessage
   1 WaitForSingleObject
   1 WINNLSEnableIME
   1 VirtualFree
   1 VariantCopyInd
   1 VariantClear
   1 VariantChangeTypeEx
   1 UseDockManager,
   1 UseDockManager
   1 UpdateWindow
   1 UpdateFont
   1 UnregisterClassA
   1 UnrealizeObject
   1 UninitializeFlatSB
   1 UnhookWindowsHookEx
   1 UnhandledExceptionFilter
   1 USER32.DLL
   1 Transparent
   1 TranslateMessage
   1 TranslateMDISysAccel
   1 TrackPopupMenu
   1 TrackButton
   1 TlsSetValue
   1 TlsGetValue
   1 This program must be run under Win32
   1 Text files (*.txt)|*.TXT
   1 TWindowState
   1 TWinControlActionLink
   1 TUnDockEvent
   1 TTrackButton
   1 TThreadList
   1 TStringItem
   1 TStreamAdapter
   1 TStartDragEvent
   1 TStartDockEvent
   1 TShortCutEvent
   1 TSharedImage
   1 TScrollingWinControlL
   1 TScrollingWinControl
   1 TScrollStyle
   1 TScrollBarStyle
   1 TScrollBarInc
   1 TSaveDialogP
   1 TRichEditSaveClipboard
   1 TRichEditResizeEvent
   1 TRichEditProtectChange
   1 TResourceStream
   1 TResourceManager
   1 TRadioGroupptD
   1 TRadioGroup<uD
   1 TRadioGroup
   1 TPropFixup
   1 TProgressStage
   1 TProgressEvent
   1 TPrinterDevice
   1 TPrintScale
   1 TPopupMenulIC
   1 TPopupMenu
   1 TPopupList
   1 TPopupAlignment
   1 TPicture`;A
   1 TPatternManagerSV
   1 TParaAttributes8
   1 TParaAttributes
   1 TPUtilWindow
   1 TOrderedList
   1 TOpenOptions
   1 TOpenOption
   1 TOFNotifyEx
   1 TNotifyEvent
   1 TMouseWheelUpDownEvent
   1 TMouseWheelEvent
   1 TMouseMoveEvent
   1 TMouseEvent
   1 TMouseButton
   1 TModalResult
   1 TMetafileImage
   1 TMenuMeasureItemEvent
   1 TMenuItemStack
   1 TMenuItemAutoFlag
   1 TMenuItem<BC
   1 TMenuDrawItemEvent
   1 TMenuChangeEvent
   1 TMenuBreak
   1 TMenuAutoFlag
   1 TMenuAnimations
   1 TMenuAnimation
   1 TMenuActionLink
   1 TMemoryStream
   1 TMeasureItemEvent
   1 TListBoxStyle
   1 TLeftRight
   1 TKeyPressEvent
   1 TInterfacedObject
   1 TIncludeItemEvent
   1 TImageIndex
   1 TIdentMapEntry
   1 TIconImage
   1 THintWindow@AB
   1 THintWindow,BB
   1 THintInfo@
   1 THelpEvent
   1 THelpContext
   1 THandleStream
   1 TGraphic|:A
   1 TGetSiteInfoEvent
   1 TFormStyle
   1 TFormBorderStyle
   1 TFontStyles
   1 TFontStyle
   1 TFontPitch
   1 TFontCharset
   1 TFileStream8
   1 TFileFormatsList
   1 TFileFormat
   1 TExceptRec
   1 TEndDragEvent
   1 TDrawItemEvent
   1 TDragOverEvent
   1 TDragDropEvent
   1 TDragControlObject
   1 TDockOverEvent
   1 TDockDropEvent
   1 TDefaultMonitor
   1 TCustomRichEdit@
   1 TCustomRichEdit
   1 TCustomMemoryStream
   1 TCustomMemo(
   1 TCustomMemo
   1 TCustomListBox\
   1 TCustomListBox
   1 TCustomImageListp*C
   1 TCustomImageList
   1 TCustomEditP
   1 TCustomEdit@
   1 TCustomDockFormx
   1 TCustomDockFormL
   1 TCustomActionListT
   1 TCustomActionList
   1 TConversionFormat
   1 TConversion
   1 TControld5B
   1 TControlActionLink
   1 TContextPopupEvent
   1 TConstraintSize
   1 TConstrainedResizeEvent
   1 TComponent\
   1 TComponentName
   1 TComponent
   1 TCloseQueryEvent
   1 TCloseEvent
   1 TCloseAction
   1 TClipboardFormats
   1 TChangeLink
   1 TCanResizeEvent
   1 TButtonActionLink
   1 TBrushStyle
   1 TBorderWidth
   1 TBorderStyle
   1 TBorderIcons
   1 TBorderIcon
   1 TBitmap|>A
   1 TBitmapImage
   1 TBitmapCanvash
   1 TBitmapCanvas
   1 TBevelWidth
   1 TBasicActionLink
   1 TBasicAction8
   1 TBasicAction
   1 TBaseDragControlObject
   1 TApplication@
   1 TAnchorKind
   1 TAlignment
   1 TAdvancedMenuDrawItemEvent
   1 TActiveThreadArray
   1 TActionLinkSV
   1 TAP files (*.tap)|*.tap|TEXT files (*.txt)|*.txt|All types (*.*)|*.*
   1 System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts\%.8x
   1 SystemParametersInfoA
   1 SysStringLen
   1 SysReAllocStringLen
   1 SysFreeString
   1 SysAllocStringLen
   1 SubMenuImages
   1 StretchBlt
   1 Spectrum Normal
   1 Software\Borland\Locales
   1 Software\Borland\Delphi\Locales
   1 SizeofResource
   1 ShowWindow
   1 ShowScrollBar
   1 ShowOwnedPopups
   1 ShowCursor
   1 ShortCutText
   1 SetWindowsHookExA
   1 SetWindowTextA
   1 SetWindowPos
   1 SetWindowPlacement
   1 SetWindowOrgEx
   1 SetWindowLongA
   1 SetWinMetaFileBits
   1 SetViewportOrgEx
   1 SetThreadLocale
   1 SetTextColor
   1 SetStretchBltMode
   1 SetScrollRange
   1 SetScrollPos
   1 SetScrollInfo
   1 SetMenuItemInfoA
   1 SetMapMode
   1 SetForegroundWindow
   1 SetErrorMode
   1 SetEnhMetaFileBits
   1 SetDIBColorTable
   1 SetClassLongA
   1 SetCapture
   1 SetBrushOrgEx
   1 SetBkColor
   1 SetActiveWindow
   1 SetAbortProc
   1 SendMessageA
   1 SelectPalette
   1 SelectObject
   1 ScrollWindow
   1 ScreenToClient
   1 SaveClipboard
   1 SOFTWARE\Borland\Delphi\RTL
   1 Runtime error     at 00000000
   1 RemovePropA
   1 RemoveMenu
   1 ReleaseCapture
   1 RegisterWindowMessageA
   1 RegisterClipboardFormatA
   1 RegisterClassA
   1 RegisterAutomation
   1 RectVisible
   1 RealizePalette
   1 RaiseException
   1 RadioItem4
   1 ProjectRdOps
   1 PrintScale
   1 PostQuitMessage
   1 PostMessageA
   1 Portions Copyright (c) 1983,99 Borland
   1 PlayEnhMetaFile
   1 PercentDone
   1 PeekMessageA
   1 ParentColor(
   1 ParentBiDiModedHC
   1 ParentBiDiMode(
   1 OpenPrinterA
   1 OpenButton
   1 OnTypeChange
   1 OnShortCutL
   1 OnSelectionChange`2B
   1 OnSelectionChangeL
   1 OnSaveClipboardL
   1 OnResizeRequest
   1 OnProtectChange`
   1 OnProgress`2B
   1 OnMouseWheelUp
   1 OnMouseUpL
   1 OnIncludeItem
   1 OnGetSiteInfoL
   1 OnFolderChangeL
   1 OnDrawItemp?C
   1 OnDrawItem
   1 OnDragOverP
   1 OnDockOverL
   1 OnDestroyL
   1 OnDeactivate81B
   1 OnDblClickL
   1 OnDblClick81B
   1 OnContextPopup81B
   1 OnCloseQueryx3B
   1 OnCanCloseL
   1 OnAdvancedDrawItem
   1 OnActivate
   1 OldCreateOrder8BC
   1 OldCreateOrder
   1 OffsetRect
   1 OemToCharA
   1 ObjectMenuItem
   1 NumObjects
   1 MultiByteToWideChar
   1 MonitorFromWindow
   1 MonitorFromRect
   1 MonitorFromPoint
   1 ModalResult
   1 MinHeightx-B
   1 MenuAnimation
   1 MaxWidthx-B
   1 MaxHeightx-B
   1 MapWindowPoints
   1 MapVirtualKeyA
   1 Magellan MSWHEEL
   1 LockResource
   1 LoadResource
   1 LoadLibraryExA
   1 LoadLibraryA
   1 LoadKeyboardLayoutA
   1 LoadCursorA
   1 LoadBitmapA
   1 Lines.Strings
   1 KeyPreview
   1 ItemIndexh
   1 ItemHeighth
   1 ItemHeight
   1 IsWindowVisible
   1 IsWindowEnabled
   1 IsRectEmpty
   1 IsEqualGUID
   1 IsDialogMessageA
   1 InvalidateRect
   1 IntersectRect
   1 IntersectClipRect
   1 InterlockedIncrement
   1 InterlockedDecrement
   1 IntegralHeight(
   1 InsertMenuItemA
   1 InsertMenuA
   1 InitializeFlatSB
   1 InitialDirx
   1 InitialDir
   1 InfluenceRect
   1 InflateRect
   1 IncrementalDisplay
   1 IncrementT
   1 ImmSetOpenStatus
   1 ImmSetConversionStatus
   1 ImmSetCompositionWindow
   1 ImmSetCompositionFontA
   1 ImmReleaseContext
   1 ImmNotifyIME
   1 ImmGetConversionStatus
   1 ImmGetContext
   1 ImmGetCompositionStringA
   1 ImageList_Write
   1 ImageList_SetIconSize
   1 ImageList_SetDragCursorImage
   1 ImageList_SetBkColor
   1 ImageList_ReplaceIcon
   1 ImageList_Remove
   1 ImageList_Read
   1 ImageList_GetImageCount
   1 ImageList_GetIconSize
   1 ImageList_GetDragImage
   1 ImageList_GetBkColor
   1 ImageList_EndDrag
   1 ImageList_DrawEx
   1 ImageList_Draw
   1 ImageList_DragShowNolock
   1 ImageList_DragMove
   1 ImageList_DragLeave
   1 ImageList_DragEnter
   1 ImageList_Destroy
   1 ImageList_Create
   1 ImageList_BeginDrag
   1 ImageList_Add
   1 ImageIndex
   1 Image pntr= #
   1 IgnoreFontProperty
   1 IStringsAdapter
   1 IDockManager
   1 IDesignerNotify
   1 IChangeNotifier
   1 HideSelection
   1 HideScrollBarsL9B
   1 HelpContexth
   1 HelpContextL
   1 GroupIndex
   1 GlobalUnlock
   1 GlobalReAlloc
   1 GlobalLock
   1 GlobalHandle
   1 GlobalFree
   1 GlobalDeleteAtom
   1 GlobalAlloc
   1 GlobalAddAtomA
   1 GetWindowThreadProcessId
   1 GetWindowTextA
   1 GetWindowRect
   1 GetWindowPlacement
   1 GetWindowOrgEx
   1 GetWindowLongA
   1 GetWindowDC
   1 GetWinMetaFileBits
   1 GetVersionExA
   1 GetVersion
   1 GetUpdateRect
   1 GetTopWindow
   1 GetTickCount
   1 GetTextMetricsA
   1 GetTextExtentPoint32A
   1 GetSystemPaletteEntries
   1 GetSystemMenu
   1 GetSystemInfo
   1 GetSysColor
   1 GetSubMenu
   1 GetStockObject
   1 GetStdHandle
   1 GetStartupInfoA
   1 GetScrollRange
   1 GetScrollPos
   1 GetScrollInfo
   1 GetSaveFileNameA
   1 GetProfileStringA
   1 GetPaletteEntries
   1 GetOpenFileNameA
   1 GetObjectA
   1 GetMonitorInfoW
   1 GetMonitorInfo
   1 GetMenuStringA
   1 GetMenuState
   1 GetMenuItemInfoA
   1 GetMenuItemID
   1 GetMenuItemCount
   1 GetLongPathNameA
   1 GetLastActivePopup
   1 GetKeyboardType
   1 GetKeyboardState
   1 GetKeyboardLayoutList
   1 GetKeyboardLayout
   1 GetKeyState
   1 GetKeyNameTextA
   1 GetIconInfo
   1 GetForegroundWindow
   1 GetFileType
   1 GetFileSize
   1 GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries
   1 GetEnhMetaFileHeader
   1 GetEnhMetaFileBits
   1 GetDlgItem
   1 GetDiskFreeSpaceExA
   1 GetDiskFreeSpaceA
   1 GetDeviceCaps
   1 GetDesktopWindow
   1 GetDIBColorTable
   1 GetDCOrgEx
   1 GetCursorPos
   1 GetCurrentProcessId
   1 GetCurrentPositionEx
   1 GetCommandLineA
   1 GetClipboardData
   1 GetClipBox
   1 GetClientRect
   1 GetClassInfoA
   1 GetCapture
   1 GetBrushOrgEx
   1 GetBitmapBits
   1 GetActiveWindow
   1 GImages (img,imo,opu,out,rlk)|*.img;*.imo;*opu;*.out;*.rlk|All (*.*)|*.*
   1 GB2312_CHARSET
   1 FullRepaint
   1 FreeResource
   1 FormatMessageA
   1 FormStyle(
   1 FlatSB_ShowScrollBar
   1 FlatSB_SetScrollRange
   1 FlatSB_SetScrollProp
   1 FlatSB_SetScrollPos
   1 FlatSB_SetScrollInfo
   1 FlatSB_GetScrollRange
   1 FlatSB_GetScrollProp
   1 FlatSB_GetScrollPos
   1 FlatSB_GetScrollInfo
   1 FlatSB_EnableScrollBar
   1 FindWindowA
   1 FindResourceA
   1 FindFirstFileA
   1 FilterIndexh
   1 Filename   Type  Start Length  FirstLast
   1 FileEditStyle
   1 FPUMaskValue
   1 ExtendedSelect
   1 ExitProcess
   1 ExcludeClipRect
   1 EnumWindows
   1 EnumThreadWindows
   1 EnumPrintersA
   1 EnumFontFamiliesExA
   1 EnumDisplayMonitors
   1 EnumCalendarInfoA
   1 EndDeferWindowPos
   1 Enabledh1A
   1 EnableWindow
   1 EnableScrollBar
   1 EnableMenuItem
   1 EZeroDividehu@
   1 EWriteError
   1 EWin32Errordz@
   1 EVariantError
   1 EUnderflow
   1 EStringListError
   1 EStreamError
   1 EStackOverflow
   1 ESafecallException
   1 EResNotFound
   1 EReadError
   1 ERangeError
   1 EPrivilege
   1 EOutOfResources
   1 EOutOfMemory
   1 EMenuError
   1 EMathError
   1 EListError
   1 EInvalidPointertv@
   1 EInvalidOperation
   1 EInvalidOp
   1 EInvalidGraphicOperation
   1 EInvalidGraphic(2A
   1 EInvalidCast
   1 EIntfCastError
   1 EIntOverflow
   1 EInOutErrorDr@
   1 EHeapException
   1 EFilerErrorl
   1 EFOpenError
   1 EFCreateError
   1 EExternalException
   1 EDivByZero
   1 EConvertError
   1 EComponentError@
   1 EClassNotFound
   1 EBitsError
   1 EAssertionFailed
   1 EAccessViolation
   1 EAbstractError
   1 DrawMenuBar
   1 DrawIconEx
   1 DrawFrameControl
   1 DrawFocusRect
   1 DocumentPropertiesA
   1 DockClient
   1 DispatchMessageA
   1 Diskname: 
   1 DestroyWindow
   1 DestroyMenu
   1 DestroyIcon
   1 DestroyCursor
   1 Delphi%.8X
   1 Delphi Picture
   1 Delphi Component
   1 DeleteObject
   1 DeleteMenu
   1 DeleteEnhMetaFile
   1 DeferWindowPos
   1 DefaultMonitor
   1 DefWindowProcA
   1 DefMDIChildProcA
   1 DefFrameProcA
   1 DTAP files (*.tap)|*.tap|TEXT files (*.txt)|*.txt|All types (*.*)|*.*
   1 D$LPkD$XdPV
   1 D$HPkD$TdPV
   1 CreateWindowExA
   1 CreateThread
   1 CreateSolidBrush
   1 CreatePopupMenu
   1 CreatePenIndirect
   1 CreatePalette
   1 CreateMenu
   1 CreateIcon
   1 CreateHandle
   1 CreateHalftonePalette
   1 CreateFontIndirectA
   1 CreateEventA
   1 CreateDIBitmap
   1 CreateDIBSection
   1 CreateCompatibleDC
   1 CreateCompatibleBitmap
   1 CreateBrushIndirect
   1 CreateBitmap
   1 CopyEnhMetaFileA
   1 ControlOfs%.8X%.8X
   1 Constraintsh
   1 Constraints.MaxWidth
   1 Constraints.MaxHeight
   1 CompareStringA
   1 ClosePrinter
   1 ClientWidthh1A
   1 ClientToScreen
   1 ClientHeight(
   1 Checkedh1A
   1 CheckMenuItem
   1 Charseth1A
   1 CharLowerBuffA
   1 CharLowerA
   1 CallWindowProcA
   1 CallNextHookEx
   1 ButtonSizeh1A
   1 BorderWidthh1A
   1 BorderWidth(
   1 BorderWidth
   1 BorderStyleh1A
   1 Boolean|3B
   1 Booleand5B
   1 BevelWidth
   1 BevelOuter@:B
   1 BevelOuter
   1 BevelInner
   1 BeginPaint
   1 BeginDeferWindowPos
   1 AutoLineReductionx>A
   1 AutoHotkeys8@C
   1 AllowChange
   1 Alignment|@C
   1 AdjustWindowRectEx
   1 ActiveControl
   1 ActivateKeyboardLayout
   1 ?2?;?V?i?r?
   1 ?-?5?R?Z?{?
   1 ?,?L?T?X?\?`?d?h?l?p?t?
   1 ?*?A?Q?]?e?u?
   1 ?*?6?L?X?o?
   1 ?(?4?8?@?D?H?L?P?T?X?\?`?d?h?l?p?t?x?|?
   1 ?$?,?4?<?D?L?T?\?d?l?t?|?
   1 ?"?*?.?E?I?M?h?p?
   1 ?!?.?G?V?o?
   1 ?!?)?.?C?H?P?n?
   1 ? ?$?(?,?0?4?8?<?G?S?Z?d?n?x?
   1 ? ?$?(?,?0?4?8?<?@?X?n?r?
   1 ? ?$?(?,?0?4?8?<?@?D?H?L?P?T?X?\?`?d?l?
   1 >;?G?T?f?s?
   1 >6>:>>>B>F>J>N>R>V>Z>^>b>f>j>
   1 >*>D>\>m>y>
   1 >)>?>K>e>q>
   1 >&>*>;>C>_>g>
   1 >$>,>4><>D>L>T>\>d>l>t>|>
   1 >">0>4>H>[>_>p>
   1 >">&>*>.>2>6>H>Y>]>n>z>
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   1 =>>F>L>X>`>
   1 =4=<=@=D=H=L=P=T=X=\=p=
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   1 =%?3?A?Y?h?
   1 =#=/=<=N=T=\=d=l=t=|=
   1 ="=;=Y=d=r=
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   1 ----------------------------------------
   1 -- not in file! -- 
   1 ,  Tracks: 
   1 ,  Sectorsize: 
   1 ,  Sectors: 
   1 ( The font 'Spectrum Normal' is expected.
   1 ' This Program will show the contents of
   1 ' -----------------      R.Koning, 2004.
   1 '  images made from OPUS Discovery disks
   1 & NB: The view routines are very simple
   1 %1<1m1&2p2
   1 % ReadOpImg v1.0                      
   1 $TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer
   1 $*@@@*$@@@$ *@@* $@@($*)@-$*@@$-*@@$*-@@(*$)@-*$@@*-$@@*$-@@-* $@-$ *@* $-@$ *-@$ -*@*- $@($ *)(* $)U
   1 " Files can be viewed, selected and
   1 "  extracted as .TAP or .TXT files.
   1 "     and only give an indication. 
   1  This is not a Screen!
   1  Sorry, the choosen file is not
   1  OPUS Image Extractor for Windows
   1  Now find your OPUS Image:
   1   of all kinds.
   1   Waiting for action ......
   1    a valid OPUS disk image!
   1     Now Save the File