Top 10k strings from orchard.tap
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1 Orchard 1 ;"YOU'RE SACKED! WAGES=";s;"p" 1 ;"Press any key to play again" 1 ;"ORCHARD" 1 ;"HIGHEST WAGE EARNED: ";hw;"p" 1 ;"CONTROLS"''" Q - LEFT P - RIGHT" 1 ;" " 1 ''" Your boss is a fair man though,"''" and he is prepared to pay you "''" the following paltry amounts "''" for your labour:" 1 ''" However your boss, the farmer, "''" distrusts modern technology "''" and has told you that you will "''" be sacked if you drop a single "''" fruit!" 1 '" You are a ~high-tech~ fruit "''" picker, with a basket that is "''" computer-controlled!" 1 '" Can you earn a decent wage??" 1 '" More information follows" 1 '" Press any key to play "