Top 10k strings from lazerfig.tap
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4 ;"Press any key to continue" 2 score=score+100 2 score=score+(b*1000 2 lives=lives-1 2 lazers=lazers+b+2 2 enemy=enemy+emove 2 counter=counter-1 2 ;"GAME OVER-FINAL SCORE-";score: 2 ,enemy;" "; 1 restore=restore-10 1 restore=190 1 point=point-1 1 point,x;" "; 1 lazers=lazers-1 1 a$=" L A S E R F I G H T E R " 1 Ship facing up 1 LF 1 ;"SCORE:";score;" LAZERS:";lazers 1 ;"PRESS FIRE" 1 ;"LEVEL ";b;" 1 ;"LAZER FIGHTER" 1 ;"DEMONSTRATION MODE-LEVEL ";level 1 ;"Copyright 1 ;" STOP THE TAPE AND PRESS SPACE " 1 ;" "; 1 ;" ": 1 (point,x)="*" 1 "Z-Left X-Right Space-Fire P-Pause Q-Quit" 1 "You,as one of the famous 'Lazer Pilots',must pilot an LFC (LazerFighter Craft or Low Flight Craft) around an arena shooting anything that flashes or moves." 1 "You start with five LFCs and no more can be earned." 1 "You only start with five lazers but as the game progresses you will get more lazers." 1 "There is no shooting and no cybertraps,there is just the concrete blocks and the ship." 1 "The second is the glowing cybertrap.When hit the leftover debris will remain there until the replacement one runs over it.Shoot the debris quickly so you can get an extra hit." 1 "The keys can be altered if you wish to by selecting 'Define Keys' on the menu." 1 "The first and easiest sort of target is just a normal concreteblock which must be destroyed with your lazer." 1 "The demo will end when either you press FIRE,or when the spaceship crashes." 1 "The default keys are:" 1 "The craft is armed with two weapons.The first is a blue bounder lazer and the second is a straight forward red lazer.Thebounder lazer always heads northand the stright forward lazer always heads south." 1 "The craft cannot turn,it can only do somersaults to replace a U-turn and steer left and right." 1 "The arena you are in has variousobjects scattered around it thatare as lethal to you as you are to them." 1 "PRESS KEY FOR RIGHT:"; 1 "PRESS KEY FOR PAUSE/UNPAUSE:"; 1 "PRESS KEY FOR LEFT:"; 1 "PRESS KEY FOR FIRE:"; 1 "PRESS KEY FOR ABORT:"; 1 "On the intro menu,a level pickedat random and played by the computer can be selected." 1 "Gradually the arena will become damaged from your shots,but thiswill be repaired while you are or when you complete a round." 1 "For Interface 2:Change the keys to 6 for Left,7 for Right,8 for Down and 9 for Up." 1 "For Cursor:Change the keys to 5 for Left,6 for Down,7 for Up and8 for Right." 1 "Every target is worth 100 pointsbut be careful as if you hit theconcrete blocks or the cybertrapthen you are sure to be the leftover debris!" 1 "Also watch out when you are shooting something because you have a limit to the number of lazers you get." 1 "Also as the game progresses moreconcrete blocks will appear, therefore more dodging will haveto be done and you cannot shoot while steering." 1 "A joystick can be selected by doing the following:" 1 "4.Instructions" 1 "1.Define keys"'"2.Start game"'"3.Demo mode" 1 1993 D.Lecount" 1 L A S E R F I G H T E R