Top 10k strings from farmerja.tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / / games /

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   8  (08@HPX`hpx
   4  $(,048<@DHLPTX\`dhlptx|
   2 vvvvvvvvvv
   2 caG}+%i"=K
   2 Vortex Tracker 
   2 NT_DATAd*e
   2 H0NZT`fTm;
   2 FJTT      
   2 ARStructGlobalVars
   2  Isy}Vortex Tracker 
   2  "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~
   1 ~25~+~21~+~2-~
   1 yrlf`[VQLHD@=9630-+(&$" 
   1 pxphpXpHpH`HP!
   1 \I[@YIW@UIT
   1 Yes maybe trolls weren't so bad after all? There were certainly worse things to be queen of. Queen of Hearts? All that mending! Queen of Diamonds? Carbon's so dirty! Queen of Clubs? Well she was rather fond of disco, but urgh! The mornings after. Or maybe the Queen of Spades...? No some other buxom, flaxen haired beauty had stolen that title, besides think of the arthritis. No Queen of trolls it was and Queen of Trolls she would remain. 
   1 Vortex Tracker II 1.0 module:                                  by                                  
   1 The light smouldered a little inside her head, wasn't this always her time of night. When her world of misfits and ragtags came alive and worshipped at her door. 
   1 Thanks to Jill for good northern loving, and Kev for hassling me into doing this!
   1 Quite how she came by this title she knew not. Like her birth it was a mystery. Neither looked for or unwished, it simply was something to be endured until a time of uncertain end. And endure it she must with whatever majesty she could muster. For after all, she was their queen and rule them she would. 
   1 Propensity to baby bone munching or hobbit hunting. "Well, the world's over populated anyway and hobbits can stand on their own two furry little feet" she contrived in non-maternal Tolkein style. 
   1 Press UP...
   1 Press RIGHT...
   1 Press LEFT...
   1 Press FIRE...
   1 Press DOWN...
   1 Not too hot on looks. "Whatever happened to the beauty within?" she mentally argued with herself. "Ok so we're talking trolls here, maybe that's stretching it a little but to each his or her own". 
   1 Game&Graphics
   1 FJTT      |
   1 FJTT      (
   1 C3C/C+C'C#C
   1 But secretly each broken heart turned her ever more to midnight. Maybe this was how she gained her crown. Maybe she knew something of the ease of turning to stone when blazed with harsh radiation waves, scorching, unfeeling and deadly. And sure wasn't it amusing to torment silly, billy goats gruff, whose grass was always greener on the other side. Better to stick with your bridges, harbouring all sorts of creatures within its crannied walls. They knew a good thing when they saw one. 
   1 And what of Kings? Well, one move at a time was so restrictive. Better to have a bishop, diagonally pleasing or sliding sideways, upways knights. Always jumping hither and thither in giddy fashion until they fell and broke their pretty little necks. "Fools!" she smilingly whispered. 
   1 And again, what was so objectionable about these caves dwelling, Norse creatures anyhow? Sure daylight was a problem but in these heavily polluted times could anyone say it wasn't, except say sunflowers or many muddied Glastonbury revellers. 
   1 AY-Music&SFX
   1 >Aw#>Aw#>Aw
   1 ; "FJTT is loading"
   1 2 Redefine keys
   1 1 Keyboard ZXKML
   1 1 Kempston
   1 1 Interface2
   1 0000```llxll
   1 0 Start game
   1 "Queen of Trolls"
   1 "In the kingdom of the troll, the bridge builder is King" she mused "or Queen." And with that the sighs were forgotten and she smiled to herself, "Better get building some bridges then!" 
   1 "Ah! But." she sighed, "what joy comes from being the Queen of trolls? What use have I of under bridge lurkers and rugged rock turners!
   1   !!""##$$%%&&''(())**++,,--..//00112233445566778899::;;<<==>>??@@AABBCCDDEEFFGGHHIIJJKKLLMMNNOOPPQQRRSSTTUUVVWWXXYYZZ[[\\]]^^__``aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~
   1     !!!!""""####$$$$%%%%&&&&''''(((())))****++++,,,,----....////0000111122223333444455556666777788889999::::;;;;<<<<====>>>>????