SjASMPlus is Z80 Assembly Language Cross Compiler. It is available for Win32, DOS and FreeBSD(mainly 5.x) systems. It is based on SjASM source code by Sjoerd Mastijn (
Z80/R800 documented and undocumented opcodes support
Very fast compilation: 1 million lines by 2-3 seconds on modern computer
Code inlining through colon (LD A,C:INC A:PUSH AF:IFDEF FX:LD A,D:ENDIF…)
Structures to define data structures in memory more easily (use STRUCT pseudo-op)
Conditional assembly
Macro definitions
Local labels
User’s messages
Temporary labels
Special mode
Defines and array of defines
Fake instructions as LD HL,DE (LD H,D:LD L,E) and more
Source and binary file inclusion
Multiline block comments
Multi file output and file updating
Special thanks to Sjoerd Mastijn, the author of SjASM.
Aprisobal - main programming, documentation, etc.
Thanks to:
Kurles/HS/CPU - additional programming;
Krystian Wlosek <kwlosek(at)> - bug fix patches, Linux makefile;
Ric Horne <> - bug fix patches.
breeze <> - bug fix patches.
psndcj <> - bug reporting, beta-testing.
elfh <> - bug reporting.
bugsy <> - bug reporting.
skrju <> - bug reporting.
And big thanks to all people, who helped me in development of the compiler!
- Another fix of 48k SNA snapshots saving routine. - Added new UNDEFINE pseudo-op. - Added new IFUSED/IFNUSED pseudo-ops for labels (such IFDEF for defines). - Fixed labels list dump rountine (--lstlab command line parameter).
- Applied bugfix patches for SAVEHOB/SAVETRD pseudo-ops by Breeze. - Fixed memory leak in line parsing routine. - Fixed 48k SNA snapshots saving routine. - Added missing INF command. - Fixed code parser's invalid addressing of temporary labels in macros.
- Bugfix patches by Ric Hohne. - Important bugfix of memory leak. - Bugfix of strange crashes at several machines. - Added yet another sample for built-in LUA engine. See end of this file. - Added sources of CosmoCubes demo to the "examples" directory.
- ALIGN has new optional parameter. - Corrected bug of RAM sizing. - Corrected bug of structures naming.
- Corrected important bug in code generation functions of SjASMPlus.
- Corrected bug with SAVEBIN, SAVETRD and possible SAVESNA. - Add Makefile to build under Linux, FreeBSD etc.
- SAVESNA can save 48kb snapshots - Corrected DEFINE's bug. - Corrected bug of incorrect line numbering.
- SAVESNA works and with device ZXSPECTRUM48 - Added new device PENTAGON128 - In ZXSPECTRUM48 device and others attributes has black ink and white paper by default.
- Corrected bug with _ERRORS and _WARNINGS constants - Added error message, when SHELLEXEC program execution failed
- 3-pass design - Built-in Lua scripting engine - Changed command line keys - Documentation converted to HTML. - Added new directives: DEVICE, SLOT, SHELLEXEC - Added predefined constanst: _SJASMPLUS=1, _ERRORS and other - Changed output log format. - And many many more.
Old SjASMPlus 1.06 log was removed.
You can grab last binaries and sources SourceForge project page:
Win32 package has:
sjasmplus.exe - the Win32 executable. This is out compiler and we will use it.
examples directory - some examples of use
documentation directory - documentation in various formats
DOS and FreeBSD versions has same files in their packages.
Linux version you can compile using GCC and Makefile from sources package.
MacOS X version you can compile using XCode package and included Makefile.
sjasmplus [options] sourcefile(s)
Option flags as follows:
--help Help information -i<path> or -I<path> or --inc=<path> Include path --lst=<filename> Save listing to <filename> --lstlab Enable label table in listing --sym=<filename> Save symbols list to <filename> --exp=<filename> Save exports to <filename> (see EXPORT pseudo-op) --raw=<filename> Save all output to <filename> ignoring OUTPUT pseudo-ops Note: use OUTPUT,LUA/ENDLUA and other pseudo-ops to control output Logging: --nologo Do not show startup message --msg=error Show only error messages --msg=all Show all messages (by default) --fullpath Show full path to error file Other: --reversepop Enable reverse POP order (as in base SjASM version) --dirbol Enable processing directives from the beginning of line --dos866 Encode from Windows codepage to DOS 866 (Cyrillic)
Lines in the source file should have the following form:
Label Operator Operand Comment
All fields are optional. Lines without label should start with whitespace. Operators and operands can be inlined:
Operator Operand:Operator Operand:Operator Operand... Comment
Comments should start with ';' or '//'. Comment blocks start with '/*' and end with '*/'.
Example 2.1.
; comment // comment ld /* comment */ a,80 /* comment */ ld /* but this won't be ld a,3! */ a,3
Labels are case-sensitive and may be of any reasonable length, that is: up to about 70 characters. Label definitions should start on the beginning of a line, but don't have to be followed by a colon ':'. Generally labels should start with a letter or a underscore ('_'), the following characters may be chosen from letters, numbers and the following special symbols: '_', '.', '!', '?', '#' and '@'. Note that the '.' has special meaning, as it is used between module names, labels and local labels. The following are all legal and distinct labels:
Kip KIP Kip@@ MAIN.loop?
It is possible to use mnemonics, pseudo-ops and register names as labels but it is not advised to do so. Also note that the identifiers defined with the DEFINE pseudo-op use another name space.
When there is a module definition (see module pseudo-op) all labels (except those starting with a '@') are local to that module. To use a label from outside the module use modulename.labelname, in this example: 'vdp.Cls' Labels starting with a '.' are also local to the previous non-local label.
Example 3.1.
MODULE main Main: ; main.Main CALL SetScreen ; SetScreen CALL vdp.Cls ; vdp.Cls .loop: ; main.Main.loop LD A,(.event) ; main.Main.event CALL ProcesEvent ; label not found: main.ProcesEvent DJNZ .loop ; main.Main.loop MODULE vdp @SetScreen: ; SetScreen .loop ; vdp.SetScreen.loop RET Cls: ; vdp.Cls .loop ; vdp.Cls.loop DJNZ .loop ; vdp.Cls.loop RET ENDMODULE Main.event ; main.Main.event BYTE 0
Labels starting with a '@' are not touched by the label processing and used 'as-is'. See 'SetScreen' in the previous example code.
Example 3.2.
MODULE xxx Label ; xxx.Label .Local ; xxx.Label.Local @Label ; Label .Local ; xxx.Label.Local => duplicate label error @Label2 ; Label2 .Local ; xxx.Label2.Local @yyy.Local ; yyy.Local yyy.Local ; xxx.yyy.Local
To keep the number of used labels reasonable it is possible to use numbers as labels. These labels can only be used as labels to jump to. To jump to these labels, use the number followed by an 'F' for forward branches or a 'B' for backward branches. Temporary labels should not be used within macro's.
Numeric constants should always start with a digit or $, # or %. The following formats are supported:
12 decimal 12d decimal 0ch hexadecimal 0xc hexadecimal $c hexadecimal #c hexadecimal 1100b binary %1100 binary 14q octal 14o octal
Character constants are characters surrounded by single quotes. It is possible to use double quotes in some cases, but in general it is better to use single quotes. String constants are characters surrounded by double quotes. The following escape sequences are recognized:
\\ 92 \? 63 \' 39 \" 34 \A 7 \B 8 \D 127 \E 27 \F 12 \N 10 \R 13 \T 9 \V 11
Example 4.1.
BYTE "stringconstant" ; BYTE 'stringconstant' ;with single quotes escape sequences above (\N,\T..) will not work LD HL,'hl' LD HL,"hl" ; :( LD A,"7" ; :( LD A,'8' ; :) LD A,'\E' LD A,'"' LD A,"'"
Expressions are evaluated in 32 bits in this version of SjASMPlus.
'$' represents the current program counter. '$$' represents the current page in the current slot in the real device emulation mode.
It is possible to use parenthesis '(' and ')' to override the precedence of the operators. The following operators may be used in expressions:
! !x logical not ~ ~x complement + +x does absolutely nothing :) - -x minus low low x low 8 bits of 16 bit value high high x high 8 bits of 16 bit value not not x logical not * x*y multiplication / x/y division % x%y modulo mod x mod y modulo + x+y addition - x-y subtraction << x<<y shift left >> x>>y shift right signed >>> x>>>y shift right unsigned shl x shl y shift left shr x shr y shift right signed <? x<?y minimum >? x>?y maximum < x<y less than > x>y greater than <= x<=y equal or less than >= x>=y equal or greater than = x=y equal == x==y equal != x!=y not equal & x&y bitwise and and x and y bitwise and ^ x^y bitwise xor xor x xor y bitwise xor | x|y bitwise or or x or y bitwise or && x&&y logical and || x||y logical or
This version only accepts Z80 mnemonics. There are some additions to what I think is standard Z80:
'[' and ']' can be used in stead of '(' and ')' for indirections. So LD A,[HL] is the same as LD A,(HL).
IN F,(C) and OUT (C),0 and SLL/SLI can be used.
IXL (or LX, XL), IYL (or LY, YL), IXH (or HX, XH) and IYH (or HY, YH) registers are supported.
Can write code throught colon: ORG 100h:LD A,10:LD B,10:SUB B:RET:IFDEF AA:.....
JP HL, JP IX and JP IY may be used instead of JP (HL), etc.
EX AF,AF or EX AF or EXA may be used instead of EX AF,AF'.
R800's MULUB and MULUW are recognised (but won't work on Z80, of course:)
RLC, RRC, RL, RR, SLA, SRA, SLL (SLI), RES, SET undocumented instructions added.
SET 4,(IX+4),C ; (aka LD C,SET 4,(IX+4)) is LD C,(IX+4) / SET 4,C / LD (IX+4),C RRC (IY),A ; (aka LD A,RRC (IY+0)) is LD A,(IY) / RRC A / LD (IY),A
PUSH and POP can take register lists:
PUSH AF,BC ; push af / push bc POP AF,BC ; pop af / pop bc
and all other commands support this.
LD A,B,B,D,D,H /* this is: LD A,B LD B,D LD D,H */ ;or you can write LD A,B:LD B,D:LD D,H
Of course the Z80 is only an 8 bit cpu, but sometimes ld hl,de would be nice. SjASMPlus now 'fakes' some instructions like that. This improves the readability of the source, but it might not be the fastest way to get the result. Also possibly some 'new' load instructions do affect the flags in ways you wouldn't expect. Anyway, here's the list:
rl bc rl de rl hl rr bc rr de rr hl sla bc sla de sla hl sll bc sll de sll hl sli bc sli de sli hl sra bc sra de sra hl srl bc srl de srl hl ld bc,bc ld bc,de ld bc,hl ld bc,ix ld bc,iy ld bc,(hl) ld bc,(ix+nn) ld bc,(iy+nn) ld de,bc ld de,de ld de,hl ld de,ix ld de,iy ld de,(hl) ld de,(ix+nn) ld de,(iy+nn) ld hl,bc ld hl,de ld hl,hl ld hl,ix ld hl,iy ld hl,(ix+nn) ld hl,(iy+nn) ld ix,bc ld ix,de ld ix,hl ld ix,ix ld ix,iy ld iy,bc ld iy,de ld iy,hl ld iy,ix ld iy,iy ld (hl),bc ld (hl),de ld (ix+nn),bc ld (ix+nn),de ld (ix+nn),hl ld (iy+nn),bc ld (iy+nn),de ld (iy+nn),hl ldi bc,(hl) ldi bc,(ix+nn) ldi bc,(iy+nn) ldi de,(hl) ldi de,(ix+nn) ldi de,(iy+nn) ldi hl,(ix+nn) ldi hl,(iy+nn) ldi (hl),bc ldi (hl),de ldi (ix+nn),bc ldi (ix+nn),de ldi (ix+nn),hl ldi (iy+nn),bc ldi (iy+nn),de ldi (iy+nn),hl ldi a,(bc) ldi a,(de) ldi a,(hl) ldi b,(hl) ldi c,(hl) ldi d,(hl) ldi e,(hl) ldi h,(hl) ldi l,(hl) ldi a,(ix+nn) ldi b,(ix+nn) ldi c,(ix+nn) ldi d,(ix+nn) ldi e,(ix+nn) ldi h,(ix+nn) ldi l,(ix+nn) ldi a,(iy+nn) ldi b,(iy+nn) ldi c,(iy+nn) ldi d,(iy+nn) ldi e,(iy+nn) ldi h,(iy+nn) ldi l,(iy+nn) ldd a,(bc) ldd a,(de) ldd a,(hl) ldd b,(hl) ldd c,(hl) ldd d,(hl) ldd e,(hl) ldd h,(hl) ldd l,(hl) ldd a,(ix+nn) ldd b,(ix+nn) ldd c,(ix+nn) ldd d,(ix+nn) ldd e,(ix+nn) ldd h,(ix+nn) ldd l,(ix+nn) ldd a,(iy+nn) ldd b,(iy+nn) ldd c,(iy+nn) ldd d,(iy+nn) ldd e,(iy+nn) ldd h,(iy+nn) ldd l,(iy+nn) ldi (bc),a ldi (de),a ldi (hl),a ldi (hl),b ldi (hl),c ldi (hl),d ldi (hl),e ldi (hl),h ldi (hl),l ldi (ix+nn),a ldi (ix+nn),b ldi (ix+nn),c ldi (ix+nn),d ldi (ix+nn),e ldi (ix+nn),h ldi (ix+nn),l ldi (iy+nn),a ldi (iy+nn),b ldi (iy+nn),c ldi (iy+nn),d ldi (iy+nn),e ldi (iy+nn),h ldi (iy+nn),l ldd (bc),a ldd (de),a ldd (hl),a ldd (hl),b ldd (hl),c ldd (hl),d ldd (hl),e ldd (hl),h ldd (hl),l ldd (ix+nn),a ldd (ix+nn),b ldd (ix+nn),c ldd (ix+nn),d ldd (ix+nn),e ldd (ix+nn),h ldd (ix+nn),l ldd (iy+nn),a ldd (iy+nn),b ldd (iy+nn),c ldd (iy+nn),d ldd (iy+nn),e ldd (iy+nn),h ldd (iy+nn),l ldi (hl),nn ldi (ix+nn),nn ldi (iy+nn),nn ldd (hl),nn ldd (ix+nn),nn ldd (iy+nn),nn sub hl,bc sub hl,de sub hl,hl sub hl,sp
ldi increases the data pointer after the data access, so LDI A,(HL) is the same as LD A,(HL):INC HL. likewise, LDD A,(DE) is LD A,(DE):DEC DE.
To enable this mode you must use pseudo-op DEVICE.
In this mode the compiler compiling program to virtual memory (as at MSX's WB-ASS2, ZX-Spectrum's GENS, ZEUS, ALASM etc). After this all you can use new pseudo-ops as SAVEBIN, SAVEHOB, SAVETRD, PAGE, SLOT, LABELSLIST and use special functions in Lua scripts.
Example 4.2.
DEVICE ZXSPECTRUM128 ;in this device, SLOT 3 enables to current by default. ORG 32768 StartProg: JP $ DEVICE NONE ;do something, if you don't want to corrupt virtual ;memory with other code, for example, loader of code. ;...code... ;return to our virtual device: DEVICE ZXSPECTRUM128 SAVESNA "snapshotname.sna",StartProg
Predefined devices:
Disable real device emulation mode. By default.
Has 4 slots (0-3) with size 4000h, 4 pages (0-3) with size 4000h. Slot 3 (it from 0C000h) enables to current by default.
Same as ZXSPECTRUM48, but have 8 pages (0-7) with size 4000h.
Same as ZXSPECTRUM48, but have 16 pages (0-15) with size 4000h.
Same as ZXSPECTRUM48, but have 32 pages (0-31) with size 4000h.
Same as ZXSPECTRUM48, but have 64 pages (0-63) with size 4000h.
If you want to see other devices you must write to us. See Feedback chapter.
SjASMPlus has predefined defines.
Number of errors.
Number of warnings.
Repeat <code> <expression> once. Doesn't work in the beginning of line.
Example 5.1.
.3 INC A ;will be compiled to INC A:INC A:INC A len EQU 10 .(12-len) BYTE 0 ;will be compiled to BYTE 0,0
Defines a byte or a string of bytes. The offset is added to each of the following bytes.
Defines a byte or a string of bytes, where the last byte of the string will have bit 7 set. The offset is added to each of the following bytes.
Example 5.3.
ABYTEC 0 "KIP" ; Same as BYTE "KI",'P'|128 ABYTEC 1 "ABC",0,"DE" ; Same as BYTE "BC",'D'|128,1,'E','F'|128
Defines a byte or a string of bytes, followed by a zero. The offset is added to each of the following bytes.
Align fills zero or more byte with <byte> until the new address modulo <expression> equals zero.
Example 5.5.
ALIGN ; => ALIGN 4 - simply align by 4 ALIGN 2 ; by 2 ALIGN 2,0 ; + fills memory by zero
An 'assertion failed' error is issued if the expression evaluates to zero.
Synonym of INCBIN.
Defines space. Has to be followed by the number of byte to reserve, optionally followed by the value to fill these bytes with.
Example 5.7.
BLOCK 500 ; define a block of 500 bytes of zero BLOCK 500,0 ; define a block of 500 bytes of zero BLOCK 400,-1 ; define a block of 400 bytes of 255
Defines a byte or a string of bytes. Each value should be between -129 and 256.
Synonym of BYTE.
Same as BYTE, but every last character of a string will have bit 7 set.
Synonym of DWORD.
Array of DEFINEs
Example 5.10.
DEFARRAY myarray 10*20,"A",20,</D,40>,50,70 CNT DEFL 0 ;or CNT=0 DUP 6 DISPLAY myarray[CNT] CNT DEFL CNT+1 ;or CNT=CNT+1 EDUP
Synonym of ENT.
Synonym of BYTE.
Synonym of DWORD.
Sorry, not available yet. If you want to see new device in SjASMPlus, please, write us.
The identifier <id> will be replaced with the <replacement>. The replacement could be omitted, in such case it is still possible to check if the identifier was defined with IFDEF or IFNDEF.
Synonym of BYTE.
Synonym of BLOCK.
Synonym of WORD.
Enables real device emulation mode by it identifier.
Predefined devices' identifiers list:
NONE ; off real device emulation mode ZXSPECTRUM48 ; ZX-Spectrum 48 ZXSPECTRUM128 ; ZX-Spectrum 128 SCORPION256 ; Scorpion 256 - exUSSR clone of ZX-Spectrum 128 ATMTURBO512 ; ATM-Turbo 512 - exUSSR clone of ZX-Spectrum 128 ;disable: DEVICE NONE ;enable: DEVICE ZXSPECTRUM128
Set the address in which the part of code should work. PHASE and TEXTAREA are synonyms of DISP. ENT is restore current address. UNPHASE, DEPHASE and ENDT are synonyms of ENT
Example 5.12.
This pseudo-op comes from ZX-Spectrum assembler ALASM.
Out to console a string of bytes. Each value should be between -129 and 256. Keys /D, /H and /A set format of output of numbers:
/D - out only in Decimal /H - out only in Hexadecimal /A - out both in Hexadecimal and Decimal
Example 5.13.
ORG 100h TESTLABEL: ;...some code... RET DISPLAY "--the some program-- by me" DISPLAY "TESTLABEL address is:",/A,TESTLABEL /* will be out to the console next strings: > --the some program-- by me > TESTLABEL address is:0x100,257 */
Synonym of BYTE.
Synonym of BLOCK.
DUP specifies the number of times to generate the statements inside the macro. DUP can be used in macro's.
Synonym of WORD.
Defines a so called doubleword. Values should be between -2147483649 and 4294967296.
Same as BYTE, but an extra zero will be added at the end.
Useful only for ZX-Spectrum users
Create the empty TRD image for emulators of ZX-Spectrum. See example of SAVETRD.
Useful only for non English users
Set the current encoding, i.e. if you set "DOS", SjASMPlus will automatically convert strings from ANSI to DOS-866. Encoding may be "DOS"(DOS-866) or "WIN"(ANSI/Win-1251). Default is "WIN".
Example 5.17.
ENCODING "WIN" DB "тексттекст" ;will be тексттекст ENCODING "DOS" DB "тексттекст" ;will be ⥪бв⥪бв
The assembler will stop at this point. The pseudo-op doesn't work in the beginning of line(with and without key --dirbol).
See LUA for more information.
Synonym of ENDMODULE.
To indicate the end of a module (see MODULE), and use the previous modulename.
Synonym of ENT.
Restore current address. See DISP for more information.
To give a label a value other than the current program counter. '=' can be used instead of 'EQU'. The label should not already exist.
The named label will be written to the export-file, in the form 'label: EQU value'. This way the export-file can be included in other sources.
To give a label the value of the current map counter. Afterwards the map counter is increment by the given amount. '#' May be used instead of 'FIELD'. With map and field it is possible to create structure-like data structures. With '##' it is possible to align the map counter.
Example 5.21.
MAP 8 Label # 2 ; Label=8 Kip # 3 ; Kip=10 Kop # ; Kop=13 Kop2 # 1 ; Kop2=13 ## ; align map address (align 4 is default) Kop3 # 6 ; Kop3=16
The FPOS directive makes it possible to set the file position to anywhere in the output file.
In combination with OUTPUT “<filename>”,r it is possible to update existing files.
Example 5.22.
; This example will result in a file with a length of one byte: BYTE 0 FPOS 0 BYTE 1 END
To include a binary file into the outputfile. The offset and length are optional.
Example 5.23.
INCBIN "gfx.scc",7 ; include gfx.scc, skip first 7 bytes INCBIN "",3,256 ; include 256 bytes from offset 3 INCBIN gfx.scc ,7 ; note the space between the filename and the ',7' here :)
To include a data from a hobeta file into the outputfile. The offset and length are optional.
Example 5.24.
INCHOB "gfx.$c",7 ; include gfx.scc, skip first 7 bytes INCHOB "sprs.$c",3,256 ; include 256 bytes from offset 3 INCHOB gfx.$c ,7 ; note the space between the filename and the ',7' here :)
To include another sourcefile into the current. Sourcefiles can be nested 20 levels deep. If the file cannot be found in the current directory (the current directory is the directory the current file comes from) the file will be searched for in the directories specified at the commandline. When angle brackets are used, the commandline directories are searched before the current directory.
To include another LUA script in first pass(!). If the file cannot be found in the current directory (the current directory is the directory the current file comes from) the file will be searched for in the directories specified at the commandline. When angle brackets are used, the commandline directories are searched before the current directory.
To include a file from a TRD image into the outputfile. The offset and length are optional.
Example 5.27.
INCTRD "test.trd","mygfx.C" ; include mygfx.C from test.trd INCTRD "test.trd","mygfx.C",12 ; include mygfx.C from test.trd, skip first 12 bytes
INSERT is a synonym of INCBIN. See above.
Useful only for ZX-Spectrum Emulator UNREALSPECCY.
Work only in real device emulation mode. See DEVICE.
Save labels list in format:
,where NN is number of page of RAM
Using pseudo-ops LUA and ENDLUA you can insert Lua scripts. See more in the chapter "Lua scripting".
Parameter is optional. It may be:
PASS1 - interpret Lua script in first pass only. PASS2 - interpret Lua script in second pass only. PASS3 - interpret Lua script in third pass only. By default. ALLPASS - interpret Lua script in all passes. It is need, if you generate some Z80 code.
Example 5.29.
LUA -- some comments print "Hi, man! This is Lua!" ENDLUA ; some code now: LUA ALLPASS _pl("LABEL LD A,10") _pc("RET") ENDLUA
Set the map counter to the specified value. See FIELD for an example.
Not available yet.
Labels are to be unique only in the current module. Also note the use of '@' to suppress all this label-processing. (The '@' is NOT part of the label name though!)
Example 5.31.
MODULE xxx Kip ; label xxx.Kip CALL Kip ; call xxx.Kip CALL yyy.Kip ; call yyy.Kip CALL Kop ; call xxx.Kop CALL @Kop ; call Kop Call @Kip ; call Kip MODULE yyy Kip ; label yyy.Kip @Kop ; label Kop @xxx.Kop ; label xxx.Kop MODULE ; no modulename Kip ; label Kip
Set the program counter to a specific address.
Example 5.32.
ORG 100h ; or 0x100, or $100, or #100 ; useful macro that padding code MACRO PADORG addr ; add padding IF $ < addr BLOCK addr-$ ENDIF ORG addr ENDM MACRO PADORG2 addr ; add padding + display warning IF $ > addr ; no padding DISPLAY /L, "Warning! PADORG failed! ", $, " is more than ", addr ELSE ; add padding BLOCK addr-$ ENDIF ORG addr ENDM
With OUTPUT it is possible to create multiple files from one source. All following instructions will be assembled to this file.
There are three possible output modes: truncate (overwrite existing files, this is the default), rewind (open and execute FPOS 0) and append (open and leave the file pointer at the end of the file).
OUTPUT “<filename>”,t ; truncate (default) OUTPUT “<filename>”,r ; rewind OUTPUT “<filename>”,a ; append
Example 5.33. bigfile.asm
OUTPUT ORG 100H INCLUDE loader.asm INCLUDE bios.asm OUTPUT bigfile.dat ORG 4000H INCLUDE main.asm ORG 8000H INCLUDE data.asm
This will create two files: and bigfile.dat.
When SjASMPlus is invoked without specifying an output file, there is still one created even when no bytes are output to it. So when the above file is called bigfile.asm, and assembled with the following line:
sjasmplus bigfile.asm
The following files are created:
Bigfile.out ; file length is zero Bigfile.dat
Work only in real device emulation mode. See DEVICE.
Set the current memory page to current slot.
Example 5.34.
PAGE 7 ;set 7 page SAVEBIN "ram7.bin",$C000,$4000 ;- save $4000 begin from $C000 of RAM to file
Synonym of DISP.
Synonym of DUP.
Work only in real device emulation mode. See DEVICE.
Save the block of RAM.
Example 5.35.
PAGE 7 ;set 7 page to current slot SAVEBIN "ram7.bin",$C000,$4000 ;- save 4000h begin from C000h of RAM to file SAVEBIN "ram2.bin",$8000,$3000 ;- save 3000h begin from 8000h of RAM to file
Work only in real device emulation mode. See DEVICE.
Save the block of RAM in Hobeta format.
Example 5.36.
PAGE 7 ;set 7 page to current slot SAVEHOB "ram7.$c","myfile1.C",$C000,$4000 ;- save 4000h begin from C000h of RAM to file SAVEHOB "ram2.$c","myfile2.C",$8000,$3000 ;- save 3000h begin from 8000h of RAM to file
Work only in real device emulation mode. See DEVICE.
Save the snapshot for emulators of ZX-Spectrum.
Example 5.37.
DEVICE ZXSPECTRUM128 ORG $8000 START .... ;something code RET SAVESNA "game.sna",START ;save snapshot to file game.sna. Start address is START ($8000)
Work only in real device emulation mode. See DEVICE.
Save the snapshot for emulators of ZX-Spectrum
Example 5.38.
EMPTYTRD "test.trd" ;create empty TRD image PAGE 7 ;set 7 page to current slot SAVETRD "test.trd","myfile1.C",$C000,$4000 ;- save 4000h begin from C000h of RAM to file to TRD image SAVETRD "test.trd","myfile2.C",$8000,$3000 ;- save 3000h begin from 8000h of RAM to file to TRD image
Execute external program <filename> using optional command line <parameters>.
Example 5.39.
OUTPUT "mybin.bin" ;some code IF ((_ERRORS = 0) + (_WARNINGS = 0)) SHELLEXEC "x:/mydeveloping/bin2tap.exe mybin.bin mytap.tap" ; or SHELLEXEC "x:/mydeveloping/bin2tap.exe","mybin.bin mytap.tap" ENDIF
If the resulting file is less than the given length, as many bytes are added as necessary. See OUTPUT for more.
Work only in real device emulation mode. See DEVICE.
Set current slot. Slot's defined by MEMORYMAP pseudo-op. Use pseudo-op PAGE to change page in the current slot.
Example 5.41.
DEVICE ZXSPECTRUM128 SLOT 3 ;from 0C000h to 0FFFFh PAGE 1 ;set page 1 to slot 3 ORG 0C000h ;your program here PAGE 2 INCBIN "somegfx.bin" ;....
Synonym of DISP.
Removes the identifier defined by DEFINE
Example 5.42.
DEFINE Release 1 IFDEF Release DISPLAY "Building release version" ENDIF UNDEFINE Release IFNDEF Release DISPLAY "It's works!" ENDIF IFDEF _SJASMPLUS DISPLAY "Yes, it's the sjasmplus!" ENDIF UNDEFINE * ; undefine all identifiers IFNDEF _SJASMPLUS DISPLAY "It's not the sjasmplus??" ENDIF
Synonym of ENT.
Defines a word. Values should be between -32787 and 65536.
It may be useful to assemble a part or not based on a certain condition.
If <expression> is non-zero the following lines are assembled until an ELSE or ENDIF.
If <expression> is zero the following lines are assembled until an ELSE or ENDIF.
The condition is true if there is an id defined. These are NOT labels.
The condition is true if there isn't an id defined. These are NOT labels.
The condition is true if there is an label used somewhere in the code. You can create libraries of useful functions using IFUSED pseudo-op
Example 5.46. Example
OUTPUT "TEST.OUT" CALL LABEL3 ; LABEL3 - yes LD A,(LABEL1) ; LABEL1 - yes IFUSED LABEL1 LABEL1: DB 1 ENDIF IFUSED LABEL2 LABEL2: DB 2 ENDIF IFUSED LABEL3 LABEL3: DB 3 ENDIF IFUSED LABEL4 LABEL4: DB 4 ENDIF LD A,LABEL2 ; LABEL2 - yes RET ; Output will contain bytes from LABEL1 to LABEL3 (1, 2, 3), but not contain from LABEL4, because this label is not used. ; Alternative syntax: LABEL5: IFUSED ; sjasmplus will use name of previous label, i.e. LABEL5 ENDIF
The condition is true if there is an label not used somewhere in the code.
See IF. If the condition is not true, the else-part is assembled.
Every IF should be followed by an ENDIF.
The MACRO pseudo-op defines a macro. It should be followed by the name of the macro, optionally followed by the parameters. The following lines will be stored as the macro-body until an ENDM pseudo-op is encountered. Macro's have to be defined before their use.
Labels in a macro starting with a dot are local to each macro expansion.
Example 5.48. A macro with parameters
MACRO WAVEOUT reg, data LD A,reg OUT (7EH),A LD A,data OUT (7FH),A ENDM ; this macro will make WAVEOUT 2,17 ; expand to: LD A,2 OUT (7EH),A LD A,17 OUT (7FH),A
Example 5.49. Another example
MACRO LOOP IF $-.lus<127 DJNZ .lus ELSE DEC B JP NZ,.lus ENDIF ENDM Main .lus CALL DoALot LOOP ; This will expand to: Main .lus ; Main.lus CALL DoALot DJNZ .lus ; Main.lus
Angle brackets can be used when the arguments contain commas.
Example 5.50.
MACRO UseLess data DB data ENDM UseLess <10,12,13,0> ; expands to: DB 10,12,13,0 ; use '!' to include '!' and '>' in those strings. UseLess <5, 6 !> 3> ; expands to: DB 5, 6 > 3 UseLess <"Kip!!",3> ; expands to: DB "Kip!",3
Structures can be used to define data structures in memory more easily. The name of the structure is set to the total size of the structure.
A structure definition starts with: STRUCT <name>,[<initial offset>]
and ends with ENDS
. Structure definitions are local to the current module, but, as with labels, '@' can be used to override this.
Lines between STRUCT and ENDS should have the following format:
membername pseudo-operation operands
All fields are optional. Lines without label should start with whitespace.
Between the STRUCT and ENDS pseudo-instructions the following instructions can be used:
To define a one byte member. The defaultvalue is used when no initialisation value is given when the structure is declared. (DB and DEFB may be used instead of BYTE).
To define a two byte member. The defaultvalue is used when no initialisation value is given when the structure is declared. (DW and DEFW may be used instead of WORD).
To define a three byte member. The defaultvalue is used when no initialisation value is given when the structure is declared.
To define a four byte member. The defaultvalue is used when no initialisation value is given when the structure is declared. (DD and DEFD may be used instead of WORD).
To define an member of the specified number of bytes. ('#', DS and DEFS may be used instead of WORD).
To align the offset. If the expression is omitted, 4 is assumed. ('##' May be used instead of ALIGN).
It is possible to nest structures, and give new defaults for the BYTE and WORD members.
Example 6.1.
This is identical to:
SCOLOR EQU 3 ; lenght SCOLOR.RED EQU 0 ; offset SCOLOR.GREEN EQU 1 ; offset SCOLOR.BLUE EQU 2 ; offset
Example 6.2.
STRUCT SDOT X BYTE Y BYTE C SCOLOR 0,0,0 ; use new default values ENDS
This is identical to:
SDOT EQU 5 ; length SDOT.X EQU 0 ; offset SDOT.Y EQU 1 ; offset SDOT.C EQU 2 ; offset SDOT.C.RED EQU 2 ; offset SDOT.C.GREEN EQU 3 ; offset SDOT.C.BLUE EQU 4 ; offset
Example 6.3.
This is identical to:
SPOS EQU 10 ; length SPOS.X EQU 4 ; offset SPOS.Y EQU 6 ; offset SPOS.AD EQU 8 ; offset
Example 6.4.
When a structure is defined it is possible to declare labels with it
This is identical to:
Note the default values.
Or without label:
This is identical to:
COLORTABLE BYTE 0,0,0 BYTE 1,2,3 BYTE 4,2,6 ; etc. DOT1 SDOT 0,0, 0,0,0 ; or 0,0,0,0,0 or {0,0,{0,0,0}}
Only BYTE and WORD members can be initialised.
The resulting labels can be used as any other label:
ld b,(ix+SCOLOR.RED) ld a,(COLOR.GREEN) ld de,COLOR ; etc.
Do not use the offset labels in indirections like:
This will conflict with futher 'improvements' ;-)
If this is absolutely necessary (why?) use something like this:
Why is scripting engine as Lua embedded to the compiler? Answer is simple: It need to add extra features by users. And to whole other Lua is enough small, fast and powerful scripting engine.
From Lua you can control some variables and use functions of the compiler. Complete list:
Calculate expression using calculator of the compiler. Example: val = _c("SOMELABEL+12")
Parse string of Z80 assembly. Example: _pc("ADD A,B")
Parse line of Z80 assembly. Example: _pc("SOMELABEL ADD A,B")
See _c
See _pc
See _pl
Print error message.
Print warning message.
Check for file exists.
Get define value.
Add new define.
Get label address.
Add new label.
Variable. Current address.
Variable. Count of Errors.
Variable. Count of Warnings.
Shutdown the compiler.
Add byte to output (or to memory) and increase sj.current_address
Add word to output (or to memory) and twice increase sj.current_address
Get byte from memory. Work only in real device emulation mode.
Get word from memory. Work only in real device emulation mode.
Return current emulating device's identifier. Returns "NONE" if no emulation mode.
Set current emulating device's identifier. Returns false if no device found.
Set page with number "number" to the current slot. Works as pseudo-op PAGE.
Set current slot with number "number". Works as pseudo-op SLOT.
See pseudo-op SHELLEXEC.
Creates emptry TRD image file.
Save block of memory to TRD image file. Work only in real device emulation mode.
Save snapshot of memory in SNA format. Work only in real device emulation mode and only for ZXSPECTRUM128 and better..
a Lua library for packing and unpacking binary data
by Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <lhf(at)>
The library adds two functions to the string library: string.pack and string.unpack.
pack is called as follows: string.pack(F,x1,x2,...), where F is a string describing how the values x1, x2, ... are to be interpreted and formatted. Each letter in the format string F consumes one of the given values. Only values of type number or string are accepted. pack returns a (binary) string containing the values packed as described in F. The letter codes understood by pack are listed in lpack.c (they are inspired by Perl's codes but are not the same). Numbers following letter codes in F indicate repetitions.
unpack is called as follows: string.unpack(s,F,[init]), where s is a (binary) string containing data packed as if by pack, F is a format string describing what is to be read from s, and the optional init marks where in s to begin reading the values. unpack returns one value per letter in F until F or s is exhausted (the letters codes are the same as for pack, except that numbers following 'A' are interpreted as the number of characters to read into the string, not as repetitions).
The first value returned by unpack is the next unread position in s, which can be used as the init position in a subsequent call to unpack. This allows you to unpack values in a loop or in several steps. If the position returned by unpack is beyond the end of s, then s has been exhausted; any calls to unpack starting beyond the end of s will always return nil values.
List of types for F string:
zero-terminated string
string preceded by length byte
string preceded by length word
string preceded by length size_t
Lua number
byte = unsigned char
short = word
unsigned short
unsigned int
unsigned long
little endian
big endian
native endian
Example 7.2. Variables doesn't clear in new passes of the compiler
LUA PASS1 v = 1 ENDLUA LUA PASS2 print (v) -- out to console: 1 v++ ENDLUA LUA PASS3 print (v) -- out to console: 2 ENDLUA
Example 7.3. To generate some code you need to generate it in all passes
LUA ALLPASS _pl("ClearScreen LD (.savesp+1),SP") _pc("LD SP,16384+6144") _pc("LD HL,0") for i = 32768, 38912, 2 do _pc("PUSH HL") end _pl(".savesp: LD SP,0") _pc("RET") ENDLUA
Example 7.4. Declare function and use it
LUA function savetape_mytype(filename, startaddress) local fp fp = assert(, "wb")) for i = 16384, 32767, 4 do assert(fp:write( string.pack("bbbb", sj.get_byte(i), sj.get_byte(i+1), sj.get_byte(i+2), sj.get_byte(i+3)) )) end assert(fp:flush()) assert(fp:close()) end ENDLUA ;somewhere in your program LUA savetape_mytype("tapefiles/myprogram.tape", _c("StartGameLabel")) ENDLUA
Example 7.5. Simple sample :)
LUA -- Function reads number from file <fname>, increases it, creates define "BUILD" with the number and saves the number to <fname>. -- With this function you can control count of compilations. function increase_build(fname) local fp local build fp = assert(, "rb")) build = tonumber(fp:read("*all")) assert(fp:close()) if type(build) == "nil" then build = 0 end build = build + 1; sj.insert_define("BUILD", build) fp = assert(, "wb")) assert(fp:write( build )) assert(fp:flush()) assert(fp:close()) end -- Before using you must create empty file "build.txt"! increase_build("build.txt") -- Creates define "TIME" with current time sj.insert_define("TIME", '"' .."%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") .. '"') ENDLUA ; print to console our time and build number DISPLAY "Build time: ", TIME DISPLAY "Build number: ", /D, BUILD