Top 10k strings from vidpool.z80
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2 select options:- 2 in any of the pockets. 2 b..begin game 1 variations 1 select the character. 1 select key for right ? 1 select key for left ? 1 select key for fire ? 1 s..small pockets 1 s..pot the balls in any order 1 respective pockets but in 1 r..reconfigure keys used 1 press any key to continue.! 1 order, the '1' ball first, 1 move the cursor to the required 1 m..main menu 1 left='z' right='x' fire=' '! 1 l..large pockets 1 k..keyboard 1 j..kempston joystick 1 included in the o.c.p. hall of 1 i..interface two joystick 1 e..edit table 1 congratulations! player 2 1 congratulations! player 1 1 congratulations! 1 code end. 1 character, then press fire to 1 c..cursor joystick 1 ball in the '6' pocket. 1 any order. e.g. the '6' 1 and right keys (or joystick) to 1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz .0123456789 1 WRONG POCKET! 1 WRONG ORDER! 1 PRCD44$%%% 1 PQRCCD444$$ 1 PQBCD44$$%%%% 1 PLAYER 2:M 1 Modify by JANSOFT 1 FOUL SHOT! 1 CD4PPQQQRRRB 1 CD44PPQQQRRBB 1 CD444PPQQQRRB 1 ;"Video Pool is loading!" 1 4PPQQRRBCCCCD4444PPQQRRB 1 4PPQQRBCCCCD 1 4$$PQQRRBCCCD 1 4$$%PQQRBCCCD 1 2..two player game 1 2..pot the balls in their 1 1..pot the balls in numeric 1 player game 1 0 your score has qualified to be 1 0 enter your name using the left 1 - video pool - 1 - game variations - 1 - editor - 1 (variation 2): 1 (variation 1) 1 (standard game) 1 'ZXCVASDFGQWERT1234509876POIUY 1 %PQRBCCD4444$$%%%PQQRBCCD 1 ocp 1984, written by j.hutchby