Top 10k strings from sweevo.z80 in <root> / bin / pc / Emulators / /

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   1 ~27b#~2Gb>
   1 yrlf`[VQLHD@=9630-+(&$" 
   1 q q"q%q'q+q@qUqjqlquq|q~q
   1 k\b]c^d]c\b^dik
   1 _e`fag`f_eaghj
   1 You've reached Chimpanzee Status^ Not-Quite-A-Disaster Status!^0You've reached Clumsy Status!^@You've reached Mediocre Status!^PGot-The-Hang-Of-It Status!!^
   1 You've reached Active Status!!!^Report for Duty at the Death Bowl!!^
   1 You've made a Complete Pig's Ear^
   1 You've Fallen out of the Game!^:
   1 You're Promoted to the Scrapheap^
   1 World Explored
   1 Wijus Wasted
   1 Tyrants Trounced
   1 Try harder, before you Rust!!^
   1 The Controls
   1 SMb:$a2Jb>
   1 Minxes Mashed
   1 Melting down is too Good!!!!^
   1 Marks for Tidiness
   1 Geese Ghosted
   1 D Apple Pie^:
   1 Brownie Points
   1 B Lonesome Pine
   1 A Really Free
   1 @F,$@lF,$@o$,@lo$,@
   1 2Fu"%a##~2(a
   1 2!b2,b2va2#a>
   1 1 Keyboard+2 Kempston+3 Interface 2+4 Cursor+^
   1 +n+kn+kf#cn
   1 +&,&-#.&6&
   1 &&&+&,&-&.&
   1 &%&'&-&/&6#
   1 #$#&#-#.#'&/&5&6&
   1 "x\:x\2ua:x\!ua