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   2    Load a .Z80 file, and wait for the picture you want to print to appear.
   1 [email protected]
   1 your printer with Tasword 3, or make a printout with Art Studio.
   1 works, you might as well put -xt in the Z80.INI file as a permanent
   1 works properly in V3 again.  Sorry to have kept you waiting so long...
   1 when the microdrive is not running.  Entering PRINT IN 0 in Basic will
   1 when saving to disk, after pressing ENTER give the emulator a split second
   1 very few games that were actually playable on a 8 MHz PC, and of course I
   1 version of Tasword 128 doesn't.  The problems can be circumvented easily by
   1 usually hang the Spectrum.  So, if a program reads from the 'Microdrive
   1 using channel "p".  A better solution is to remove the bug.  Load Tasword
   1 typing POKE @11,1.  In principle, this is also possible with the DISCiPLE,
   1 type: OPEN #3,"b"  (or OPEN #3,"t" for basic listings).  Press SHIFT-ALT 4
   1 to the serial port of the PC, a file or a parallel (printer) port.
   1 to the RS232 port of the Interface 1.  The emulator can redirect the RS232
   1 to save the header to disk before pressing F10.
   1 to build, and inexpensive, since only passive components are used.
   1 this first.  Wavajevo comes with a utility to translate its .TAP format to
   1 the respective addresses (pressing ENTER twice after each value); then Q
   1 the printer port, a serial port or a disk file.  Thus, by OPEN #3,"b", "t"
   1 the ZX Printer will appear again.
   1 than 256 Kb).  This will most probably solve your memory problem in DOS
   1 switch off automatic conversion into graphics of some ascii characters.
   1 supports printing to the Interface 1 RS232 and your printer type, or to the
   1 suddenly very fast. Without sound, Manic Miner and Jetset Willy were two of
   1 somewhat differently, important for well-protected programs. As a side
   1 solution.  Most probably shelling to DOS will not work in this case, as DOS
   1 so LPRINT works straight away.  When a +D ROM is used, POKE @11,0 may be
   1 routine.  Because Z80 traps the ROM and does not emulate the bips and
   1 routine) converted into the DISCiPLE/+D parallel printer output channel.
   1 resident programs into high memory.
   1 programs, simply select the hardware mode 48K (or 128K) Spectrum without
   1 programs will not load with an Interface 1 emulated.  Some programs are
   1 print things - some print without being asked to.  However, when this
   1 output respectively; use "t" for listings) and the Spectrum 128's RS232
   1 output port with -xl and output mode with -0e or -0h, then simply use
   1 out-of-paper or whatever, Z80 will report to the Spectrum program that the
   1 ordinary Spectrum would have crashed at that point.
   1 opening stream 3 for output to channel "b", i.e. OPEN #3,"b", instead of
   1 on the 48K Spectrum with Interface 1, or OPEN #3,"p" on the Spectrum 128,
   1 needs quite a bit of free memory.
   1 need them, try using e.g. Quarterdeck's QEMM to load as much as possible
   1 necessary.  The +D's "p" channel can be reset to ZX Printer output by
   1 much space and leave very little conventional memory to ordinary programs.
   1 joystick port is not usable.  Use an analogue pc-joystick instead.
   1 is an example (just wait until it pauses, then press a key).  To use these
   1 into graphics data understandable for Epson and HP-PCL compatible printers,
   1 in the documentation file, or the REGISTER.DOC file.
   1 implemented joystick port. If only two directions (out of four) work, your
   1 happens during printing, Z80 will try to finish its job.  The program
   1 from port 0.
   1 for a Star SG-10.  The Spectrum 128's COPY command sends its output to the
   1 for OPEN #.
   1 file using TAP2VOC, and play this file back to the emulator.
   1 emulated with a single REP MOVSB instruction of the 8086, emulation is
   1 emulated ZX Printer will not respond to it in DISCiPLE mode.
   1 effect, it will then also run at the right speed.
   1 don't want to slow down the emulator on slow machines!
   1 directly to a printer.  The menu that controls this is accessed by F4, O.
   1 different from Z80's, but uses files with the same .TAP extension.  Check
   1 conversion, POKE @8,1 to have CR's converted to CR/LF's, POKE @10,0 to
   1 clicks of the data, this will not work.  Convert the .TAP file to a .VOC
   1 channel "p", and the DISCiPLE/+D's centronics "p" channel can be routed to
   1 but the ZX Printer port #FB is used by the DISCiPLE already, and the
   1 between header and data block.  When saving to tape you can easily see it;
   1 be converted to graphics output in Epson or HP-PCL format; for this, select
   1 attached (on one plug!).  A number of multi-io cards can handle only one
   1 appears to hang, but pressing the space bar once causes Z80 to stop waiting
   1 and report the ZX Printer as non-existent.  When the printer goes on-line,
   1 and finally, the DISCiPLE has also on-board screen dump routines.
   1 analogue joystick.  However, the Zandbergen joystick needs a fully
   1 an LDIR instruction to update the screen. Since this instruction can be
   1 amount of available EMS memory to about any non-zero value (Z80 needs less
   1 all data sent to channel 3 (i.e. printed by LPRINT or LLIST) can be routed
   1 ad 9.  What to do about an IN 0 crash?
   1 ad 8.  Printing problems with Tasword 128
   1 ad 7. How to save a .SCR snapshot to tape or .TAP file
   1 ad 6. Manic Miner and Jetset Willy run too fast!
   1 ad 5. How to contact the author.
   1 ad 4. What to do if the Zandbergen joystick doesn't work correctly
   1 ad 3. How to build the tape interface.
   1 ad 2. How to LLIST and LPRINT to a printer
   1 ad 11.  Z80 complains about lack of memory
   1 ad 10.  I have a .TAP file, but it doesn't work
   1 ad 1. How to make a screen dump on a printer
   1 ZX printer.  For example, it is perfecty possible to print a textfile on
   1 ZX Printer is non-existent.  This will prevent programs from trying to
   1 Z80 needs far less conventional memory if EMS memory is present.  In a
   1 Z80 itself suggests using -xt or -xu to reduce the amount of memory.  Using
   1 Z80 - Frequently Asked Questions
   1 You can contact me by normal post:
   1 Windows (95) DOS box the amount of EMS memory available can be pre-set.
   1 When the Interface 1 appeared, it was possible to attach a serial printer
   1 Use the PIF editor (Windows 3.1) or go to Properties, Memory, to set the
   1 True. Most of the time these games are either producing sound or executing
   1 To a fully implemented pc-joystick port, two analogue joysticks can be
   1 There are several ways to print things.  The standard ZX Printer output can
   1 The switch -xu disables Hi-res color emulation, which can be undesirable.
   1 The normal ZX Printer "p" channel is automatically (by an interrupt
   1 The joystick port of a Sounblaster is fully implemented and ok to use.
   1 The following POKE @'s are useful: POKE @6,0 to switch on control code
   1 The diagram of the tape interface is in the program DIAGRAM.Z80. It is easy
   1 The Zandbergen joystick interface did not work at all in version 2.01.  It
   1 The SamRam can make a screen-dump on a dot-matrix printer. It is programmed
   1 The Interface I often crashes if the 'Microdrive Data' port is accessed
   1 The DISCiPLE rom's in ROMS.BIN are set to Centronics interface by default,
   1 Tasword 128 does not print correctly via the "p" channel; at least, my
   1 Switch to 128K mode (without Interface 1 to avoid troubles there) and try
   1 Spectrum 128K programs without saying so when loaded in an 48K machine.
   1 Some programs use the standard format on tape, but use their own load
   1 Some programs need the R register emulation to be switched on.  Some
   1 Some programs did indeed crash if an Interface I was attached; JetSet Willy
   1 Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator 'Z80' v3.05  -  11/11/96  -  by G.A. Lunter
   1 See your autoexec.bat file and remove unneccessary programs.  If you do
   1 SamRam; not on the Spectrum 128K).
   1 Postal address:
   1 Now load the .SCR snapshot into memory, and continue saving.
   1 Note that (without the -xj switch) when the actual printer goes off-line or
   1 LPRINT, LLIST and COPY to output to the "p" stream (on 48K Spectrum or
   1 Interface 1.  In this mode the emulator won't bother about programs reading
   1 Interface 1 RS232, you have to open the #3 channel.  In Spectrum Basic,
   1 In this way you can print anything as long as your spectrum program
   1 If you turn the LDIR emulation switch on, the LDIR instruction will behave
   1 If you have more than one joystick port in your pc, you have to disable
   1 If you do not want to build the interface yourself, you can order one for
   1 If this still doesn't work, then most probably resident programs take up
   1 If it is REALLY urgent you can Email:
   1 Hex, address 9DD3, and poke the values 01 FD 7F ED 79 32 5C 5B FB C9 into
   1 First make the appropriate choises in the tape menu, F7.  Then type SAVE
   1 Example 5: Screen dump for Epson or HP PCL compatible printers using
   1 Example 4: Screen dump for Epson or HP PCL compatible printers using
   1 Example 3: Screen dump for all other printers, using DOS utilities
   1 Example 2: Screen dump for EPSON compatible matrix printer using the
   1 Example 1: Screen dump for Star SG-10 compatible matrix printer using
   1 Example 1: Screen dump for Epson or HP-PCL compatible printers, via
   1 Epson-compatible printers.  The ZX Printer's COPY output can be translated
   1 Data' port when it shouldn't, the emulator lets the user know that an
   1 Could be different things.  The Warajevo emulator uses a tape file format
   1 BP 14.50 with B G Services.  For the address, see the Registering section
   1 As said above, you have to redirect the output of the Interface 1 RS232.
   1 As on a real spectrum with Interface 1, if you want to print to the
   1 Any queries which require my help will be forwarded to me.
   1 All output to the Interface I's RS232 channel "b" and "t" (for raw and text
   1 9  - What to do about an IN 0 crash?
   1 8  - Printing problems with Tasword 128
   1 7  - How to save a .SCR snapshot to tape or .TAP file
   1 6  - Manic Miner and Jetset Willy run too fast!
   1 5  - How to contact the author
   1 4  - What to do if the Zandbergen joystick doesn't work correctly
   1 3  - How to build the tape-interface
   1 2  - How to LLIST and LPRINT to a printer
   1 128, turn on Microface 128 emulation, hit NMI (F5), choose T, then H for
   1 11 - Z80 complains about lack of memory
   1 10 - I have a .TAP file, but it doesn't work
   1 1  - How to print the diagram of the tape-interface
   1 -xt reduces execution speed only slightly in some situations, so if this
   1 "p" printer channel, also an RS232 channel.  This will work for
   1 "name" SCREEN$.  Press ENTER, and then press F10 in the one second gap
   1    though).  Then, the ordinary COPY command works.
   1    the standard COPY command.
   1    the routines of the DISCiPLE
   1    the ZX Printer emulation and the ordinary COPY command
   1    the SamRam.
   1    switches are best defaulted in Z80.INI.
   1    select LPT2 for output.  Select Epson or HP-PCL output format with -0e
   1    or -0h.  Then simply type COPY (in 48K or SamRam mode, not in 128K
   1    mode, and neither in DISCiPLE mode; it works in +D mode though).
   1    but 48K BASIC, and make sure the Disciple is not turned on (+D is fine
   1    Type COPY SCREEN$ 2 for an A4 dump with dithered grey-tones.
   1    Type COPY SCREEN$ 1 for a small screen-dump (black/white but with regard
   1    Switch to Spectrum 128K mode (F9, 5, ENTER)
   1    Switch to SamRam mode by pressing F10, H, 3, CTRL-ENTER, and generate an
   1    Switch to 48K + DISCiPLE mode (or 128K + DISCiPLE) and select the ROM
   1    Select the printer port to use for output with -XL 2 for example, to
   1    Save it as a .SCR screendump by pressing F10, X, S, name
   1    Run CONVERT on the .SCR file to generate a .GIF or a .PCX file, for
   1    Redirect the Spectrum Interface 1 RS232 output to LPT1 by pressing F4,
   1    Redirect the RS232 output to LPT1 by pressing F4, O, L, 1.
   1    Redirect RS232 output to LPT1.
   1    Press P, then 1 to print the screen.
   1    Press F10, X, L, name, to load the screen snapshot back into memory.
   1    Make sure the emulator is in a 48K mode, SamRam is OK, or in a 128K mode
   1    Leave the emulator.
   1    Go back to the emulator (ESC, ESC) and press any key to start printing.
   1    Follow the steps from example 2 up to the saving of the .SCR
   1    Find another program that can print the .GIF or .PCX file
   1    Choose '128K BASIC' from the menu, and type PAUSE 0:COPY, and press
   1    COPY command of the Spectrum 128
   1    At startup, use a combination of the switches -xl, -xj, -0e, -0h and
   1    -0f to select the proper set-up for your printer configuration.  These
   1      as shown in DIAGRAM.Z80, or make other screendumps.
   1         with the pre-loaded D.O.S. for Epson or HP PCL compatible printers
   1         to colors)
   1         simply press F5.
   1         screen snapshot.
   1         example
   1         The Netherlands.
   1         P.O. Box 2535
   1         O, L, 1.
   1         NMI by pressing X, N.  If you're already in SamRam mode you can
   1         Gerton Lunter
   1         ENTER once.
   1         9704 CM  Groningen
   1                 CONVERT b x screen.scr screen.pcx
   1                 CONVERT b g screen.scr screen.gif,   or