Top 10k strings from Z80.EXE
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2 .DSK 1 works in VGA mode. Key.. 1 using switch -xt at startup will 1 the Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48/128 1 tape-menu. 1 switch -xu from Z80.INI or 1 register for this program. 1 register for it. The registered program can load all Spectrum programs 1 plusdrom.bin 1 playing VOC files. 1 only. Please refer to the manual 1 only. Please refer to the 1 only. See the documentation for details on how to register for this program. 1 manual for registration 1 interfaces. 1 hetVJNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFFF 1 hetVJNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNFFFFE 1 hetVBBBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1 help you out. 1 hdrles00 1 for registration details. 1 five minutes, with only a few 1 file for details on how to 1 file failed. 1 features - like tape-loading and 1 environment 1 emulates the DISCiPLE and +D interfaces. It comes with several utilities and 1 emulate the DISCiPLE and +D 1 empty cartridge? (Y/N) 1 directly from tape and sound sample file, it can be slowed down, and it 1 data in .Z80/.SLT file. Key.. 1 correspond to:- 1 complete source files. Please read the manual for more details. 1 command shell not found 1 command line switches. Key... 1 cannot be slowed down. 1 buffers allocated! Remove 1 available to registered users 1 any other key to <BREAK> 1 ] = symbol shift 1 Z80.INI file too long, maximum is 8000 bytes. Default settings assumed. 1 Z80 - the Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator - (c) 1996 G.A. Lunter - version 3.05 1 Your registered copy does not 1 You cannot use Real Mode in 1 You can't use Real Mode while 1 Y - to overwrite it, 1 X] Close outputfile 1 X] Clear output buffer 1 X] Clear input buffer 1 X: Tape info window: 1 X - Extra functions 1 Written by Gerton Lunter 1 Writing/closing RS232 output- 1 Writing successful - key.. 1 Windows Compatibility mode! 1 Warning: ROM (partly) included! 1 W: Outputfile: 1 W: Write protection: 1 W'Y,Y1YFYKY 1 Version 3.05 1 Version 3.0 does not support this .Z80 file - please upgrade. 1 V]ideo synchr. mode: 1 VOC playback status: 1 VOC file played. 1 Using second analogue joystick as Left Sinclair I 1 User defined 1 Unsupported block type! 1 U] Update screen once 1 UNIDOS 1 UNFORMATTED cartridge created. 1 This program will run for about 1 This program does not emulate the DISCiPLE or +D interface.$ 1 The .VOC file playback feature is only available to registered users.$ 1 Tape input-file not found.$ 1 Tape Interface settings 1 Table of OUT ports logged: 1 T] M.G.T. Type: 1 TAB,5,0 Fire 1 Syntax: Z80 [{-|/}switches ...] [filename[{.z80|.sna}]] 1 Switch -xn: sample rate must be between 5000 and 44100 Hz.$ 1 Switch -XP, -XM, -TD or -TS: Invalid directory.$ 1 Spectrum Emulator - Real Mode 1 Specified ROM image file not found or not exactly 16K bytes long.$ 1 Special characters: 1 SoundBlaster not found! (Specify base port when different from default 0220h) 1 Sorry --- this computer is too fast!$ 1 Sorry -- you tried using some switches which are available to registered users 1 Sorry -- this option is 1 Sorry -- tape support is 1 Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator 1 Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator 1 Sinclair 2 1 Shareware version 3.05 1 Set/Reset breakpoint 1 Select tapefile directory: 1 Select tape file for input: 1 Select hardware: 1 Select cartridge file for mdrv 1 Select VOC file to play: 1 Second analogue joystick not found 1 Save block 1 Save Spectrum snapshot 1 S] Start address: 1 S] Save screen or memory block 1 STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK!STACK! 1 SPECTRUM CRASH by IN 0 1 SPECTRUM CRASH by DI/HALT 1 SAVEing block to 1 S: Single .TAP file mode: 1 S: Recorder status: 1 S - Save snapshot 1 Redirirect interface 1 RS232 1 Redirect RS232/MGT Centronics 1 Read error! 1 R]-register emulation: 1 R] Reset disk input 1 R] Reset Spectrum 1 RS232 redirection options: 1 RS232 channel 1 R: Inputfile: 1 R - Real mode 1 Quit the ZX Spectrum Emulator 1 Press space to <BREAK> 1 Press key that should 1 Press any key... 1 Press any key... 1 Press any key.. 1 Press any key. 1 Press any key to return to 1 Press any key to quit. 1 Press F6 for real mode, 1 Position: 1 Position the tape pointer: 1 Please wait.. 1 Please read the REGISTER.DOC 1 Paused until LOAD "" 1 P] Partial screen update 1 P: VOC file to play: 1 P: Play .VOC file 1 Outputfile closed. Key.. 1 Output buffer cleared. Key.. 1 Only first 1000 files shown. 1 O] Redirect RS232/Centr. Output 1 O] Log OUTs 1 O: Output to: 1 O: Take cartridge out 1 Numlock Shifted cursorkeys 1 November 1996 1 Not enough memory, or 1 Not enough memory to load data! 1 No suitable video interface found. Use appropriate switch. 1 No physical tape support in 1 No outputfile specified. 1 No inputfile specified. 1 No Hi-color emulation 1 No COMSPEC variabele in 1 Nmbr Arr: 1 Name of DAT or Z80/SLT file: 1 N]ame OUT log file 1 N] Generate NMI 1 N - to exit. 1 Multiple File mode - key.. 1 More than one output-channel specified.$ 1 Microdrive Interface settings 1 M]ultiface 128: 1 M] Screen or Memory 1 M: Mirror input to disk: 1 M.G.T. Options 1 M - Microdrive / MGT options 1 Log file name: 1 Log OUTs menu 1 Loading game level 1 Load block 1 Load Spectrum snapshot 1 L]dir emulation: 1 L] Load screen or memory block 1 L] Length: 1 LPT-port not found.. 1 LPT-port not found.$ 1 LOADing block from 1 LAYOUT.SCR 1 L - Load snapshot 1 K]ey controls: 1 Joystick options: 1 Joystick emulation: 1 J]oystick-emulation: 1 Invalid microdrive number, or cartridge file not found.$ 1 Insufficient memory available. Try using switch -xt; if that fails try -xu 1 Input-file not found.$ 1 Input buffer cleared. Key.. 1 If you're not already using it, 1 If you can read this, use option -xv 1 I] Redirect RS232 Input 1 I] Inhibit button: 1 I: Input from: 1 I: Insert cartridge 1 Hi-res color emulation only 1 H]i-res color emulation: 1 H - Select hardware 1 G] Filename: 1 File not found... 1 File not found. 1 File not found - key.. 1 File is read-only... 1 File exists! Press: 1 File exists - overwrite? (Y/N) 1 File ROMS.BIN not found or corrupt. 1 File PLUSDROM.BIN corrupt, or not found. (Must be 16K long) 1 File LAYOUT.SCR not found! 1 Fatal internal error$ 1 F]rame irupt frequency: 1 F] Filename: 1 FFFFNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFFFFFFFNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFFFFFFFNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFFFFFFFNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFFFFFFFNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFFFFFFFNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFFFFFFFNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFFFFFFFNNNVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVNNNFFFFFFFFNNNNNNNNMMNNNNNMMNMMMMMNFFFFFFFFNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNFFFFFFFFNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNFFFFFFFFNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNFFFFFFFFNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNFFFFFFFFNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFFFFFFFNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFFFBBFFNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFFFBBBFNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFFFVBBBNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNFFFFtVBBNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNFFFFetVBNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFFFhetVJNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNFFFF 1 F: Fast Forward 1 F9 Select hardware 1 F8 Microdrive / MGT options 1 F6 Real mode 1 F5 Generate an NMI 1 F4 Change settings 1 F3 Load .Z80 snapshot 1 F2 Save .Z80 snapshot 1 F10 Main menu 1 Extra functions: 1 Error: Scan code not in range, or action code wrong. 1 Error: Illegal -0s command! (Syntax: -0sND, N=1 or 2 and D=A or B) 1 Error: -0 followed by illegal character! 1 Error writing .TAP file in 1 Error while writing. 1 Error while writing to the 1 Error while resetting 1 Error while opening... 1 Error while opening 1 Error while closing tapefile 1 Error trying to open output-file.$ 1 Error trying to open map file.$ 1 Error reading tapefile. 1 Error reading file - key.. 1 Error re-opening inputfile 1 Error opening tape output-file.$ 1 Error opening VOC file.$ 1 Error interpreting user defined joystick switch. Format: 1 Error in z80.ini file at line $ 1 Error in parameters on command line.$ 1 Error in hex word (for -td or -kx): format is -xd#### or -kx#### hexadecimal.$ 1 Error in filename or 1 Error in .Z80/.SNA file 1 Error in .Z80 or .SNA file. 1 Error executing command shell: 1 Error during disk I/O... 1 Error during closing outputfile 1 Error during MsDos CHDIR. 1 Error creating file. 1 Error closing cartridge file... 1 Erroneous SoundBlaster base I/O address; should be between 200 and 270. 1 Entire file 1 Enter table entry to delete: 1 Enter port address to add: 1 Enter name: 1 Enter filename: 1 Enter address: 1 Enter LPT port number: 1 Enter COM-port: 1 Emulator configuration: 1 ESC=cancel, other=continue... 1 ESC Edit 1 ERROR reading VOC-file! 1 ERROR - Not enough memory! 1 ENTER=select; CTRL-ENT: no reset 1 EMS driver error (probably not enough memory). 1 Drive Write Protected - key.. 1 Do you want to create an 1 Display adapter options: 1 Disk input reset. Key.. 1 Disk full - key.. 1 Disciple emulation - disabled. 1 Did not find (appropriate) level 1 Deleting block from tapfile... 1 D]elete OUT port 1 D] Dos shell 1 DISCiPLE (HP) 1 DISCiPLE (Eps) 1 D: Tapefile dir: 1 Current setting: 1 Current microdrive: 1 Current cartridge file: 1 Copying block to disk... 1 Compressed block encountered 1 Char Arr: 1 Change settings 1 C]hange rel. speed: 1 CTRL-BRK Quit 1 COM-port not found.$ 1 COM-poort not found.. 1 C - Change settings 1 Breakpoint hit at # 1 B] Set/Reset breakpoint ( 1 B] Back to normal mode 1 B: Browse through inputfile 1 B - Back to Spectrum 1 Are you sure? (Y/N) 1 A]dd OUT port 1 ALT-F5 Reset 1 ALT-F4 Change joystick setting 1 ALT-F1 Keyboard lay-out 1 ALT, CTRL Symbol Shift 1 A - to append to existing file, 1 <AtM<MtA<Kt 1 <1t+<2t.<Xu 1 <1rG<4wC,12 1 8Clp#;N6k;N 1 8Clp#;N6K;N 1 7] Spectrum 128 + M.G.T. 1 6] Spectrum 128 + If.1 1 5] Spectrum 128 1 4] Spectrum 48 + M.G.T. 1 3] Spectrum 48 + If.1 + SamRam 1 3] Go to main menu 1 2] Spectrum 48 + If.1 1 2] Issue-2 emulation: 1 2] Ignore error and continue 1 2] Go to main menu 1 2] Drive 2: 1 1] Spectrum 48 1 1] Ignore error and continue 1 1] Enable interrupts, continue 1 1] Drive 1: 1 1] Abort I/O operations 1 1-8: Select microdrive 1 0A.S.G.M.U 1 .,TQiwTUfwpVh 1 .,;N6F;NTK 1 .,;N6B;NTnf 1 .,"l~#8nlp# 1 .,"l}#8ulp# 1 .,"l|#8|lp# 1 .,"lz#8Jlp# 1 .,"ly#8Qlp# 1 .,"lv#8nlp# 1 .,"lu#8ulp# 1 .,"lt#8|lp# 1 .,"lr#8Jlp# 1 .,"lq#8Qlp# 1 .,"ln#8nlp# 1 .,"lm#8ulp# 1 .,"ll#8|lp# 1 .,"lj#8Jlp# 1 .,"li#8Qlp# 1 .,"lf#8nlp# 1 .,"le#8ulp# 1 .,"ld#8|lp# 1 .,"lb#8Jlp# 1 .,"la#8Qlp# 1 .,"Eln#8nlp# 1 .,"Elm#8ulp# 1 .,"Ell#8|lp# 1 .,"Elj#8Jlp# 1 .,"Eli#8Qlp# 1 .,"Bq#TEg;o<C 1 .,"Bq#TE];o<C 1 .,";Ol{#8Clp;O# 1 .,";Olw#8glp#;O 1 .,";Ols#8Clp;O# 1 .,";Olo#8glp;O# 1 .,";Olk#8Clp;O# 1 .,";Olg#8glp;O# 1 .,";Olc#8Clp;O# 1 .,";Ol_;O# 1 .,";Ol[;O# 1 .,";OlW;O# 1 .,";OlS;O# 1 .,";OlG;O# 1 .,";OlC,O# 1 .,";OElo#8glp;O# 1 .,";OElk#8Clp;O# 1 -X switch unknown, or arguments missing.$ 1 -T switch unknown, or arguments missing.$ 1 +D (HP PCL 3) 1 +D 1 (unregistered copy) 1 (press any key) 1 (press DEL to delete block) 1 (November 1996) 1 (CTRL-ENTER = keep settings) 1 (ALT)F7 Tape options 1 'x' to clear. Prefix '#' for hex 1 $Using video interface: $Digital 'Zandbergen' joystick interface detected. 1 $Type 'EXIT' to return to the ZX Spectrum Emulator -- $K bytes free 1 $This is a shareware program. If you like it and use it regularly, you can 1 $Tape and Microdrive options: 1 $Spectrum hardware options: 1 $Sound switches: 1 $Press a key... 1 $Plantronics 1 $No joystick interface detected. 1 $No MS Mouse driver found! 1 $No EMS memory -- partial and SLOW '128 emulation! 1 $No Adlib Compatible soundcard found for '128 sound. 1 $Miscellaneous switches: 1 $Extended Hercules 1 $EMS memory detected. 1 $Analogue IBM joystick interface detected. 1 $Adlib Compatible soundcard found. 1 $ Type Z80 -? for help 1 $ Shareware version: see documentation for registration details 1 $ Relative speed of emulator: $% 1 $ 1 "Bq#TS\;o<C 1 ERROR DURING CHANNEL I/O 1 DELETE THAT BLOCK? (Y/N) 1 Cannot find file: 1 ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO 1 -ju<left><right><up><down><fire> 1 (press any key to continue) 1 block NOT copied to disk 1 ] = symbol shift, 1 \ = space 1 [ = caps shift, 1 Press any key... 1 From now on, the emulator 1 Creating cartridge file... 1 / = enter 1 (unknown) 1 (now inactive) 1 (now ACTIVE) 1 (header) 1 (datablock) 1 The following switches all automatically select Single .TAP File mode: 1 Datablock ( 1 -znnn.n Emulate the Spectrum at speed nnn.n% 1 -yl, -yh Low, high video synchronization mode 1 -xz Assume AZERTY keyboard layout 1 -xy Dump trace of program in .OUT file 1 -xx Hi-resolution colour emulation 1 -xw Run in Windows compatibility mode 1 -xv 400-line VGA (for some Tridents) 1 -xu Use as little memory as possible; disable Hi Color Res emulation 1 -xt Use as little memory as possible retaining full functionality 1 -xs Default to shifted cursor keys (NumLock) in '128 mode 1 -xr F Use file F as standard Spectrum rom 1 -xq adr Set base IO address for SoundBlaster (for -xo, -xc, default 0220) 1 -xp D Select default directory D for .Z80 snapshot files 1 -xo Use SoundBlaster's A/D Converter for tape input 1 -xn rate Set max sample rate for SoundBlaster tape input (default 10 kHz) 1 -xm D Select default directory D for .MDR files 1 -xl N Select LPTn for ZX-Printer output 1 -xk Emulate Multiface 128 interface (can't be used with SamRam) 1 -xj 'Off-line=wait' instead of 'Off-line=No ZX Printer' 1 -xi Do NOT use internal PC speaker for '128 sound 1 -xg Log all outs to FE in OUT log file, not only ones that make noise 1 -xf Switch full 16K of Interface I ROM 1 -xe Do not use expanded memory 1 -xd#### Generate an 8086 INT 3 at Z80 hex address #### 1 -xc Use SoundBlaster CMS chips for noise (specify base addr if <> 220) 1 -xb Black-and-white VGA 1 -xa Do NOT use AdLib for 128 sound (use internal speaker instead) 1 -wF Redirect Spectrum RS232 output to file F 1 -v VGA graphics 1 -uF Redirect file F to Spectrum RS232 input 1 -tx Do not display tape info window when loading or saving 1 -tw Don't wrap load pointer of tapefile at end 1 -tv F Play .VOC file F to 'ear' input 1 -ts D Specify default directory for Single .TAP File mode 1 -tp Pause after loading .TAP block 1 -to F Use F{.TAP} as tape output (if exists, append) 1 -tm Mirror tape input to disk (Do also specify output file!) 1 -ti F Use F{.TAP} as tape input 1 -te Mirror tape input to disk in EXACT mode 1 -td D Select directory D for Multiple .TAP File mode 1 -s Emulate Spectrum with SamRam 1 -r Emulate the R register 1 -oN Redirect Spectrum RS232 output to COMn 1 -n Emulate Spectrum without Interface I 1 -m N F Insert cartridge file F{.MDR} into microdrive N 1 -l Better (but slower) LDIR/LDDR emulation 1 -kz Use digital Zandbergen joystick 1 -kxABCD Press key #CD for scancode #AB. 1 -km Use MS Mouse to control Spectrum joystick 1 -kk Do not look for analogue or Zandbergen joystick 1 -ka Emulate Spectrum AMX mouse interface controlled by MS Mouse 1 -k2 Use 2nd joystick as Sinclair 1 always 1 -k1 Do not use 2nd analogue joystick as Sinclair 1 (1,2,3,4,5) 1 -ju<lf><rt><up><dn><fire> Userdef joyst. ([=shft,]=symshft,/=enter,\=space) 1 -jk Emulate Kempston joystick 1 -jc Emulate Cursor joystick (default) 1 -j2 Emulate Sinclair joystick 2 (keys 6,7,8,9 and 0) 1 -iN Redirect COMn to Spectrum RS232 input 1 -h Hercules graphics 1 -g No sound 1 -e EGA graphics 1 -dN Set frame interrupt freq. to 100/N Hz (-d = -d1; -d2=default) 1 -c CGA graphics 1 -bN Use LPTn for tape I/O 1 -aN Redirect Spectrum RS232 output to LPTn 1 -? This help page 1 -9 Default to M.G.T. interface instead of Interface I 1 -2 Emulate an Issue-2 Spectrum 1 -1[28] Emulate Spectrum 128 (can be used with -n) 1 -0sND Set Disciple/+D drive N to D: (default -0s1A and -0s2B) 1 -0p M.G.T. = PLUS D 1 -0m F Build map of opcode locations in file F; see docs for details! 1 -0i Disable Disciple interrupt 1 -0h HP PCL printer (for ZX PRINTER and M.G.T. type) 1 -0f N Issue a Form Feed every N ZX Prtr lines on HP PCL printer 1 -0e Epson printer (for ZX PRINTER and M.G.T. type) 1 -0d M.G.T. = DISCiPLE ROM (default) 1 -00 Do not show intro screen, and don't pause at startup 1 Error loading block - 1 Joystick 1 Spectrum ROM code copyright Amstrad plc, used by permission. 1 Multiface 128 ROM code copyright Romantic Robot, licensed use. 1 DISCiPLE/PLUS D emulation by Hugh McLenaghan. 1 PSQR 1 1