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   1 we completed some half-implemented features and sent program to Gerton Lunter.
   1 so many new features. However, the difference in the program is not small,
   1 greatest bugs was:
   1 graduate thesis.
   1 because more than 20 bugfixes are introduced, some of them was very serious.
   1 This was one internal release (incomplete release 1.5.) which was Samir's
   1 This release was the first complete version of this program. In this release
   1 The difference in the release number is small, because the new release has not
   1 Release 2.51. (December 1998)
   1 Release 2.5. (October 1998)
   1 Release 2.0. had a lot of great and radical improvements:
   1 Release 2.0. (February 1998)
   1 Release 1.5. was radically new:
   1 Release 1.5. (July 1996)
   1 Release 1.4. (March 1996)
   1 Release 1.2. was mostly a bugfixed version with new ZXTOOLS:
   1 Release 1.2. (December 1995)
   1 Release 1.11. (May 1995)
   1 Release 1.1. had a great improvements:
   1 Release 1.1. (March 1995)
   1 Release 1.01. (January 1995)
   1 Release 1.0. (November 1994)
   1 In this version we removed some bugs noticed into release 1.1.:
   1 In this version we removed a lot of bugs which was in version 1.0. The
   1 As usual, Warajevo 2.5. introduced a lot of new features:
   1 =============================
   1 ===========================
   1 - ZXTOOLS is completely redesigned. It has new user interface with windows and
   1 - ZXCOMP is also rewritten, so we think that now there is no some ugly bugs
   1 - ZX printer is now emulated on HP Laser Jet printer too. Also, in earlier
   1 - ZX printer emulation now works with any Epson compatible printer.
   1 - You can exit the emulator pressing Alt+F4, like in Windows.
   1 - Yellow color is now really yellow color...
   1 - Working with the emulator across the midnight boundary will update the date
   1 - Working with Warajevo database is drastically faster. Entering and editing
   1 - We now make program ZXCOMP which can compile Z80 snapshot files into EXE
   1 - We now implemented RS232 emulation through Interface 1 (earlier we have only
   1 - We hope that keyboard problems on some machines no longer exists.
   1 - We believe that bug which sometimes cause crash during palette changing (F5)
   1 - Warajevo 2.5. includes emulation of the American release of the Spectrum,
   1 - Warajevo 2.5. implements one exotic sound emulation mode: with the switch
   1 - Warajevo 2.5. can disable picture generation using Shift+F6, which helps
   1 - Warajevo 2.5. allows direct loading and saving from the emulator kernel
   1 - Warajevo 2.0. supports (without conversion) tape files in Lunter TAP format,
   1 - Warajevo 2.0. is, at least, real-time emulator, so speed of emulated
   1 - Video emulation is improved: Warajevo 2.0. now supports wide class of high
   1 - Very serious bug which destroys cartridge file from time to time (but very
   1 - Very nasty bug which prevents starting programs from the ZIP archives using
   1 - Updating of alternate video memory on the 128K now works correctly in all
   1 - Under Windows 95, Spectrum files (Z80 etc.) may be registered, so double
   1 - This program is still freeware, but now if you donate 80 DM or more, you can
   1 - The utility MAKEREG is introduced which helps by registering Spectrum files
   1 - The switches /@ and /@@ which help various kinds of batch testing are
   1 - The switch /H is now obsolete; loading from emulated tape is quite
   1 - The option /S<filename> when <filename> does not exist will not cause a
   1 - The option /K in the 48K version of the emulator now works correctly
   1 - The option "View Dock" in the environment showed incorrect informations. Now
   1 - The option "Merge Dock" in the environment did not work. This is fixed now.
   1 - The multicolor emulation is a bit improved: the multicolor effects in the
   1 - The most important thing is that emulator, ZXTOOLS and ZXSHELL now makes one
   1 - The list TESTED.LST enlarged for 35 new programs.
   1 - The help screen (F1) is much nicer, and it is now colourful.
   1 - The fatal error raporting in the environment now don't cause screen trashing
   1 - The environment supports Start button (like Windows 95), which allows quick
   1 - The environment of the emulator now can optionally work in graphic mode (put
   1 - The environment of Warajevo 2.5. has an option for sampling the tone record
   1 - The environment now may be called from the emulator using right mouse click.
   1 - The environment is now optimized for 286+ processors (and cannot be started
   1 - The documentation on Bosnian language now contains Bosnian-specific letters
   1 - The documentation is expanded (oh, no), and FAQ list is updated with new
   1 - The documentation in Bosnian language is not longer supported with the
   1 - The documentation and FAQ list are updated.
   1 - The conversion from the SGD to the Warajevo now treats correctly non-native
   1 - The conversion between the SpecBase and the Warajevo database format is
   1 - The command switch /?86 is now parsed correctly (thanks to Philip Pogosov)
   1 - The command Dx y z 1 in the built-in monitor now also displays ASCII
   1 - The bug which prevented working with read-only files in the environment is
   1 - The amount of free RAM in the environment is increased for about 10K.
   1 - The ZXCOMP block load instruction is improved: when DE=0, the whole block
   1 - The 'Start' button does not allow selection of a file which is not a
   1 - The "Object not initialized" bug, when SGD.INI file is not present while
   1 - Task switching to the emulator on MS Windows will not cause trash on the
   1 - Tape emulation is improved. Fast block loading returns more accurately
   1 - TZX loading is now much faster when the "Sample standard blocks rather than
   1 - Switch /%LMAX is implemented, which makes loading using non-standard
   1 - Swap files for communications between emulator kernel and the environment
   1 - Starting from release 2.51, the Warajevo emulator has the official home page
   1 - Speed adjustment is now implemented (option /W), but on relatively primitive
   1 - Sound during loading using non-standard loaders (and with standard loaders
   1 - Some small bugs into I/O ports emulation are removed. BUS IDLE port
   1 - Some harmless bugs into the environment are removed. Many options are
   1 - Some errors in the documentation (not gramatic but principal errors) are now
   1 - Some dangerous bugs in 'edge recognizer' algorithm and loading of snapshot
   1 - Some command line options (for example, /B) very often didn't work.
   1 - Some bugs in TZX loading with the programs which require silence at the end
   1 - Some I/O ports on the Timex emulator could not be virtualized (247, 239 and
   1 - Shades for monochromatic graphic card are redesigned, so many games which
   1 - SA_BYTES routine now returns the correct value of the IX register (noticed
   1 - Removed bug with keyboard hanging on some controllers and BIOS-es. The bug is
   1 - Program ZXCOMP now has switch /? for getting a quick help. Compiled programs
   1 - Problems with blocking if you wait too long while title picture is shown of
   1 - Our E-mail addresses in the documentation are changed.
   1 - Options 'Convert' in the environment now supports very wide range of
   1 - Option for converting screens to color TIFF format into ZXTOOLS now works.
   1 - Option Z in monitor (screen copy) now works with any graphic cards and with
   1 - Option /W is improved and now not interfere with BUS IDLE port emulation and
   1 - Option /M, which allows setting algorithm for attributes emulation at start
   1 - Option /B is expanded, so it has influence to RST 40 in Derby ROM on 128
   1 - Opcode #ED #FB (and also #ED #F6) which is so-called Multi-level Load Trap
   1 - One ugly bug in ZXCOMP is fixed: starting from ZXCOMP release 2.0, the extra
   1 - One more exotic thing: Warajevo 2.0. emulator emulates Sinclair Network!
   1 - One bad point in release 2.0: this release needs a bit faster computer than
   1 - On the Timex version of the emulator, you could not load blocks at addresses
   1 - On CGA card FLASH is now implemented as inverse character (so option /K is
   1 - Now there is different error message when snapshot file is absent and when
   1 - Now it is possible to load programs directly from a real tape using a real
   1 - Much faster TZX conversion. The rules of TZX conversion may be customized,
   1 - Microdrive emulation on I/O level (very realistic) is implemented, with
   1 - Method for initialization graphic mode on EGA and VGA card is improved, so we
   1 - Many users asked us about the organization of the compressed Warajevo TAP
   1 - MS Windows compatibility is quite improved, so programs like 'Dynamite Dan',
   1 - MS Windows compatibility is improved. Now it is possible to have color
   1 - Lunter TAP files which are shorter than 12 bytes now cannot cause a crash
   1 - Loading from the samples now works correctly on the Timex version of the
   1 - Keys PageUp and PageDown in tape manager will not hang up emulator if TAP
   1 - Kernel of emulator is rewritten, so on slower machines emulator is about
   1 - KEYPAD emulation is implemented in 128 version of emulator. Keyboard is
   1 - Interrupt generation is synchronized with real emulator speed, so interrupt
   1 - Internal monitor has now help page, one new command (N), and some useful
   1 - In release 2.0. the ULA delay estimation was very often overestimated,
   1 - In program ZXSHELL we expanded field for start-up options, support of many
   1 - In addition to Lunter TAP support, Warajevo TAP format is also expanded to
   1 - Improved TZX file compatibility: all tested TZX files (about 500) now work.
   1 - Improved AY sound emulation on Sound Blaster: exact emulation of the AY
   1 - Icon WARAJEVO.ICO is redesigned.
   1 - Greatest improvements are done in the monitor. Command B without parameters
   1 - Full emulation of memory management on Spectrum 128 is implemented,
   1 - File WARICONS.ZIP is replaced with ICO&PIFS.ZIP, and it now contains also
   1 - Exact behaviour of the self-modified Z80 CALL instruction is implemented,
   1 - Errors treatment is improved. Emulator now displays more detail informations
   1 - Emulator now implements method which allows mixing of 8088 machine code with
   1 - Emulator now detects presence of 80386 processor and speed up twice memory
   1 - Emulator now correctly emulate all Z80 flags which is marked as '?' in Z80
   1 - Emulator now can load snapshot files created by version 3.0. of Lunter's
   1 - Emulator now can correctly load .Z80 snapshots which are in old Lunter's
   1 - Emulation of multicolor effects (switch /QX) is implemented: the well-known
   1 - Emulation of AY sound chip on 128 version of the emulator is now allowed
   1 - Edge recognizer algorithm is a bit improved, so it can recognize broader
   1 - E-mail addresses in documentation are changed.
   1 - Documentation is about 60% longer. A list FAQ (Frequently asked questions)
   1 - Different video timing in the 128K version is implemented, and some bugs in
   1 - Detailed documentation on Bosnian and (not very good) English language is
   1 - Critical error handler is improved, so message 'Critical error was fatal' no
   1 - Converting of snapshot files into TAP file is now much easier to use, and
   1 - Conversions to and from the ZXS and ZXT formats, and from the TRD to TAP
   1 - Conversion 'Warajevo <-> Lunter' is now less confuse for many users.
   1 - Configuration file SPECSIM.CFG now may have more than one line, and may be
   1 - Completely new method of picture generation success to remove flickering
   1 - Compiling snapshots which have BASIC part using ZXCOMP was practically
   1 - Command parameter which suppress mixing of 8088 machine code with Z80
   1 - Calibration of analogue PC joystick is implemented. Options for joystick
   1 - Bugs with breakpoints and I command into monitor, as bugs with changing of A
   1 - Bugs in instructions like RRCP (IX+nn),reg are now fixed (noticed in Songs
   1 - Bug which makes impossible loading programs from tape using Sound Blaster is
   1 - Bug which causes message 'Internal error - unexpected wrapping' in some cases
   1 - Bug into emulation of seventh bit of R register which block some games is
   1 - Background colour for Tape Manager and machine monitor is changed. We seen
   1 - Automatic loading of programs from TAP files is improved very much,
   1 - Another stupid bug which cause crash if the help key (F1) is pressed during
   1 - Another ZXCOMP bug is fixed: switch /Q in the ZXCOMP now works...
   1 - Another TZX bug which prevents loading of some tapes with mixture of normal
   1 - An user-definable color palette (via the WARAJEVO.PAL file) is included, and
   1 - An ugly bug which may cause loading error during loading from the samples or
   1 - Additional informations for Windows users and added Windows icon.
   1 - A very dangerous bug in the envelope generator which could hang-up and
   1 - A switch (/EO) is implemented which allows programs which need the old ZX
   1 - A stupid bug which corrupt carry flag after tape saving (due to this reason,
   1 - A nasty bug which destroys the DE register after returning from the Tape
   1 - A method which supports adding external drivers for emulation of peripheral
   1 - A lot of other (mostly aesthetic) bugs are removed (but, maybe, a lot of new
   1 - A fatal bug which cause "Runtime error 200" on very fast computers is fixed
   1 - A bug with reclaiming allocated memory in "DockFiles" menu is now fixed.
   1 - A bug which trashed the alternative register set on start-up when the
   1 - A bug which stops screen generation if the multicolor and hires border
   1 - A bug which may cause crash if the Z80 interrupt request appears during
   1 - A bug which caused screen flashing during loading in synchronous border
   1 - A bug in the envelope generator which sometimes trashed some melodies is
   1 - A bug in AY sound using the Sound Blaster when one of the sound registers is
   1 - 48K snapshot files may be loaded into the 128K version of the emulator
   1 - 3 checkboxes are added in the option for converting the SGD to the Warajevo
   1 - 128 version of the emulator now emulates MIDI interface using Sound Blaster
   1   you now can break loading using BREAK if recognized routine is breakable, or
   1   working with Warajevo is no more tedious with non-Z80 files (like SNA).
   1   without errors and conversions. Also, switching from the 48K version to the
   1   without any losing of emulator performances.
   1   with the emulator in Windows 95. Also, a separate icon file for each file
   1   with programs created using ZXCOMP is now removed.
   1   with emulator (with object and source code in assembler).
   1   with an 8086). The design of the items in the help system in the
   1   windowed running on MS Windows, because only CGA mode may be used in
   1   windowed mode.
   1   will be loaded from the disc regardless of its actual length.
   1   which now has nearly equality of right with native Warajevo format!
   1   which may have caused some programs to crash. This is now fixed.
   1   when tape file which is currently in use lays on floppy disc.
   1   way. Auxiliary program MEASURE.COM is included in the package, as a help for
   1   was unplayable on such cards are now playable.
   1   version of the emulator, and now may be used together with option /E. Option
   1   version 1.1. the option 'Copy to New' was real nightmare). The user
   1   variable size cartridge files (5-126 KB).
   1   using only the PC beeper! Sometimes it sounds quite good.
   1   using a real tape recorder through a LPT1 port (both loading and saving) or
   1   using AdLib compatible sound cards (Sound Blaster for example).
   1   user may implement things which cannot be implemented directly in emulator
   1   useless). CGA card is now not in usage, but this feature is important for
   1   type category has been designed.
   1   true on the real Spectrum)...
   1   totally lock the emulator has been removed (noticed in War Cars and
   1   to very low value (for very fine adjustment, switch /Q is implemented).
   1   this is color CGA mode). Three different color combinations are supported.
   1   things (the most of them are related to the Warajevo, but some of them are
   1   them on the screen. Command ! which sets interrupt flip-flops and interrupt
   1   the timing calculation are fixed, so 128K programs which use border effects
   1   the same as in the X128 emulator (SAOM version) which needs higher hardware
   1   the moment, there is only one emulator which has a better emulation of
   1   the emulated screen in the environment window.
   1   the default palette is now much more similar to original Spectrum palette
   1   the Timex Sinclair 2068. Nearly all of the features of this computer
   1   the 'Start' button is fixed.
   1   than in previous version.
   1   tape recorder.
   1   synthesis.
   1   supports mouse.
   1   supports many new options. Between others, conversion may be performed on
   1   supports emulation of Spectrum +2 (option /2).
   1   supported conversion to formats of many other PC based Spectrum emulators,
   1   support blocks which contain tape record samples. Indirect support of TZX
   1   such way that converted program will be compatible with Lunter's Z80
   1   such effects: ZX32 for Windows 95 by Vaggelis Kapartzianis.
   1   still not implemented, but now it will not fool the emulator (noticed in
   1   some options are introduced for better MS Windows compatibility.
   1   so you may decide between maximal compatibility and slower loading, or
   1   so some more programs now work (Batman DE).
   1   snapshot files, changing of them and conversion to snapshot formats of other
   1   snapshot file has wrong format.
   1   sizes. Finally, using command O you can now redirect output from monitor to
   1   set to produce ultrasound is fixed (noticed in Cybernoid 128). Thanks to Lee
   1   sequence of instructions which will be execute directly in 8088 code, so
   1   screen (if you select the appropriate option to enable this feature). Also,
   1   running of ZX Spectrum programs independently of their format (Z80, TAP, SNA,
   1   resolution BORDER effects, and probability of sprite flickering is reduced
   1   requirements on your computer than the Warajevo emulator. AdLib
   1   removed.
   1   removed by Rui Fernando Ribeiro from Portugal.
   1   removed at last (we've searched for this bug since release 1.1)!
   1   removed (noticed in Robocop, 10th Frame etc.). The TZX Select block is
   1   releases of emulator, on some computers emulator wrongly detects presence of
   1   release 1.5. (33 MHz or more) for correct working.
   1   register values than in previous release of emulator. During slow loading,
   1   register into monitor.
   1   record and loading routine. In other words, you can transfer any program
   1   random (somebody may tell that this was a good emulation, because it is also
   1   questions and answers.
   1   quality is retained. Picture repainting on old graphic cards (Hercules) is
   1   programs which can work totally independently of the emulator.
   1   programs like EMM386, Windows, etc. Warning message will be displayed if
   1   program 'Turbo imploder', when save is requested, save only a header) is now
   1   professional looking and allows new possibilities like displaying content of
   1   processor works in 'Virtual 8086' mode, and it may be suppressed (using
   1   printers is included, and we implemented commands for easier adding or
   1   printer which is not present. Sometimes that may cause problems. Now,
   1   printer emulation is disable by default, and must be enabled (if need) using
   1   practically in all programs (using simple changes of some parameters). Sound
   1   possibilities for dumping screens to the printer, in different shapes and
   1   picture in window (unfortunately not in natural Spectrum colours, in fact
   1   paging if 80386 is present. Emulator more rarely cause conflict with
   1   original Spectrum). Also, partially emulation of bits 3 and 5 in F register
   1   option /A is given has been fixed (noticed in RamPage and FireFly).
   1   option /!).
   1   only as headerless files. Command Z is implemented, which gives great
   1   on some computers is removed.
   1   on many other emulators (including Lunter's Z80, XZX etc.) is implemented,
   1   on color monitor that new background is better for eyes.
   1   often, in according with Murphy's law) is now removed.
   1   of the emulator is implemented. Treatment of keys F5 and F6 is improved. On
   1   of loading (some speedlocks, like the Arkanoid) are fixed. Thanks to Uros
   1   now removed.
   1   now removed (for example, Bruce Lee).
   1   now may have parameter. ARG field now will be empty if current instruction
   1   now may be used together with other options.
   1   now fixed.
   1   now destroys only one byte in memory, when you leave the monitor. Command E
   1   now clears breakpoint. Command A (Abort) is improved very much, especially
   1   now can not press BREAK before ROM changes is cancelled. For pedant users we
   1   not). The URL is:
   1   not if recognized routine is not breakable. Option /L is implemented, which
   1   non-VGA graphic cards is fixed.
   1   new possibilities. Requirements for the free memory space in the environment when
   1   necessary), and in some cases, screen corrupting can be totally suppressed.
   1   mode is implemented. Command S now can save parts of memory with header, not
   1   menus. It is much more easy to reach most of options (for example, in
   1   manual, for example S flag after BIT instruction (Sabre Wulf now works as on
   1   machine code (for users which are afraid about possibility of infiltrating
   1   machine (no more ugly /W switch)!!! Also, ZXCOMP 2.0. creates executable
   1   longer than 128 bytes. This file now has locally nature, and globally
   1   longer exists.
   1   loading from samples is fixed.
   1   loading from real tape on slower computers.
   1   loaders (TZX files, tone samples, edge recognizer etc.) much faster (on
   1   loader is flexible and allows easy transferring of program in tape file to
   1   linked data in the database is incomparably easier. Database now has some
   1   key like F4 or F6) is fixed.
   1   joystick, same as grey '+' key).
   1   joystick interface, sound chip, bank switching hardware, RAM/ROM cartridge
   1   items are stored in RAM memory, and without sorting and producer names
   1   is too huge, what is a case with "World of Spectrum" database archive. These
   1   is now fixed.
   1   is implemented (so now Ghost'n Goblins works). These things are implemented
   1   is added into the package (but list TESTED.LST is removed).
   1   introduced.
   1   into it.
   1   interface, etc.
   1   interface is similar to one in Borland's compilers or Norton utilities. We
   1   instructions for saving/loading blocks does not work and causes a crash. This
   1   including two algorithms for emulating alternative video bank (option /X).
   1   included in the package. Also, some lectures in messages in ZXTOOLS and
   1   in the emulator like in release 2.0.
   1   in one copy program, thanks to Miodrag Stancevic).
   1   in SLOW tape emulation mode) is more realistic (like on original Spectrum).
   1   in 128 version of the emulator. Commands Y (for memory management) and J
   1   improvements in the search command (F).
   1   improved and easier to use.
   1   impossible, due to bug into ZXCOMP. This bug is removed now.
   1   implemented.
   1   implemented, with corresponding command line option (option /S). Emulator now
   1   implemented options /Y and /H.
   1   implemented option /P (earlier it was default). Option /EX is implemented
   1   if the environment is in the graphic mode.
   1   hope (but there is no guarantee) that emulator now works on all EGA and VGA
   1   home page.
   1   high score to disk, for example). It is now possible to patch into Z80 code
   1   has no memory arguments, and monitor displays state of '48K Lock' bit too.
   1   graphic cards.
   1   get source files of whole emulator!
   1   from real tape to a TAP file!
   1   from a real tape into a TAP file, regardless of the structure of the tone
   1   format too.
   1   format now works correctly. Thanks to Vaggelis Kapartzianis.
   1   format (i.e. created using Lunter's emulator version 1.45 or older).
   1   for loading from TAP files which are mixture of normal and sampled blocks.
   1   for example). A very serious bug which sometimes caused the loss of one bit
   1   flickering (no more /I switch).
   1   fixed, and the FAQ list is updated.
   1   files, so information about exact TAP file organization is included in the
   1   files which are independent of machine speed too.
   1   file format is wrong. Tape Manager now displays block position in tape
   1   file 'MONITOR.OUT' so results of working into monitor need not be captured
   1   fast loading with less compatibility...
   1   external drivers. This is fixed now.
   1   expansions, LROS and AROS programs, TS 2048 printer and AERCO printer
   1   expanded with keys 'Esc' (acts as BREAK) and '~' (acts as FIRE button on
   1   execution of 80x86 escape sequences is fixed.
   1   example, driver for Kempston parallel Centronics interface emulation came
   1   especially in 128 version of emulator. The most important thing is that user
   1   environment is closer to the items in the environment itself.
   1   emulators. Conversion of snapshot files to TAP format is supported. The
   1   emulator.
   1   emulator you can see the loading screens etc. during loading!
   1   emulator too.
   1   emulator (in earlier releases manual modifications into loader was
   1   emulation which may exist together now don't exclude one another.
   1   emulation through 128 RS232 port) to LPT1 port. For ZX printer emulation we
   1   emulation mode has been fixed.
   1   emulation is turned on using command swithches in maximal speed mode or on
   1   emulation is improved.
   1   during tape imploding or during working with the database are reduced.
   1   drawbacks.
   1   drastically faster, especially with /VX parameter. Option /X no longer
   1   do not deactivate FLASH.
   1   displayed on front panel). Treatment of inline parameters after instructions
   1   disc or microdrive.
   1   directly from emulator, with user-friendly user interface (without needs for
   1   digital sound effects and speech generation. In most cases, the sound is
   1   different snapshot, tape and mixed formats. Options for converting Warajevo
   1   devices which are not initially emulated by emulator is implemented. As
   1   deleting initial switches. Entering some fields in the database is improved.
   1   databases into (or from) other Spectrum-related databases (for example, ZX
   1   database, to ignore sorting, producer names and file names if the database
   1   critical errors, so critical errors more rarely cause stopping of the
   1   crash like in release 2.0.
   1   correctly after exiting the emulator (thanks to Daniel Herak).
   1   correct using of option /W.
   1   copy them" checkbox is turned off than in previous release. The same is true
   1   converting the data base from the SGD format to the Warajevo format is
   1   congesting is impossible, and interrupt frequency has no influence to sprite
   1   configuration file DEFAULT.CFG is implemented.
   1   compiled snapshots (ZXCOMP).
   1   compatible card. So, Warajevo is now the only emulator which emulates MIDI!
   1   compatibility.
   1   compatibility with very old sound cards which use the OPL2 chip for FM
   1   compatibility is improved: a switch (/SO) is introduced to achieve maximal
   1   compact, completely redesigned, logical unit. You now can do all things
   1   command switches), including loading programs through menus. User interface
   1   command SET WARAJEVO=G into AUTOEXEC.BAT file to do it), which gives more
   1   click on such files will load and run them.
   1   class of loaders.
   1   chip is implemented, including the variable-frequency noise generator,
   1   characters and BASIC tokens, which is very useful for analysing protected
   1   cases (noticed in the Hercules demo).
   1   but also conversion from them. Other than TAP files, ZXTOOLS supports also
   1   bugs are introduced).
   1   between the kernel and the environment is now drastically faster, especially
   1   at TZX block boundaries (the main reason for TZX incompatibility) is now
   1   appropriate command.
   1   any Epson compatible printer too.
   1   and some small improvements are also introduced.
   1   and sampled blocks is also fixed (noticed in Slovenian programs The Drinker
   1   and VOC files are also implemented!
   1   and Jamski heroj).
   1   although on one specific way. So, Warajevo 2.0. now indirectly supports SLT
   1   also support switch /? which shows list of other possible switches.
   1   allows setting algorithm for tape emulation at start of the emulator. Option
   1   aesthetic, regardless of the setting of the /H switch, without any
   1   addresses above 16384 even if there is a ROM there. This is now fixed.
   1   address. Break point now may be put into any memory page (and it will be
   1   about place where the error occurred. Greater improvements are done with DOS
   1   a Sound Blaster card (loading only), like the registered version of
   1   a "Trojan horse" into a snapshot file) is implemented.
   1   Zynaps now works correctly.
   1   Zupan to noticing this. Before, the success of loading such programs was
   1   ZXSHELL programs are made.
   1   Z80 code (Who will use it? Somebody who want to modify Sabre Wulf to save
   1   Warajevo package. Instead, it can be downloaded separately from the Warajevo
   1   Warajevo now can handle not only GAMES.DAT, but also complete SGD database
   1   Warajevo file formats.
   1   Warajevo can now handle TZX files with blocks longer than 64K (Skool Daze
   1   Tonks for noticing this.
   1   TZX files if a function key is pressed during the loading (even a harmless
   1   T now makes difference between codes below and above 128 while displaying
   1   Spectrum-related file.
   1   Spectrum programs is like on real Spectrum, independently of speed of your
   1   SLT, BLK, TZX, VOC etc.), even running programs from ZIP archives! So,
   1   Rainbow) are now implemented too.
   1   RST is implemented, and accordingly command D got fourth parameter. Command
   1   R register emulation.
   1   PIF files for better working under Windows 95.
   1   Overscan demo and many other multicolor programs now work quite well. At
   1   Manager has been fixed.
   1   Lunter's Z80 emulator. But unlike Lunter's program, in the Warajevo
   1   Interface 1 ROM (like Trans Express, Easyuse Microdrive Utility, Beta Basic
   1   In Line 5)
   1   Hercules card now exist extended mode (option /VX). Command V in monitor now
   1   Emulation of AY sound chip through PC beeper (pseudo 3-channel sound) is
   1   Displaying of troubles in reports is improved.
   1   Command A now cause error message if you try to put RAMPTOP at too low
   1   Brain Crash).
   1   Border effects during slow loading are implemented too.
   1   Batman 3).
   1   BASIC programs. The monitor may access all the Timex extra memory banks,
   1   Also, /I option is less needed now.
   1   30-60 % faster. This improves range of machines on which emulator is usable.
   1   3.0 etc.) to work correctly.
   1   231 for both reading and writting, and 31 and 245 for reading) using the
   1   128K version may be done without resetting the emulator.
   1   100 MHz machine four times faster or more) without any degradation in
   1   0-16383 even if there is a RAM there, and everything could be loaded at
   1   /SX it tries to emulate all of the AY features (noise, digital sound etc.)
   1   /O, which sets 'filter' for active tapes is implemented. We now deliver
   1   /I now may have parameter, and has no influence to flashing speed. Option /C
   1   (which allows making runable version of the emulator on CD-ROM). Switching
   1   (using code page 852).
   1   (useful for /F option), and some small bugs are removed.
   1   (thanks to Martijn Van Der Heidne), where you can find a lot of interesting
   1   (in fact, this is a bug in the Turbo Pascal, not in the Warajevo itself).
   1   (for executing programs till specified address) are implemented. Breakpoint
   1   (for example, screen saving directly into disk file). This is very useful in
   1   (fixed, but useless).
   1   (except disk interfaces) are implemented, including extra video modes,
   1   (SPECSIM.CFG and TEMP.Z80) now may lay on arbitrary drive and directory
   1   (El Loco for example) now work correctly (thanks to Miodrag Stancevic).
   1   (90K still remains free).
   1   'Z80' emulator, not only by version 2.0.
   1   'Turbo copy' program for cracking some protected programs with emulator.
   1   'Galactic Gunners' etc. now works under MS Windows.