Top 10k strings from plus3e-1.rom in <root> / bin / pc / Emulators / fuse-hc2000-hacks.7z / src / fuse / roms /

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   2 Invalid devic
   2 File already exist
   1 Wrong file typ
   1 Unsuitable medi
   1 Unrecognised disk forma
   1 Unknown disk erro
   1 Too many tied note
   1 Too many bracket
   1 To cancel - press BREAK twice
   1 Really format hard disk (Y/N)?
   1 Really delete partition (Y/N)?
   1 Physical drives: 
   1 Partition ope
   1 Partition already exist
   1 Out of rang
   1 Out of partition handle
   1 Out of XDPB
   1 Number too bi
   1 Note out of rang
   1 Not implemente
   1 Not a swap partitio
   1 No swap partitio
   1 No rename between drive
   1 No files found
   1 Missing exten
   1 Missing address mar
   1 MERGE erro
   1 M:VAXNSUZ.$$$
   1 Invalid partitio
   1 Invalid note nam
   1 Invalid nam
   1 Invalid driv
   1 Invalid baud rat
   1 Invalid attribut
   1 Insert tape and press PLAY
   1 File too bi
   1 File not ope
   1 File not foun
   1 File is read onl
   1 File does not exis
   1 File already in us
   1 End of file foun
   1 Drive not read
   1 Drive not foun
   1 Drive must be A: or B
   1 Drive in us
   1 Drive already mappe
   1 Drive B: is not presen
   1 Disk is write protecte
   1 Disk is not bootabl
   1 Disk is already formatted.
   1 Disk has been change
   1 Directory ful
   1 Destination must be driv
   1 Destination cannot be wil
   1 Code length erro
   1 Cannot copy to/from tap
   1 CRC data erro
   1 Bad parameter
   1 Bad filenam
   1 A to abandon, other key continue
   1 7%737K7_7s7
   1 +2A does not support forma
   1 )#)1)9)E)Y)e)t)
   1 (*(8(I(U(h(h(t(
   1  free partition entries
   1  files copied.
   1  IDELogical drives: 
   1  (not detected)
   1   1 file copied.