v0.7 - One year later... - Marko is updating the assembler and a few tools. Work in progress, but progressing well. - Complete rewrite of the graphics engine. Now does rounded corners, much faster D3D and all your favourite scalers. Now with added aspect ratio preservation! v0.666 - The Spectrum Emulator of the Beast ------------------------------------------- - Marko fixed and implemented a new way of saving your snapshots - save them as TZX files! You have a choice of schemes, which will grow as more are added. Use Speedlock 2 for 128k snaps, please. - Work done on the debugger and asembler means that the following bugs were fixed: Fixed the stack display to resize instead of the AY tab Fixed UNTIL command Added new BASE control - allows you to view a memory bank relative to a set position Added BASE assembler directive and expanded ORG syntax - you can now do, for example: ORG RAM3:49152, which will treat the base address as 49152, so you can assemble code for the 128 to be paged in and out. - Fixed TRDOS paging (Fire and Ice cheat now works) - Can now create blank disks for the +3 from the main window. - Fixed the edge detector and $19 block handling so that some tapes that failed in 0.622 should now load - ZXSpin is now Vista-aware, and improvements have been made to the user interface under Vista. - The assembler now accepts instructions at the start of a line, and no longer needs whitespace. v0.622 - Finally, this is all the bugs fixed. Honest. ----------------------------------------------------- - Fixed screen corruption when switching from Pentagon back to proper spectrum models. - Fixed a problem with repeating "special" keys in BASIC. - Fixed +D paging under 128k models. It's currently unknown if this piece of hardware actually did work with the 128k.. but it does now. If the current documentation is to be believed, the 128k would never start up! - Added shortcuts to many of the menus, and a small readme with the keys listed. v0.621 - Ok, I lied ------------------- - Fixed a bug in the tape handler where edges of $10 blocks with no pause attached wouldn't complete their final edge properly. - Woody fixed a bug in TRDOS disk formatting. v0.62 - The last release ever? ------------------------------ - Added TZX 1.20 support. Well, added the blocks that might be worth adding while the rest of that utterly brain-dead spec can go whistle. - Added MGT +D Support, for reading .mgt image files. - A few bug fixes in the debugger, with a little PC-trace system. - Dunny included the right version of ATAPI.dll for a change - should fix all your IDE woes. v0.61 - And we thought we'd never come back to it ------------------------------------------------- - Added Direct3D mode to the list of rendering engines. Full 32bit alpha- channel scanlines can be had here, with nice filtered scaling. - Added a prelimary "Find A Game" helper to the file menu. It searches WOS using infoseek and downloads the games directly into SPIN. - Added OpenGL to the list of rendering engines. - Added .pok file support - you can load them from the tools/pokes menu item or drag'n'drop them onto the main window - Added multiple joystick buttons - emulated as keypresses. - Fixed the timing routines to allow some sound hardware to run at 100% speed. - Plenty of Assembler and Debugger issues addressed - Re-arranged the the options page into something more sensible now. There's a lot more room for more options. - Added a "boost loading tones" option to... boost the loading tones. Basically makes the loaders that you hear on a tzx or tap file stand out more, so you can send them to a real speccy via the EAR socket directly from your soundcard. - Added the ultimate in tape emulation... Tape Wobble and Tape Hiss. Available from an options page near you now. Note that this special offer does not apply to accelerated loading. - Added a Multithreading option to the System page. Allows SPIN to run much smoother, but with the added risk that it could lock up your whole system if anything goes wrong. Quite a gamble. - Fixed some bugs in the TZX renderer for obscure blocks like the CALL block. - ZXSpin will now remember which windows you had open in your last session. - Added a tape block progress bar, which "grows" as blocks load. Nice. - Added 8bit registers view to the debugger. It's in the "view" menu. - Added much more accurate "ULA snow" and IR contention. Note that truly accurate snow is probably not an option for now, as it will require enormous amounts of CPU power to emulate, and a radical rewrite of the entire display system. - Added Animated GIF saving, either as a "movie" from the recording menu, or when saving an image with flashing attributes from the file menu. - Added custom display palettes - use the options to set them up. - Added DivIDE emulation. This was a pain, as the documentation for the device is less than... perfect. The IDE emulation has been upgraded to 16bit, so you can use .hdf files with any firmware now. There's a few included for your perusal. The only one I can't distribute is esxdos, as it's a closed beta. Also emulates RWap's rather hacky 128k compatible DivIDE - hacky, because there's a few firmwares that refuse to work with it. Note that the +3e firmware (ROM) has to be set up with writeable EEPROMs, or it won't run. - Added the ability to import binaries into the DivIDE EEPROM/RAM pages. - Added new reset options - shift-click (or use the menu option) to hard reset, otherwise you'll get a soft reset. There's a subtle difference. - Added Pentagon 128k emulation, along with .trd/.scl support. Now you can emulate those lovely demos from demotopia in all their Pentagon glory! - Added gigascreen smoothing. Not an emulation of the actual mechanism of gigascreen, as that still flickers quite horrendously. This one smooths out the display to make a nice steady picture. Stellar demo makes use of it, as does eyeache and eyeache 2. You can find the option on the display emulation options page. - Added MIDI emulation - now SPIN will pipe 128k MIDI commands out of the RS232 and into your PC's MIDI hardware. Give it a try - but be sure you use the "mute" option on the Sound volumes options page for the AY. - Marko and Woody fixed a load of bugs in this release, too many to mention here. Their help is most gratefully acknowledged. v0.504 - Oops, I did it again ----------------------------- - Fixed a small problem involving the weird bugs mentioned with ROMs and as a nasty side effect, 48k snapshots. - Marko fixed the "double buttons" bug on the toolbar. v0.503 - How not to release an Emulator --------------------------------------- - Fixed some very weird bugs indeed with default configs and the configs menu. v0.502 - I'll kill him, I swear I will --------------------------------------- - Removed a small issue where SPIN saved it's button graphics out to c:\ when run... v0.501 - Windows 98 Friendly ---------------------------- - Fixed the corrupted titlebars and resource leak in windows98. - Marko fixed a bug in the debugger not clearing breakpoints properly. - Fixed a mouse capture bug in the titlebar buttons and a few related issues. - Added a small change to the QuickBASIC - selects appropriate hardware now. - Marko sorted a small glitch in the sound synch code, (which was only apparent on his machine) which has now resulted in the appearance of a "latency" slider in the sound options. You can use this instead of frameskip (if you're absolutely sure your machine can do 50fps) to sort out any sound synch problems. Hopefully. - Fixed bugs in the assembler editor: line numbers now update properly and dragging the selection out of the window no longer produces an error. - Dunny added user-definable keys to the joystick options, so you can select which PC keys to use for joystick control. Note that most PC keyboards have limitations on which keys you can press at the same time. If you find that a certain combination of simultaneous keypresses doesn't work, THIS IS NOT A BUG IN SPIN - it's your keyboard. - Reenabled the "define keys" option for PC joysticks (it had no effect in v0.5). - SPIN now prompts for a filename and directory when the user selects "Create New" in the "Insert Disk" dialog. - Added "8-Bit Stretch" to the video options - this only works in GDI mode and can result in faster rendering on some systems but on others shows no speed increase (it may even slow them down). Try it if you get slow frame rates in GDI mode. - If SPIN's configuration file specifies DirectDraw and DirectDraw fails to initialise, SPIN will now switch to GDI mode instead of crashing. - Fixed symbol key mapping in international keyboard layouts. v0.5 - Emulation fixes, changes, and other gubbins. --------------------------------------------------- - Dropped OpenGL support. - Woody added more speedups, and fixed some issues with 128k port contention. - Woody also fixed some glaring errors in Dunny's DirectX code, so SPIN is now compatible with DirectX9, and also more stable. - Fixed a rather daft bug concerning paths in zip files. - Added full border emulation (for a larger border) - same size as the Speccy output originally now. - Changed the title bar graphics. Just for fun. - Removed some annoying tape clicks when the tape feedback is muted. - Marko Added SpecDrum emulation, and some speedups to the sound code. - Woody fixed a couple of non-loading +3 disk protection routines. - Made the 10h tape loading faster still and fixed a few related issues. - Marko added more options to the debugger. - Reduced the sound clicks when the emulation starts and stops to silence (with a few exceptions). - Added mousewheel "zoom" to the main window. - Damien Guard added a new options page, so saving and loading multiple configurations becomes simplicity itself. - Dunny fixed up the threading, so it's a *lot* faster and more stable now. - Sorted a lot of themeing problems with Windows XP - all windows should display properly now. - Fixed some small options page bugs - peripherals blocking hardware changes etc. - Fixed a bug in the joystick init code if no joystick is attached. - SPIN now has an inbuilt Z80 assembler, accessed from the Tools Menu. - Reorganised the menus for easier use. v0.4 - OpenGL and Seriously fast tapes -------------------------------------- - Added OpenGL (fullscreen/Windowed mode) support - way cool, check it out. Might need a fast PC though. - Altered the functionality of the toolbar - rightclick some buttons to get more options, ie - you can right click the reset button and then choose a normal reset or a Usr0. - Fixed a possible startup Bug. - Fixed a bug with ULA Snow and a reset - also demos such as Yolka97 work properly now :) - Fixed a last used folder bug with zip files - it now opens the folder the last zip came from, rather than the temporary folder it extracted to. - Added the ability to load snaps with shift held down to avoid switching hardware, which is usefule for loading snaps made in 128k/+2 mode in a +2 emulation. - Fixed a bug regarding pauses and B increments which prevented Doomsday.tzx from loading. - Fixed a small bug that didn't list zip files in the disk manager. - Added undetected loaders to the speedloader detection list - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade's level loader, and Kentucky Racing. (Both Alcatraz). - Added Marko's 10h Acceleration to the speedloader - it's quite possibly the fastest non-flashloading system in any emulator :) - Fixed a bug in the tape browser that can cause lockups and BSODs on 9x machines. - Fixed more small bugs in the tzx editor to do with view positions and menus and such. - Added Sinclair InfoSeek pasting ability to the ArchiveInfo Block editor. - Fixed an interrupt table overwrite bug in the z80 core. - Fixes to the auto tape controls - might be better now, needs testing, but seems to stop when it should. - Now detects Windows NT in order to overcome certain slowdowns in windows GDI. - Added Interface II Rom support (*.rom) - Added ZXPrinter output - save those listings to disk :) - Added Kempston Mouse support. - Removed most of the old GDI graphics code, and added DirectDraw support. V0.3a - Bugs and more tapes --------------------------- - Forgot to enable the Tape Browser's Save options! D'oh! You could still save by using eject, but still... - Fixed a small bug in the CSW recorder. - Fixed a bug in tape recording that really only affected CSW Saving. - Added TZX -> WAV/CSW conversions. - Fixed a bug that could prevent SPIN from starting - an .ini problem. Surprise, surprise. - Fixed a couple of bugs in the block insert routines for the TZX Editor. - Added Real Tape loading - SPIN can now load from real spectrum tapes through a tape recorder attached to the Soundcard's line-in socket. Currently the noise is filtered, so it may not be too reliable. - Added more functionality to the tape button on the main window - if you have a Tape Recording going (with the F9 key) and you click the button, it will stop recording. It will not start recording though. V0.3 - Rewrite -------------- Emulation/Environment: - Rewritten a sigificantly large portion of the emulation engine. Should be way more stable than before, but probably a lot of bugs to iron out. Also makes updates a lot easier. - Folder locations bug in Snapshots folder. - Bugs in the Binary Files dialog fixed. - Added Fuller Joystick support. - Added CSW association - it *is* a speccy format after all. - Fixed a small bug which could kill some machines when Fullscreen was activated. - Fixed auto-associate on startup. - Fixed an "Emulate Memory Contention" bug. - Added Magnum Lightgun support. - Added 48k Keyboard helper - it's in the Help menu - which can be useful when programming BASIC in 48k Mode, and has a command finder which displays the correct keypresses for keywords and functions, and a Quick BASIC helper which can alleviate the tedium of typing in all those long listings :) - Various fixes to the speed (TZX Files should speedload a touch faster) and the graphics are more reliable now. - Better handling of zip files (they don't set the last visited folder to the temp folder) and MRU items don't set them either. - Added an FPS counter - click it to get % emulation speed, and click again to go back to FPS. - Fixed a bug concerning the speed of the emulation when muted sound was chosen in conjunction with the autothrottle. - SPIN Now saves the positions of all its' windows, not just the main window. - Added Support for external ROM files - install them to the ROMs folder and then select them into the appropriate hardware in the Options window. - Thanks to Steve Snake (Author of Klive) Losing Victoria now runs in the same manner as the real 128k Spectrum (and the same as Klive does), ie - by losing synch in the endpart. Thanks Steve! RZX Recording/Playback: - Added RZX files to the list of Associated filetypes - RZX handling now brought further into line with RamSoft's spec. - RZX now has compressed snapshot block support, and compressed IRB support. At last :) Tapes/Disk Support: - Better handling of Tape flashloading. - Added CSW/WAV recording (MIC output) - Added TZX/TAP saves (ROM trap method). - Added Fuller Box AY Support. - Added a new tape/disk opening method - hold down shift if you want to override the auto tape/disk loader, and opt *not* to load them when they open. - Fixed another bug in Flashloading that caused some tapes to skip around. - Speedups to the tapes - reworked to take advantage of Delphi's optimiser. - Altered the behaviour of the Autoload - tapes automatically play under autoload. - Added an option to hold down CTRL to load tapes in Usr0 mode... Hi Jon! :-) - Added TZX Direct Recording Block recording support. - Added a *Basic* TZX editor - you can rearrage/delete/duplicate blocks, and edit their properties. - Added MRU List for tapes in the Tape Browser v0.2b - Goodness knows what I'm calling this one ------------------------------------------------ - Added Minimise Button. - *MORE* +3 copyprotected disks now load - we're getting close to perfect +3 fdc now. - Added (most of) Eq TetraChloride's UI suggestions. - Fixed bug in thread priorities - now uses < 1% CPU time when paused. - Fixed the "F10 Rewind Tape" key bug. - Upped the volume again - SPIN is now as loud as it gets :) - Fixed the Volume controls - they now go all the way up to max. - Fixed Sound mute-on-focus-lost error - *any* window (even SPIN's own windows) open and the sound muted. - Added CPU speed options - Anyone for a 100mhz speccy? You might need to mute the sound for a decent framerate. - Fixed another snap saving problem - not all banks were saved in a 128k .sna - Fixed a bug which wouldn't allow keys 1..9 or 0 to be used for the user definable keystick. - Added Hints to the status bar, with a groovy little Hardware icon :) - And other UI improvements - should be a little more forgiving of large fonts now. Not perfect, but a lot better. - Fixed a small bug which forced a frameskip of 1 when the sound was muted - Added Clive. - Fixed small bugs in the error reporting for the Pokes window, and the binary files window. - Small bug fixes to the disassembly window, concerning certain IX+D opcodes - Fixed the Archive Info Block bug - no entries were displayed :) - Added and option to use a high-resolution timer to synchronise the emulation speed, rather than relying on DirectSound synchronisation. This might fix some people's speed problems. - Added Disk manager dialog - SPIN can now create blank floppy disks. - Fixed a bug in the sound init - if DSound is unavailable, then sound will be muted from then on, and you won't be notified on subsequent runs. - Altered the shutdown methods a bit - XP machines were taking 3-4 seconds for SPIN to quit :( - Added Full +3e IDE emulation - both IDE channels. - Fixed auto tape/disk loading for +3e mode - More bugs in the tapes fixed. - The old blitz loading is now incorporated permanently into Speedloading, and Blitz now describes the new loading technique. Try it, you might like it. - Fixed the temp folder bug - SPIN no longer requires its' own temporary folder. - Fixed a small bug which didn't properly select the correct hardware for some snaps - Added Filetype associations - whilst still maintaining the ability to run multiple instances of SPIN, I might add. That was a headache :) - Woody updated the graphics routines a touch - and every little counts. - He also added +3 Disk acceleration - kinda like Speedloading for disks (though not as thorough) - Added Maximise (full screen) button - Fixed small bug which would affect drag and drop when SPIN was set to pause when the focus was lost - Fixed an error unzipping files - sometimes, when you opened a file dialog, it would start in the temporary folder. - Fixed more RZX bugs, but Sabre wulf is still giving me headaches - SPIN can record and play back, but SpecEMU can't use the recordings :( Don't know if it's emulation or RZX causing that atm. v0.2a - Damned Stupid bugs -------------------------- - Fixed the "Temp Folder" bug for Zip support. - Woody attempted to fix the AY sound envelope bug - we need confirmation that this is done (suggested by Matthew Westcott). - Added Mute on Lose Focus (suggested by Mike Wynne) - Added Mute Button to toolbar (again, suggested by Mike Wynne) - Fixed sound volume - should be about 2x louder now. V0.2 - Emulation Update ------------------------ - Added Sound Mute option - Added Multiface emulation - if you have the ROMs :) This involved a large amount of changes to the whole emulation, so will probably have broken some stuff. - RZX saving fixed - broken due to new port behaviour - +3 Paging bugs fixed - Fixed the Usr0 reset option - was broken in 0.1d. - Fixed a possible Win2k/XP bug in the save dialogs. - Fixed a nasty, horrible sound looping noise when pausing the emulation. - Added WAV loading support - 8bit/16 mono/stereo, simple WAVs, only fmt_ and Data single blocks. - Plus 3 Floppy Disk code updated .All the tzx vault's dsk images work fine now. - Fixed a problem in NT/2k/XP with the Bitmap saving dialog. - Fixed a bug which could hang the emulator when it suspends or pauses - Added more debugger functions - Added Zip Support - both auto loading and "select file from zip". - Added Direct POKEing - POKE database support will be along later. - Added full speed option - watch it fly :) - Fixed a whole bunch of keyboard bugs. - Virtually rewrote the thread communications. Much more stable now. - New option to use all available CPU time. This is better for slower machines. - Fixed a problem with .tap files - the wav support was getting in the way... - Fixed a problem with the debugger not appearing on breakpoints. - Fixed a "Win32 API Function Failed" error that appears if certain error messages appear. - Fixed a small bug in the Disk loader, which could cause an exception. - Added more keyboard keys - the [{}]|\ and copyright symbols are now directly available from the PC keyboard's keys (but the ¬ key is copyright symbol) - Added "Search Tipshop" box to the pokes window - Fixed up the menus to accept accelerator keys - Added option to Pause the emulation when SPIN loses the focus (deactivates) - Fixed a bug where SPIN would not pop to the foreground when a file is dropped on it, in Win2k/XP - Added WOS, TipShop and TZXVault links on the help menu. V0.1d - New stuff added ----------------------- - Realtime Audio settings window - change the panning/volume in real time. - Altered behaviour of the "Don't change Hardware to match Snaphots" option to include *all* hardware types (except where unavoidable, ie, loading a 128k snap into a 48k emulation). - Auto tape and disk load - jumps straight to LOAD "" (48k) or the loader option in 128k modes. - Fixed a small bug involving +2a's and snapshots :) - Added loading and saving of Binary files (chunks of memory) - Fixed a few bugs in resizing, and implemented a different method - Added (slow) bilinear resizing option. - Added CSW Support to the TZX loader. - Known non-working CSWs (From Andy Barker's Loading Schemes Page) : - Mask.csw - Won't load at all - Myla Di'Kaich.csw - No speedloading - Sailing.csw - Won't load at all - Added support for Twister's loading scheme to be speedloaded. - Added Flashloading for Standard *TZX* blocks - CSWs and non $10 blocks won't flashload, even if they are using the standard ROM loader and ROM timings. - Fixed various bugs in the tape loading system - should be perfect now (Yeah, right!). - Added the basic bones of the debugger - work in progress, and likely to be for a *long* time. - Fixed some bloody stupid bugs in the joysticks - they should all work now. - Added more features to the +3 fdc code - most edsks of protected disks work, but a few still don't. - Fixed a drag and drop bug which wouldn't let you drop more than a few files before refusing any more. - Known bugs: The debugger is buggy (no surprise there then). The emulation locks up sometimes, usually after a pause (user requested or not, such as when the options open). I know why, just not how to fix. - Loads of others :) V0.1c - Really stupid bugs -------------------------- - Fixed z80 48k snapshots loading - Fixed bug which prevented Scanlines modes from being saved - Fixed Pretty daft - "black Screen" bug - Added Option to ignore hardware changes for snap loading. If a 48k snap is loaded, it will use the currently selected hardware and the timings for it. 48k Usr0 mode demos now load properly if you choose a 128k model. I don't know of any other emulator that does this (although RealSpec might). V0.1b - small updates --------------------- - Fixed joysticks detection - no longer warns you that there is no stick attached if you select None in the list of stick emulations. - Fixed folders not using the ones you selected. - Fixed a bug in the keyboard routine - special PC symbol keys work properly now. - Fixed some other *stupid* bugs in the keyboard routines... - Fixed a bug with the mouse pointer being visible in fullscreen. - Fixed Snapshot saving in 48k mode (SP pointer bug), and a related bug in 128k snap saving. - Fixed Z80 block compression - Changed Reset Icon to a power icon, thanks Neuro, (I'm not sure about it though, I liked my Bin) - Changes to F_Key mappings - see readme for info. - Changed Sound pitch a little - sounds better now, especially AY Sound. - Added MRU list, ten most recent files - Added drag and drop support. - Added ULA Snow effect, and Floating bus based on RamSoft's technical docs - with minor changes - probably errors in the translation from Italian to English :) - Added Resizeable main window. - Added All joystick types keystick and PC Joystick. - Added more tape controls - FF block, REW block, FF to end, REW to start. - Now saves window size and position. - Added "Tape Auto Rewind" feature - Added - Ctrl key can be used instead of Shift to get stuff like : rather than ; on symbol keys. - Added +3 Floopy drive emulation - full read/write support for dsk's, read only for e-dsk. V0.1a - update time! -------------------- - Fixed resource leak in graphics - Switching "Auto Adjust Framerate" on and off now works. - Fixed bug in sound - beeper clips properly now. - Small bug in the non-mmx interpolated gfx routine. - Updated all but the joystick options now. - Saving and loading of settings implemented. - Fixed widestereo routines to use user-settings - Fixed file open/cancel bug - Fixed Auto tape controls preventing some games from loading - Temporary fix for MDA multicolours - MMX will now be disabled if the host machine doesn't support MMX extensions - MMX can also be disabled by setting UseMMX = 0 in SPIN.ini - Fixed bug where the emulator would hang if the tape started playing with no tape inserted - Small speedup in the Z80's port read routines - Many parts of the Z80 Core recoded in Pure Assembly.