Top 10k strings from wd1793.dll in <root> / bin / pc / Emulators / /

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   5 kernel32.dll
   3 GetModuleFileNameA
   2 user32.dll
   2 VirtualQuery
   2 TStringList
   2 TPersistent
   2 SetFilePointer
   2 SetEndOfFile
   2 MessageBoxA
   2 LocalAlloc
   2 LoadStringA
   2 LeaveCriticalSection
   2 InitializeCriticalSection
   2 GetThreadLocale
   2 GetProcAddress
   2 GetModuleHandleA
   2 GetLocaleInfoA
   2 GetLastError
   2 GetCurrentThreadId
   2 EnterCriticalSection
   2 DeleteCriticalSection
   2 CreateFileA
   2 CloseHandle
   1 wdCommands
   1 wd1793_WriteTrackReg
   1 wd1793_WriteSystemReg
   1 wd1793_WriteSectorReg
   1 wd1793_WriteDataReg
   1 wd1793_WriteCommandReg
   1 wd1793_ShutDown
   1 wd1793_SCL2TRD
   1 wd1793_ReadTrackReg
   1 wd1793_ReadSystemReg
   1 wd1793_ReadStatusReg
   1 wd1793_ReadSectorReg
   1 wd1793_ReadDataReg
   1 wd1793_InsertDisk
   1 wd1793_Initialise
   1 wd1793_EjectDisks
   1 wd1793_EjectDisk
   1 wd1793_DiskInserted
   1 wd1793.dll
   1 oleaut32.dll
   1 mmmm d, yyyy
   1 advapi32.dll
   1 WideCharToMultiByte
   1 WaitForSingleObject
   1 VirtualFree
   1 VirtualAlloc
   1 VariantCopyInd
   1 VariantClear
   1 VariantChangeTypeEx
   1 UnhandledExceptionFilter
   1 TlsSetValue
   1 TlsGetValue
   1 This program must be run under Win32
   1 TThreadList
   1 TStringItem
   1 THandleStream
   1 TFileStreamU
   1 TExceptRec
   1 TActiveThreadArray
   1 SysStringLen
   1 SysReAllocStringLen
   1 SysFreeString
   1 SysAllocStringLen
   1 Software\Borland\Locales
   1 Software\Borland\Delphi\Locales
   1 SOFTWARE\Borland\Delphi\RTL
   1 Runtime error     at 00000000
   1 RegQueryValueExA
   1 RegOpenKeyExA
   1 RegCloseKey
   1 RaiseException
   1 Portions Copyright (c) 1983,99 Borland
   1 MultiByteToWideChar
   1 LoadLibraryExA
   1 IStringsAdapter
   1 GetVersionExA
   1 GetTempPathA
   1 GetTempFileNameA
   1 GetSystemMetrics
   1 GetStdHandle
   1 GetStartupInfoA
   1 GetLongPathNameA
   1 GetKeyboardType
   1 GetFileType
   1 GetFileSize
   1 GetFileAttributesA
   1 GetDiskFreeSpaceExA
   1 GetDiskFreeSpaceA
   1 GetCommandLineA
   1 FreeLibrary
   1 FormatMessageA
   1 FindFirstFileA
   1 FPUMaskValue
   1 ExitProcess
   1 ExceptionT\@
   1 EnumCalendarInfoA
   1 EZeroDivide
   1 EWriteError
   1 EWin32Error
   1 EVariantError
   1 EUnderflow
   1 EStringListError
   1 EStreamError
   1 EStackOverflow
   1 ESafecallException
   1 EReadError
   1 ERangeError$_@
   1 EPrivilege
   1 EOutOfMemory
   1 EMathError
   1 EListError
   1 EInvalidPointer
   1 EInvalidOp
   1 EInvalidCast
   1 EIntfCastError
   1 EIntOverflow
   1 EInOutErrord]@
   1 EHeapException
   1 EFilerError
   1 EFOpenError
   1 EFCreateError
   1 EExternalException
   1 EDivByZero
   1 EConvertError
   1 EAssertionFailed
   1 EAccessViolation
   1 EAbstractError
   1 DestroyWindow
   1 DeleteFileA
   1 CreateEventA
   1 CompareStringA
   1 ?)?<?H?b?n?s?}?
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