Top 10k strings from fdc765.dll in <root> / bin / pc / Emulators / /

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   1 u765_StatusPortRead
   1 u765_Shutdown
   1 u765_SetRandomMethod
   1 u765_SetMotorState
   1 u765_SetActiveCallback
   1 u765_ResetDevice
   1 u765_InsertDisk
   1 u765_Initialise
   1 u765_GetMotorState
   1 u765_EjectDisk
   1 u765_DiskInserted
   1 u765_DataPortWrite
   1 u765_DataPortRead
   1 kernel32.dll
   1 fdc765.dll
   1 d0j0p0v0|0
   1 Track-Info
   1 SetLastError
   1 SetFilePointer
   1 GlobalFree
   1 GlobalAlloc
   1 GetFileSize
   1 CreateFileA
   1 CloseHandle
   1 0 0$0(0,0004080<0@0D0H0L0P0T0X0\0`0d0h0l0p0t0x0|0
   1 !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.